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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 29

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  “Yes, Max.”

  Max, carrying Evie in his arms, gazed down at her as if she was the most amazing thing in the world then disappeared. Jacques, Margot, and Louis walked up to Noble and Donovan.

  “Thank you for coming,” Jacques said.

  “Our pleasure. But we should be going too,” Noble said.

  They exchanged kisses and hugs with Jacques, Louis, and Margot. Her mother held her hand, and Noble was reluctant to let her go.

  “In a few hours, you will be boarding your plane for New York,” Margot said. “We will be there to say our goodbyes.”

  Noble nodded and then turned to Donovan. She put her arms around his neck and looked up at him. He pulled her against him.

  A man in the crowd said to another, “I saw the prince teleport the princess to himself after she was abducted. The sun was still up. I was there, and I saw it.”

  Noble grinned and kissed him, closing her eyes. In her mind, Donovan said, Poof.

  Right before noon, Noble and Donovan stood with Max, Evie, and the Arnhem Knights of New York in the private lounge of VMeer Industries at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. Margot, Jacques, and Louis, with several of the Knights of La Maison Rose stood with them.

  “Jacques and I have bought a house in Paris, and we’d love you and Donovan to live with us, Francesca,” Margot said.

  Do what your heart tells you, Bless, Noble heard her father’s voice in her head.

  I’m yours wherever we are, Noble. Donovan gently squeezed her hand.

  She dropped his hand and walked toward her mother. Taking her two hands in hers, Noble said, “Donovan and I are touched by your offer. I love you and Paris, but I love New York too. I am the Crown Princess of New York and have responsibilities. New York is amazing, especially at Christmas time. Please, come and visit us at Christmas.”

  “I will send my jet for you,” Max said.

  “We will consider it,” Jacques answered.

  She and Donovan exchanged kisses and hugs with their French family, then joined Max and Evelyn to leave.

  They were turning toward the door to board, when a small voice piped up. “My Princess!”

  Noble turned and faced Jeanne, a Knight of La Maison Rose. “Yes, Jeanne?”

  “Please, my Princess, I want to be part of your guard, become an Arnhem Knight of New York. May I come with you?”


  “Do you have a passport?” Max asked.

  “She does,” Lasalle said. “All the Knights get passports as soon as they finish their training.”

  It’s up to you, Bless. Do you want her in your guard? Max asked.


  Then say so. She’s looking at you.

  “Jeanne, you do understand that you will have to undergo Arnhem Knight training again? We do things a little differently in New York.”

  “Yes, my Princess.”

  “Do you have a bag?”

  Jeanne held up a backpack. “Just clothes. Lasalle said my weapons could not go.”

  Donovan laughed and patted his wife on the back. Noble said, “Come on. You’ll get new weapons when you pass your training.”


  Boarding the plane, they all took seats.

  Noble walked over to where Cassandra and Hatcher were seated. “You two will be her trainers. Jeanne, please, sit here.”

  The young woman was shaking. “I can’t believe I’m going to New York. Thank you, my Princess.”

  Noble smiled and took her seat, facing her father and Evie. Donovan sat beside her.

  “First off,” Hatcher said. “In New York, you address the Princess as Ms. Vander Meer or Mrs. Dupre. Prince Donovan is Mr. Dupre.”

  “Yes, of course,” Jeanne said.

  Max laughed and Evelyn poked him. Donovan took Noble’s hand in his. The jet began its journey to the runway. Between the knights that came with the honeymooning couple and the King’s knights, the plane was full and alive with conversation.

  “Evie, are you feeling better?” Noble asked.

  “A lot better. Thank you. I think the crowd around us got to me or something. Then I turned around and couldn’t see Max.”

  “I’m sorry, Evie.”

  “Don’t do that anymore!” It was a royal command by the queen.

  Noble giggled and Donovan smirked until he couldn’t suppress his laughter.

  The plane took off into the air. Looking out the window, Noble felt of pang, not of regret, but separation. She knew she would be coming back to Paris many times. She could feel the intensity of love from her mother.

  Noble? Sha, are you okay? Donovan rubbed her hands in his. Do you regret leaving?

  No. I regret not coming to Paris sooner. But then again without you, I may never have found her. She squeezed his hands.

  The plane went higher and leveled out. As the seatbelt sign went off, vampires got up and changed seats. Some curled up in their seats and pushed down the shades on windows even though the glass was made by Sydney Lucente. They didn’t need to sleep during the day, but some did anyway.

  Noble said, “You’re looking a bit pale, Evie.”

  Brigitte came by with a tray and put goblets with Shuma Moot in front of Evelyn and Noble, and glasses of blood in front of the men. “Today we have an excellent glazed salmon with almonds or a filet mignon. A large choice of vegetables.”

  Evie sipped her Shuma Moot.

  “Have you seen Mina since coming out of the catacombs?” Donovan asked.

  “Yes, she said the baby was fine. I think I might be claustrophobic. I was sweating cold water and felt like I couldn’t breathe. It wasn’t so bad when we were all on that platform. When we went downstairs again in the crowd, it was like things were closing in on me. I remember looking up and there was a skull.”

  Max hugged her and put his hand on her head. “Drink a little more, Evie.”

  She lifted the goblet and sipped.

  “You’re not ever going underground again.” Max hugged her and rubbed her arms. “It’s probably because you’re pregnant.”

  “Noble wasn’t affected, and she’s pregnant.”

  Noble gulped down the rest of her Shuma Moot and poured some blood from Donovan’s bottle into her goblet. She drank that too. “I don’t know why I wasn’t affected. I could never live down there. I think you’ll feel better once we get back to New York.”

  Evie drank her Shuma Moot and nodded.

  “Maybe if you have a little to eat. Brigitte, we’ll have a filet mignon to share. You don’t have to eat a lot, Evie, just some,” Max said.

  “What are you having?” she asked Noble.

  “Donovan and I ate right before we left for the airport. I’m not really hungry. I am kind of tired though. I didn’t sleep well.”

  “There are two large bedrooms on this jet,” Max said. “You are welcome to one.”

  “Thank you,” Donovan said. They got up, and Donovan leaned down and kissed Evie on the forehead. “Eat and try to relax, okay? You’re headed home.”

  “Okay, Papa.” She nodded and smiled.

  They walked down the aisle past Hatcher and Cassandra, who were busy explaining New York to Jeanne. Once they got into the bedroom at the back of the plane to the right, Donovan locked the door. It created the slightest lull in the noise.

  Noble went over and flopped on the bed. It was built in but had all the comfort of their sleigh bed back home.

  “Now we’re alone.” He stood at the door walking toward her. “Your mother and your doctor both said you were well. How do you feel, Sha?” There was a barely detectable sexy growl in his voice. She felt it purr through her body.

  Noble couldn’t help but laugh. “You have something in mind?” Teasing him would
be so much fun.

  “I will not hurt you or the Bébé, so only if you feel okay.” He lay down on the bed next to her, then leaned over and kissed her.

  The moment his lips touched hers, she reached for him. In their few days of restraint because of her poisoning, she’d missed his passion. Being in his arms had comforted her. Donovan was as strong as he was gentle.

  In a blink, she was on top of him, naked, having done the same for him. Their clothes folded themselves neatly in the chair.

  Donovan looked up in surprise with a wide grin.

  “I’m feeling great.” Noble leaned down and kissed him back. “I’m going to give you such pleasure.”

  He laughed and lay back with his eyes closed.

  “You’re going to let me be in charge?”

  “Yes, Sha.” He sighed happily. “Do whatever you want to me.”


  Chapter 34

  Noble stood on her balcony overlooking the city. It was the perfect night. Stars shimmered in the velvet darkness, cold but lovely just the same. Christmas lights flickered their many colors from stores and windows of apartments, condos, and town houses. The non-store lights were a little glimpse into someone’s celebration. With all the lights shining in the dark, hope remained.

  Donovan stood behind her and hugged her to him. “Your father has called me. He says everyone is waiting on us.”

  Turning back into the room, she felt the sweep of her long, wine-red velvet gown as it slipped over the threshold. Donovan closed and locked the balcony doors behind him. He placed the vintage white mink coat on her shoulders.

  “Have I told you how amazing you look in that black tux? I especially love the Eiffel Tower cuff links.”

  Donovan grinned. “I love my wedding present.” He took her hand. “Come on, Sha. You’ll distract me again, and we’ll never get there.”

  “Aw.” She giggled. He made her feel so good.

  Noble hadn’t been to the Arnhem Society since before Paris. As soon as they arrived home, she went to her office at VMeer Industries. Max took care of the rebuilding. She didn’t want to see any rubble or half-done building. She wanted to see the new chapter in the life of the Arnhem Society.

  Lifting the skirt as she walked down the stairs, and with her other arm on Donovan’s, Noble met her guard at the bottom. Hatcher, Cassandra, and Jeanne would be accompanying them tonight.

  “Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas), Prince Donovan and Princess Noble,” Jeanne said. “Oops, I mean Mr. and Mrs. Dupre.”

  “Thank you, Jeanne,” Donovan said.

  “Thank you. How are you doing with your English lessons?” Noble asked.

  “Top notch. I finished my knight training first, and got my first weapon. Hatcher gave me a samurai sword.”

  “Congratulations on your accomplishment.” She turned toward Cassandra. “Any last letters or cards?”


  Noble nodded, and the five went downstairs with their driver Vincent. Going into the underground garage felt safe. Unlike the Catacombs of Paris. They climbed into the limo, and Vincent started the process that moved the car onto the platform and lifted it to street level. The guarded door opened and then closed behind them.

  With a certain grace and skill, Vincent maneuvered the limo into traffic. It was late and most of the last minute shoppers were done. The drivers left were trying to get home for Christmas or deliver that last package.

  Noble leaned back against Donovan. Snow fluttered around them. The weather forecast did not predict a bad storm. When they pulled around the new building of the Arnhem Society, Noble marveled at how much taller it was. More room, Max had said.

  They pulled into the garage around the side. The guarded doors were immediately shut. Jeanne giggled.

  “Are you doing all right, Jeanne?”

  “I’m excited. I’ve never worn a gown before. Hatcher taught me how to dance, so I won’t look like an imbecile.”

  Cassandra and Noble had gone shopping with Jeanne and bought her the dark green tulle gown with the white lace collar she claimed to love.

  “You look lovely, Jeanne,” Donovan said.

  She blushed and rubbed the fabric of her skirt between her fingers. “Thank you so much.”

  The limo turned and pulled onto the platform, and there they were lowered to the garage. When it stopped, Vincent expertly parked in the assigned spot and got out to open the doors.

  A full honor guard greeted and escorted them. Donovan chose the stairs over the elevator. They entered the main foyer of the Arnhem Society.

  Noble paused there admiring the marble floor, each tile engraved with the word meaning “eternity” but in different languages. The marble columns flecked with gold held up a ceiling of a summer night sky. So much had been remade.

  “Curtis, how nice to see you.” Noble hugged the human that had been their receptionist/doorman for years, and had been with them the night it all blew up around them.

  “Mrs. Dupre, it’s great to see you too.”

  “What have you been doing while they were rebuilding?”

  “I’ve been helping organize anything we could save. Mr. Max decided to give me an apartment in the Arnhem Society. He didn’t want me to use my money on some apartment in the city. He’s given me a raise and an apartment, and a two-month vacation when I want it.”

  “That’s grand.” Noble laughed. She prized people. It didn’t matter if they were human or vampire.

  “Lily and Hank Snow went in a couple of minutes ago.”

  “We should go in then.” Donovan shook hands with Curtis. “Good to see you.”

  “You’re looking younger every day, Donovan,” Curtis joked.

  Noble and her husband laughed. They turned toward the grand staircase that would take them to the ballroom.

  As they reached the gold doors, Hatcher stepped inside and then out.

  The door opened, and a strong voice announced, “Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess of New York, Noble Vander Meer Dupre and His Royal Highness, Prince Donovan Dupre.”

  Everyone’s attention was on them, as they proceeded on the red carpet toward the thrones. Max and Evie stood waiting. There were additional chairs. David and Laura stood in front of two. Two others were empty.

  Max stepped down to take Noble in his arms and kiss her on the cheek. “Bless, how are you feeling?”

  “Great, Father. Merry Christmas, Evie!”

  “Merry Christmas!” Evelyn looked perfect in her white gown, trimmed in fur. Donovan went to hug her and Laura. David joined them.

  Max took her hand and led her up the two steps to the thrones. Usually the thrones were only in the council chambers. She noticed that he waved his hand and the band played again, and people returned to their dancing.

  “Betsy Stenwood thought it would be a nice touch to show off the royal family. I said all right. It’s too much, isn’t it?”

  “Ah, yes. But it’s okay. It’s Christmas.”

  “What’s wrong, Bless?”

  “Has Răzvan called or sent you a card or anything?”

  “Răzvan is the only son I have not heard from.”

  “That settles it. After Christmas, I’m going to Romania,” Noble said.

  “Have you spoken to Donovan about this?”

  “Has she spoken to Donovan about what?”

  “We’re going to Romania tomorrow to see my brother Răzvan.”

  “Excuse me, Max. I’m going to dance with my wife.” Donovan helped her back down the steps, onto the dance floor and into a waltz.

  Noble, give your brother a chance.

  Răzvan never forgets to send a card or something. He remembered our wedding, even though he couldn’t attend because of business.

aybe he’s tied up. Did you try to call him?

  I did, and I got his message service.

  Donovan held her tightly against him. Noble, give him time. Okay?

  She sighed.

  The music stopped, and they looked around.

  The guard at the door announced. “Monsieur Jacques LeClerc, President of the United Vampires of Paris, Madame Margot LeClerc, and Monsieur Louis LeClerc.”

  Noble was beside herself with joy. She practically skipped across the ballroom to hug her mother. Then she hugged the others in turn. Donovan shook hands with Jacques. As a group, they went to see the rest of the family.

  David and Laura were excited to meet them. At one point, the Arnhem Society photographer posed everyone to take a photo of the French family with the royal family of New York. Afterward, everyone sat at the table off to one side of the thrones and chatted.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” Noble hugged her mother again.

  “Max wanted to keep it a surprise.”

  “I’ll call my house to make arrangements.”

  “We’re already staying with Max. He felt you needed your privacy,” Jacques said.


  “Well, Bless, you’re loud. Scared the hell out of the Arnhem Knights the first couple of times.”

  Noble turned pink, and Donovan shook his head and laughed.

  “Wait a minute. Let me get this straight,” Louis said. “Max is father to Francesca and David, and Donovan is father to Laura and Evelyn?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “Then who made Donovan a vampire?”

  “David was going to, but after Donovan was mortally wounded I did. We wanted him to have the best chance of survival,” Max said.

  “How many children do you have?” Louis asked.

  “I count Donovan as a friend or brother rather than a child. I have six sons and one daughter and another son expected in the late spring.”


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