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Wanna Bet?

Page 28

by R. S Burnett

  “Oh sorry” she laughs and lets me go.

  I take the mic that Chloe is holding out for me and turn to the crown.

  “Did y’all miss me?” I call playfully.

  “YES!” goes up around me and I laugh at the enthusiasm I see in so many familiar faces.

  “Not as much as I missed all of you”

  “Wanna bet?” they all scream at once making me laugh hearing my own catchphrase thrown back at me. I’ve missed this. This is home for me. I turn to my friends and catch Andrews’s eye. He’s watching me as if he can’t quite believe I’m really here.

  “What’s the matter honey, cat got your tongue?” I tease surprised that he hasn’t joined me on the bar with Lucy. He shakes his head at me.

  “I’ll be back with you all in a bit. I think there’s some people that want to say hello to me before I do something silly for you lot” I wink at the crowd and jump down from the bar with Lucy on the customer side.

  As I make my way over to my friends a few people stop me to welcome me back and offer hugs and kisses. I feel like I’ve spoken to a hundred people when I finally reach the group. The girls all hug me and the boys all kiss me on the cheek. Well everyone apart from Andrew and Tucker who haven’t said a word to me yet.

  I turn to Andrew first figuring he will be the easiest option. I look up at him and take in his still shocked expression. “Did you miss me?” I smirk at him, he says nothing for a few more minutes and then grins and picks me up spinning me around making me giggle.

  “I can’t believe you’re back, you never told anyone you were coming back!” he shouts over the music at me once he has returned me on my feet.

  “I wanted it to be a surprise, if I told you, then it wouldn’t have worked” I laugh at him.

  “Don’t leave again like that again” he scolds

  “I won’t. I can’t this is my home. I know that now” I promise him.

  Turning to Tucker I watch as he takes in every inch of me. “Hey” I say softly smiling up at him.

  “You look different” he notes not smiling.

  “I made a few changes” I shrug not sure if he’s happy to see me or not, his expression is giving nothing away.

  “I see “ Is all he says before he gives me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek “I missed you” he tells me still not smiling.

  I frown at him but quickly smooth my expression into a smile. “You too” I turn to the rest of the group. “I need a drink, anyone else?”

  “Hell yes!” Cam shouts making us all laugh.

  I spend the rest of the night catching up with everyone, listening to the stories of their nights out and things that have happened at the club. I learn that Mel and Tommy are now a couple and Lucy has been dating someone for two months now and is going to introduce me to him tomorrow, none of the guys have met him yet so I wont be the only one who doesn’t know him. Andrew tells me stories of the girls he has been out with lately and a very long walk of shame he had to do this morning. A few times we are interrupted by people coming over to welcome me back and buy me drinks. Jess is dating Cam now but I don’t think it’s going well, there seems to be some tension between them. Tucker still doesn’t say much just makes a random comment here and there. They ask me about what I’ve been doing and where I have been and I explain how I stayed with Luke and spent some time with my younger brother Phin. I tell them about some of the nights out we had and replay some of the things we got up to. Everyone seems happy that I’m back. It’s a bit surprising to see how much they all truly missed me. I knew before I left that they all cared for me but it’s true when I say that they are more like family to me than friends and because I’ve never really had a family it means a lot to me.

  “So what can we expect from you now you’re back?” Derek asks. I get the feeling that he’s not the only one who wants to hear the answer to this.

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well you obviously went away for a reason, is all that sorted out now? Are you going to continue being the life of the party? Are you happy?” he clarifies.

  “I think I’ve sorted everything out. I’m definitely happier than I have ever been before. I won’t be dancing on the bar again that earlier when I came in was my last ever bar dance. I’m not going to take anymore bets that result in me loosing any clothes. I’m not going to say that I won’t take any more bets at all because we all know I will” I shrug “I haven’t changed or anything, I’m still me. I missed you all”

  “Before you all leave, Brooke, come up here please” Will calls out from the stage after the DJ calls closing.

  I head over to the stage and take the mic Will hands me.

  “So your back?” he asks grinning.

  “As of Monday, I’m back” I confirm

  “What do you mean Monday?” he asks as the crowd groans.

  “I’m not leaving town again, I just won’t be back here ‘till Monday. I have a few things that I need to sort out and it’s going to take up all my time” I confirm.

  “Anything you need help with?” he asks and then looks at his mic when he realises he spoke through it but obviously didn’t mean to.

  “No I have a friend helping me, but thanks for the offer”

  “Well, welcome back anyway and if you ever think of leaving us again we will chain you to the stage” he calls through his mic ad then pulls me into yet another hug. “Now get out of here and we’ll see you Monday” he instructs me making me laugh.

  “Yes sir!” I answer and then waving to everyone and calling out ‘goodbye’ I leave the club and head back to my house.

  “Thank you so much for helping me” I call to Luke who is packing boxes up with me in my bedroom.

  “It’s not a problem, you can stop saying thank you now” he grins at me laughing.

  “I can’t help it, you have helped me so much these last few months. I owe you big time”

  “Come on, lets go get some proper coffee now we’ve packed up your machine” he suggests

  “Yeah, that was a really bad idea we should have left that until last”

  He picks up his keys but I shake my head at him and insist we walk, it’ll do us good to get some fresh air after spending hours packing up dusting things.

  We walk to the nearest coffee shop and then take a detour around town. I grab his hand and twirl myself under it a few times.

  “You’re so happy” he laughs down at me as I do another twirl.

  “I’m gad t be home” I grin “No where has ever really felt like home before. I feel like I belong here”

  “I’m glad your happy Brooke, you out of all people deserve it” he kisses my cheek and we bump into Tucker.

  “Hey Tuck. I didn’t know you live here too?” Luke asks him sending me a look that clearly says I shouldn’t have left that bit of information out.

  “Uh yeah … have done for a while now” he answers awkwardly. “Are you moving up here?” he asks him looking at our joined hands.

  “No, just helping Brooke move” Luke answers easily

  “You’re moving?” Tucker asks me surprised.

  “Yeah to a different house, new start” I shrug at him checking his expression. Regret? Disappointment? I can’t figure it out.

  “Oh, well if you need any extra help….” He trails off.

  “Umm actually if you could, I have to go back home tonight” Luke tells him and me for the first time. I swing my head to him and send him a questioning look. “I’ll be back tomorrow evening; I just have to pop in to see Katie”

  “You’re still with Katie?” Tucker asks looking at our joined hands again.

  “Yeah, we’re married now and have a baby girl Olivia she’s six months tomorrow” Luke tells him proudly making me smile remembering how he is with her.

  “Oh, well congratulations mate” Tucker shakes his hand, making Luke drop mine.

  “When are you leaving?” I ask him not sure I want Tucker to be helping me. He hasn’t really spoken to me since I got back.

>   “As soon as I can really” He tells me. “You’ll help her?” he asks turning to Tucker.

  “Of course. Now?” he answers.

  “Yeah okay then I’ll head back to the house to get my car, I got a spare sets of keys so I’ll let myself in and out” He leans in to kiss my cheek “I’ll see you tomorrow, be good”

  “Always am” I smile back at him and watch him leave.

  “You okay?” I ask turning to Tucker.

  “Sure, shall we?” he gestures for me to continue walking, we make our way back to the house still not really talking about anything of importance just simple things like the weather, the club and my new house.

  “You’re very quiet” I note as we head upstairs to finish packing what Luke and I left. “You haven’t really said much since I been back”

  “Haven’t I?”

  I frown at him still no where near understanding him and return my attention to packing my life up.

  “I went looking for you” Tucker says after a while and we have moved downstairs now that upstairs is completely packed.

  “You did? You could have emailed” I reply softly packing my photos from the front room.

  “I didn’t want to speak to you, I wouldn’t have spoken to you if I found you, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That you were happy” he doesn’t look up from his box while he talks to me.

  “Oh … umm … I was fine. I was emailing Lucy every week for the last four or five weeks before I came back”

  “Mmm hmmm” he nods still not looking at me and continues packing.

  I collapse on the sofa when everything is boxed up.

  “Glad that’s over” I sigh “Ugh I have to unpack it all tomorrow” I grumble when reality settles in.

  “I don’t envy you, I hate moving” Tucker replies helpfully settling in next to me.

  “I probably won’t even bother unpacking most of this stuff, just put it in the attic” I sigh. “I’m starved, I’m going to order Chinese, are you hungry?”

  “Uh no .. actually .. if you don’t need me anymore I really should be going” he says getting up and putting o his jacket.

  “Oh .. okay well thanks for helping” I try for a smile but it comes out wonky I’m sure. He offers a small wave from the door before he closes it behind him.

  I eat my food and watch rubbish TV for the rest of the of the night, my mood has dampened a bit since this morning. I’m still glad I came back but I don’t know why it’s so awkward between Tucker and I. I don’t know how to fix it and that worries me a little. I miss him I really do and I love him, I’m not sure how he feels about me though and that’s what bothers me. I can handle it if he doesn’t want to be with me but I’m not sure how I’ll deal with it if he doesn’t even want to be my friend. If I learnt anything over the last three months it’s that I need him in my life.

  Luke returns early the next morning and finds me going through some photos from uni, we sit and reminisce for a few hours before we begin the moving process. I love my new house it’s a three bedroom, three story house, well four if you include the attic. The front door leads you into a hallway and it has three doors coming off it, the first one leads into the coat room, the second one into the kitchen and the third one into the front room. ,y front room is huge, its got enough room for my new L shaped sofa, it has a real fire and a curved staircase taking you to the second floor. On this floor there is two bedrooms and a family bathroom. I have taken the bedroom that faces into my back yard. The third floor has only one room which is an ensuite. I have turned this room into my office and reading room. The only room that holds anything of my life before this moment is the spare bedroom. My university hooded jacket is in a big frame hung above the room and there are photos of my old group of friends placed all around the room as well as things from nights out at the club and photos of all my friends here. The rest of the house just has decoration and art that don’t mean anything to me, until I gather new things to hang on the walls and to put on the shelves. I’m sure it won’t take me long to fill this place with new memories. My favorite new purchase is my bed, it’s a black iron king size and sits below the huge window in my bedroom. My old bed is in the spare room and I don’t have any inclination to sleep in that bed ever again. Saying goodbye to Luke we both leave the house but head in different directions promising to visit each other again soon.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  “You look like crap Brooke” Lucy notes frowning at me. This is the first thing anyone has said to me since I walked into the club minutes ago. Looking down at myself I realize I should have changed before I came in. I’m in old jeans and an oversized tee, tucked in at the front and my hair is piled in a messy bun on top of my head..

  “Thanks, I love you too” I return dryly and head into the office to fix myself a coffee.

  “I hear Brooke’s in the house, get on up here Brooke wherever you are” I hear Andrew’s voice come through the speakers as I make my way out of the office hugging my coffee to my chest. I look up and catch his eye from his position on the bar. “Shit actually stay right there” he says worriedly but I’m already making my way onto the bar.

  “Are you okay?” he asks grabbing my shoulders and searching my face.

  “Guess I really do look like crap huh?” I ask half joking.

  “What’s happened?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine” I snap, fed up of the comments about me looking like hell. I get the point. He seems to get the message because he leaves it at that.

  “How’s everyone doing tonight?” I ask into my mic but my voice sounds dead.

  A few people murmur answers and some of my friends look up at me concerned.

  “Fuck it” I mutter and pass the mic back to Andrew as I jump back down from the bar.

  I head over to greet the rest of my friends and grab the band their drinks. They all ask if I’m okay and accept that I’m fine when I say I am. I only last another hour of serving drinks before I head into the office and curl up on the sofa in there, within a few minutes I’m fast asleep.

  I wake up an hour or two later feeling even more exhausted than before I fell asleep. I seriously don’t think I’m going to make it home and I’m going to have to spend the night here. Someone has thrown a blanket over me while I was sleeping and I wrap it around my shoulders as I head into the bar to get a glass of orange juice.

  “You okay?” Lucy asks as I take a long drink of my juice.

  I shake my head at her “I’m exhausted” I admit weakly.

  “You look like your going to pass out Brooke” she says looking concerned as I sway and she grabs my shoulders frowning.

  “I’m fine I just need to lie down, I think. I do feel a little dizzy but I’m sure it’s just because I’m tired”

  “Stay here for two minutes for me please, just so I know you’re okay. I can’t keep an eye on you when you’re in there” she says putting down a stool for me that someone passes her over the bar.

  “Have you eaten today?” she asks as she swaps my empty drink for a new one.

  I’m about to answer her but my thoughts drift and the memory of Tucker pushing me up against the office door and bending me over in the stockroom flash in front of my mind.

  We didn’t use protection…

  I haven’t had a period since …

  My stomach turns, nausea and dizziness flood me “Uh Luce, I need Jess!” I scream panicked and throw my hand over my mouth swaying on the stool slightly. I fight against the black spots clouding my vision and shut my eyes tightly.

  “Shit” I hear her mutter and then she calls someone over. A few seconds later I’m being lifted off the stool onto my feet and steered towards the office I shake my head furiously “Bathroom!” I cry trying to hold the sick back that’s slowly building it’s way up. I’m guided into the staff bathroom and set down in front of the toilet where I throw up my Chinese from last night and my orange juice with a lot of coffee. I dry heave for a few minutes and then exhaustion settles over me
once again.

  “Not yet you don’t, let’s get you back in the office” A voice that I think belongs to Tucker but I’m not sure because I can’t hear it clearly says softly to me.

  “I can’t” I croak before accepting the glass of water that comes out of nowhere. “I’m too tired” I groan.

  Two hands land softly on my cheeks and my face is turned. “Open your eyes Brooke” I obey and find myself looking into a pair of concerned light blue eyes. Tucker. “What’s wrong with you?” he asks softly.

  “I’m fine. I stayed up last night watching TV and lost track of time going through some of my old things, deciding what to keep and what to throw away, the next thing I knew it was morning and I spent the day moving house and unpacking everything, I was so busy I guess I forgot to eat. That’s all there is to it. Honest” I lie and kick myself for being so careless, I should have just gone to bed but I did promise I would come in tonight. Maybe I should have just called in.

  “Come on” he picks me up and carries me back through the bar into the office and lays me on the sofa then sits at the top and lifts my head onto his legs so they act as a pillow. For the next few hours I drift in and out of sleep hearing different conversations, I can’t make out who’s talking or what they are saying so I relax and fall back to sleep.

  “Come Brooke, wake up, we need to get you home” someone says shaking me softly.

  “I don’t wanna” I mumble back sleepily.

  “I know, but you have to and no one knows where you live anymore so you have to show me”

  “Fine” I grumble and sit up rubbing my eyes. Tucker is still in the same position and I turn to the clock. “Oh my god … I’m so sorry, I was out for hours! You shouldn’t have stayed so long, sorry” I blink a few times to clear my vision a bit more and shakily stand up to test my legs.

  “Don’t worry about it, I wanted to stay” he says sincerity ringing clearly in his voice as he throws an arm around my shoulders and leads me out to his car. I give him the address and fall straight back to sleep as the car starts moving.


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