Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins)

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Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) Page 20

by Leo Mark

Jesus Christ.’

  ‘The first alien cloning, you mean.’

  ‘That’s right, but with a human spirit,’ answered David, laughing at the remark.

  ‘Grandpa George, I’ll need someone to go with me and help me with everything. I’m going to start taking the message to the whole world, and I need someone to liaise with the press, to arrange interviews, that sort of thing.’

  ‘Of course, David. We’ll help you with everything you need. I’ll arrange right away for two bodyguards to take care of you 24/7.’

  ‘Do you think a TV station will want to interview me?’ asked David.

  ‘Don’t be so modest, David, of course they will. We’ll make up a team to look after everything. All the TV stations will be falling over each other to have you as a guest.’

  ‘David, can you cure as many people as you want?’ asked the boy’s grandfather.

  ‘No, grandpa, only the ones with positive energy, the kind-hearted.’

  ‘And how do you know who they are?’

  ‘I sense people’s energy, and I can spot good people and bad people. I’ve always had the feeling, but I never took much notice of it. Galzu helped me use the gift. But I can’t cure many people in a day, just a few. The healing is nothing more than the transfer of energy; to do it many times in a short space of time would exhaust me. I plan to use my energy at strategic moments and in places where there are a lot of people. It’s not that I want to make an exhibition of myself, but if I do what they call a miracle when no one is there to see, they won’t believe in it. My mission, apart from preparing for Jesus’ return, is to try to change the hearts of bad people and bring them over to our side. That’s done through the emotions, and healing people and even raising people from the dead touches the emotions: people will start to believe and to have faith and so will begin to follow me and behave well.

  ‘What I am going to tell you now is very important: Satan’s followers are creating a weapon that will wipe out a large part of the earth’s population. It’s a biological weapon, a virus they plan to spread throughout the world. Enki’s soldiers, on the other hand, are trying to avoid the extermination of the human race. Satan will return to this world very soon and he will try to get people on to his side. He will be a great leader, he will do away with famine in many places, and he will put an end to many wars, but behind all that his real intention is to make people like him and fall for him. By the time that happens he will have enslaved part of the population and he will eliminate another part. We shall probably have a Third World War between the countries that support Satan and those that support Jesus. In the bible the Third World War is called Armageddon. This war will destroy a good part of the population; and then Jesus will return from Nibiru to bring peace to men.

  ‘However, we’ll have another problem after that. Some tens of years later the planet of the Anunnaki will be very close to earth, and that will cause great natural disasters here. There will be thousands of tsunamis, volcanoes erupting, and the earth’s nucleus will slip – which will alter the position of the poles and so make life on earth unsupportable for a long time. That’s why Jesus is preparing a great fleet of ships to take off the planet all the animals and all the good people. My hope is to make the evil people good, as we want to save as many human beings as possible. Enki’s scientists – I mean Jesus’ – have invented a device that can measure the energy of bodies. When the ships arrive, this device will tell us who is good and should be saved, and who is evil and should be left on earth to die.

  ‘In fact, since Jesus’ first coming, the plan was exactly that: to take words of love and goodness to the people, to ask them to pass the message to their children and grandchildren, and to convince them to be good and to deserve salvation.’

  ‘But, David, what about people who have already died?’ asked Thomas.

  ‘The human body is composed of energy. When it stops working, that energy leaves the body, wanders the earth for a time and then goes to a parallel universe. When a child is conceived, it needs this energy to develop and to be born. That’s when the energy that once was in another body returns to our dimension. It’s what we all know as reincarnation. The energy is as it were the spirit, and it carries in itself everything that was done in the previous life: if the person was good, the energy is good; if the person was evil, the energy is evil. In short, the energy is men’s spirit. Many of them are by nature bad; I mean they will be bad in all the lives they pass through. Others, depending on the environment they’re born in, can become good people, and then the energy is healed. That too is the influence of the environment in which they live. For example, if a child is born to parents with positive energy, it tends to attract positive energy towards it; and the opposite also happens: parents with negative energy can pass it on to their offspring. But there are many factors at play.’

  ‘And what happens after these people are brought to Jesus?’

  ‘They will go to Nibiru, which we know as heaven. There they will go through a process which makes them more or less immortal: their body cells will not age any more, and they will only die if someone kills them or they suffer an accident. These people will spend around a thousand years on Nibiru, which is the time it will take for earth to recover from the disasters. Then they will return here once more.’

  All the family listening to him were astonished at what David had told them. They started to rethink their lives and a strong feeling of love took hold of them all, to think that they were part of something really big.

  ‘Well, people, it’s late, we must let David rest. Tomorrow will be a very tiring day. Let’s meet at breakfast and continue our chat. We’ll make plans about what to do next,’ said George, making them all get up and taking David to one of the guest rooms.


  Monaco, 27th December 2008

  The banker Benjamin Uggae was in one of his mansions, in Monaco, when he saw on the television the news of the boy who had performed a miracle. He jumped up out of his chair, unable to believe his eyes. Benjamin was quite old now and his heart began to beat quicker and he felt pins and needles in his arm. ‘Oh, no! Not a heart attack just now!’ he thought, trying to calm himself down and fumbling in the drawer of his desk for his pills. He took two of them, sat down slowly in the armchair and little by little felt himself getting better. After a few minutes he was back to normal and he picked up the phone and dialed an overseas number.

  ‘Arnold, are you watching the news?’

  ‘No, Mr. Uggae, I’m out of the house.’

  ‘The bloody boy’s turned up. He’s there in the States and healing people to get himself noticed.’

  ‘So it’s true then. The boy is really a clone of Jesus!’

  ‘Did you doubt it? How else do you think he survived the attacks?’

  ‘And now, what are we going to do?’

  ‘Keep on his tail. He’s sure to have bodyguards, as well as Galzu’s soldiers who will be watching from a distance. Be careful.’

  ‘What city’s he in, sir?’

  ‘He’s in New York. Go there at once. That damned boy is going to upset all our plans.’

  ‘Yes, sir, I’ll be in touch the moment I have any news.’

  Benjamin Uggae was beside himself. If David upset his plans he could be severely punished. After all his father had left him in charge of readying everything for Enlil’s return and domination of earth. There was no doubt David was a powerful weapon that threatened his family’s plans. ‘If that boy’s not stopped he can ruin everything. But, now I come to think of it, I can use this against Enki, against Jesus. Jesus himself said that many false prophets would arise in his name. All I have to do is to make those stupid humans believe he is a false prophet. I must think of a way to do that… I’ve got it!’

  Benjamin picked up the phone and called a number with the Vatican area code.

  ‘This is Benjamin Uggae. I’d like to speak to Cardinal Felix.’

  The assistant transferred the call to the cardinal’s o
ffice, and he answered on the first ring. Few people had that number, and if someone was calling him it was sure to be a person of importance to the Catholic Church.

  ‘Hello, Cardinal Felix speaking.’ The cardinal spoke Italian with a German accent.

  ‘Cardinal, this is Benjamin Uggae.’

  ‘Mr. Uggae, to what do I owe the honor of this call?’

  ‘Have you by any chance seen the news recently?’

  ‘I do not watch television, but I was informed about what happened. I was expecting you to call.’

  ‘And you’re not worried?’

  ‘We have already sent a detective to investigate the girl who was healed. I think we’re dealing with a charlatan, a trick of some sort.’

  ‘I don’t think so. But I’m calling to ask you to do something about it. My idea is that you should make the Pope go public with a statement that this is a false prophet, like all the other ones. Do everything you can to avoid the Church recognizing this miracle or any others he may perform. Don’t spare any effort to cover up everything the boy does.’

  ‘Mr. Uggae, there is just two of us cardinals, I don’t think we have so much influence over the Pope. We can advise him, but the final decision is his. We will do everything in our power. And behind the scenes we will do what we can to discredit this inferior miracle-worker, that is if he does turn up again.’

  ‘Cardinal Felix, I don’t think I made myself completely clear. You must achieve the impossible to discredit this boy. Make the Pope support you, or His Holiness will end up like Albino Luciani, who refused to obey the Illuminati’s orders. I’ll be watching the Church’s moves closely, and I hope you won’t disappoint me. You know what happens when someone disappoints me, don’t you?’

  The cardinal broke out in a cold sweat and began to stammer:

  ‘Mr. Uggae, p-please, understand m-my position. I’m prepared to give my life for the order, but I can’t do what’s beyond my power, at least not officially. I’ll do everything I can. Unofficially, of course.’

  ‘Very good. I have a trip to Japan planned. I leave tomorrow and I’ll be back in two weeks. When I get back I’ll call you again to find out what you’ve done. If necessary we’ll get rid of this Pope and put you in his place.’

  ‘I understand very well, sir. I’ll start at once. Goodbye.’

  Cardinal Felix and Cardinal Everaldo were two members of the Illuminati who had been infiltrated into the Catholic Church. In fact the Illuminati had its members in nearly all the world’s important institutions. Many of them had been Popes and it would not take much for Uggae to eliminate the current head of the Church and have one of the Cardinals of his order replace him. His method was intimidation. To make sure his orders were obeyed, all he had to do was to send a message to the other cardinals, saying that a new Pope should be elected, and then kill a member of each cardinal’s family. Benjamin Uggae was responsible for the death of Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I, who was in power for only one month. Albino refused to take orders from Benjamin Uggae, and so it didn’t take long for him to be killed. However the Catholic Church’s influence had been waning as the years went by, and it had been a long time since Uggae had asked for anything from the Church, until now. With the Church’s help in discrediting David’s “miracles”, Uggae still had a chance until it was time for Enlil’s release. And that time was very near.


  United States of America, 27th January 2009

  It was a Tuesday and until then, David had stayed shut up in his great-grandfather’s house in New York. He was getting ready for a formal presentation to the whole world; and he had decided that the best way to do this would be through interviews on television channels and other media outlets. David had invitations from all over the world, but he wanted his first interview to be on the Oprah Winfrey Show, as she was a woman he admired and he felt had positive energy. Added to which her program had one of the highest audience ratings on the planet. David knew too that many of the invitations were intended to test him or even to make fun of what he had done, but this wasn’t the case with Oprah.

  David arrived at the TV studio in good time, accompanied by his grandfather Thomas. There was a big crowd waiting at the entrance. People from all over wanted to see David. They were eagerly trying to get close to him. As soon as Thomas and his grandson entered the building they were welcomed by the producers and taken to a comfortable dressing-room. A few minutes later one of the producers called David on to the platform. His grandfather was to sit in the front row of the audience.

  Oprah was saying:

  ‘Videos of him have had more than two billion hits the world over. The video of him healing a tetraplegic girl has deeply moved people throughout the planet. We found out recently that this boy, who is only sixteen, is the great-grandson of New York’s Governor George Griffin. Come on up, David Griffin!’

  David crossed the floor with his head down, shy and retiring as ever. On the big screen behind the presenter they were showing the video of him healing the girl Amy.

  The audience rose to applaud David as he entered. The producers tried to quieten the audience down, but they couldn’t stop the clapping, which went on for more than two minutes. There were many people crying.

  ‘Hello, David. Welcome, and thank you for accepting my invitation.’ Oprah gave David a tight hug.

  ‘Thank you, Ms Winfrey, I’m the one to thank you for inviting me.’

  ‘Please call me Oprah.’

  ‘OK, thanks, Oprah.’ David gave a big smile, and the ice was broken.

  ‘David, tell me, the whole world wants to know how you healed that little girl, and if it was really you who did it. People are in two minds, and even the Catholic Church has had its say. It says it investigated the case and found no evidence of a miracle.’

  ‘If I may, Oprah, I’d like to take advantage of being here to reveal some stuff. What I reveal may shock people and many of them won’t believe what I’m going to say.’

  ‘Please, David, the stage is yours. Reveal away.’

  ‘Well, as some of you know, my grandfather, sitting there in the front row, is a great scientist. He isn’t famous only because when my mother died he made up his mind to give up research. But in 1993 he decided to create a clone. I am that clone.’

  ‘A clone? My God! How come, David? Tell us more… You’re a clone of who?’

  ‘Who before me healed people the way I did?’

  ‘Well, as far as I know, before you, only Jesus Christ.’

  ‘Exactly so. I am a clone of Jesus Christ.’

  The audience was puzzled. They began to mutter to each other and Oprah’s expression was one of incredulity, wondering if she was dealing with a madman.

  ‘David, you can’t be serious. Let’s say you’re telling the truth. Where could your grandfather have found the genetic material to clone you?’

  ‘Let me explain. My grandfather’s whole family is descended from Mary Magdalene, who was Jesus’ wife and had a daughter with him. When Jesus was crucified, Mary was three months pregnant with a baby girl who was to be called Sarah. At that time an angel appeared to Joseph of Arimathaea and gave him a cylinder. He said he should fill it with the blood of Jesus and that our Lord would be reborn from that blood. He also said that the cylinder should stay with the family of Jesus, and that Christ would be reborn from the womb of one of his descendants. Joseph of Arimathaea hid the cylinder in the chalice that Jesus used at the Last Supper. People know this chalice as the Holy Grail. Sixteen years ago the cylinder was opened and my grandfather used the blood in it to create the clone of Jesus. The embryo was brought to term in his daughter Sarah’s womb. Sarah was my mother and she died in the 9/11 attacks. In short, the Holy Grail was the chalice that concealed the blood and the lineage of Jesus. His clone could only be born from the womb of a member of the family, and in this way Christ’s line has been preserved till now.’

  ‘My God, David, but that story’s quite surreal, it’s unbelievable! And where are
the chalice and the cylinder now?’

  ‘Here they are,’ answered David, taking the chalice with the broken handle and the gold and silver cylinder out of a small bag he was carrying, and handed them to the presenter. ‘This is the chalice and the cylinder.’

  ‘Good Lord, it really is very like the chalice of the Last Supper! I don’t know what to say. So, are you saying you’re Jesus and that you possess all his powers?’

  ‘No, I’m not Jesus, I’m David. Let’s say I’m Jesus’ twin brother, but born in another age. And Jesus still exists.’

  ‘But David, what’s the point of all this? Why did your grandfather clone Jesus and why did you heal that girl?’

  ‘Oprah, I have a mission on earth and that mission is to prepare mankind for Jesus’ return. The healing serves only so that people can see I am speaking the truth and so that they will listen to what I say. If I turned up at the door of your studio claiming to be a clone of Jesus, you’d have me put away, wouldn’t you?’

  ‘We certainly would. In any other situation you wouldn’t have a hope of being believed.’

  ‘The same thing happened with Jesus. He needed people to believe in him, so he healed them. And he only healed those who really deserved it, like me.’

  ‘And how can you tell who deserves to be healed and who doesn’t?’

  ‘That’s easy. By the person’s energy. Everyone possesses energy. In fact everything in the world and in the universe consists of energy, and I can feel people’s energy. If the person has done good things during his or her lifetime, if they were good, their energy is automatically good; if they were evil, they will have stored up negative energy.’

  ‘Nevertheless, millions of people need healing…’

  ‘Yes, but there’s no way I can heal them all. On the other hand, if they have really led good lives, they will be healed when Jesus returns. All I’m doing is anticipating a few cures.’

  ‘David, explain to us how the cure is done. Do you have special powers? Is it something you use?’


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