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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 16

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  “You look like a goddess with your hair down, Noble. Why don’t you wear it flowing down your back with only a few of these hair jewels?”

  She turned away from the mirror and into his arms. “The stylist will be disappointed. Betsy will be disappointed.”

  He kissed her deeply, coaxing her lips apart. Laughing they fought with their tongues until he won. Licking up a fang elicited a squeal from his already blushing bride.

  Lifting her into his arms, he carried her into the bedroom and shut the door with his foot. He only had to think to lock it.

  “The most important thing here, Noble, is how do you want to wear your hair for the ceremony.”

  “I want to wear it down. I guess I could put it up for the reception.”

  He hugged her, nuzzling her neck. “Sha, you’re always trying to please everyone. I have two wedding gifts for you.”

  “Really?” she smiled, kissing his ear.

  “One, I will give to you in Paris. The other I will give to you right now. My gift is this. Noble, you never have to please me. I want only the real you always.”

  She kissed his lips. His mouth parted eagerly to receive her fang lashing. He moaned with each touch. Repositioning herself, she managed to suck on one of his fangs.

  He groaned and in a blur, he had her perfectly placed beneath him. He lifted up and pulled her with him then put a pillow under her bottom.

  “What are you doing?”

  Donovan pushed slowly into her, inch by sweet agonizing inch. She bit her lip and Donovan sucked up the red pearl. Wiggling, she sighed with delight as they moved together, taking pleasure in each other.

  “Happy, Sha?”

  “Why don’t we skip the wedding and just stay here?”

  He kissed her eyes and nose and mouth. “We will have time to be alone and play once the ceremony is done. Unless you’re rejecting my love?” He pushed down into her more, making a tight fit.

  She gasped and panted. “You have a way of putting me in a position, so I can’t move much.”

  Donovan laughed.

  “Your fangs are so damned sexy.” His every move made her ache in the most delicious ways, wanting more, demanding more as she pushed toward him.

  Heat coursing through her with his sudden burst of speed choked off her laugh. She almost screamed but whimpered instead. Wave after wave of sexual frenzy rushed through her before she swooned into satisfaction. The last thing Noble thought before sleep took her was how she could survive this vampire version of Donovan on a day-by-day basis.

  Donovan watched Noble sleep. Everything had been unfolding so fast, he hadn’t taken a breath to think about this new vampire life. He felt great, strong, and powerful. Though he shared thoughts with Noble before, now it was more fluid. He enjoyed feeling her emotions as well. When he caressed her, she smiled in her sleep and usually moved closer to him. When his fingers lingered low on her abdomen, he felt something else. It was an awareness. Another being was aware of him. Even though he had spoken to it before, he was not sure if it was aware but now that had changed.

  “I’m your Papa, Bébé. Your mother and I love you.” He sent thought pictures of himself with Noble kissing and laughing. There was a fluttering in his heart, as if the baby was trying to say something back. Then in his mind he saw a tiny creature surrounded by fluid feeling happy. It blinked its tiny black eyes.

  Donovan chuckled. He could feel their baby’s reaction.

  He hugged Noble close and setting the alarm for six p.m., he lay there enjoying his life, memorizing every detail and feeling. Mina had told him that like human mothers, vampire mothers needed a lot of rest too. Donovan would let her sleep, though he did want to get to the church early to give back the spear and have the priest meet Noble.

  The buzz woke Noble up. “Donovan, there’s a bee in the room.” She moaned and rolled over. When it didn’t stop buzzing, she opened her eyes and reached over to press the little button on his watch. She put it on her mental list to get him a quiet watch.

  Sitting up, Noble gazed at her lifemate who still slept. Vampires didn’t really need sleep, but for some reason both of them were really into sleeping. He was adorable and breathtaking. She stroked the dark fuzz along his jawline. Gradually she was getting used to his powerfully built chest and those oh so strong abs. Everything beneath the sheet was strong too, but they had no time. They had to get ready for the wedding.

  Leaning slowly down against him, she kissed him. With eyes still closed, he kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her. Then he rolled her over.

  Noble kissed him and laughed. “Donovan, we have to get going.”

  “We have time.” He moaned and caressed her.

  “You’re starting things.”

  “You started them first. I was sleeping innocently, and you stroked my face then kissed me.”

  She laughed. “Okay, you win. I started it, but you are not innocent.”

  “Well, don’t tell my priest that.”

  They got out of bed and started dressing.

  “I talked to Max. He’s sending the car around early with our stuff and the spear.” Donovan tugged on his pants.

  She pulled on her top and looked in the mirror to see what she could do with her hair. “Oh, I’m a mess.”

  “You’re gorgeous.” He retrieved the little bowl with all the jeweled pins. When she was done brushing it out, he took a little emerald pin and put it over her ear. “That looks good.”

  Noble narrowed her eyes at him.

  He laughed. “You’re just nervous. I love you, Noble. Remember that.”

  She bit her lower lip and nodded. “I love you, Donovan. There is no one else I would do this for.”

  They put on their coats. Donovan kept the little bowl with all the jeweled hairpins, and they headed for the limo. Vincent waited downstairs with the door open. It wasn’t long before he pulled up in front of St. Cecilia’s. Donovan retrieved the spear from the trunk but left the large bags with their wedding clothes.

  “I’ll bring them in,” Vincent said.

  “Thank you,” Noble said.

  “You’re welcome, My Princess.”

  Noble was still getting used to the title. At VMeer Industries, she was called ma’am or Ms. Vander Meer. Only the vampire community referred to her as princess.

  Donovan extended his hand and she took it. They climbed the stairs to the church together. Going through the door, she was welcomed by the scent of burning candles, the holy water, flowers, and oil. She loved the scent. Donovan paused by the holy water fount, dipped his fingers, and did the sign of the cross. Noble did the same.

  She smiled. “Nothing happened to us.”

  “Of course, not,” Donovan said. “We are faithful.”

  The church was empty at the moment. They walked down the aisle toward the nave. The priest came out of a side room and walked toward them.

  “Donovan, you do look fit,” Father Francis said.

  “Thank you, Father. This is my fiancée Noble.”

  “I’m so happy to meet you, Noble. Donovan speaks of you constantly.”

  “He does?”

  The priest smiled. “Please, come this way.” He led them through several doors and hallways, until they came to his office. He pulled out chairs. “Please, take a seat.”

  “First, Father, I want to give back your relic. Sorry I forgot this morning.”

  “It killed the demon?”

  “It forced it back into hell.”

  “Great.” The priest took the spear and disappeared with it into a backroom. Then he returned and sat behind the desk.

  “Father, if you don’t mind, could you tell me what that spear is?” Noble asked.

  “It was the spear that a Roman soldier used to stab the side of Our
Lord. Some call it the Spear of Destiny.”

  “How do you happen to have it? Shouldn’t it be in the Vatican?”

  “It was given to me by its former guardian. What good would it do locked away in an archive, when there’s a world filled with evil? I could only give it to a warrior worthy of wielding it. When Donovan showed up here asking for help in fighting a demon, I knew I found that warrior.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  Noble took Donovan’s hand in hers. “I’m very proud of him.”

  “He feels the same way about you. He told me that he’s studying to be an Arnhem Knight.”

  Suddenly Noble got flashes from the priest’s mind. She hadn’t tried to read it. He was just so open to them.


  “Is something wrong? May I get you a glass of water?” Father Francis asked.

  “He told you about the baby?” She was mortified. “You must see me as a sinner, Father.”

  “I don’t judge, Child. Donovan, may I explain?”

  Donovan nodded.

  “When he speaks of you, he refuses to confess any sin connected with you or the baby. He only speaks of love where you are concerned, and how much he admires you.”

  She squeezed Donovan’s hand. “You don’t know much about me, Father.”

  “On the contrary, I know quite a lot, Noblesse Vander Meer. I’ve seen you in the newspapers representing VMeer Industries, and I know your father Max.”

  “People don’t usually refer to Max as my father. In the papers, I am called his ward.”

  “Max saved my life one night when I was mugged, beaten, and left for dead in an alley not far from here. He’s responsible for the new roof on the church. Ever since I met Max, he’s been a quiet benefactor, always in the background but always there. Your father is a good friend of mine.”

  “You know we’re vampires right?” she asked.

  “Yes, Noble. I know. I will admit I was concerned for Donovan, but I see now that he was an extraordinary man and will be an exceptional vampire knight in our city. God has a plan for you both.”

  At that moment, Max walked in the door. “Hello, Frank!”

  The priest stood up to greet him. “Hi, Max.”

  “Have I missed anything?”

  “I was just about to have them sign my book. You understand of course, that the State of New York doesn’t recognize vampire marriages. Officially neither does the Church. But it will be my honor to perform your ceremony. Donovan, please, sign with your complete name and your home parish.”

  Donovan signed Donovan Henri Michael Leonardo Dupre and under home parish, he put St. Cecilia.

  Noble signed Noble Francesca Marie Gabriella Aquilla Vander Meer. Under home parish, she put Notre Dame Cathedral.

  “Notre Dame as in Montreal?” the priest asked.

  “No, Notre Dame, Paris,” Noble replied.

  “Really! When were you in Paris?”

  “During the French Revolution.”

  “Oh, please, visit and tell me about it sometime.”

  “Frank,” Max interrupted. “You have a church filling up out there. It’s time.” He reached out for Noble, and she took her father’s hand.

  Donovan reached out for her other hand, but Max stood in between.

  “No. You will see her soon enough.”

  “A kiss?” Donovan implored of Noble.

  Max answered for her. “At the altar. We’ll see you there.” He led Noble out, and they walked through the halls again. Then he went a different way that by-passed the main part of the church. She met the bridesmaids in a hall outside.

  “Come on,” Betsy said. “We’ve got to put you together again.”

  “I can do her hair. I remember how the stylist did it,” Loreli said.

  They hurried her away from her father and into a women’s restroom which consisted of two rooms, one a sitting room with mirrors. They unpacked their gowns and put them on. Noblesse took hers out of the bag and started to put it on when Betsy came over to help her. Buttoning up the back took several people to work all the tiny buttons on the back of the bodice.

  There was a knock at the door, and Betsy left but came back with the bowl of jeweled hairpins.

  “Loreli, can you put it only partially up? I’d really like it to be mostly down.”

  “Woo-hoo! I can create!”

  In a matter of a few minutes, Loreli put a ring of hair on the top like a crown and placed the diamond tiara there. Then she pulled down curls that flowed down her back and smaller curls around her face.

  Noble looked in the mirror but saw nothing. Mirrors for humans.

  “Here.” Evie took a large hand mirror out of her bag and held it up.

  There was the reflection she hoped to see.

  “You look beautiful,” Laura said.

  The knock on the door was heavy and insistent. “Are you ready yet, Bless?”

  Betsy hurriedly passed out the bouquets.

  Noble gazed at her bridesmaids. They all nodded. She opened the door and took Max’s arm. The bridesmaids and Evie lined up in front of her before the closed doors to the nave.

  In her mind, she heard Donovan say, I love you, Noble. I’m waiting for you. You are planning on walking down the aisle right?

  Yes, she answered him. Please, be a little patient. She felt his laugh.

  “Are you ready to walk down the aisle?”

  Noble nodded and the doors were opened. She heard music and people rose from their seats, but it was all a blur in her mind until she reached Donovan. Max placed her hands in those of her groom and stepped aside.

  After that, the crowd seemed to disappear, and she heard the priest’s words but they sounded far away. She focused on what Donovan said to her.

  Are you all right, Sha? Donovan asked.

  I am now.

  She heard the priest ask a question.

  “I do.”

  Donovan smiled and said, “I do.”

  They must have been a little off as the crowd in the church chuckled, but she didn’t mind.

  David gave Donovan the rings, and the priest blessed the gold bands. Donovan repeated Father Francis’s words, as he placed the ring on her finger.

  Shaking a little, the enormity of what she was doing struck her. She was bonding herself forever to someone else, and for a vampire forever was a very long time.

  Unsure? Donovan asked.

  Nervous. You are so sure of me?

  Absolutely. I feel you in my heart.

  Smiling, she repeated the words and put the ring on Donovan’s finger.

  She remembered the priest blessing them and then saying they may kiss.

  Donovan put his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her in for a kiss. She closed her eyes and felt completely swept away by that warm, tender kiss from her husband.

  Music played again. They walked down the aisle together followed by the bridesmaids with the groomsmen and everyone. The photographer paused them for photos in the foyer. When they emerged, people were lined up on each side of the sidewalk cheering them, as they descended the steps to the limo. Vincent, ever ready, opened the door. Once they were safely inside, he pulled away from the curb.

  “Vincent, can we drive around the park twice before going to the reception?” Donovan asked.


  Donovan hugged her to him in a kiss. This was the continuation of the kiss in the church. Noble lingered in his all-consuming tenderness.

  “I missed you while waiting at the altar with David. Then Max came by and said perhaps you were thinking of running away, and I was getting waves of panic from you. Thank you, Noble, for being there.” He kissed her again.

  When they came up for air, Noble
narrowed her eyes. “That’s not what I was thinking. I was thinking of running down the aisle, grabbing you, and running away.”

  Donovan laughed. “I would have run with you. That wedding was a great deal bigger than what we pictured originally.”

  “Sure was.”

  Through the car com system, they heard Vincent laughing.

  “Okay, Vincent, what’s so funny.”

  “It’s a wonder you too were even aware of all the people in the church. You kept mindtalking to each other.”

  “You heard us?”

  “Princess, you and Donovan were very loud. It was hard not to hear you, and I was in the back of the church watching the ceremony. Any vampire could have heard you. You weren’t blocking for a private conversation.”

  “Oh no,” Noble sighed.

  “Do not be dismayed, Madame Dupre. It was a beautiful wedding, and for those that listened in, they received a gift of knowing you and Donovan in a special way.”

  “Thank you, Vincent, and thank you for calling me Madame Dupre too.”

  Donovan grinned from ear to ear, and she kissed him.

  “Shame the vampires from New Jersey couldn’t see the wedding.”

  “What? What happened?” Donovan asked.

  “They arrived late and hurried up the stairs but could not open the door. I was going in anyway, so I held the door open for them. There was an invisible barrier they could not cross.”

  “You’re kidding,” Noble said.

  “No, I’m not. I informed Max, and he said to give them directions to the house. He made sure the staff received them with refreshments, while they waited for the reception to begin. I did that, and they left. I went inside to see the ceremony.”

  They pulled into the avenue for Max’s house and stopped in traffic.

  “Vincent, do we know if everyone is at the reception?” Donovan asked.


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