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Taken by Blood

Page 22

by Tamara White

  As the car drives through the city of Paris, I have to wonder if this is something I can accept. Killing my sister is my ultimate goal, but at the hands of someone who loves her?

  Felicia was right in the fact that I could never kill my mate. Even without knowing who she is, it would be the darkest stain on my soul and would make my life forfeit to any of our kind. But if it’s the only option, then what choice do I really have?

  If there’s another way to kill my sister then we would have found it by now. I settle back in my seat as Felicia and Queen Maria talk, and wonder whether this is something I am willing to risk.

  Can I allow something like this to happen?

  Will this make me just as much of a monster as my sister?


  New Friends


  We started our pre-evening drinks off at a beautiful little place called Candelaria. Britt had emptied three bottles of wine without hesitation, while I only had one glass. It would have been nice to have a few more, but logic won me over. I knew we both wanted the time away from the guys to just be two ordinary girls, and deal with all the things that had been thrust upon us, but I also knew one of us had to be sober in case we were attacked.

  Out of the two of us, Britt is the one struggling hardest to deal with the new facts, and so I thought it only fair that she let loose while I remain level headed tonight.

  Besides, unlike her, I’ve never really needed to drink to enjoy myself, so I let her drown her sorrows now, and tomorrow, when she’s suffering through the killer hangover that’s sure to come, I’ll nurse her and let her sob out her worries.

  I’ve tried to convince her a few times since we left the bar that maybe we should go back to the hotel, especially since night had well and truly fallen, but the evening has only just begun for Britt. She wants to dance, to burn off some steam, and think of nothing but how she’s alive and death won’t take her. Which, to be honest, is one hell of a good reason to stay out and celebrate.

  That’s how we ended up at this supernatural club Britt somehow knew all about. I was suspicious at first, only to realize that of course Britt would have searched for details like this before leaving.

  If it were me, I would have been asking about local packs and witch covens, because I would have wanted to ensure I didn’t step on anyone’s toes, but it doesn’t surprise me that Britt’s priorities were a little more in line with having fun rather than diplomacy.

  I have to admit, though, the club is pretty cool. The music is loud, but not so loud as to cause pain to a vampire or wolf’s hearing like the stuff you hear in human clubs.

  The lights are dimmed, making it all the more appealing for us with heightened vision. And then there’s the fact that there are no humans within the club, which means people are able to let go of the hold on their nature a little.

  There are two witches and a wolf that pose as bouncers on the door, ensuring no human gets in. The witches read auras while the wolf gives them a subtle sniff before they can enter.

  Doing all that ensures vampires, wolves, and witches can dance the night away without fear of their natures coming out to play, which is bound to happen when alcohol is involved.

  Britt explained to me after we got inside that supernaturals can get a little wild when drinks or human drugs are involved.

  Witches’ powers tend to act up, meaning simple spells may become harmful to humans. They could still be harmful to supernatural creatures too, but we can handle a little more of a punch than the poor humans.

  Then there are the vampires and wolves that tend to get a little wild when their inhibitions are lowered. We tend to become hornier, according to Britt, and she said she’s seen many of my kind give in to the need to feed or claim a person while under the throes of recreational aids. So it makes sense to have a safe space for them to let loose.

  We’ve been here for at least three hours and I’ve seen many of those things already.

  Britt has dragged me all over the club dance floor for the past two hours, insisting that I let go of my tight ass behavior, as she calls it. I relented as one does when your best friend demands it.

  Still, I thought sooner or later our guys would show up and drag us back to the hotel, but they, too, must have sensed our need for a little freedom and let us have this night to ourselves.

  Being here with Britt, dancing with such carefree joy, reminds me so much of the days we used to spend together when we first met. Even as teens, she used to love to dance around like there wasn’t a care in the world.

  For most of the night, it’s been great, and I’ve found myself letting loose and enjoying myself.

  It’s only been in the last ten minutes that I’ve started to withdraw from the haze of happiness that’s emanating from Britt.

  It’s not anything she’s done to push me away, but it’s the behavior of a few wolves in the club that has me a little on edge. Not that they are doing anything particularly threatening, but they’re watching Britt and me a little too intensely for my liking.

  I could understand if it was just a few glances here or there, but what they’re doing is plain old staring, and it’s very damn creepy when you’re trying to have fun.

  I want to know why they’re watching us.

  I lean close to whisper-yell in Britt’s ear. “I’ll be back in a sec. Don’t go anywhere.”

  She nods before closing her eyes and letting the music overtake her soul. I’m hoping the last few hours of dancing has burned off some of the wine she consumed earlier, but at least she hasn’t had anything to drink except water since we got here. I would hate for her to make an alcohol-fueled decision that she’ll regret tomorrow.

  Once I’ve satisfied myself that she will be fine on her own, I take off across the club, weaving through bodies toward a man who seems to be the Alpha in here, or at least the dominant wolf the others are looking to for guidance.

  I’ve been watching since I noticed their presence, and I’ve seen subtle glances shared between wolves in this club and the man who’s sitting in a plush red chair at the back of the room, far away from the dance floor.

  There are other vacant chairs nearby, along with a water cooler, which implies that this must be a rest area of sorts. That or a place to feed, judging by the pair of vampires in the back corner who are feeding on each other’s necks.

  I ignore the vampires and head straight to the wolf in the red chair, stopping only a few feet away from him. With my hands on my hips, I stare down at him. “Who are you and why are you watching us?”

  The black-haired stranger runs his gaze over me with a wicked smile. His eyes are the deep blue of the ocean and seem to hold amusement when they flick back up to my face. He leans back in the chair with an easygoing attitude. A full minute passes with him just staring, waiting for my gaze to drop, but I know without a doubt I’m the dominant Alpha out of the two of us.

  Finally, he answers, “I’m repaying a debt.” His voice surprises me and it takes everything not to let it show. I was expecting a French accent, but he sounds American. That’s when his words register. A debt?

  “And that means you need to watch my friend and I dance like a creepy ass stalker?”

  He nods once, not elaborating.

  “Why? Who on earth did you owe a debt to and why are they insisting you watch us as repayment?”

  He shrugs one shoulder, his gaze flicking past me to Britt where she dances her troubles away. His eyes come back to mine with a knowing smile. “Let’s just say, someone doesn’t want you two to get in trouble. So, he sent me and my pack to keep watch as repayment for one of the many favors I owe him.”

  At first, I wonder whether it could be my dad or my father, but I doubt they would do such a thing when they know Jeannie is with me. As far as either of them are aware, I’m in very capable hands. Then there’s the thought that maybe it could be Talon, but I quickly push that aside. I doubt he would send someone to watch over me because then the queen would be alerte
d to my presence.

  Of course that brings Nik and Dev in to question. But they don’t strike me as the type of guys to send others in their place. No, they would come themselves before sending out others.

  Which leaves Lincoln.

  But surely he would have just followed me, not sent others out to watch me. Unless he’s here too. I let my senses stretch out, but don’t feel him close by. Though if he’s watching me from afar, then I may not be able to feel him yet.

  “Lincoln? Was he the one who sent you?” I ask the Alpha before me, watching carefully for even the slightest change in expression.

  The slight widening of his eyes and the soft parting of his mouth are all the signs I need to know I’m right. “I should have known,” I groan, grabbing a nearby chair and sinking into it.

  “How’d you figure it out?” he inquires, leaning forward, genuinely curious.

  I roll my eyes and state the obvious. “Because Lincoln is my mate. And I’m learning the wolves are the only supernatural beings that communicate effectively.”

  “You know, I used to think that very thing. Until you came forth.” He pauses, watching me intently. “Alphas all around the world have heard of you. Emerald, the hybrid of the St. Louis coven. Many of the packs have discussed you with keen interest, curious about the changes you’ve made in your home town that other Alpha’s could only dream of.”

  In an instant, his gaze goes from intense to childlike curiosity. “How did you do it? How did you make the witches, wolves, and vamps talk together as if they were civilized beings and not just mindless animals?”

  There’s a touch of jealousy in his tone, but I don’t understand why. I haven’t made any of the so-called changes he’s talking about. The people in my life have, in an effort to get along for my benefit.

  I guess I understand his annoyance though. Long before I met my parents, hell, even before I met Brittany for the first time, there was always this stigma in the way each kind treated one another. Vampires hated wolves. Wolves hated vampires. Witches hated both of the other species. It was like there was no possible way for all three kinds to interact without some kind of fear of attack.

  It wasn’t until Macy and Melanie reached out, asking for Britt to stay with us when Dad softened. I didn’t know it then, but now, thinking back on it, that was the catalyst for Dad’s change regarding vampires too. Even though Britt stayed with us and he kept her status as a witch secret from Brendan and me, the rest of the pack didn’t seem to be bothered by her presence since it was accepted by the Alpha.

  I think if he had said no to allowing Britt to stay with us, then things would have been a lot worse. There would be resentment and each of our kinds would not be as close as we are now.

  “Honestly, I never noticed until recently just how separated each of our kinds are. As for me, and how I got them to talk, it’s because in one way or another, I’m tied to them. I was raised in a wolf pack and have a mate. My birth mother is a vampire and my best friend is a witch. Naturally, they all just fell together in my life. They put aside their differences to be close to me.”

  His eyes are fixated on me as I talk with an intensity that should unnerve me, but doesn’t. My beast is confident that we are stronger than this Alpha. I think she, too, knows he just seeks answers that may help him in the future.

  “Well, you got lucky,” he states simply. “In fact, if you were open to it, a few Alphas and I are holding a shifter only meeting soon. We wish to discuss the vampires and witches, and work out who could be good allies to our packs.”

  “You mean you don’t automatically schmooze the vampires and witches in your territory?” I question, trying to tamp down my sarcasm.

  I assumed the supernatural group that was the largest in each territory would hold the most power, so all other groups would suck up to them and basically defer to them as leaders in their designated lands.

  It would mean that they would get the help of other kinds when they needed it.

  I know Lincoln is powerful, but his pack is a lot smaller than my mother’s coven. Even with it’s small size, he’s strong and I think it’s connections with other wolves like this guy that makes him all the more appealing to others in position of power. Like my mother. It would explain why he worked with her and she worked with him.

  I have seen firsthand when Nik and Dev were loaned out to help Lincoln’s pack, and when Malcolm and Macy were also called upon by my mother. I used to assume it was just a close-knit friendship that kept them working together, but I saw just how powerful my mother’s coven is. I know there’s a treaty between them, which has me curious if that’s the only reason they worked together in the first place.

  And if they all had some kind of treaty in place, then surely a pack living in a territory with a vampire queen as powerful as Maria, would have some kind of agreement to keep them from harm too.

  “Unlike some of the covens in America, I was raised not to trust others unless they have earned it. The only reason you’re here and haven’t been kidnapped and offered to Queen Maria as a bargaining chip is the fact that I owe Lincoln a favor. I would have no problem killing him, then handing you over to the Queen so she would leave my kind alone. But I’ve heard of you, and what you are. Lincoln is just lucky I owed him that damn favor. Even so as I sit here, there’s something about you that tells me you’re more threat than friend. Part of me wonders whether honoring the favor is worth it and I should just take care of you both and wipe my hands clean of any of this.”

  I chuckle and cross my legs. The Alpha across from me meant to scare me with his comment, of that I’m sure.

  “Look...” I trail off, not knowing his name.

  “Mason.” He grins, holding out a hand for me to shake, which I ignore.

  “Right, well, Mason. The first thing you should know about me is that I don’t like threats. Many people have betrayed me in my life, so if that’s the way you’re going, then be warned, it won’t work out for you.”

  He bristles and opens his mouth to speak, but I wave my hands airily, magically forcing his mouth shut.

  “But what really pisses me off is that you unwittingly threatened my mate.” His eyes widen as my magic builds around his head in a small bubble, taking away his oxygen.

  I increase the pressure around him, watching in satisfaction as his breaths start to come faster, making him lose air a lot quicker than if he were to simply breathe normally.

  Movement behind my chair alerts me to the presence of others in his pack as they come to his aid. No doubt they’re picking up on the fear running through their Alpha.

  I don’t move, not bothered as wolves circle behind me as if they wish to pounce. My magic is already building within me, ready for the first cocky idiot to attack.

  Meeting the Alpha’s gaze, I speak slowly, enunciating each word to ensure he understands just how serious I am. “You can threaten me all you like, but if you ever fucking threaten someone I’m tied to, it will be the last thing you ever do. Do I make myself clear?”

  The pressure around him builds with my thoughts, and I find myself suddenly curious why my magic isn’t all hand waving motions like Britt and her husbands. Sometimes it is, but for the most part it responds more to my thoughts than anything. Is it because of the vampire and wolf within me, causing my magic to respond more on instinct?

  “Understood, Alpha,” Mason rasps out, drawing me from my musings.

  In an instant, I let the magic drop and lean back in my chair, satisfied. “Good. Now, tell your wolves to back off, and let my friend and I enjoy the night.” I get to my feet. “Or I can show you what happens when someone truly pisses me off.”

  He, too, gets to his feet, but rather than the fear I expected, his eyes hold respect. “Linc was right about you. He said if we followed too close you would confront us and make us regret it. Although, you have left me even more curious than I was when the night first started.” He pauses, gesturing behind me to his wolves. “We’ll take our leave, but I woul
d love if you would reconsider my offer about meeting with the other packs. I think you would have much to offer our world. Especially since humans are becoming more of a threat to our existence.”

  I don’t get a chance to ask how humans are a threat, because Britt is suddenly at my side, her face pale. She ignores the wolf in front of me as she grips my hand tightly.

  “Mer, I need to go home. A few guys have touched me, and each time it burns worse than the last. I want to go back to the hotel,” she whines sadly.

  Shit, I’m a bad fucking friend.

  That was another reason I was with her on the dance floor tonight. I was diverting some of the male attention aimed her way and giving us a decent amount of space to dance, but with me gone, the other supernaturals must have started to crowd her.

  Rather than acknowledge the Alpha or his wolves, I ignore them and take care of Britt. I wrap an arm over my best friend’s shoulder and lead her back through the club to the entrance, and do my best to ensure no others touch her.

  There’s still so much we don’t understand about this built-in defense system, but at least I can still touch my best friend without it burning her. It would suck if we couldn’t physically connect.

  The moment we’re free from the club, I start the walk down the street to where I know a taxi stop was when we came here. As we approach the spot though, I realize there’s no taxi waiting.

  “You want to walk or wait for a ride?” I ask Britt softly.

  She looks a little better now that we’re out of the club and away from the other bodies, but I don’t want to push her.

  “We can walk. It’s not that far to the hotel from here and I already feel a little better,” she murmurs. “Besides, I’m still not quite ready to go back.”

  I nod in complete understanding. It seems I was right about her burning off the alcohol and becoming more lucid about the events that happened earlier in the day.

  I don’t prod though, leaving her to her thoughts as we walk, knowing she will open up when she’s ready. Just as she knows that I need to be pushed to talk, I know she needs time before she will.


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