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Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins)

Page 12

by Leo Mark

  ‘We sense in your words and in your spirit that you are not being totally frank with us. We see that you have a great hatred in your heart, much envy and rage. This is not healthy. You, in your position, should be more evolved. There are more important things than disputes about the ego, or about territory, or even about titles.’

  ‘Lords, I am sad and angry because I see no one of my family here to bear witness on my behalf. But I am contrite and I ask you to take this into consideration.’

  ‘The witness borne by your family would be of little use. What you did should not be done to any living being, however insignificant it may appear in your eyes. Life on earth must continue: this is a decision that was taken by us even before the great flood. A decision of the Confederation cannot be questioned, but you didn’t only question our decision, you acted against it, thinking only of yourself,’ was the opinion of one of the council members, sitting beside the leader, a tiny being almost invisible to the eye.

  ‘I did not know about this decision. I thought there would be no problem in extinguishing a creation of our own.’

  ‘No created being can be destroyed. If you now regret what you did, you should have thought of it before. You used humans as slaves to mine gold and, when you no longer needed them, you simply decided to exterminate them. That is the worst thing of all,’ replied another of the members.

  ‘I ask for pardon, Sirs. Truly our ego took control of us.’

  ‘We will give you a chance. Your immortality will not be taken away, but you will be sent to another, parallel dimension on planet Earth itself. This will be your punishment for what you did, and will serve as an example to all the races of our universe, including the human race itself,’ was the verdict of the leader.

  ‘For how long shall I have to remain exiled in this dimension?’ asked Enlil in fear.

  ‘That will depend on you. When you learn to respect life, you will be freed. Your accomplices must go back to their planet of origin. They will only be allowed back to the earth when you are freed from your exile. Those are our orders: if you do not carry them out you will be summarily eliminated. Now you may retire, as we have more cases to judge,’ replied one of the council members fiercely. The soldiers took Enlil and his clan back to the ship that had brought them to the Confederation. The ship took off and carried them back to earth. The ray this time did not penetrate the atmosphere, but opened a gateway to a parallel dimension. One of the small spaceships, carrying only Enlil, flew through the great open gateway, which immediately closed behind it. The ship entered the earth through a parallel dimension and slowly descended to the ground. Enlil could see a planet which was totally different to the one he knew. The green of the plants had given way to white sands. The ocean, once blue, was now black. On every side there was nothing but darkness. As he got closer to the ground he could see small sections of rivers and forests.

  The ship headed for the trees and the water. For an indefinite period of time, this was where Enlil would remain in exile. It was a punishment he had to accept, since nothing could be done to change it. Enlil’s dear ones (his wife Ninlil, his granddaughter Inanna, his oldest son Nergal, and Ninurta and Abgal) were taken back to Nibiru. Before landing, Enlil could see in the distance fallen ships, overtaken by the vegetation. In that place there were also two other races that thousands of years before had threatened life on planet Earth.

  ‘David, this is the story of the ancient gods and of how humanity’s destiny was shaped by the quarrels between them. Enlil is better known today as Satan, a name that comes from the Hebrew and means “accuser” or “adversary”. The name was invented over a period of years, when men began to tell part of this story. Enlil rebelled against his family and in particular against his brother Enki. He blamed them for condemning him to exile. After several years of his punishment, Enlil found ways of interfering in our plan. Since then he and his soldiers have been making human lives hellish. Enlil has many soldiers in our dimension and is in constant touch with them, giving them orders as to what to do. Worse still, he has allied himself with the other two exiled races. These two races are known today by men as the Greys, because of their color, and the Reptilians, who are a species looking somewhat like a lizard. They had tried to dominate the earth before the Anunnakis arrived. The Reptilians hunted and killed animals purely for sport. The Greys wanted to consume all the earth’s natural resources, as their own planet had been totally devastated. For this type of behavior the Confederation arrested the leaders of these races and put them where Enlil is today. The many myths about demons are the result of contacts with these two races. The people of old, when they came across these beings, automatically related them to demons. Also because of them, images of Satan are generally related to aesthetically unpleasing beings. Nowadays the Greys walk the earth, capturing animals and human beings for scientific experiments, and to study evolution and human weakness. The major problem is that the Greys have free access to planet Earth. They made a deal with the USA in exchange for technology. They supply technology, principally arms technology, to the USA, and the USA doesn’t interfere in their plans, so they aren’t intercepted in American air space. That is why there are many more close encounters registered in the USA than in any other country. But the Greys have made deals with other countries too.

  As far as we know, Enlil promised these two races territory on earth in exchange for help in dominating the planet. Enlil wants vengeance on his brother Enki and on humankind, and that is why his soldiers have created a world order which controls nearly all the earth. These soldiers are princes, bankers, religious leaders, billionaires, in other words, the people who control seventy percent of the world’s wealth. In total they are thirteen families, all controlled by Enlil. The leader of these families is called Benjamin Uggae. He is a hybrid between one of Enlil´s sons and a human woman, which is why he lives much longer than humans do; but fortunately he is not immortal. He is the son of Nergal, who promised him immortality if he did everything he was told. In return for his loyalty he also received great wealth and the control of a secret order called the Illuminati. His intention is to create a single world government subordinated to the order. When this happens, Enlil will take power. Part of humankind will be wiped out by hunger and by the wars caused by disputes for food. In case this should not happen, Enlil and his followers are developing a chemical weapon which can destroy a good part of the population. The remainder will be Enlil’s slaves. This way he will have his vengeance and the Confederation will be unable legally to take steps against him, since in theory he won’t have taken control of the planet by force, but will have been chosen to rule by the humans themselves. But, my dear David, this is just the tip of the iceberg. In time you will discover much more. Be prepared!’


  New Mexico, USA, 14th June 1947

  William Brazel, farmer, was riding across his property with his son, when there was a great noise over their heads which scared the horses, who reared up and galloped away. Brazel managed to control his horse and began to chase his son, whose horse was continuing to gallop at full speed. With a huge effort Brazel caught up with the boy, grabbed the reins and brought both horses to a halt. When father and son calmed down and looked up at the sky, they saw a huge trail of smoke which was heading towards the east.

  ‘My God, what was that?’

  ‘I don’t know, Dad, but it was a terrible noise.’

  ‘It must have been another of those balloons the government sends up to monitor the weather. Follow me, son, let’s go that way.’

  The two of them galloped towards the tail of the smoke trail, which extended from the sky to the ground. After riding some three miles they came on a wide trail of destruction across the earth. They were behind a hill, now outside the limits of the farm, and they rode down it in search of the end of the trail.

  ‘Dad, I think it was a plane. Look at that stuff that’s been thrown out,’ said the boy, pointing at some wreckage.

��s odd, planes don’t fly in these parts.’

  Going along the edge of the furrows, they could see big pieces of metal scattered everywhere. The objects were the color of silver and didn’t seem to be battered, just cut. The horses started to get uneasy and then stopped dead, unwilling to go any further. The men dismounted and as they walked, felt heat which was getting ever hotter.

  ‘Son, stay here and I’ll go ahead to see what it is.’

  William hurried up to the top of another hill and saw in the distance another scrape in the ground and broken pieces everywhere. Night was falling and he decided to go home. Before remounting his horse he picked up a piece of metal which formed part of a trail of broken objects. Then he went back to the farmhouse with his son.

  As the broken pieces weren’t on his property, Brazel stopped worrying about them. Days passed and nearly a month later he decided to return to the place where the furrows were, to see if anyone had picked it all up. This time he went with his family: his wife, his son and his daughter. When they got to the place, the scratch in the ground was less deep, but the broken pieces were still there. The horses didn’t panic this time and so the family managed to get closer to where the pieces were concentrated. All of them dismounted and began to pick up small pieces of metal. Near the end of the furrow, they could see a rounded object, made of metal and very large. It looked like a military plane but it had no wings, and the markings on the hull were different from the usual lettering. ‘It looks like it’s written in Japanese or Russian,’ he thought. William was afraid and he told his family not to

  stay there.

  ‘Let’s get out of here. It must be a Russian plane. When I go into town I’ll tell the sheriff.’

  They went back towards the farmhouse, but first dropped in on their neighbor, their friend Floyd. William told him what they had seen and showed him one of the objects they had picked up. The neighbor then told them that rewards were being offered to anyone who could provide evidence of the existence of flying saucers, and asked if what William had seen could be a flying saucer. William was excited at the idea of the money. The next day he went to the police station to tell his story to the sheriff George Wilcox. George listened carefully to what he had to say and immediately phoned the air base at Roswell, to report what the farmer had told him. That same day they sent Major Jesse Marcel and Captain Sheridan Cavitt to the place where the wreckage had been found, to check out the report, since William’s testimony coincided with what they had been told about a month earlier by people who had called the base reporting a meteor falling from the sky.

  When they got to the wreckage, the officers immediately identified the ship as being alien to planet Earth. What seemed to be the rear part was totally destroyed and they could see the inside through the hole made in it. The officers quickly contacted the base and asked for reinforcements. Carefully the major and the captain went closer to the ship. Underneath it they found two burnt bodies. From their size they seemed like children, but the bone structure was different. The major started to climb over the wreckage, examining it with a torch, as he went into the ship. Soon he was standing inside it, and from there he could see his colleague, also with a torch in his hands and pointing it at him. He went forward carefully. After a few steps he could see a body lying on the ground. It wasn’t burnt, but it was a different sort of being, with grey skin like leather, similar to a dolphin’s skin. The major was speechless and sweated nervously. He shone the light on to the creature’s face and saw that it was dead. Advancing a little more, he heard a sound coming from inside the ship. Perhaps something had fallen. Major Jesse recoiled in alarm and shone his torch into the distance. A being identical to the one on the ground was trying to hide in a corner of the ship. It was alive but very badly hurt. The major went forward slowly. In spite of the fear he felt, something was telling him that he was not in danger, since he was there to help. The officer came nearer and kneeled down so as to be at the same level as the creature. He slowly put out his hand and touched it on the shoulder. The creature was sitting on the ground, seeming weak and very badly hurt. On its face a vertical membrane opened and closed, giving it an exhausted look. Jesse stayed there with the creature, so that it would understand he wasn’t going to hurt it. Some minutes later the sound of trucks and jeeps could be heard. The captain, who was waiting outside,

  called out:

  ‘Major, the cavalry has arrived!’

  ‘I’m on my way back,’ the major shouted back.

  And in a gentle voice, he said to the creature:

  ‘Don’t worry, we’ll get you out of here. We’ll look after you.’

  After some activity and having received Major Jesse Marcel’s report, a medical team, wearing specially insulated suits, laid the creature on a stretcher and carried it into an ambulance. Meanwhile another team of army doctors searched the ship, looking for more survivors. The military sealed off the area, giving out that a truck laden with chemical products had had an accident near there. In a few hours the ship and all the wreckage had been removed from the scene. The bodies were taken to a military base. The next day, a headline in the Roswell Daily Record proclaimed:

  Roswell Military Air Base Captures Flying Saucer on Neighborhood Farm.


  Pacific Ocean Depths, 14th June 1947

  The inhabitants of the planet Nibiru, under the leadership of Enki, were entrusted by the Intergalactic Confederation with protecting planet Earth from other invading races. Though there were alien peoples with technology much superior to the Anunnakis’, the Confederation provided the latter with the necessary technology to help them protect the earth. As humanity was created by Enki, it was his responsibility, since the atomic incident centuries earlier, to protect it until it reached a new level of evolution and could defend itself. Enki had set up many secret bases, most of them hidden in the ocean depths. There was also a secret base inside the moon, which helped monitor all the earth’s orbit. The Anunnakis found a great quantity of water in the interior of the moon, and so it was possible to build a base there, affording a privileged view of any point on earth or within its orbit. Each base held hundreds of Anunnaki soldiers as well as humans recruited by Enki’s army. The majority of the Anunnaki soldiers on earth had been born there and so did not know Nibiru, their race’s planet. Carall and his assistant Onlik were sitting in the control room of one of Enki’s bases, located in the Pacific Ocean near the coast of the United States. It was a normal day. For a long time nothing had happened, and everything was strangely calm, too calm. The control panels were made of crystal and there were larger crystals which sent out a light creating a three-dimensional hologram showing earth’s orbit, some points in space, and a large area of earth stretching from the USA to Mexico. Carall was in charge of the monitors that day. As his assistant was at his side, he decided to take a walk round the base to see if anyone needed anything. Carall got up and, as he was walking towards the door, an alarm started to ring. He turned to look at the great hologram which appeared behind the crystal panel.

  ‘Onlik, what happened? All I did was to get up…’

  ‘Carall, look at this. Thirteen unidentified objects heading towards earth at great speed.’

  ‘They can’t be meteors, their flying formation is too perfect. Calculate impact time,’ Carall told the computer.

  ‘Impact time, 45 minutes,’ the computer informed him.

  Carall sat down in a cold sweat.

  ‘Intruder alert. Moon base, we need visual identification of approaching objects,’ said Carall.

  ‘Visual contact established. There are thirteen invading ships. They do not have the Confederation’s permission to be in this system.’

  ‘Can you identify who the ships belong to?’

  ‘Real time visualization of the ships in progress. Our system cannot identify them.’

  ‘Carall, I recognize these ships. The Confederation had one of them in custody when I was doing my apprenticeship there. They belong to the race
whose leaders were imprisoned in the same parallel universe as Enlil. That means they belong to one of the races allied to Enlil.’

  ‘Moon base, we are sending ships to intercept the invaders. Have you had any communication with them?’

  ‘Negative. We attempted communication but there was no reply.’

  ‘Commander, there is a formation of possibly hostile ships near our orbit. Request permission to intercept them,’ said Carall, contacting his superior on the video link.

  ‘Positive, Carall. Do that right away before they enter earth’s atmosphere.’

  ‘Attention intercept units. Contain enemy at twenty minutes from our orbit. Send twenty ships as there are a good number of them.’

  ‘Understood. On our way.’

  Twenty ships set off on the mission; ten from the Pacific base and ten more from a base at the North Pole. When the twenty intercepting ships approached the thirteen invaders, the latter broke formation and scattered at great speed. A vigorous pursuit began. Apparently the invaders were faster than the Anunnaki ships. Five ships succeeded in throwing them off their track, and went into hiding in various points under the ocean. Two ships were destroyed and five more flew off rapidly towards the sun, taking flight when they realized that ten more ships had been sent to intercept them. Faster than the Anunnaki ships, the enemy couldn’t be caught. But before they fled they succeeded in destroying five Anunnaki ships, which became dust in space. During the battle one of the invaders was hit, but managed to enter earth’s atmosphere. As the Anunnakis were busy with the other enemies, they thought it had been destroyed. The ship fell and made an emergency landing, crashing into a deserted area of the US, leaving a great trail

  of wreckage.


  Roswell Military Air Base, July 1947

  For the first time in the history of mankind, man had captured a biological extraterrestrial being. Pieces of ships, wreckage, and alien gadgets had in the past been collected by the North American government and the governments of other countries, but never an alien being. The military was in an uproar. While they were worried about how that race might react, they were happy to be able to study a living being from another planet. In the wreckage of the crashed ship they found twelve bodies, eleven of them dead. Most of them had been burnt to death and it was impossible to study them. Only three bodies were fit for analysis and the fourth was alive and recovering. The army doctors took care of the creature with its grey skin and enormous black eyes. Its head too was immense, out of proportion to the size of its body. Analysis showed that the bodies of these beings were more fragile than the human body. They had no vocal cords, but they did have hearing organs. They were little more than three feet high and had just four very long fingers, the fourth being a sort of opposed thumb, like humans. Two hearts, one in the centre of the chest and another, much smaller, near the back of the neck, appeared to be complementary. The heart in the neck helped pump blood through the brain, which was twice the size of a human brain. The creatures had no teeth, nor did they have reproductive organs immediately visible; but they had a small hole at the base of the spine which the doctors assumed was a channel for elimination.


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