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Omegas Wish: A MM Non Shifter Mpreg Romance

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by Mike Andy

  Omegas Wish

  A MM Non Shifter Mpreg Romance

  Mike Andy

  This book is a work of fiction that is intended for mature readers. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters within this book are fictional and are consenting adults over the age of eighteen years. Characters, names, places, and events are the product of the author's imagination.

  Copyright © 2018 by LBPress21 All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States of America


  1 - Chapter 1

  2 - Chapter 2

  3 - Chapter 3

  4 - Chapter 4

  5 - Chapter 5

  6 - Chapter 6

  7 - Chapter 7

  8 - Chapter 8

  9 - Chapter 9

  10 - Chapter 10

  11 - Chapter 11

  12 - Chapter 12

  13 - Chapter 13

  14 - Chapter 14

  15 - Chapter 15

  16 - Chapter 16 Epilogue

  Chapter 1


  The rumble of the snow cat’s engine filled the cabin as it trudged through the snow. Gregory Sharp was on his way to the local ski lodge that was just outside of town for a news story. The station always saw fit to give him small fluff pieces that he reported on but he did not feel happy with it. He wanted more excitement in his life. Hard hitting journalism was where the real action was at.

  Beside him in the cabin, his camera man Matthew held the heavy bag with their news equipment. The small snow cat vehicle did not have a place to store the bag safely. It could have rested on the outside of the snow cat, but there was risk of the camera equipment getting damaged from the cold.

  Their driver was a middle-aged man with white peppered hair and a grizzled looking beard and mustache. He wore a red flannel shirt with snow pants. It gave him a mountain man vibe that Gregory could appreciate it. If it were not for the age difference, Gregory might have even found him attractive. The rugged look was a turn on for him.

  Gregory could appreciate a good-looking man, even if it meant that nothing would come of it. His last boyfriend broke up with him just before his birthday so he did not feel prepared to jump into another relationship. He later discovered that his boyfriend, Henry, had been seeing another man behind his back. It hurt him to discover that information. Gregory was quick to fall in love and took forever to heal emotionally after being hurt like that.

  Matthew turned toward Gregory. “My legs are falling asleep here Greg. I didn’t realize the drive would be the this long to get to the ski lodge.” Matthew was in his mid-twenties with auburn hair. The heavy winter coat he wore would come in handy when they had to do their news report.

  The whole reason for their trip to the ski lodge was one of the biggest yearly parties. The news network picked Gregory to cover the story as he did not have plans for the holiday. He would be glad when this whole ordeal was over and he could return home. His cozy apartment waited for him with a comfortable couch and a good book to read. Gregory even bought a bottle of expensive wine to ring in the new year.

  Before Gregory could speak to Matthew, the grizzled snow cat driver pointed his finger out the window. “We are almost there. I told you before you got in that it would take a while to get out here. The damned snow covered up the roads so this is the only way to get up here.”

  Matthew shifted the heavy bag on his lap in an attempt to get more comfortable. His green eyes glancing over to Henry to take notice of the finger pointing out the window. In the distance, the five-story ski lodge stood in all it’s glory. The lodge had a log cabin appearance but with a more modern structural design. The third, forth and fifth floors had balconies attached to some of the guest rooms. The angled roof sloped steeply and wood beams stretched up from the ground to frame the front entrance.

  Holiday lights shimmered on the outside of the ski lodge. The soft glow of the window lights made it easier to see in the dark. As they got closer, the sound of laughter and conversation could be heard. Music echoed from the lodge. This is what Gregory came here for. The biggest party in Brookshire. It was Jackson Barrett’s holiday bash.

  Gregory had never met Jackson before, but he had heard stories. The man was a wealthily independent. No one knew how much money he actually made, but he always threw the most lavish parties. Jackson had made a name for himself with his charity donations and fundraisers. The one thing that Gregory heard rumor about, but had no confirmation for, was Jackson’s penchant for being a playboy. It made sense though from the various stories he had seen covered on him. Jackson always had a different guy hanging on his arm at social functions.

  The snow cat stopped in front of the lodge. The rumbling engine quieted down after Henry shut it off. The cab door opened and a rush of cold air filled the vehicle. Gregory shivered as the wind whipped through his hair. Henry was kind enough to help Gregory and Matthew out of the cab of the snow cat.

  “I will be at the bar when you are ready to leave. Come and find me and I will be ready to get you out of here. Don’t be too long though. I heard that there may be a blizzard on the horizon.” Henry opened the door to the lodge. The warm scent of apple cider drifted out into the open.

  Matthew clutched his camera bag over his shoulder. “Oh, hell yeah! Get me out of this cold weather. That cider smells delicious. I am going to grab a glass of that before we start our news report.” Matthew rushed inside of the lodge to seek out the spiced scented beverage.

  Gregory entered the main foyer of the ski lodge. There were several people already gathered here. Hearty laughter and cheers echoed through the room. Music played through speakers along the ceiling. Holiday jingles that had everyone in a good mood.

  Brushing his fingers through his blonde hair, Gregory wandered over to the buffet table. He snatched up a cracker with cheese to much on it. His eyes looked over the crowd of people. There were quite a few good-looking men at the party. Gregory unzipped his jacket to slide it off. The fireplace at the center of the room radiated heat and there was no need for such heavy clothing.

  Taking a plastic up, Gregory filled it with punch. He sipped on it slowly while leaning against the wall. The guys in here were cute, but he didn’t think they were his type. The ones that had promise were holding hands with another person or locked in an embrace. Gregory sighed to himself. He wanted to have that kind of connection again, but it was too soon. The hurt from his previous relationship still lingered on his heart.

  A rough, bass voice spoke to him, causing Gregory to turn his attention to the owner. “You don’t look like you are happy right now. It’s a party. You should get out there and have fun.” The man that had the deep, sexy voice stood six feet tall. Dark brown hair covered his head and he had a full beard and mustache that was well groomed. He wore a white button up shirt with a pair of black dress slacks. Even with the clothing, Gregory could tell that he was muscularly fit.

  How did Gregory miss this handsome devil approaching him? Placing his drink down onto the table, Gregory stepped away from the wall. His eyes looked at the sexy alpha before him. Damn, he was handsome. Inhaling deeply, Gregory tried to keep himself calm so he could answer the man. It didn’t help that he had a growing bulge inside of his pants.

  “I would go out there and have fun, but I don’t really know anyone here. Besides, I have to do some work before I can have fun. The blizzard is coming in too and I don’t want to get stuck out here.” Gregory folded his arms over his chest
. His eyes roamed over the man’s sexy physique. If it wasn’t for the crowd of people here, he would be tempted to drop to his knees and show this handsome man a great time.

  The man reached over to grab a bottle of beer from an ice chest on the table. He popped the top off of the bottle and took a swig from it. “Work? What kind of work would you have to do during this time of year? It’s the holidays! This is a party. You should forget about it and have fun.”

  Gregory couldn’t agree more with the man, but he still had a job to do. “I would love to but I still have to do this news piece before I wrap it up for the holiday. The news station called me out here to cover the party.” Gregory held out his hand toward the stranger. “I think introductions are in order. I’m Gregory Sharp. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  The strong hand encircled over Gregory’s hand for a firm handshake. Gregory could just imagine those strong hands gripped against his ass. The handsome brunette released his grip. “It is a pleasure to meet you too. I’m Jackson Barrett. I guess if you are here, then you are doing a news piece about me. Try not to make me look bad.”

  Chapter 2


  The surprised look on Gregory’s face made Jackson aware that the man did not realize who he was until had had said his name. He chuckled to himself as he took another drink from his beer. Jackson stayed far too busy with his business during the year to keep up with the local news. News reporters always showed up to events that he attended to talk about his fundraisers or the money he donated to local charities.

  “I’m sure that you have some time before you have to do your news cast. Would you care to dance with me?” The music playing over the speakers shifted to a slower beat. Jackson held out his hand toward Gregory, waiting for the man take hold of it.

  The hesitation that Gregory displayed was brief before he gave in and took ahold of Jackson’s hand. “Alright. I will accept your offer for one dance. After that, I need to find my camera man. I want to get out of here before the snow storm hits.”

  Jackson smiled brightly, leading Gregory into the middle of the room. His right hand placed onto Gregory’s shoulder and left hand on his hip. Jackson took the lead for the dance, guiding Gregory where to step. The brunette looked into Gregory’s blue eyes as they slowly waltzed together.

  The height difference between the two of them made Jackson have to turn his head down slightly to look at Gregory. He had to admit that the news reporter was quite handsome. He wouldn’t mind spending an evening with the blonde underneath him. The dance had them quite close together. Jackson worried that his erection would be felt pressing against Gregory.

  The music faded out and Jackson separated from his dance partner. He reached his hand over to brush across Gregory’s cheek. “Thanks for the dance handsome. If you are still around later, we should do it again.” Jackson departed from the room to leave Gregory standing on the dance floor.

  Entering into the kitchen of the lodge, Jackson took a deep breath. That newscaster was so damn sexy. He felt an immediate attraction to him as soon as he laid eyes on him. His mind raced with images of the blonde on his hands and knees with Jackson behind him and pounding that cute ass of his.

  Jackson didn’t have time for a relationship. His online internet business took precedence over anything. He worked hard over the past five years to build up the business. It was his pride and joy and he couldn’t let it slip to the side for a serious commitment.

  The kitchen staff were busy preparing buffet food for the guests and opening up more stock for the open bar. The bill for that would be huge but Jackson did not care about the money. He threw these parties because he wanted to get his mind off of work. It was his one opportunity to relax from his hectic life. The adage of work hard party hard really did apply to him.

  Jackson opened the swinging door from the kitchen to look into the main foyer. Everyone was having a good time. Lots of drinking, dancing and laughter. He loved it when everyone was happy. It made him feel good about himself that he was able to get people to smile.

  His eyes landed on Gregory in the crowd. The handsome man had found a mirror on the far side of the room. He was bent over the table in front of it. Jackson watched the blonde reporter fussing with his hair. Fingers flitting through the blonde locks to push them around in a vain attempt to make his hair perfect. His eyes traveled down Gregory’s back to see his cute ass sticking out. Jackson bit his bottom lip. His hand reached down to adjust the bulge in his dress slacks. What he wouldn’t give to bend him over and pound his tight ass all night.

  Jackson slipped out from the kitchen to go to the bar. One of the bar staff almost collided with him, causing him to dodge out of the way. He walked up to the oak bar, sliding onto a barstool. Next to him, there was a man with red hair and a beard nursing an apple cider. He could make out the word NEWS on his jacket but did not see the name of the station.

  There couldn’t be too many news stations that was covering the holiday party. Jackson tapped the surface of the bar to catch the attention of the bar tender. “Give me a shot of whiskey and one for my friend here.” His finger pointed to the red head next to him. The bartender set two glasses onto the bar and poured out the amber liquid.

  The man with the red beard sets the cider down onto the bar, eyes looking at Jackson. He smiled as he took the shot between his fingers. “Thank you for the drink.” He tipped the glass back, swallowing down the shot.

  “Think nothing of it. It is a party after all. I want everyone to enjoy themselves, even the people that have to work.” Jackson crossed his legs at the knee. His left elbow pressed into the bar as he turned to face the man. “So, I couldn’t help but notice that your jacket is from the news station. Are you here to do a story too?”

  The man laughed as he shook his head. “Yes and no. I don’t do the reporting. I’m the camera man. Working my magic behind the scenes. Gregory is the one that does all of the talking. He is very photogenic behind the camera. I see why the news station hired him.” The ginger haired man leaned back. “I’m Matthew. You will have to let me get you drink too.” He offered his hand to Jackson.

  Jackson shook hands with Matthew. He admired the strong hand grip that the cameraman had. “Thank you for the offer Matthew. I don’t really need another drink right now. Maybe you can tell me about your coworker? What is it like to work with Gregory?”

  Matthew picked up the glass of apple cider to sip from it. Lowering it from his lips, he stated. “Gregory? Not too much to tell about him. I know that he was seeing some guy until a month or two back. He seemed to take it pretty hard. I don’t know the circumstances to cause them to split. Gregory doesn’t really like to talk about it. Other than that, he is great to work with. He keeps it professional but he has this quality about him that makes people open up. I think it makes him a better reporter.”

  Jackson listened intently to every word that Matthew said. His eyes lit up when he learned that Gregory was single. Maybe if he played his cards right, he could get a one night stand out of the reporter. It would be fun to see Gregory’s orgasm face while Jackson brought him to pleasure over and over again.

  Sliding off of the barstool, Matthew reached down to pick up the heavy bag from the floor next to him. “I’ve got to get to work now. It was good to meet you. Thanks again for the drink.” The man gave a pat to Jackson’s back as he left the bar.

  Clutching his hands together, Jackson sat at the bar a few moments longer. Even though he threw these lavish parties every year, he still felt like something was missing. He could never put his finger on what though. Every time he had a free moment to consider what it might be, something happened to bring his attention back to the present.

  The bartender’s voice broke his train of thought. “Do you want anything else to drink sir?” The bartender had black hair that was combed back and he wore a festive red vest over his white dress shirt.

  Jackson turned on his barstool. “Yeah, give me one more whiskey please.” He waited for the bart
ender to pour the shot out. His fingers clutched the glass to slam it down. The burning sensation from the alcohol coursed down his throat.

  Peeling off a few notes from his wallet, he handed them to the bartender to pay for the drinks. “Thank you, sir.” He rose from the barstool to pace across the room to look into the main lodge room.

  Matthew had the camera unpacked from the bag with it propped up onto his shoulder. A few feet from him, he could see Gregory standing there with the microphone in his hand. The reporter looked like he was rehearsing what he would say before the camera went live.

  Jackson took a deep breath as he stepped back into the room. It was time to face the media whether he liked it or not. Being on camera was not his favorite thing but it was a necessary evil when you draw attention to yourself.

  Chapter 3


  Gregory fidgeted with his hair and attempted to make it look perfect for the camera. No matter how many times he had been on camera, he would get butterflies in his stomach right before he went live.

  Matthew hoisted to the heavy camera up onto his shoulder, flicking a few switches and pressing buttons on the camera. He held up his left hand. “We will be live in five, four, three.” He went silent as he simply showed the final count with his fingers. Two fingers, then one and a motion to Gregory.

  Gregory summoned up all his professionalism into one deep breath. He gave a bright smile to the camera, flashing his pearly white teeth. “This is Gregory Sharp reporting live from the Brookshire Ski Lodge. As you can see behind me, the party is already well on its way.”

  The camera swung around to get a view of the people in the lodge. Happy faces and laughter were heard along with visuals of people chatting and dancing.

  “Every year for the past five years, Jackson Barrett has held this party at the ski lodge. He generously pays for everything out of his own pocket and oversees the whole planning of the party.” Gregory smiled at the camera as he could see Jackson approaching out of the corner of his eye.


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