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Wanna Bet?

Page 6

by R. S Burnett

  “Honestly, we’re just friends. We don’t have sex, we don’t even mess around even a little bit” Tucker tells him proudly.

  “Uh huh, and where is she going to sleep” Ethan asks raising an eyebrow at him.

  “In my bed” Tuckers supplies.

  “With you?”

  “Of course”

  “I am not sleeping in that bed with you” I interrupt their conversation.

  “It’s fine, I completely understand” Tucker turns to me looking sympathetic.

  “You do?” I ask cautiously.

  “Of course, it’s natural” he says still sympathetic but I notice something else I can’t quite place in his eyes and fold my arms across my chest.

  “And what is it that you understand?” I ask trying and failing to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

  “You’re worried that as soon as we get in there and you lie next to me, you’re going to jump me and you don’t want everyone in the building to know what a sex god I am because you’ll be screaming my name so much” he explains.

  “Shit, we can’t sleep in that bed now” I say looking disappointed.

  “Why not?” he asks and frowns down at the bed.

  “Because your imagination just jumped in it and now there’s no room for us in there” I smile sweetly at him.

  “Okay I like her” Ethan announces from his own bed laughing.

  “She’s not even that nice” Tucker sniffs.

  “Come on, bed. I’m tired. Coffee will be ready to pour when you get up” I instruct.

  I go into the bathroom and change into a tank top and boxer type briefs, when I walk back into the room I see Tucker slipping into bed in just a pair of boxers.

  “Oh no. Put a top on” I point at him accusingly.

  “Why, afraid you won’t be able to resist me?” he smirks at me taking in my tank and briefs.

  “Fine” I smile sweetly at him and pull my top off so I’m just in my bra and panties now.

  “Point taken” he mutters and sits up to put a t-shirt on as I return my tank.

  “You two are so weird” Ethan complains from his bed across the room.

  I shake my head and climb into bed next to Tucker trying not to touch him. Now if you’ve ever slept in a single bed with a six foot, built like a quarter back twenty two year old man, then you understand how hard it is. If not imagine trying to fit a hundred and twenty five pieces into a hundred piece puzzle.

  “Christ your huge” I mutter.

  I blush when I realise what I’ve said and Tucker bursts out laughing.

  “This is so wrong” I hear Ethan grumble from across the room.

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it” I snap at Tucker embarrassed and elbow him.

  “I didn’t say anything” he laughs at me.

  Grumbling threats to torture Sophie in the morning I turn my back to him and press up against the wall as much as I can.

  I wake up warm and relaxed after a peaceful nights sleep. Until I hear Ethan speaking, he’s obviously stood over the bed judging from how close his voice is.

  “I’m sorry but … Are you two spooning?”

  I feel Tucker shift behind me. “We’ll we sure as shit aint forking” he grumbles sleepily.

  It’s then I notice that I’m warm because I’m wrapped up in Tucker. His one leg is thrown over both of mine, trapping me in, his arm is lazily wrapped around my stomach and side and I look down to confirm because I can’t quite believe it but yeap, he has a hand under my top cupping my right breast. I try to remove it with my own hand but he resists and he’s stronger than me.

  “Hand” I prompt him.

  “Hmmm” he replies sleepily but squeezes slightly.

  I turn my head to see Tucker still has his eyes closed and Ethan is watching at us amused.

  “A little help, please?” I ask gesturing to Tucker with my head. He grins then leans down and twists Tuckers ear.

  I watch as Tucker jumps up with a yelp and grabs his ear.

  “Thanks” I grin at Ethan and getting out of bed head straight into the kitchen area.

  “What was that for?” Tucker demands rubbing his ear.

  “You were groping me, he was protecting me” I say handing both of them a mug of coffee.

  “I was not groping you” Tucker grumbles sniffing his coffee.

  “You were, I even tried to remove your hand myself but you put up a fight” I tell him taking in the scent of my own coffee and smiling.

  “I can’t help it if my hand has a mind of his own when I’m sleeping but I forgive you because you gave me coffee” he says sounding sympathetic instead of sorry.

  “Right I have to go I have a test in half hour” Ethan announces draining his cup.

  “Me too, hang on a sec I’ll come down with you” Tucker replies stretching and shuffling into the bathroom. I have three more cups and a long shower before I leave their room with a sticky note attached to the coffee machine with instructions on how to use it for them.

  “So which one did you have sex with?” A voice asks from behind me. I turn my attention away from the selection of fruit in front of me and look up to see Beth watching me. She’s never liked me but since Tucker and I became friends, she seems to go out of her way to be a bitch to me.

  “Excuse me?” I frown at her.

  “You spent the night in Tuckers room but Ethan was there as well. So which one did you sleep with? They both deny having sex with you” she says impatiently.

  “I didn’t have sex with any of them” I protest.

  “Right … Well if it was Ethan it’s only because Tucker didn’t want you and if it’s Tucker then don’t expect a repeat performance because he doesn’t do them. Unless you did both of them, they haven’t been known to do that before, but I wouldn’t put it past Tucker.”

  “Why are you still talking?” I ask not liking what she is accusing me of one bit.

  With a look I’m sure would make wild animals cower sent my way she walks off and joins a table full of her friends.

  “Have I mentioned lately how much I hate you?” I grumble to Sophie as I join her, Matt, Tucker and Luke at the table.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks turning from her conversation with Matt.

  “I just got asked if I had a threesome with Ethan and Tucker last night” I tell her eating my banana.

  She laughs. Doesn’t apologise, doesn’t look sympathetic just laughs making everyone at the table stop talking to watch us “Glad you find my apparent sexual activities entertaining”

  “What’s so funny?” Matt asks.

  “Sorry I didn’t think Ethan would be there he usually stays out” Sophie says ignoring the question. “Wait, so where did you sleep?” she asks me and I watch as everyone stares at me waiting for my answer.

  “In Tuckers bed” I say quietly.

  “Then where did you sleep?” Matt asks him.

  “In my bed” He says as if it should be obvious.

  “You slept in the same bed?” Matt asks dumbly

  “Yes” I snap

  “And you didn’t have sex?” he clarifies

  “Nope but she did mention something about me being huge” he grins and winks at me. I throw my banana peel at him.

  “Not funny. People think we had a threesome with Ethan” I tell him.

  “No, I can’t see you doing that” he says sweeping his eyes over me.

  Two guys walk past our table and grin at me “Hey Brooke” they greet me with a wink.

  “But they can” Tucker laughs at me.

  “You do realise that the students here all have very colourful imaginations so I’m just wondering if they are picturing it with you behind Ethan ... Or with Ethan behind you” I smile widely as his face drops and he looks a little sick. “Not so funny now huh” I say picking up my sandwich.

  “How can you just carry on as if it’s normal?” he asks watching me take a bite.

  “All this sex I’m supposed to be having is making me hungry” I shrug
at him.

  “So no one had sex in that room last night?” Matt asks still surprised.

  “Umm ... No first of all I would not have sex with an audience, second of all I would not be an audience to someone else having sex” I state firmly.

  “Besides she wouldn’t be able to walk properly if she had sex with me” Tucker winks at me and hi-fives Matt.

  “I really do worry about all the women you sleep with” I sigh.

  “Why? I always wear a condom” he replies offended.

  “That may be the case but do you wear it properly?” I ask now that I have his full attention.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It just concerns me that perhaps you’re not covering the right dick, do you put it on the one between your legs ... or the one on top of your head?” I tilt my head to the side as if considering him.

  “Speaking of imaginative body parts that reminds me … I’m missing some socks did you take them?” he asks smirking

  “What the hell would I do with your socks?” I ask frowning.

  “Trying to compensate for something maybe?” he asks staring pointedly at my chest.

  “You tell me considering I woke up with your hand wrapped around one” I raise an eyebrow.

  “You’re right, their very real” he sighs.

  “You two should just have sex and get it over with” Sophie laughs putting a stop to our insults.

  “She not my type” Tucker announces.

  “You’re type is anything that can breathe on it’s own” Matt snorts

  “No, she’s not nice enough” he sniffs

  “I’m nice, just not to you” I admit

  “You know it wouldn’t hurt for you to show me a bit of respect now and again” he turns to me.

  “How so?” I ask knowing something ridiculous is coming.

  “You could refer to me as god and the odd curtsey wouldn’t go a miss either” he nods as if the decision is made.

  “Hmmm…” I sigh looking up at the ceiling.

  “What?” he follows the direction of my eyes with his own.

  “I’m just wondering whether, after I have killed you, should roast or fry your body parts before I feed them to the dogs”

  “See what I mean” he demands pointing at me “Can’t you just be normal for two minutes?” he asks

  “Fine, but if it takes too much effort, I’m out” I shrug.

  Sophie and Matt watch us bemused so I ignore them and pick up my coffee. “Are you walking me to class or what?” I smile sweetly at Tucker.

  “Yeah, let’s go” he stands and pulls me into him with an arm around my neck.

  “So I have tickets for a fight tonight” I nudge his shoulder with my own as we take our seats in English.

  “Explain this whole fight thing. I don’t get it” he asks while twirling a pen between his thumb and forefinger.

  “I don’t know exactly” I shrug “Sophie and I, we usually just go for the party afterwards. Remember when we went to see Heavens Devil’s? Well I’m close with Dave – He’s the one with the little boy that I was on the beach with and he normally gets them for me. Basically, the fights are held at an old abandoned gym and there’s a bar, it’s a cage fight I think. You can bet on them as far as I know but we just go for the house party afterwards with the band. You interested?”

  “Yeah” he shrugs “Should be fun”

  Chapter Six

  “I’m so sorry Soph” I say for what feels like the hundredth time that day.

  “It’s okay, I’m fine don’t worry about it” she assures me grabbing herself another coffee.

  I know I kept her up most of the night with my tossing and turning, the nightmares were bad last night.

  “I know but I feel really bad, you’re loosing out on sleep and we have exams coming up. I’ll go to the doctor and get some sleeping pills or something”

  “No, it’s fine. Its only last night that I lost sleep. Don’t go on sleeping pills just for one night out of a week” She tells me over her shoulder as we head to our usual lunch table that Tucker is already seated at.

  “You two look like crap” he grins at us both as we take our seats.

  “My fault” I wince as I acknowledge the restless night’s effect on us both. “I kept Soph up most of the night”

  “That’s because I wasn’t there” he jokes but I look down, this is something I had already picked up on, it isn’t lost on me that the only night of the week Tucker didn’t stay in our room or I didn’t stay in his is the night I had nightmares.

  Sophie hearing this theory and obviously catching on whips her head up and frowns at him then turns to me “Oh my god” she whispers looking back at Tucker.

  “What?” he frowns at her.

  “Nothing” she says frowning herself.

  “Anyway what are we doing tonight?” I ask changing the subject as Matt joins us taking his seat next to Sophie and immediately getting into a discussion with Tucker about some party they went to last night.

  “You knew the nightmares stop when Tucker stays with you didn’t you” Sophie accuses me quietly enough so the boys can’t hear her. I shrug at her avoiding her eyes. “Why didn’t you say anything?” I shrug again “Because I can’t explain it”.

  “I think I can” she says and I snap my eyes to hers “You have feelings for him, it makes sense you spend so much time together, you’ve practically spent every night together since you stayed in his room last week. It was going to happen sooner or later. You need to stop spending so much time with him. I won’t watch you get hurt like all the others”

  “I don’t have feelings for him, I care about him as a friend that’s all Soph” I promise her flicking my gaze to Tucker.

  “I don’t care, he means too much to you already. He will let you down, everyone is already surprised your friendship has lasted this long and they think it’s only because you are sleeping with him regularly. He’s going to let you down and you’ll be broken, I won’t be able to fix that. I don’t want him staying in our room any more”

  I frown at her “In case you haven’t notice Soph I’m already broken. I’m not asking you to fix me, I can fix myself”

  “That’s what you call it? You spend every night with Tucker yet every weekend you’re with a different guy”

  “Excuse me?” I say a bit too loud for our hushed conversation.

  “All I’m saying is people are starting to think you’re a whore Brooke” she says still only loud enough for me to hear, ignoring the fact that guys have stopped talking to watch us.

  “And you?” I ask not believing that she could think such a thing about me knowing that nothing ever happens between Tucker and I or any other person the most I do is flirt a little. She shrugs in answer to my question. I stare at her opened mouthed for a second.

  “Is everything okay?” Matt asks from beside us.

  “Everything’s fine” I say standing up not looking away from Sophie’s accusing eyes “Looks like I have a reputation to live up to” I walk away from the table before the tears have a chance to fall. I walk a bit faster when I hear Tucker call after me.

  I skip the rest of my classes that day and head to my mums. I know I’m not welcome there and will probably have to pay in some way for turning up uninvited. I don’t care, maybe I should be punished.

  Checking through my phone when I’m sat in my car outside the dorm, I skip the messages from Sophie and Tucker but read the message from Katie inviting me to party in her apartment. Starting my car again I head over there while quickly tapping out a message to let her know I’m on my way over.

  Luke lets me in and I watch as he takes in my appearance. From my knee high black boots, skinny jeans, grey tee with ‘FUCK IT’ printed across my chest, the brown leather jacket to the bright red cut on my lip then finally my hair pulled up into a messy high ponytail. “Shots” he says simply grabbing my hand and leading me into the packed kitchen.

  “You know this bad girl look you’re sporting tonigh
t is sexy as hell right?” I turn at look at guy stood staring down at me.

  “Brooke” I smile up at him, the alcohol has definitely taken effect now and my teeth have gone numb, I just hope I’m not at the slurring stage.

  “Harry, Are you a friend of Kate’s?”

  “Luke’s” I shake my head at him, he’s very good looking in a good boy way. He’s wearing black converse and jeans, a dark blue button down shirt with a black tee underneath, his eyes are a mixture of green and blue and his short hair is black, styled into spikes. He grins when he notices me giving him the once over.

  “Not so bad yourself” I smirk and shrug at him not embarrassed to be caught looking at him.

  “So how’d you get the cut on your lip?” he asks leaning his hip on the counter next to us.

  “Very long, very boring story” I tell him touching my lip and sighing when it doesn’t sting.

  “I have a feeling nothing about you is boring” he smirks at me.

  “Well excitement does seem to follow me around” I note when I catch sight of Sophie, Matt and Tucker walking through the front door.

  “Friends of yours?” he asks turning to follow my gaze.

  “Yeah” I shrug and pick up a bottle of beer.

  “Available?” he asks changing the subject.

  “Yeah, you?”

  He nods his head in answer and I smile at him “Interesting”

  “Could be” he replies making me raise an eyebrow.

  “Number?” his short questions making me grin.

  “Phone?” I ask holding my hand out for him making him grin wider as he hands me his phone. I tap my number into it and hand it back. “Done”

  “What are you studying then?” he asks back to using more than one or two words.

  “Business management” I wince knowing how much hard work it is. “Only a few months left though thankfully”

  “I don’t envy you, trust me” he pours two more shots and hands me one.

  “What about you?” I ask taking the shot

  “Do you have any plans for the rest of the weekend?” he asks not answering my question.


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