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Page 17

by Mike Ryan

  “It’ll be OK. This doesn’t have to be goodbye. It’s just so long for a little bit. You’ll see them all again. And we’re in the twenty-first century. With phones and computers, you can be a million miles away and still see people and talk to them.”

  “I know. I guess it’s just the not knowing what’s going to happen once we leave here that’s got me wondering.”

  “It’s a natural feeling. Most people have those kinds of feelings.”

  “I’m not most people.”

  Mia laughed. “Don’t I know it? But seriously, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s an uneasy feeling when you don’t know what’s coming. But we’ve all felt something like that before.”

  “I hope I’m not miserable company for you in Hawaii.”

  Mia smiled and kissed him. “You don’t have to worry about that. I know exactly how to get you to think about something else.”

  Recker smiled and kissed her. “You do, don’t you?”

  “C’mon. Let’s get to the so long’s so we can get to the airport. I’ve got a special outfit for you for when we get there.”

  “You do?”

  “Sure do. Bought it a couple days ago.”

  “What is it?”

  Mia gave him a seductive smile. “You’ll see when we get there.”

  Recker took another deep breath. “All right, let’s do this.”

  They walked up the steps and he opened the door and they both went inside. Almost immediately, everyone in the office turned around to greet them. Jones and Haley rushed over to them, with Phillips staying a little in the background. Mia hugged both Jones and Haley as they approached them.

  “I was wondering what time you guys were gonna show up,” Haley said.

  “We were beginning to think you’d skip us entirely and go straight to the airport,” Jones said.

  “Awe, we would never do that,” Mia said. “You know you guys are family.”

  “Yeah, we thought about having you guys meet us at the airport,” Recker said. “But all of us meeting there probably wouldn’t be the best idea. Too many cameras and eyes and guards and cops and all that.”

  “Yes, it’s for the best that we say our goodbyes here,” Jones said.

  Mia put her finger in the air to correct him. “Like I was telling Mike, it’s not goodbye. It’s just so long for a little bit. You’ll all see each other again. There are plenty of ways to do that.”

  “Yes, you’re absolutely right. And while you’re out there in Hawaii and you get tired of the beautiful weather and sunshine, not to mention the beautiful girlfriend that you’re with, and you wanna see what’s going on back here, we’re just a phone call away.”

  “And if you guys need anything…” Recker said, before getting cut off by Haley.

  “Then we won’t call you. You’re out there on vacation and to recharge. Don’t worry about what’s going on here. We’ve got it nailed down.”

  Recker let out an uncomfortable smile. “I know. I kind of feel like the kid who’s leaving his family behind to go off to college or the military or something.”

  They all stood there for a few moments, a certain uneasiness filling the air between them as the silence lingered.

  Finally, Jones spoke up. “Well, you two better get going before you miss your flight. And I understand those Hawaiian trips aren’t cheap. Or short.”

  “You can say that again,” Mia replied.

  Recker looked at Haley and stuck his hand out, waiting for his friend to put his hand in his. They shook. “Keep things going strong while I’m gone.”

  “You know I will.”

  “I have no doubts.” Recker then moved down the line and shook hands with Jones.

  “Don’t make this seem final,” Jones said.

  “Just in case. I owe you a lot.”

  Jones forced a smile. “You owe me nothing.”

  “You gave me a purpose when I had none.”

  “Nonsense. You always had a purpose. You just needed a little redirecting with it. The rest was all you.”

  “Nonetheless, without you picking me to help start this thing, I never would have met Mia, never would have met some good friends, and I never would have felt like I had a home.”

  “I have a feeling you two would have still, somehow, mysteriously and miraculously bumped into each other somewhere along the line. It was meant to be.”

  “Maybe so.”

  “I hope you two have already packed or you’re going to have a devil of a time getting to the airport on time.”

  Recker smiled. “Bags in the car.” Recker looked past his friends at the new guy standing around in back of them. He bypassed his friends and went over to him, hoping he could part some last-minute words of wisdom to him. They shook hands. “You’ve got all the talent in the world to be as good as you wanna be.”

  “I appreciate that,” Phillips replied.

  “Just listen to these guys and learn from them so you can reach your full potential.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Recker nodded. “That’s all anyone can ask.”

  “Enjoy your trip.”

  Recker smiled. “I’ll do my best.” Recker then walked past his friends and tapped both of them on the back of the shoulder. “Don’t miss me too much.”

  “You’ll be lucky if we still remember your name in a week or two,” Haley jokingly replied.

  Recker smiled. Mia stepped forward and gave each of Jones and Haley another hug.

  Jones whispered in Mia’s ear. “Take good care of him.”

  “I will.”

  Haley did the same once she got to him. “Don’t let him worry about us too much.”

  “I’ll keep him occupied.”

  Haley smiled. “Remember, it’s a vacation. He’s supposed to be recharging. Don’t wear him out too much.”

  Mia laughed. “I can make no promises.” Mia pulled herself away from Haley and took a few steps back, looking at the two of them. She then put her hand on the cut on Haley’s face. “You guys please take care of yourselves.”

  “We will,” Jones replied. “Now you two go on. Get out of here and enjoy your trip.”

  Mia gave them a wave as she put her arm in Recker’s, who had his out and waiting for her to take it. The two of them walked out of the office, closing the door behind them. Jones and Haley didn’t move for a minute or two, standing there as they watched their friend walk out the door. For Jones, he couldn’t shake the feeling in the pit of his stomach that it may have been the last time he ever saw his friend. Haley finally broke his trance and turned his head toward Jones.

  “He’ll be back.”

  “I’m not so sure,” Jones replied. “Part of me feels like we’ve seen him for the last time.”

  Haley shook his head. “No. He’ll be back.”

  “I don’t know. I get the feeling that once he sees what life is like away from this, away from the danger, in a tropical paradise with a beautiful woman, why would he?”

  Haley tilted his head and shrugged one of his shoulders. “Because this is who he is?”

  “As I said… I’m not so sure.”

  Phillips broke up the conversation, wanting to get back to work. “Hey, how ’bout we get back to work, huh? See if there’s some more bad guys we can mow down.”

  Jones was the first to leave, going back to his desk and sitting next to Phillips. He began showing him a few more things on the computer. Haley looked at them temporarily, then turned his attention back to the closed door, picturing Recker still standing there.

  “He’ll be back. I know it.”

  Also by Mike Ryan

  Continue reading the Silencer Series with the next book, Bullet Trap.

  * * *

  Other Books:

  The Extractor Series

  The Eliminator Series

  The Brandon Hall Series

  The Cari Porter Series

  The Cain Series

  The Ghost Series

  The Last Job
br />   A Dangerous Man

  The Crew

  About the Author

  Mike Ryan is a USA Today Bestselling Author. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, and four children. He’s the author of the bestselling Silencer Series, as well as many others. Visit his website at to find out more about his books, and sign up for his newsletter. You can also interact with Mike via Facebook, and Instagram.




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