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Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins)

Page 8

by Leo Mark

  ‘Have you heard some noise on the line? Do you suspect something?’

  ‘No, it’s just to put my mind at rest.’

  ‘Very well, consider it done.’

  ‘Thanks, John. I’m going up to take a bath. Ask them to make a snack for me, tell them I don’t want dinner today.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘OK I’m going up. When Jane gets in tell her I’m in our room.’

  George went upstairs. He’d call his friend another time, now he was very tired and also worried about the possibility that someone might have heard Thomas’ message.

  When he reached his room he thought it better to be sure. He picked up the phone and called the kitchen extension.

  ‘John, one more thing: send two guards to New York and tell them to watch my son twenty-four hours a day, but without him knowing it.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  John was absolutely trustworthy, having been the senator’s bodyguard for more than twenty years. He was an ex-Marine, a black belt in Brazilian ju-jitsu and aikido, as well as an expert in arms and explosives, his specialty when he was in the Marines. He was well over six feet tall and more than 260 pounds of solid muscle. He watched over the senator day and night and consequently knew all there was to know about him, including his deepest secrets. Apart from John there were another five guards or more who looked after the safety of George’s wife and their house.

  ‘Ask them to bring the snack to my room, I shan’t be coming down again tonight,’ said George, lying back on his bed and switching off the bedside light.


  Brazil, 31st October 2008

  David was now sixteen. With his father’s help he had transformed a humble farm with a few coffee trees into a big estate. The two of them had acquired the surrounding properties and had become one of the major producers of coffee in the interior of the state of São Paulo. From the irrigation system to the administration of the business, little David (now not so little) had changed it all. He had grown into a six-foot man with the body of a male model on a magazine cover. He loved animals and had several different species on the farm, including a jaguar which had been shot and wounded and just appeared there one day. To everyone’s surprise, when David found it, it didn´t run away and it didn’t attack him. David took care of the big cat and in a few days its wounds healed.

  The farm contained a large nature reserve, with many trees and waterfalls. The jaguar ran loose in this reserve, with other animals. In another part of the farm there were just dogs, which David found wandering and brought back to care for - a lot of them pedigree dogs which their owners had abandoned. The boy couldn’t understand how a human being could be capable of abandoning a pet. David loved animals so much that he persuaded the whole family to become vegetarians.

  David loved to ride a horse at night and he had a small stable. He mounted his mare called Indaiá and rode up to the top of a hill. There he would watch the stars, the moon, the comets, the shooting stars, through a small telescope he had hidden in a box under some bushes. Whenever the sky was clear David would watch it for hours. It fascinated him and it seemed there was a link between him and the rest of the universe.

  On a hot October night, when David was cantering through the undergrowth, he started to notice some lights coming from the forest. They were very bright lights which appeared and disappeared again.

  ‘Indaiá, I wonder what those lights are? Could it be someone breaking into the farm? Let’s go and see.’

  David rode fast towards the lights to find out what they were, but now they seemed very far away, and at that time of night the forest was very dark. He slowed down, and went forward carefully so that the mare wouldn’t trip on the stones or fall into a hole. Minutes passed and the lights disappeared again. He got to the place where he thought he had seen them. Suddenly a large metal object loomed up, as big as a truck, with an intensely bright light shining from it. The mare reared and threw David against a tree; he hit his head and fell unconscious.

  Then the floating object beamed a strong light on to him, his unconscious body began to float towards the luminous centre of the object and in a few seconds it had disappeared.

  A few minutes later David woke up. Everything was white and very bright. His sight was dazzled by so much light, he was dizzy and didn´t know what was going on. ‘Have I died and gone to heaven?’ he asked himself, getting up and trying to touch something with his hands, some object or even a wall; but there was nothing.

  A person approached him, wearing a skin-tight white garment. It was a man over seven feet tall who looked a little more than forty years old, with totally white hair (whiter than the whiteness around them) down to his shoulders. He said:

  ‘Hello, David, I hope you are feeling well.’

  ‘But who are you? Have I been kidnapped? Where am I? Who are you?’

  ‘Calm down, young man. All your questions will be answered, don’t worry. You haven’t been kidnapped, you are safe.’

  ‘Those lights on my farm, were they you?’

  ‘Yes, it was us. We used the lights to attract your attention without other people seeing.’

  ‘But what do you want of me?’

  ‘My name is Galzu. It´s an honor to meet you,’ replied the white-haired man, bowing to David.

  ‘Galzu? What sort of name is that? Sounds more like a nickname.’

  ‘It’s the name I’m known by on this planet.’

  ‘Now I understand. We’re on a flying saucer. I’m being abducted. My God, please don’t do anything to me,’ said David, beginning to feel frightened.

  ‘Yes, you’re on our ship. But please keep calm; I’m not here to do you any harm - to the contrary.’

  ‘But you look like a human being, how can you be an alien?’

  ‘Not all other races are little green men, David. There are races of all sizes and colors. Have you heard of gnomes and fairies?’

  ‘Of course I have, but they are just things of fiction.’

  ‘All fiction is inspired by something the writer witnessed or studied, like myths, which are merely fantasized portraits of something that really happened. What you on earth know as gnomes and fairies are other races which also inhabit this planet. Some live here permanently - like the gnomes, who had their own planet destroyed - in the case of the fairies they are here just to do research. Of course that’s not the real name of their race, I’m using it just to illustrate a point.’

  ‘I always thought that was pure fantasy, a creation of the mind of some writer. But it’s odd that a race from another planet, like your own, should be so similar to humans.’

  ‘David, haven’t you read the Bible? What it says in Genesis, about the creation of mankind?’

  ‘Of course I’ve read the Bible; my mother made me read it at least five times. It says that man was created in the image and likeness of God.’

  ‘And so …?’

  ‘Do you mean to say you’re God?’ answered David, feeling scared.

  ‘No. Stay calm; your questions will be answered. Just sit down now, we’ve a lot to talk about.’

  David sat down in a comfortable armchair which appeared behind him as if by magic, as there hadn’t been anything there before, and began to look around him without understanding much.

  ‘David, before I start telling you what you need to know, there are some things I must show you, otherwise your brain will block the information I give you and refuse to believe what I’m saying. We’re going to travel back in time, to the beginning of everything, for you to see it with your own eyes. We’ll spend several months in this space-time, but when we return only a few days will have passed here. When we get back I want you to explain everything to your family. They will be worried, but we can’t take you away from here without that happening, and we haven’t got time for

  explanations now.’

  ‘But, time travel… Is that really possible?’ David had only followed what Galzu was saying until he heard the words “travel bac
k in time”, and then he heard no more; he just kept wondering if this was really happening to him.

  ‘Yes, time travel is possible. But it isn’t possible to interact with space-time. It’s as if we saw the past through a window, but without being able to go through and connect with it. The feeling you’ll get when you’re in the past will be as if you’re watching a four-dimensional film, but without being able to interact with anything. Some animals and even some humans have a certain sensitivity and can see or hear time travelers. These days you humans call these manifestations spirits or ghosts.’

  ‘Are you telling me that what some people see aren’t ghosts but time travelers? People who are there but are from another time?’

  ‘Yes, some of these apparitions are time travelers. Others can actually be from the same time, but from different, parallel universes. Some planets in other universes have a link with Earth, and some people are able to connect with them, usually in dreams. But I’ll explain all this another time. Let’s get to what matters now, our time is short. I want you to take a deep breath and close your eyes; the first time you travel you’ll probably feel nausea and may throw up.’

  ‘I don’t like the idea of this at all. Are you sure it’s safe? And I still didn’t understand, if we’re going to a certain moment in time, why can’t we interact with it?’

  ‘Let me explain in simple terms. Space-time is like a photo taken in motion. When you take a photo in motion, don’t you see a trace of the original subject which is moving? The idea here is the same: we can identify and follow one of these traces, but as time passes the older traces are wiped out. So there’s a limit to how far we can travel back in time, around a million earth years, using the energy and technology we have today. Some races are able to travel and to cross the “threshold” to interact, but they are much more highly developed than we are, beings of the highest order, which we call “the creators of everything”. Even so, they use up a huge amount of energy to do what they do.’

  ‘You mean to say there are beings more highly developed than you?’

  ‘Of course. Much more. Our race is still a comparative newcomer in this universe; there are races billions of years old.’

  ‘Talking of energy, there’s something I’ve always wondered about. For example, what sort of fuel do extraterrestrials use for traveling great distances and, in particular, how do they solve the question of inertia? After all, from what I’ve been learning, ETs travel at the speed of light and brake their ships in a matter of seconds or milliseconds. Inertia should make this impossible; they’d be thrown out of the ship.’

  ‘An excellent question, my dear boy. Now answer me this: you’re on planet Earth, traveling at sixty thousand miles an hour; if it stops, would you be thrown off?’

  ‘I don’t think so; Earth’s gravity wouldn’t let it happen. But there’d be many disasters.’

  ‘Right, well, the principle is the same. In our case, the ships possess a gravitational nucleus which gets stronger or weaker in accordance with their speed. That being so, we are subject to the laws of physics of our ships and not of the planets or other places we are in.’

  ‘Heavens, that’s fascinating. And tell me, what fuel do you use?’

  ‘We use water.’

  ‘Water? What do you mean, water? Water isn’t a fuel.’

  ‘What is water made of, David?’

  ‘Hydrogen and oxygen.’

  ‘Right. Our ships have a process for separating the hydrogen from the oxygen. Hydrogen is a powerful fuel. Have you never heard of the hydrogen bomb?’

  ‘It’s true, I have. I’d never thought of that.’

  ‘There are other races that possess energy sources much more powerful than the ones we use to get around, but they are rare in the universe.’

  ‘Galzu, you mentioned a race that created everything. Who are they? Are they God?’

  ‘From the earthlings’ point of view they would also seem like gods, but what they are is “creators of everything”, the first races that evolved billions of years ago and scattered their seeds throughout the universe. All the other races carry a trace of them in their DNA. They are the ones who run the great Intergalactic Confederation.’

  ‘Wait a minute, you’re telling me there’s a Confederation? This is getting to sound like Star Wars.’

  ‘Yes, there is. All the races beyond a certain level of importance are part of the Confederation, and those of the highest importance preside over it. The Confederation makes intergalactic laws, and oversees and protects less developed races and planets. If it didn’t exist, Earth would by now have been destroyed by other races. We, from the planet Nibiru, are responsible for Earth and we protect it with the Confederation’s help.’

  ‘Earth, destroyed? Why would anyone want to do that?’

  ‘For various reasons. Some races would have come to Earth, used up all its natural resources and then gone on to other planets. This happens a lot with planets which have no protection and no intelligent race.’

  ‘Goodness, I’m impressed. Do you think I could visit the Confederation?’

  ‘You will meet them soon, and much more. Now let’s get to what really matters, our travel through time.’

  Then Galzu, with the help of two other crew members, began to program the ship’s computers for the time travel. Seconds later everything went out, the ship went black, and lights began to wink. David’s head began to go in circles. In the distance they heard a sound like an explosion. Suddenly, the whiteness returned and, as Galzu had predicted, David felt dizzy and began to throw up, kneeling on the ground.


  Earth, approx. 440000 BC

  Galzu and David exited the ship through a doorway and immediately they were on firm ground. The place was uninhabited, full of trees, some lakes and swampland. Galzu pointed out to David a brilliant star in the sky which could be seen on the horizon, even though it was daytime.

  A great ship from the planet Nibiru was nearing Earth. Alalu was on it.

  Galzu began explaining to David that the star was in fact a spaceship, that it would land near them, and began to speak of the one who piloted it.

  ‘David, the ship you will see landing carried Alalu. King of Nibiru, he was dethroned by Anu. Alalu had seized the throne of Nibiru. He killed king Lahma and proclaimed himself sovereign. Years later, prince Anu challenged Alalu to a fight for control of the planet. Anu won the fight and became king. In all the confusion, after his defeat before all the people, Alalu managed to escape. He was afraid of being killed like Lahma. He stole one of the royal ships, armed with a variety of weapons, sat himself in the pilot’s seat and took off. After many adventures in space, Alalu caught sight of the planet Earth. He disconnected the long-distance turbines and began to fly round the earth reconnoitering, studying the atmosphere and making other analyses. His ship loosed a ray which penetrated the atmosphere and swept over the planet’s main regions. It detected a great quantity of gold under the earth and in the water. Alalu was delighted at the discovery. He took a decision: he would land on that planet, even though he was afraid, since the atmosphere was very hot and the ship might not survive the descent. The ship began to shake and groan loudly in protest as it passed through the earth’s atmosphere, but in a few seconds it was near the ground. It was almost impossible to stop the ship, which fell into a swamp. Alalu lost consciousness, and when he came to he was totally disoriented, almost in a state of shock. He opened his eyes and realized that he had survived, and that the ship was practically intact. He had landed on the planet of gold.’

  Alalu put on his protective suit, the door opened and he stepped down on to the earth. The ground was dark and the sky was white and blue. The silence was almost complete; he could hardly hear any sounds. There was no one there; he was alone. On the horizon he saw great hills, all around him there was vegetation. The ground was swampy, his feet sank in easily, and it was very cold. After a few hours exploring the place he returned to the ship to rest and eat.

/>   David and Galzu followed Alalu’s every step.

  After he woke up again Alalu saw everything very clearly: it was day, and the brightness was unbearable - he had never seen anything like it on Nibiru. Next he programmed the onboard computer to test the oxygen and the water on the planet. He sent a probe out of the ship and, after testing the oxygen and confirming there were no poisonous gases, Alalu risked taking off his protective suit. He went out of the ship again and took a deep breath. He was pleased he could breathe normally. The brightness was such that it hurt Alalu’s eyes, and he went back to the ship to get a dark eye-shade. He began to walk across the mud; the water was dark and greenish, the edges of the swamp were full of stones. Alalu took a stone from the ground and threw it into the water; as it hit he could see the movement of fish. He sent a probe into the water and discovered to his disappointment that it wasn’t drinkable. He continued to walk, reached the dry land and went towards the hills, past trees, undergrowth, bushes. The trees were full of colorful fruits of various shapes. He picked one of the fruits and tried it without hesitation. It had a sweet taste. As he journeyed Alalu tried to protect himself from the sun’s rays. He began to feel dampness in the ground and realized he was near water. From afar he saw a lake, went up to it and tested the water with his probe. The probe confirmed that the water was good to drink. Alalu was overjoyed. There was oxygen, water, fish, fruit, everything was perfect; and what was more there was gold, an essential metal for the survival of his planet. When he tried the water he found that it had a different taste from the water on Nibiru. While he was drinking he began to hear sounds. He turned round and was alarmed to see a body sliding along the edge of the lake. He took out his weapon and fired a shot. He ran up to see what it was. The creature was dead. Its body was like a very long rope, it had no hands or feet and the eyes were very strange, as if it was a fierce animal. It frightened him. He filled a container with water and ran back to his ship. The sun was going down and by the time he arrived it was dark.


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