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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 9

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  She glanced at her dance card. “I have this one free.”

  “Excellent.” He extended his hand to her and they glided onto the dance floor embraced by a waltz. She smiled up at him.

  Donovan felt like he was dancing with an angel.

  “Thank you for asking me to dance.”

  “It is my pleasure.” He held her close, but gently in case she protested. She didn’t. When the dance slowed, they walked out onto a balcony and sat on a bench while the world inside and outside celebrated.

  “Perhaps you can consult your card, so that I can have another dance?”

  She smiled and handed him the card. It was empty.

  “I don’t understand. You’re beautiful and sweet and . . .”

  “And a Telkhine. They are all afraid of me. The other Telkhines would not come. I really wanted to attend a Rex Ball.”

  Donovan took out his pen and wrote his name on every line and handed her back the card.

  She laughed when she saw it. “I don’t know if you are being presumptuous or sweet. You are not afraid of me?”

  “Two weeks ago when a storm threatened the city, I went to the park to watch your ritual. It seemed like you pushed the storm away.”

  “We unweave the energy and send it back to the gulf. You saw it all and were not afraid of us?”

  Donovan took her hand in his and kissed it. “We are blessed to have you protecting the city. God help us if the Telkhines leave New Orleans.” Smiling he stood. “Mademoiselle Cordelais, you do owe me a great many dances.”

  Juliette stood up. “My great pleasure, Monsieur Dupre.” They rejoined the dancers in the ballroom awash with candlelight. The music turned slow. The candlelight became starlight. Then the images of the world faded, and Juliette melted in his arms. Time was passing, not the minutes of a waltz but the years of a life.

  Donovan gazed into the blue eyes of his Juliette, and she leaned up on her toes and kissed him. Finally, his heart didn’t ache anymore. Years of pain dissolved in that kiss. A joy so immense filled him. Contentment embraced him and he opened his eyes.

  A world of light greeted him, and Juliette’s form appeared slowly from an immense ball of white light.

  “I’m not on Earth anymore,” he said.

  “No, and that’s where you belong, Donovan. I will always love you, but this is my world. Noblesse loves you and you left her. Why?”

  “She is with her lifemate.”

  Juliette smiled like a sunrise. “Donovan, when you touch her, she is warm to you?”


  “A vampire only has one lifemate. If they lose that special one, another might come or may never come. There are never two at the same time. You have left Noblesse in the hands of a monster who lies.”

  Donovan’s eyes opened wide. He flew off the bed, grabbing his gear. “Laura, we have to leave right now.”

  “David said there are more human deaths.”

  “There’s going to be more vampire deaths if we don’t get going.”

  Laura hurried after him, locking doors, setting the alarm, and calling the security company to say they were leaving. She got on the back of his Harley and held on for dear life. The new garage door closed and locked behind them. Donovan smirked. At least that was done. The wall in the garden still hadn’t been finished, among other items all outside. He’d leave that to the security company to oversee. Noble was in trouble.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I have to make a stop,” he told Laura at the red light.


  “I’ve got to see a man about a weapon.”

  “Kaz has left my apartment. He’s looking for me. I can feel him coming this way.”

  Mina led Noblesse into her bedroom. The sheets were rumpled. “No time,” Mina said. “Get in and act like you’re in stasis. Do not open your eyes no matter what you hear.” Reaching into her medical bag, she took out a small green bottle. “Drink this now.”

  Noblesse drank it and handed back the empty bottle. The sheets and blankets were fluttered and then fitted around her as she lay down and closed her eyes. The residual warmth of lifemates lingered for a few minutes more, and Noblesse worked to remain solemn faced.

  Someone pounded on Mina’s door. Skyler opened it. Kaz rushed past him opening door after door until he found the healer and her patient.

  “Noblesse! What has happened to her?”

  “She’s been infected by silver. I’ve given her medication and put her in stasis to heal.”

  “But she’s green!”

  “That can happen. Some vampires are very sensitive to silver. I’ve been searching her body for the point of contamination.”

  Kaz searched her hands and lifted her right forefinger. Mina examined it and with care exorcised the silver sliver.

  “I remember seeing it earlier, but I had no idea that it could become serious. She didn’t mention that it bothered her. How long will it take for her to recover?”

  “If the silver did not travel into her bloodstream, then after twenty-four hours Noblesse should rise and be well.”

  “I will stay with her.”

  “You can’t.” She took his hand and patted it. “I will be monitoring her signs closely and cannot be distracted. If she takes a turn for the worst, I may have to transfuse her with all new blood, a very dangerous procedure.”

  Kaz roared something indistinguishable that shook the entire building before storming out. Noblesse could feel him running and crashing through the front doors of the Arnhem Society.

  “It appears Kaz did not properly sign out,” Skyler said. “Don’t worry. Curtis didn’t get hurt. He got out of the way when he saw Kaz charging like a wild bull.”

  Noblesse opened her eyes. The three chuckled, though for Noblesse it was a nervous release. She didn’t know how much longer she could put off Kaz asking for his conjugal rights as lifemate.

  “David is calling the carpenters to come and install new doors and locks immediately. That would be me.” Skyler kissed Mina and left.

  “Was that rage, Mina? Did Kaz leave because he was angry?”

  “I think so. It doesn’t make sense. A lifemate would be sad and worried,” Mina said. “I think he was angry because he couldn’t have you. As far as I’m concerned, he’s not going to.”

  No matter how awful Noblesse felt about Kaz, she loved her doctor.

  “David has called a meeting of all Arnhem Knights on the premises. Right now.”

  Both of them got up and left the room, joining others in the hall on the way to the council room. Four Arnhem Knights stood guard outside of the council chambers. This was going to be an intense meeting if guards were already assigned.

  “Looking green, Noblesse,” Hatcher smirked.

  “Going to be a frog for Halloween.” She grinned showing fangs.

  Hatcher laughed. “Good one.”

  David walked up to her. “Why are you green?”

  “Long story. Later.”

  David went to the podium. He put up his hands and the crowd went silent. “Anyone here who cannot block your thoughts from an ancient, please, leave now and lock yourself in your room.”

  A group of Arnhem Knights left the room. The door was shut and locked.

  Squealing, and a slam, made them all jump.

  Chapter 14

  “Papa, I’ve told David we’re headed in.”

  They turned the corner and were almost to the Arnhem Society’s garage. The door started rising. Donovan clearly intended on storming in on his Harley. Laura hugged him tightly from behind while keeping one hand on the wrapped-up weapon.

  As they turned toward the garage entrance, Laura screamed, “Wire!”

  Donovan dropped the hog, falling sideways. They crashed on the flo
or, the Harley skidding along the cement. The tip of his shoulder was cut on the way down.

  Arnhem Knights rushed out to help them. Laura was first on her feet, holding her father’s weapon, its cloth wrapping still intact.

  “Stop,” she yelled as the knights got closer to the garage door. “There’s a wire. It was put there to behead us.”

  With extreme caution, one vampire examined it for DNA before taking it down and wrapping it for further examination.

  Laura ran to her father who was still on the ground. He’d taken the brunt of saving them from being decapitated. His leather jacket was cut on the shoulder, but he didn’t seem injured there. The left side of his body was a different matter; all ripped up and bleeding. Mina and a crew of assistants brought him inside and into the downstairs kitchen. She poured more King’s Elixir down his throat. Taking off his jacket and shirt, Mina applied some of the elixir to the laceration on his shoulder. She cut open his jeans and applied more to the cuts on his leg.

  “It’s a miracle you didn’t break something.”

  “I broke my Harley. Where is Noble?”

  “I want you cleaned up before she sees you. Someone get this man some clothes.”

  “Be right back.” Laura ran upstairs.

  “You’re going to be okay.”

  Laura was back before Mina could say anything else. Helping her father to sit, they put on the shirt first. Even though he was healing at an amazing rate, Donovan was still in enormous pain.

  “Did you bring me Max’s clothes?”

  “Yes. You wear the same size.”

  “I don’t like wearing Max’s clothes.”

  “Too bad,” Laura said. “Yours are destroyed.”

  “Damn. Okay.” He didn’t want to scare Noble with an injured appearance.

  When everyone felt he looked presentable, Mina and Laura led him upstairs. Other vampires stayed behind to clean up the garage and lock that entrance. They went directly to the council chambers. When the guards saw them, one went in to announce their arrival. Laura held her father’s weapon still securely wrapped in cloth. When the doors opened, she followed Mina and Donovan inside.

  All Donovan wanted was Noble. As soon as he saw her, he rushed to her. The pained look on her face stopped him short of pulling her into his arms.

  “Why did you leave?” she asked.

  “Kaz said he was your lifemate. I didn’t know that he was lying. I wanted you to be happy, to have someone better.”

  “Better than who? Better than you?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “Donovan, there’s no one better for me than you.” She covered the short distance between them, reaching for him. He pulled her into his arms and into a kiss. Donovan loved the warmth of her against him. He loved her sweet mouth filled with passion.

  As soon as their lips parted, Donovan shouted, “You are mine.”

  She smiled. “You are mine.”

  David cleared his throat. “Donovan, I believe you have something more to say.”

  Donovan knelt in front of Noblesse. “I need you to forgive me, Noble.”

  She knelt facing him. “Why?”

  “When you and I danced at Max and Evie’s wedding, you were warm in my arms. You are always warm to me. I am your lifemate, Noble.”

  “Thank, God. I thought something was wrong with me. Kaz was cold to touch. He kept saying how warm I was, and I doubted myself. My heart kept dreaming of you.”

  Donovan hugged her tight.

  Everyone applauded. Ignoring the crowd, he pulled Noble into a kiss. Her lips eagerly accepted him.

  Lily walked into the room. “I have news for this council.” Everyone put their attention on the strawberry blonde human soccer mom from Connecticut.

  She walked right up to the podium and put her cell phone on it after pressing speakerphone. “Max, everyone can hear you now.”

  “What the hell is happening in New York? Where’s Noblesse?”

  “I’m here, Father. A vampire named Kaz came to town and declared me as his lifemate. Since his arrival, vampires and humans have died. We do not have evidence that he did these things, like the death of Gino and everyone at his restaurant.”

  “Max,” Lily interrupted, “I’ve been researching and nowhere in the annuals or the extant documents does it mention Kaz. I’ve also researched Noblesse’s new furniture. The mirror known in French as Miroir de Sang translates to Blood Mirror in English. This mirror was used during—”

  “Lily,” Max said in a voice so calm it caught everyone’s rapt attention. “I would like to share my knowledge on this matter with the Arnhem Knights.” He paused. “Noblesse, is Kaz about six-four, dark haired, strong build?”

  “How did you know that Father?”

  “At the end of World War II, the Nuremburg Trials proceeded to try those who had committed crimes against humanity. Four members of the European Supernatural Council were asked to sit as judges against supernatural criminals who allied with the Nazis. I was one of those judges. I sentenced a vampire named Kazbiel to be pushed through the portal of the Blood Mirror to live out his existence in the underworld of the Keres. The mirror was ordered destroyed. Obviously it was not. I will be looking for the vampires charged with carrying out those orders upon my return. The mirror was sealed. A drop of blood against its surface could have opened it.”

  “When I saw the mirror in the store I touched its surface and got a sliver of silver in my finger,” Noblesse answered.

  “David, where is he now?”

  “He is in the city. I have four Arnhem Knights following him as we speak.” David sighed. “They are reporting that he just set fire to Gustave’s Restaurant. The human fire department is already there.”

  “Is anyone hurt?”

  “No the place is empty,” David answered.

  “I sent them away yesterday, Father.”

  “That was smart thinking, Noblesse. Lily reported to me that humans and vampires were murdered at Gino’s.”

  “Yes, Father. Gino and others gave their lives for me and Donovan. He had us take his secret way out and stayed behind to fight.”

  “I am honored by his sacrifice for our family, and to continue on that discussion, I want the Arnhem Knights that will fight Kazbiel to know exactly what they are getting into. Kazbiel was personally responsible for the deaths of one hundred and eighty-three thousand, five hundred and nighty-seven supernaturals during World War II. He was a Nazi collaborator and worked closely with Dr. Mengele in experiments on how to extract their powers, and did unspeakable atrocities to our people.

  “I know all this because I fought against him with the Allied forces from the United States. I brought him to trial, judged him guilty, and sentenced him. No one in this room tonight has ever witnessed the horror Kazbiel is capable of.”

  “I brought this on us, so I will kill him, Father.” Noblesse stepped forward.

  “No, you will not. If he touches you, he will pull you into the portal with him and then . . .” Max sighed audibly over the phone. “You are a great warrior, but this time you must stand aside and let the Arnhem Knights protect you and finish this business.”

  “I will protect her with my life,” Laura said.

  “Thank you, Laura. I’m aware that Kazbiel stretched a wire across the garage door and nearly decapitated you and your father. I am glad he did not succeed.”

  “Thank you, Max,” Donovan said. “I will also be protecting Noble with my life.”

  “Lily, please, take me off speaker phone, as I wish to speak to Donovan and David privately. Donovan, first.”

  Lily turned off the speakerphone and walked the phone over to Donovan, who with Noblesse moved to the back of the room.

  “Yes, Max.” He put the phone to his ear.

p; “My Bless has been weeping. You left her?”

  “I was an idiot. I thought Kaz was her lifemate.”

  “Well, now we know that isn’t true. Evie and Laura have been mindtalking up a storm. I don’t know how they manage it over such a distance, but I understand you are Bless’s lifemate?”

  Donovan heard Evie whisper in the background, “I told you I saw something when they danced at our wedding.”

  “Yes, I am, and with your permission I would like to marry her when all of this is over.”

  Donovan heard a low chuckle. “That would be up to Bless, and I will abide by her wisdom.”

  Handing her the phone, he kissed her on the cheek.

  “I will be saying yes, Father. And I want to apologize.”

  “What for?”

  “If I hadn’t bought the mirror and touched its surface, I wouldn’t have gotten a splinter. My blood wouldn’t have released Kazbiel into our world.”

  “That’s in the past. I like Donovan calling you Noble. If you remember when I first made you, I called you Noblest, because I regarded you as the noblest of creatures.”

  “Yes, Father, I remember.”

  “But you didn’t believe me at the time. You are a wonderful, beautiful, and noble woman, and Donovan is lucky you have forgiven him.”

  Noblesse laughed, “Yes, you’re so right, Father.”

  “Nonetheless, Evie and I are headed home. Now we must plan. May I speak to David?”

  She gestured to David who hurried to the back of the room and took the phone.


  “Yes, Father.”

  Noblesse smiled. It wasn’t often that David called Max Father even though he regarded him that way.

  She wasn’t supposed to be listening in but she did. “David, you will be in charge of planning the attack and the eventual destruction of that mirror. I will leave you to organize. Be on alert because as soon as he returns to the Arnhem Society, he will be after your sister. His method of battle is fast attack. Now go prepare.”


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