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The Channel (The Gifted Book 2)

Page 26

by C. L. McCourt

Huntr maintained the lead, followed by Daen, then Rhea. Randell was next with Taulin close behind. Bandon took up the rear, keeping a watchful eye for anyone who might try to take them by surprise.

  Just as Randell ducked his head to avoid bumping into a branch, a small explosion erupted against the tree a few feet to his right. Randell's horse spooked and took off down the trail with Randell holding on tight and trying to calm the animal

  His friends gave chase as quickly as they could.

  Little did they know what lay ahead. As they cleared the tree line, riding into a small field, they were immediately surrounded. Masked men and a woman rose from the tall grasses, with swords drawn and crossbows cocked, ready to put a bolt into their hearts.

  Randell's horse reared, throwing him to the ground. Huntr's horse barely missed trampling him as he lay breathless, the wind forced from his lungs. The others pulled up quickly, coming to a halt before further damage could be done.

  "What is the meaning of this!" Huntr demanded.

  As if on cue, Daen and the others reached for their swords. Before they could draw, the sound of a bolt being released and striking the hard leather pommel of Huntr's saddle echoed around them. Daen slowly move his hands away from his weapon, as did his friends.

  "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The gruff but sultry voice came from the tree line they'd just passed through.

  Heads turned, bodies shifted, each searching for the source of the voice.

  Slowly, a woman, whose face was half hidden behind a cloth mask, stepped from behind a tree, her crossbow hanging by her side.

  Rhea tried not to laugh at her arrogance. She had no idea who she was messing with.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Huntr demanded, once again.

  "Isn't it obvious? We are here to collect a toll."

  Several of the robbers laughed at their leader's sense of humor.

  "Silence!" The woman glared at her minions, demanding order.

  "You really don't want to pick this fight today," Huntr advised.

  "And why is that?"

  "Because you'll just end up dead. If not here in this field, it will be by hanging. I suggest you let us pass without further incident."

  The woman raised her crossbow and aimed it first at Huntr and then at each person in their group, coming to rest on Randell, who now stood apart from the others, his horse grazing at the far side of the field.

  "You! Strip your friends of their wealth and bring it to me. Now!"

  Randell folded his arms across his chest, banking heavily on Rhea not allowing anything to happen. He shook his head. "I don't think so."

  Rhea watched the scene unfold in slow motion. The woman's finger slid to the trigger and squeezed, releasing the bolt. She remembered Daen's lesson on not revealing too much too soon, so she sent a gentle wave of energy at the bolt, forcing it down and burying it at Randell's feet.

  Randell's muscles flinched, but he maintained his cool.

  The woman's eyes blazed with fury. "So, you think you're clever?"

  Randell kept his eyes locked on the woman and just shrugged.

  "Fine. You can stop my arrow, but I'll wager you can't stop them all. Take them!"

  Rhea looked to Daen for a sign. She knew she could end this with little effort.

  Daen shook his head ever so slightly, indicating that she not do anything significant.

  Bolts exploded from their crossbows but quickly fell to the ground. Rhea had barely moved as she gripped the bolts out of the air and dropped them.

  Before the robbers could reload, Huntr and his party drew their swords, ready to fend off the robbers.

  "Back off!" Huntr ordered.

  Before anyone could react, one of the robbers pressed a blade to Randell's neck. "Drop your weapons!"

  Rhea involuntarily reached for her neck, to the spot that once had a blade pressed against it. Daen had been there to save her then, but there was no way he could do the same for Randell now.

  She remembered his words, his advice for the next time she was caught in that predicament. If she could just get close enough ... Would they think she was a threat if she got off her horse? She needed to convince them she wasn't to be feared, but how? Then, it came to her.

  "I said, drop them!" The masked robber jerked the knife closer to Randell's neck causing a trickle of blood to seep from under the blade.

  Rhea sheathed her sword. "Wait! Wait! I give up." Doing her best to fake tears and hysteria, she dismounted. "Please don't hurt me." She held up her hands. "Please don't hurt my husband." Playing the grieving wife, she stumbled passionately towards Randell.

  "Rhea! Don't!" Taulin shouted.

  Daen cast him a quieting look, warning him to hold his tongue.

  Huntr was stunned silent, not believing what he was seeing.

  In seconds, she was grabbed from behind, placed into the same predicament. The robber dragged her next to Randell, positioning her for all to view. It also put her in reach of Randell's captor. She looked up and locked eyes with Daen, signaling him to be ready.

  Daen didn't take his eyes from hers as he tipped his head forward a fraction.

  The woman's eyes smiled from behind her mask at the stupidity of Rhea's actions. "Ah. The heart can make you do stupid things." She laughed sadistically. "Does anyone else want to join her?"

  Huntr, Daen, Taulin, and Bandon remained silent but ready for battle.

  Before the woman could give another order, the two men holding Randell and Rhea captive fell to the ground.

  Rhea and Randell drew their swords and spun to face the robbers near them, ready for an attack.

  Daen launched an energy ball at the leader, hitting her square in the chest, launching her off her feet. He quickly formed another. "Who's next?"

  "I warned you. This is your last chance. Back off!" Huntr fought his desire to engage the robbers, but he knew he didn't have time. If the robbers would just back off, it would be their lucky day.

  Rhea and Randell slowly backed up to Sedare who had maneuvered himself closer to Rhea. Rhea mounted first, followed by Randell.

  Moans could be heard from the tall grasses where the leader of the robbers lay incapacitated.

  A tense moment passed before the robbers slowly created an opening, allowing Huntr to pass, followed by the rest of his group.

  The group stopped long enough to retrieve Randell's horse, and they were off, creating as much distance between themselves and the robbers as fast as they could. No one spoke as they weaved their way through the forest on a narrow animal trail.

  Huntr wanted them off the main road, away from other potential threats. He also needed to make up for lost time. If they didn't hurry, they would be traveling in the dark when they left Thaen's home.

  Rhea let Sedare have the reins to do what was needed as her mind replayed the scene they'd escaped. She glanced over her shoulder at Daen, her face expressionless. Had she done the right thing? It had worked, but did it reveal too much?

  Daen could see the question in her eyes and returned a nod with a slight smile, letting her know all was fine.

  Rhea shifted forward again, just in time to duck beneath a low branch. She wanted to scan the area for other robbers or spies, but if she closed her eyes, she was liable to get knocked off her horse.

  She regretted not having seen the ambush coming. If she'd just spent more time keeping watch! She definitely needed to learn to use her gift with her eyes open.


  It took about an hour for them to get to Thaen's. Huntr dismounted and knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

  Rhea felt disappointment start to press on her chest.

  Huntr peered into a window. "There's a small fire and a kettle hanging over the flame." He turned to his companions. "He has to be close. He wouldn't go far and leave dinner cooking."

  Rhea remembered a friend of hers who spent a lot of time in her backyard. It had gotten to the point where Rhea di
dn't bother knocking on her door if the weather was nice. She simply went to the back yard. "Maybe he's out back?"

  Huntr nodded and proceeded to step around the side of the cottage. He saw what he needed to and waved for the others to follow.

  They found Thaen in a field, painting the scene in front of him.

  Huntr waved as they walked towards him. "Thaen Cauldr! Hello! It's Huntr Nauylor."

  Thaen turned slowly from his work, holding his hand over his long, white hair, preventing the wind from using it to obstruct his vision. He watched the group cross the field.

  Rhea thought it must have been a sight, seeing six people walking towards him, five of whom he didn't know.

  As they got closer, Thaen took a few steps towards them. "Yes, Huntr, how are you? How is your family?"

  "We are well, thank you. How do you fare?"

  "For a man my age, I fare well. What can I do for you?"

  "We've just come from Taelr's where he showed us one of your paintings." Huntr presented Rhea. "This is Rhea, and she has a question regarding its subject."

  Rhea stepped forward and handed him the painting. "I'm interested in learning more about the stone building."

  Thaen took it from her. His eyes narrow in question as he tried to remember. Then a grin started to form. "I painted this a very long time ago ... when I was still a boy. I was working on a cargo ship when I sketched it, and then many years later, I painted it."

  Rhea was calmer than she thought she would be but still anxious to learn more. "Do you remember where you saw it?"

  "Oh, miss, that was more than two hundred years ago. I was working the shipping lanes between Port Iris and Caumden Bay."

  Huntr stepped closer. "Please try. Anything you can remember will help."

  "I remember that we were blown off course for a few days when we came up on a group of islands. That's where I saw it. I remember thinking it was strange to build a home in such a remote place."

  Rhea glanced between Huntr and Daen. "Where are Port Iris and Caumden Bay?"

  "Port Iris is west of here and Caumden Bay is in Laundan, northeast from here."

  Rhea winced. "That's a lot of water, isn't it?"

  Daen and Taulin both nodded.

  Rhea turned to Thaen. "Thank you for your time. You've been very helpful."

  Thaen handed her the painting. "I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific. Can I ask what this is about?"

  "It's a long story," said Rhea. "If it turns out well, I'll be happy to come back and tell you the tale."

  He wore a knowing expression as he nodded. "Good luck to you then. I hope I see you back here. I like a good story."


  The ride back to town was uneventful, just the way Huntr liked it. They stopped at the guard station to check on the status of the supplies for their trip. Everything was set. Huntr and two warriors would be accompanying them.

  Their next stop was the message center where birds had arrived from Taulomi and Laundan, as they suspected they would.

  The message from Taulomi was from Gaibel. Daen read it aloud, "King Argeon advised. On way to palace city."

  Rhea gave Daen a confused look. "How did she know we would be going to the palace?"

  "Our last message said the queen had been informed of your existence. Remember? Gaibel probably assumed she would be needed."

  Rhea felt a sudden sense of relief. "I'm glad she'll be there."

  Taulin finished reading his message. "Patrols at the borders have been doubled. Daulr is at our southern border station ready to provide support if we need it." He looked up from the parchment. "Well, good news all around."

  They headed for the inn after making plans to meet Huntr at the west end of town at first light. Rhea watched him ride away from the inn and couldn't help wonder how it would feel to be married to a man who was away on duty for long stretches of time. It had to be hard on his whole family.

  They grabbed some dinner and called it a night but not before Rhea checked to see if their spies had returned. She didn't see anyone just standing around so they relaxed a little. They knew that it wasn't the last time they would see the spies; they would get word when they checked out.



  It was still dark when they packed up and headed west through town. The street lamps, trying to shine through the mist that had settled on the town, gave the road an eerie feeling.

  Instead of relying on her eyes to see past the lights and into the shadows, Rhea kept a mental watch for energy spots. Daen rode on her left, and Randell was on her right, providing protection while her eyes were closed. Taulin and Bandon kept a look out for anyone that might come up from behind.

  Before they left the inn, they stopped by the kitchen and convinced the cook to sell them some bread, fruit, cheese, and dried meat, the standard makings of traveling provisions. They knew Huntr would have some supplies, but this would at least cover breakfast.

  It wasn't a stealthy ride out of town with the clopping of the horses' hooves on the cobblestones. If there were any light sleepers near the main road, they would definitely be heard. The sound echoed off the buildings, bouncing and repeating, making it seem as if there were twice the number of horses.

  By the time they reached the end of town, light was just starting to break.

  "I see three riders and an extra horse ahead. It's hard to see, but I think it's Huntr and his men." Rhea opened her eyes to watch as they got closer.

  A few minutes later they heard Huntr's voice. "Greetings."

  "Greetings, Commander." Daen raised his hand. There was just enough light that they recognized the men with Huntr. "Greetings Danbr, Haurld."

  They each nodded. "Sirs. Ma'am."

  "Shall we?" The commander waved his hand towards the road ahead.

  Daen and Rhea fell in behind the commander and Haurld, followed by Randell and Taulin. Bandon and Danbr brought up the rear. They rode in silence for a while, watching the light overtake the dark. It wasn't long before the growl of Rhea's stomach could be heard over the horses' hooves as they hit the packed dirt road.

  They ate while they rode, adding new meaning to 'eating on the run.' Afterwards, they picked up the pace, bringing the horses into a canter. They passed citizens of Sentran going about their business as they cut through a vast flatland west of Cauhill.

  Daen explained that the mountain range to their north marked the border between Sentran and Taulomi and that it was called Sky Ridge. The mountain was smaller than Kinling and lacked the sparkling snow-covered peaks, but it was still impressive. To the south, they could see the occasional hill, but for the most part, it was flat and filled with wildflowers, farms, or pasture lands with grazing livestock.

  Rhea scanned the area on a regular basis, looking for any surprises that might be waiting. During one of her scans, Daen whispered to her, "Have you tried to use your mind's eye with your eyes open?"

  "Not yet. I realized yesterday I need to learn how, but I'm not sure I can mix two visions together."

  "Try it."

  Rhea wasn't sure she could do what he was asking. How does one process what the eyes are seeing, and at the same time, take in visions of that which the eyes couldn't see?

  After a bit of thinking about how she might pull it off, an idea came to her. She would lay the vision from her mind's eye over her normal vision, basically making it seem like her eyes could see further than they actually could.

  Rhea started by closing her eyes, using her mind's eye to see directly in front of her and then farther out. Holding the vision, she slowly opened her eyes. She was quickly reminded of a scene in a horror movie where the character is trying to reach the end of the hall, but the hall just keeps getting longer.

  She immediately closed her eyes again to control the wave of nausea that threatened to force her breakfast from her stomach. It took a couple tries before she could open her eyes, hold the double vision, and not have it bother her. />
  The next step was to see if she could synchronize the two visions as she looked in another direction. Again, double vision and the uncomfortable side effects were quickly upon her. She kept practicing, as it was a good way to pass the time.

  They stopped beside a small stream for lunch and to give the horses a break. It was a popular spot as indicated by the multiple fire pits and matted grasses.

  Rhea was standing by the stream with the horses when she felt Daen behind her. "How are you doing with your visions?"

  "Fine, I guess. I'm working on synchronizing them, letting my eyes control the direction of my mental vision."

  "Any success?"

  "Some. My stomach isn't doing so great, but it's getting better."

  Daen stepped closer to the water's edge. "Can you scan the area, and let me know if anyone is around?"

  Rhea practiced keeping her eyes open and slowly scanned the area, reaching out as far as she could see. It was easier to do when she was standing still. There wasn't the added forward movement to mess with her equilibrium. "I don't see any people."

  "Thanks." Daen handed her an apple and a wedge of cheese. She thanked him but couldn't help thinking that a cola and a slice of pizza would be so much better.

  Daen took a bite of dried meat as he watched the water flow by. "You've been quiet most of today's ride. What's on your mind?"

  Rhea glanced up at him, confused by his comment. "I've been busy trying to calm my stomach while I figure out how to sync up my visions."

  Daen shook his head. "There's something else."

  Rhea knew what he was getting at. "I'm nervous. I know we've talked about this already, but I still can't stop wondering how she'll react to me. Her invitation seemed nicely worded, but that doesn't mean she won't have guards waiting to throw me in the cells for impersonating a royal."

  Daen thought about the circumstances. "I suppose she could do that."

  Rhea rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's comforting."

  Daen laughed lightly to himself. "I don't think you'll be thrown in the cells right when you arrive. If your mark and Gaibel's testimony aren't accepted, the fact that you're a channel will probably keep you from being locked up." He winked at her. "Like the cells could hold you."


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