Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins)

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Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) Page 19

by Leo Mark

  ‘Hello, is anyone there?’ called the governor as he went forward. When he least expected it, one of the armchairs spun round 180 degrees towards him.

  ‘Just me,’ answered David.

  The governor looked directly into the boy’s eyes. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Tears began to roll down his face.

  ‘My God, it can’t be… David, is it really you?’ said George.

  David had grown a lot, but his face and his look were unmistakable.

  ‘Yes, it’s me. And you are…?’

  ‘David, it’s me, your great-grandfather George. Don’t you remember me?’

  ‘My great-grandfather? Ah… I think I do remember, yes, I’m not sure. My memories are pretty confused, but I have seen you before,’ replied David, choked up at being recognized by his great-grandfather and at his tears. He had hardly finished the sentence when he started crying too.

  ‘Come here, son, give me a hug,’ answered the governor, pulling David to him by the neck and embracing him tightly for a long time. ‘David, tell me where you’ve been all this time. We thought you had died in the 9/11 attacks.’

  ‘I can’t tell you what really happened, all I remember is that the building was on fire and I was trying to pull my mother out from under the wreckage. The next thing, I woke up in a car on a highway with two men who said they were helping me. We were in Brazil. They handed me over to a family there and I never saw them again.’

  ‘My God, how can this have happened? You managed to save yourself and angels must have hidden you. David, you’re nearly eighteen now, do you have any idea who you really are?’

  ‘Mr. Griffin…’

  ‘You can call me grandpa.’

  ‘OK, I’ve got to get used to it. Grandpa, I know about everything now.’

  ‘You know about everything? What is everything?’

  ‘I know I’m a clone of Jesus Christ.’

  George was flabbergasted.

  ‘And how did you find out about that?’

  ‘A few days ago I was taken up in a spaceship and a being called Galzu explained everything to me. We traveled in time and he showed me who I was, and how and why Jesus was created; how mankind was created, and what my mission is on earth. He spoke of you too, that you are descended from Jesus and that you protect the secret and the blood of Jesus, which was used to make me.’

  George was even more amazed, and he remembered that they were being taped.

  ‘David, let’s get out of here. We’ll go to my house, I’ll look after you and we’ll catch up with things. We have a lot to talk about. The whole family will be astonished to see you. Get your things.’

  George and David walked out of the office, just as Carlson and his partner appeared from the next room where they had been monitoring the conversation.

  ‘Mr. Governor, I can’t let you take the boy. It’ll need a judge to authorize it.’

  ‘Mr. Carlson, I think you are forgetting who you’re talking to. If you prefer, I’ll call the director of the FBI direct and tell him you want to stop me taking my great-grandson back to my house.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Governor, I’m only doing my duty. Very well, whatever you say. We’ll sort it out later.’

  ‘One more thing, Mr. Carlson. I need that tape with the recording of my conversation with my great- grandson.’

  ‘But, Governor…’

  ‘Grandpa, don’t worry, what we spoke about is going to be public knowledge now. Let them keep the tape, it won’t be much use to them,’ said David, putting his hand on his great-grandfather’s shoulder.

  ‘Are you sure, David? If we do that, they’ll be after you,’ whispered George in David’s ear.

  ‘Yes, I’m sure, and I know about all the dangers. But this is my mission.’

  ‘OK, then, if that’s what you want… Mr. Carlson, if you like you can ask your boss to call my office tomorrow, in case he wants to know anything about my great-grandson. But I don’t think he’ll be bothered about it.’

  ‘Yes, Mr. Governor, I’ll tell him.’

  ‘Let’s go, David, you must be tired. Let’s go home.’

  George and David went up to the next floor in the elevator. They came out in the main lobby of the airport where the governor’s bodyguards were waiting for him. As it was Christmas time, the area was packed with people walking in all directions, with suitcases and trolleys. The airport was chaotic because a snowstorm had delayed many flights. When they had walked a little way, David saw a girl of about twelve, sitting with her parents on a bench in the waiting area. The girl was in a wheelchair, paralyzed, only being able to move her head and a few fingers. But she was watching calmly as desperate and harassed people rushed hither and thither. David was touched at the sight of that pretty blonde girl, unable to move while her sisters played in front of her. The girl and her parents noticed that David was staring at her and that he slowed down when he saw her. Defensively, thinking it was one more prejudiced person, the girl’s parents accosted him:

  ‘Why are you staring at our daughter, haven’t you ever seen a child like that? What do you want?’ said the girl’s father, which made David stop and then walk slowly towards him. George stopped where he was and watched.

  ‘I’m sorry, sir, I just felt that your daughter is someone with a big heart. Hi, kid, what’s your name?’ asked David, kneeling down to be on a level with the girl.

  ‘My name’s Amy, what’s yours?’

  ‘I’m David. Pleased to meet you, Amy. You’re very pretty, did you know that?’

  ‘Thanks. You’re not bad-looking either.’

  ‘No way. Something wrong with your eyes.’

  The girl’s parents didn’t know how to react to David. Other people looked at their daughter with pity or pretended they couldn’t see her. David was different; he had gone up to her and started a conversation. They saw they had been unfair to him, thinking he was another bigot.

  ‘Amy, tell me something, are you happy?’

  ‘Yes, I’m very happy,’ she answered shyly.

  ‘Do you believe in Jesus Christ?’

  ‘Yes, Jesus Christ is our Savior.’

  ‘If I told you that Jesus Christ could make you better and get you out of that wheelchair, would you believe me?’

  ‘Hey, boy, wait a minute, don’t you go saying those things to my daughter. You’ll give her false hopes. We’ve got problems enough as it is. Get out of here,’ said the girl’s father, getting up.

  ‘Take it easy, honey, let him talk to her. He was talking about Jesus, it could be good for her self-esteem,’ said the woman, holding on to her husband.

  ‘I’m sorry, Sir, don’t worry, I won’t do your daughter any harm. I just want to help her.

  ‘So, Amy, do you believe that Jesus can help you make yourself better?’

  ‘Yes, I think that if anyone’s going to make me better it’ll be Jesus. But I don’t fret about that, I’m happy the way I am and there are people needier than me.’

  ‘It’s precisely because you think that way that you deserve to be cured.’

  The girl’s father couldn’t contain himself; he was ready to give David a good thumping.

  ‘Can I say a prayer for you, Amy? Can I put my hands on you?’

  ‘Sure you can.’

  David put his right hand on Amy’s head, and the left one on her chest. He closed his eyes and began to concentrate, as if he was praying silently.

  ‘That’s it. In a little while you’ll be able to play with your sisters.’

  ‘I don’t get it.’

  ‘In a little while you will get up and go and play with your sisters.’

  ‘I´m going to get better?’

  ‘Yes, in a few minutes you’ll be better.’

  David retreated a couple of steps. Amy’s father, seeing that the strange young man had withdrawn, started to calm down. David smiled at Amy and, just as she was beginning to return his smile, she felt funny and gave her mother a scared look, as if she didn’t understand what was ha

  ‘Mum, I’ve got pins and needles all over, I feel weird,’ Amy said to her mother, who saw that her fingers were moving more than normal. ‘Mummy, help, help me. It’s hurting.’

  ‘What have you done to my daughter, you bastard?’ shouted the father, heading towards his daughter to try to help.

  ‘Don’t worry, it’s her bones and muscles growing back,’ replied David.

  Amy’s bones and muscles were regenerating themselves. Years and years of atrophy were being undone in a matter of seconds. Amy was wrapped in thick clothing because of the cold, and it was impossible to see what was really happening.

  ‘Ahhhh!!!’ Amy let out a loud cry which could be heard all over the airport.

  The people passing by stopped at once, to see what was going on.

  The blonde girl started struggling and screaming and crying and her parents backed off in fear. They were desperate and started calling for a doctor. With all her struggles the wheelchair toppled over and Amy fell out. She went on struggling, twisting with pain and screaming. After a while the little twelve-year-old stopped struggling and lay quietly on the floor, looking at the people around her who were aghast at the scene.

  ‘Amy, look at me. It’s me, David.’ Amy turned her head to look at him.

  Her parents didn’t want to touch their daughter; they were too frightened of causing her more pain.

  ‘Amy, now get up and walk,’ said David forcefully.

  The girl looked again fearfully at the people around her, who were beginning to say the boy was mad, to be saying such a thing to a tetraplegic. Some people were laughing and filming the scene on their cell phones. The girl heard what David said, and then she rested one of her hands on the floor and slowly started pushing herself up. The people round Amy couldn’t understand what was happening. The ones who were laughing automatically placed their hands over their mouths, their expressions changing. Gradually Amy lifted herself up. Her parents went to support her, seeing that she couldn’t get her balance, as she had never walked before or even stood up. As Amy was straightening up, with the help of her parents, the crowd began to draw back. Some were crying with emotion. Others, unbelieving, thought that it was a piece of theatre or a trick. The parents started crying, as did her other two sisters, when they saw that she was beginning to try taking her first steps towards David.

  ‘My God, it’s a miracle. I can’t believe my eyes,’ cried Amy’s mother.

  Shouts were heard of “Miracle! Miracle!” People were talking to each other and recounting what was happening to the people who were further away and couldn’t see. John F. Kennedy Airport came to a standstill. The news spread rapidly and everyone wanted to get close to Amy and her family. The whole place was in uproar.

  ‘Thank you, David. You were right when you said Jesus would make me better. Thank you, thank you so much.’ Amy had tears in her eyes and tried to walk to David, in her awkward way.

  ‘No need to thank me, Amy. You deserve it. It wasn’t Jesus who healed you, it was your faith and confidence in what I told you.’

  ‘My boy, forgive me for misjudging you. Please pardon me,’ said Amy’s father, throwing himself at David’s feet.

  ‘Don’t worry, sir. I think from now on you’ll think twice before judging a person.’

  ‘What’s your name, son?’

  ‘My name is David. I have to go. Look after your daughter, please, she’s very special.’

  ‘Thank you, David, thank you very much. God bless you. God bless you.’ Amy’s father couldn’t hide his emotion.

  David turned and walked towards George, who had tears in his eyes. As he walked the crowd parted in front of him, and some of them wanted to touch him. The sound of clapping started echoing through the lobby. They all clapped for David, shouting

  and whistling.

  David Griffin had begun his mission. Even he could hardly believe what had just happened. Now his feat would become common knowledge throughout the world. People would always talk of him as the second one to perform a miracle of this dimension. His mission was to persuade people that he came in the name of Jesus, to save them and to prepare them for the great final battle between good and evil and, later, for the return of Jesus Christ.


  Griffin Residence, New York, 26th December 2008

  George and David went up in the private elevator of the building where the family lived in New York. Before going home, George had dropped in at his office to pick up some documents he wanted to show David. The elevator came to a stop inside the apartment and when the door opened they could see the living room and a big screen on which George watched films. As soon as the elevator reached the top floor the two of them saw the family gathered around the screen. As they got out they could hear the news on CNN:

  ‘People from around the world watched today, a short while ago, as one of the greatest miracles man has seen was performed. A little girl called Amy Stanford, just twelve years old, tetraplegic since the age of five, was cured in a few minutes by a boy identified only as David. Witnesses filmed the incident and the girl’s parents confirmed that she was almost totally paralyzed, and could only move her head and two fingers of her left hand. According to other witnesses, the boy who performed the miracle was seen leaving the airport with the governor of New York, George Griffin. Various versions of the scene were posted on YouTube and have been watched by more than two million people worldwide. Amy Stanford was rushed to hospital, from where she is going to talk live to reporter Kelly Chapman.

  ‘Kelly, do you have anything new on the Amy case?’

  ‘Jack, the doctor who examined Amy has just given a press conference. Here’s what he said.’

  ‘Amy is in good health, but I must say that, having seen her medical records, I would not have believed she could be cured, as her paralysis was caused by a serious trauma to the spine. The tests we have carried out today show no sign of any old injury to Amy’s spine. In addition, Amy suffered from type 1 diabetes, and so far no trace of any sort of diabetes has been found in her blood. Scientifically speaking, what took place is impossible and nothing comparable has been recorded in the history of medicine. Amy will remain under observation for the next twenty-four hours.’

  ‘Doctor, do you think this could have been a miracle?’

  ‘My dear girl, I have been an atheist since the age of twelve, but I have to say that if this Amy is the same Amy described in her previous medical history, then it truly was a miracle.’

  ‘Jack, you can see the crowd of people here wanting to see the girl. There are dozens here who want to meet the girl who has been healed. The police have been called to control the crowds, as they are blocking all the traffic in front of the hospital. So I should make it clear that Amy is not receiving visitors and people should stay at home. Please don’t come to the hospital as you will just worsen the traffic jams and block the ambulances. Now back to you Jack at the CNN studios.’

  ‘Thank you, Kelly, it really does look as though a miracle has happened. What’s intriguing us now is that the boy was with the governor and where they went to. Our team will continue investigation and we’ll be back at any moment with more news.’

  When the news report finished, David’s grandfather Thomas heard a sound from the corridor and turned to look. He was still in shock with the news, when suddenly the boy appeared.

  ‘My God, David, is it really you?’

  ‘Yes, it’s me, and you are…?’

  ‘It’s me, David, your grandfather Thomas…’

  ‘Hello Grandpa, I remember you…’ Hardly had David finished speaking when Thomas took him in a tight embrace. All the family started crying and hugging David, who was being crushed.

  ‘Easy, people, let him breathe. You’ll have plenty of time for hugs,’ said George, trying to pull them away.

  ‘David, how come you’re here?’ Thomas was emotional.

  David sat down in one of the armchairs and the others sat round him, waiting to hear what he
had to say.

  ‘David, you can tell us everything. We’re family, everyone knows your story,’ said George, trying to calm David who was also emotional at seeing his loved ones again.

  ‘The press keeps ringing for information about you. They saw you leaving the airport together and they want to know who you are. I never believed in those miracles everyone says Jesus did, but now that you’re doing it too I have no more doubts,’ said Thomas.

  ‘David, don’t worry. Thomas was always a sort of Doubting Thomas; he needs to see to believe,’ said David’s grandmother.

  ‘Naturally, I’m a scientist; I work on the basis of analyzing real data.’

  David took several hours to tell them what had happened to him since the 9/11 attacks and up to the recent episode when he was taken on board the spaceship.

  ‘The only conclusion from all this, then, is that Jesus really was an alien and that we humans are hybrids, with a mixture of DNA from aliens and monkeys. My God, now it all makes sense. Look, father, I always used to say that the stories told by the various religions were pure fantasy. But in fact the ancient gods were nothing more than beings from another planet, much more highly evolved than us,’ concluded Thomas, amazed at everything he had been hearing.

  ‘So, David, what’s next?’ asked George.

  ‘Now I’ve got to reveal myself to the world. Tell them I’m a clone of Jesus and that I’m here on earth to prepare people for his return, as well as for Satan’s comeback.’

  ‘No, David. If you say you’re a clone of Jesus they’ll know I did the cloning. I’ll be crucified,’ said Thomas excitedly.

  ‘Don’t worry, grandpa, the cloning will be just a detail compared to all the rest that’s going to happen. No one will crucify you for that; on the contrary, you might even get the Nobel prize for carrying out the first cloning of a human being, especially as it’s a clone of


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