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The Channel (The Gifted Book 2)

Page 14

by C. L. McCourt



  Rhea woke to a bright but empty room after a long, hard dreamless night, the first in a long time. She lay quietly in her bed enjoying the peace of the room, feeling rested. But before long, her stomach growled, and her body insisted she rise for the day.

  When she finished dressing, Rhea opened the door to see who was on guard duty and if anyone else was up. Gaibel was there, her back against the wall, facing her open door. Taulin's guard was on duty as well, but he stood opposite Gaibel. "How long have you been up?"

  "Not long," said Gaibel.

  "Why are you out here?"

  "I'm waiting for Beth and Lanne to join me. We're going to breakfast."

  Rhea felt a twinge of concern. "But what about the men in the lobby? What if they're still there?"

  Gaibel shrugged casually. "What will they learn that they don't already know?"

  Rhea thought about what she said. It made sense, but she was still feeling anxious about her going. "I'll go with you."

  "You can't." Gaibel stepped away from the wall and motioned Rhea back into the room, closing the door behind her. "You can't be seen with me or Lanne."

  Shoot! She was right. Rhea was supposed to be part of the Laundan group. "I know. I'll go invisible. I'll hang around and listen to whatever the spies say after you pass by."

  Gaibel squinted ever so slightly as she considered Rhea's idea. "Very well. But we'll have to tell the others." She reached behind her and pulled the door open.

  Lanne and Daen stepped into the hall at the same time. Gaibel raised a finger to her lips, motioned them into the room, and closed the door. "Terrwyn's going to follow us down and listen in on Durth and Berdie in the lobby, assuming they're still there."

  Daen raised a brow. "Durth and Berdie?"

  "Yeah. Beth overheard them talking," Lanne explained. "The bigger one is Durth, and the other is Berdie."

  "I'm going to see if they're still interested in Gaibel and Lanne or if their interest has shifted to us," said Rhea.

  Daen nodded. "Taulin, Randell, and I will follow in a few minutes. When you've learned what you can, come back up here, become visible and then join us."

  "Sounds like a plan." Rhea turned invisible before Daen opened the door and watched Gaibel and Lanne leave the room. Beth was already in the hall waiting.

  Daen stepped across the hall to make sure Randell and Taulin were awake.


  At first Rhea thought the two men had left the lobby, but luck did not prevail. They were off to the side talking to a man she assumed was the day clerk. When the spies, Durth and Berdie, saw Lanne and Gaibel, they hushed and tried to act casual.

  Rhea laughed to herself. They weren't very good at going unnoticed, if that was what they were attempting.

  Once Lanne, Gaibel, and Beth passed by, they continued their discussion.

  ""We've paid to stay here," said Durth, the larger of the two, the man whom Rhea saw pass a bribe last night. "What does it matter that we sit in the lobby or in our room?"

  The skinny pale clerk stood his ground, even as his hands trembled behind his back. "It's starting to look suspicious. This is an honest establishment. You can't sit in the lobby all night."

  Rhea could see the clerk was agitated and wasn't the same man from the previous evening. Good for you, she thought to herself. Maybe there were ethical clerks.

  Durth reached into a pouch at his hip. "How much to ease your discomfort?"

  At first the clerk seemed insulted, and it looked like he was going to decline, but that wasn't going to be. "The price of a room for every day you stay in the lobby."

  So much for ethical clerks. Rhea rolled her eyes as she watched Durth pull a couple of coins from his pouch and hand them over. "I trust you'll advise your colleagues that we are not to be bothered?"

  The clerk nodded while pocketing the coins. Without another word, he returned to his counter.

  Durth waved his hand towards the dining room. "Shall we find a table?"

  "After you," Berdie replied.

  They sat one table away from Lanne and Gaibel in hopes of hearing their conversation.

  Rhea followed the spies into the dining room and stood against the wall between Gaibel's table and Durth's.

  Berdie leaned forward to whisper. "Weren't the three women supposed to meet another woman and a man?"

  Durth nodded. "That's what the message said. The other woman is the one our leader wants."

  Berdie glanced around the room. "I don't see just a man and woman. I wish the message came with a description."

  Durth nodded in agreement.

  Daen, Randell, and Taulin stepped into the dining room and headed for a table in the far corner.

  "Look, there they are." Berdie nodded his head towards the dining room entrance.

  Durth casually turned to see Daen and the others cross the room. "Watch both groups carefully. We need to see if they know each other."

  The server approached with coffee and took their order. The smell of fresh bread and brew made Rhea dizzy with hunger. She inhaled deeply, feeling anxious to join her friends for breakfast, but she hadn't heard enough. Breakfast would have to wait.

  Berdie whispered so quietly, Rhea was forced to step closer. "How much longer till they get here?"

  "They should be here early afternoon."

  Rhea remembered Daen saying someone had sent a bird last night. Was it them? Did Durth let someone know they were there? Either way, someone was coming, and Rhea didn't like the sound of that news.

  Berdie looked around the room. "Where's the Laundan woman?"

  Rhea watched them look for her. Durth's lips turned into a disgusting grin. "I wonder if they wore her out."

  Rhea clenched her fists. Oh, how she wanted to tell this pig what he could do with his lecherous thoughts. How dare he?

  Berdie looked thoughtful. "She didn't seem the type."

  "Maybe. But she's definitely a looker. If she doesn't come down, we'll pay our friend at the counter a visit, see if she left or ate in her room."

  Rhea felt a little better after being somewhat defended by the wimpy guy.

  Berdie took a sip of his coffee. "What will they do when they get here?"

  "I think they plan to intercept the Prince and his friends. And we'll stay on the others."

  Berdie yawned and blinked his eyes. "Remind me why we're doing this?"

  "We need the money. And besides, I told you, if we fail, we're dead."

  Rhea remembered that the other hired thugs had said something similar. Loss of life can definitely be a motivator. Their food arrived, and the conversation didn't sound like it was going to go any further so Rhea slipped out of the dining room and up the stairs to become visible before joining her friends for breakfast.

  As Rhea crossed the lobby, she saw Taulin's guard standing near the entrance to the dining room. She hadn't noticed him when she left earlier. She couldn't help feel for the guy and wondered if he'd eaten.

  When Rhea entered the dining room, it took effort not to look at Durth and Berdie. To maintain appearances, she pretended not to know Gaibel and Lanne and headed straight for her friends.

  "Good morning." Rhea smiled at each of them as she sat.

  "What has you in a good mood?" Randell was spooning a fruit spread on a biscuit.

  Rhea continued to smile but lowered her voice. "Our two friends over there were wondering why I was delayed. I'm giving them a show."

  Daen poured Rhea some coffee from the carafe on their table. "And did you learn anything from our friends?"

  Rhea nodded. "Others are coming this afternoon for us. However, they weren't sure what the others were going to do."

  Taulin glanced around the table. "We need to know who's coordinating their efforts or we'll never put an end to it."

  Rhea took a sip of coffee. "Where did the other two thugs say they were hired?"

  Daen searched his memory. "Dr

  "Sentran." Taulin nodded. "Maybe Queen Jauline does have something to do with what's going on. Sentran warriors have been seen in southern Laundan, and the two men in the forest were hired in Sentran. Plus, Sentran has the most to gain by pitting Taulomi and Laundan against each other."

  "Maybe." Daen took a bite of his breakfast.

  The server came and took Rhea's order. She noted Randell was eating eggs and potatoes with biscuits so she ordered the same.

  "So, we have between now and this afternoon to capture Durth and Berdie, find out what we can, and get out of here before the others arrive." Rhea glanced around to see if her food was coming. Her stomach was starting to growl.

  Randell raised a finger. "But the ones coming this afternoon know we're here. I don't suppose it'll be hard for them to track us. Can we really escape?"

  Randell had a point. The men who chased them in the world of shadows found them not long after they arrived in Luxatra. Who's to say the others wouldn't be able to find them just as easily? They were in the same situation again. Run? Hide? Capture?

  Rhea's breakfast came. The others were done so she ate quickly. Lanne, Gaibel, and Beth left the dining room, and the spies were close behind. Daen quickly stood to follow.

  Randell saw Daen's aura flare and sensed Daen's need to protect Lanne. He reached out for his friend, giving him a be-cautious look before letting him pass.

  Daen nodded reluctantly and stepped to the side of the dining room exit to peer around the corner. His shoulders relaxed a little before returning to the table. "The spies are sitting in the lobby."

  That was a relief. Rhea finished her food while Taulin ordered something for his guard.

  "What's your guard's name?" Randell asked.


  "Why didn't he join us?" Rhea asked. Beth had been invited to eat with Lanne and Gaibel.

  "It's not customary for our guards to dine with us. Personally, I don't care. As a Laundan warrior, I eat with the men all the time. But he sees me as the prince right now and, as such, he isn't comfortable dining with me."

  That seemed to make sense. Bandon's breakfast sandwich arrived wrapped in butcher paper. They paid the bill and left.

  Taulin gave Bandon his food as they walked by and insisted that he take time to eat.


  They reconvened in Room 12 and filled Lanne and Gaibel in on what Rhea had learned from the spies and on Taulin's thoughts regarding Sentran.

  Gaibel stepped to the window and looked out, ever watchful of her surroundings. "That changes things. Now, we have to avoid two groups."

  Randell sat on a bed and leaned against the headboard. "I've been thinking about the false warriors we killed. Their smell should have attracted some attention by now. I wonder if word has gotten back to whoever sent them."

  "I doubt the two downstairs will have been told," said Rhea, "but the ones being sent for us might know. They might want payback for killing their buddies."

  Gaibel turned away from the window and looked at each face in the room. "I suggest we arrest the spies in the lobby and hold them in the guard station. We can interrogate them ... maybe get something out of them."

  "Then what?" Lanne asked.

  "I need to report back to the king." Gaibel looked at Daen. "Where are you going from here?"

  Daen sat next to Lanne and took her hand but looked at Gaibel. "Taulin's right—there's a chance that Sentran is instigating war, but we need to be sure. I think we need to go there, see what we can learn."

  Rhea looked at Gaibel to see her reaction. The thought of her father's family causing this was not something Rhea wanted to consider, and she was sure Gaibel felt the same.

  Gaibel looked Rhea in the eye and gave her head a slight shake.

  Lanne noticed anyway. "What is it, Gaibel?"

  Gaibel started to answer, hesitated, then continued. "I just don't think Queen Jauline is doing this."

  Taulin nodded. "I want to believe the same, but on what do you base your opinion?"

  Gaibel looked at Rhea again, searching for an answer, Rhea's opinion as to whether she could trust these people.

  Rhea nodded, encouraging her to share. She didn't think it would matter if they knew ... in fact, it might help.

  Gaibel returned to the window. "I know one of the Baurdens quite well and his family wouldn't do this." Gaibel's voice sounded strained.

  Lanne stood and went to Gaibel. "What's going on? What do you know?"

  Gaibel spoke quietly but with strength. "I don't know anything for sure." She turned to Rhea, silently telling Rhea to continue.

  Lanne watched the exchange between Gaibel and Rhea, confused as to what Gaibel wouldn't say.

  "My father, Gaibel's husband, is Kalaub Baurden."

  Lanne gasped. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  Rhea rested her hand on Lanne's shoulder. "Let's talk about that later."

  Lanne eased back and sat on one of the beds. "You're right."

  Taulin crossed the room to Rhea. "This means Rhea is Sentran royalty." He kept his expression flat, neutral. He didn't want to seem impressed or upset ... or anything, but he knew this would change things.

  When Rhea had said Kalaub was her father, she had felt a minor shift in the reality around her before the room came back into focus. She was left with a sense of knowing, of being connected, but to what she didn't know.

  Taulin had that what-did-you-just-do look in his eyes as he stared at Rhea.

  Rhea shook her head and turned away. She didn't know what had happened, and it appeared she and Taulin were the only ones who had felt it.

  Gaibel stepped away from the window. "Only if they believe I was married to Kalaub. I don't know what he shared with his family before he was taken. I've not heard from anyone so I've assumed they don't know ... or worse, won't accept it."

  Daen turned to Gaibel. "Taken? When?"

  "Shortly after we were secretly married. He was on his way to Taulomi, I'm sure to find me, when he disappeared. I was pregnant with Terrwyn, but he didn't know. I never heard of a ransom being paid, and if they had paid one, he would have come for me. I know it."

  Daen ran his hands through his hair. "It's no wonder King Argeon felt uncomfortable keeping Rhea here."

  Taulin looked at Gaibel then back to Rhea. "They would believe you if you carry Sentran's royal mark."

  Gaibel stepped towards Taulin. "What are you talking about?"

  "It's not something the Sentran royals advertise, but a mark appears in early childhood. It's a small cross close to the heart." Taulin was staring into Rhea's eyes as he spoke, answering Gaibel's question but watching for Rhea's confirmation.

  "And just how do you know this?" Gaibel jaw clenched as she dared Taulin to make one wrong move.

  Taulin raised his hands in defeat. "It's information that has been passed down through time. I'm sure that the Taulomi and Sentran royal families know some of our secrets as well."

  Now that Taulin had, hopefully, satisfied Gaibel's concerns, their attention turned to Rhea as they waited to hear if she had the mark.

  Rhea heard Gaibel say she'd seen the mark on Kalaub and assumed it was a scar, but Rhea's thoughts had flashed back fifteen years, when she was six years old. She remembered it clearly, the morning she woke to find the mark on the left side of her chest.

  Without thinking, Rhea pulled her shirt open just far enough to show them the mark.

  Taulin looked briefly before averting his eyes. "Gaibel. Does her mark match that of Kalaub's?"

  Gaibel looked and nodded.

  "So what does this mean for us, going forward?" Randell asked.

  Taulin shrugged. "I'm not sure. Possibly nothing, but it's good to know."

  "Then I propose we get the spies put away so Gaibel and Lanne can get to the king and we can get out of here before the others arrive," said Randell.

  Rhea raised her hand. "I second that."


/>   Spies

  Gaibel put on the rest of her uniform consisting of an armor vest and her weapons. She pulled on her cloak last. "Beth and I can take care of this."

  Taulin stood and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Want any help?"

  Gaibel shook her head. "We need to maintain that you don't know us. Besides, I want these swine." Her lip lifted in a slight snarl. The warrior was back. She wasn't a mother; she was a commander in the royal forces.

  Rhea saw another opportunity to practice her gift. "I'll help. I'll be back up." She went invisible again.

  Gaibel found Rhea's enthusiasm sweet, but warned, "As long as you stay hidden."

  "Yes, mother."

  Gaibel couldn't see Rhea's grin, but her tone said it all. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "And it starts." She reached for the door. "I'll fill Beth in so she's not surprised if something happens."

  "All right."

  Gaibel pulled the door open, and they stepped into the hall where Beth waited. "Come with me. We're going to arrest some spies." As they started down the hall, Rhea slipped from the room and followed. Gaibel told Beth that Rhea had the gift to hide under the veil and was currently walking with them. She also mentioned the energy balls. Just in case things got ugly, Gaibel didn't want Beth being surprised if Rhea engaged.

  They continued down the stairs towards the lobby. Rhea wondered if Gaibel would share more ... like the part where Rhea was a channel, but she left that out.

  Gaibel paused at the bottom of the stairs and scanned the space in front of her. The clerk was sitting in a chair behind the counter, asleep. The two spies sat in the middle of the lobby, holding a quiet conversation. No one else was around.

  Gaibel's first inclination was to try and get them outside before taking them into custody, but she hadn't quite figured out a foolproof way to make them follow her. She was relieved to see that the lobby was clear of bystanders, making it possible for her to engage them where they sat.

  As they approached the spies, Gaibel and Beth drew their swords and pointed them at the spies. A strong show of force at the start would hopefully prevent the two men from resisting and elevating the situation.


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