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Wanna Bet?

Page 32

by R. S Burnett

  I look down at the envelope in my hand and turn it over to find it blank. All the hair on my neck stands up but I walk slowly over to the sofa and pull out the letter inside.


  My Baby Girl.

  If you’re reading this letter it’s because you have your own baby now and I’m not there to see it.

  I’m so, sorry that I’m not in your life anymore but I can rest assured that you’ve found Will and I can only hope that you’re happy.

  There has never been anything more in the world that I love more than you, you’re smile could light up a room and your laugh …. Your laugh is amazing, with your laugh alone, I’m sure you could power a city from the pure beauty of it.

  You’re a very special woman Brooke, you always have been. You’re kind and loving and selfless and I know that you would have surrounded yourself with the same.

  I also know that the man you have chosen to spend your life with is amazing and just as much of a beautiful person as you, both inside and out. You would never settle for less and I want you to know I approve, and am proud. Tell him I say, Hi, congratulations and he better look after my baby girl or there will be trouble.

  I know that now you have your own child you must understand how much a parents love is unconditional.

  I believe in you Brooke, I always have. I know that you have a tendency to worry and not think you’re good enough but trust me to tell you that you can do this and you are good enough.

  That baby you’ve just given birth to is the luckiest living person on this earth because you are his/her mother. It will grow up being loved by you which means that it will grow up needing nothing and learning how to love just like you do.

  You made me happy Brooke, always remember that.

  I love you always,

  I miss you always,

  I’m watching over you always.

  Forever loved,

  You’re daddy.


  P.S I want to meet the little one.

  Tears drop down on the page as I read it and reread it over and over again. I have no idea why my dad would have written me a letter but I’m just glad that he did.

  When I first looked at Mia, I believed I had everything I ever wanted, but now, knowing my dad believes in me enough to know I can do this, now I truly do have everything.

  I attempt to wait until the tears stop to go back out into the club but I know there’s no way they are going to stop anytime soon so I fold the letter up and put it in my bag before I push the office door open. I scan the bar looking for Will but there’s no sign of him anywhere.

  “Luce, where’s Will?”

  Lucy turns to me with a bright smile but it fades when she see’s I’m crying “He left why? Is everything okay?”

  I don’t answer her instead I head over to the bands table.

  “We’re going on a road trip tomorrow”

  “We are?” Tucker looks up at me.

  I nod at him and pass him the letter, as soon as he has it in his hands I’m lifted up into the air and this time Andrew does stop at the bar and climbs on after me with two microphones in his hand.

  “How about we celebrate Brookes return?” He calls into his mic through his crowd.

  I grin over at him “What did you have in mind?”

  “Hmm” He rubs his chin and pretends to be in thought before a mischievous grin takes over his face “How about … a little … bet?”

  The End

  About the author

  Hmm … about me … what to say?

  I’ve always loved reading and writing, I can happily read two or three books a day – as long as I have nothing else to do.

  My love for writing started early, when all my friends where asking for dolls and other toys, I was asking for pens, paper and then a typewriter.

  I haven’t really figured out what I want to do in life yet so in the meantime, I write. I’ve worked a number of different jobs and have an array of qualifications that I no longer know what to do with or any way of using them.

  My mind is complex and I’m sure there are some people who could spend an eternity studying just my thought process alone.

  I go through phases quicker than the weather changes. One week I might like cowboys and country music, the next I’ll like bad boys and rock music.

  If you want to contact me me, you can follow me on Twitter @**** or email me ***** or like my Facebook page.

  It’s not easy to keep up with me but it’s always fun to try. There is never a boring moment anyway.

  Before you go, how about a sneak peek at my next book?

  Hope – A sneak peek.

  Chapter One

  You two were forever

  “Are you kidding me?” I’m aware that I’m shouting and people staring at us but I no longer care.

  “Lou let’s just leave it”

  I turn my glare onto my best friend.

  “Yeah listen to your fat friend” he sneers at her.

  “Who the hell are you anyway?” I ask him giving him my best -you are shit on the bottom of my shoe- look.

  “Well aren’t you just the spoilt little rich one, shame daddy’s money couldn’t teach you how to drive properly”

  “No, but it taught me how to deal with assholes like you”

  “Watch who you’re calling an asshole, bitch”

  I watch as the woman takes a step towards me, she’s the same height as me, maybe a few years older but looks as though she has definitely been in a fight before. I haven’t.

  “What, setting your dog on me?” I ask the man standing behind his woman “Can’t solve things yourself?”

  “Who are you calling a dog, bitch?” she asks taking another step closer so we are nose to nose.

  “You honey” I smile tauntingly at her.

  “Louise...” Catherine says warning me to back down; she only ever uses my full name when she’s nervous.

  “Put a lease on your dog” The man advises her.

  “I think I made a mistake” I say taking a step back from the woman in front of me and shake my head “I shouldn’t have called you a dog”

  “Yeah back down, bitch” the woman smirks.

  Seriously where does she come up with this stuff?

  “I was wrong to call you that, I’m pretty sure I just offended all dogs. I can’t group someone as vile as you with that animal class. No you’re definitely more like something that would block a toilet and as for your boyfriend over there, I’m not even sure he constitutes as being called that”

  The man steps in front of his woman so he’s now in my personal space, he’s a lot taller than me so I have to look up to see him.

  “Pay up” he says clearing his expression.

  “You drove into me!” I shake my head at him.

  “You weren’t looking where you were going” he starts poking me in the chest.

  “Get your finger away from me before I break it” I advise looking pointedly at his hand.

  “Sure you would want to risk breaking a nail?”

  I move my head to the side so I can see around him; the woman is watching us looking proud.

  “It’ll be worth it trust me” I smile at her.

  “Is there a problem here?” I turn at the sound of another mans voice and look up to see Travis assessing the situation.

  “No problem, this man drove into me” I shrug at him.

  “No this spoilt little princess wasn’t watching where she was going and refuses to pay for the damage on my car” The man in question insists pointing a finger at me.

  “Spoilt?” Travis asks raising an eyebrow at me; I roll my eyes in answer.

  “Yeah, she probably doesn’t want to part with the money that was for her manicure or something” his girlfriend speaks up.

  I start twirling a strand of hair around my finger and adopt my best airhead impression, taking my voice a few octaves higher. “Well you see I was a bit worried about that. I mean, I have a party tonight a
nd I really do need another manicure, this one just doesn’t match the dress that daddy bought me earlier” I let my eyes fill up and a few tears fall down my cheeks “Daddy’s just going to be so upset with me if I don’t look my best, what am I going to do?” I cry.

  I hear Louise snort and Travis looks at me as if I’ve grown another head.

  “See, I knew it!” the man shouts and points a finger at me again.

  “Screw you asshole” I say back in my normal voice turning off the tears once again “You drove in to me. I was stationary! You know what means? It means my car wasn’t even fucking moving moron!”

  The man takes a step towards me but Travis stands in front of him so the woman comes to me instead.

  “Trav? What’s going on?”

  I freeze on the spot hearing that voice that I never thought I’d hear again. I don’t take my eyes off the woman advancing on me, not needing to see him to confirm it. I know that voice well enough that it is permanently engraved in my mind.

  “Lou? Is that you?” he asks now he is close enough to see us all.

  “Hey Kyle” I greet him still not taking my eyes off the woman.

  “Princess called her own dogs in the end” the man notes.

  “What?” Kyle asks him confused.

  “He means me” I mutter still in shock at seeing him again. “What are you doing here?” I ask and manage to say it without sounding mean.

  “I moved back, what’s going on here?” I can see from the corner of my eye that he’s looking at all of us. “Hey Cat, how’s things?”

  “Uh …” she replies looking just as lost as me.

  “They’ve had a car accident, both pointing the blame at the other” Travis explains.

  “I was parked! He drove into me!” I scream beyond frustrated now.

  “Hey, calm down princess, wouldn’t want you’re crown to slip” The man smirks at me so I fully turn on him now and stomp over to him poking him in the chest like he did to me earlier.

  “Listen here, any more princess comments from you and I swear to god you will feel these pointy shoes I’m wearing in places you wouldn’t even imagine you had inside you because I will shove it so far up your ass that you will have a gap in the top of your head. And princesses don’t wear crowns, they were tiaras!”

  I have no idea why I add that last bit, but I feel the need to point it out.

  “You would know bitch” he girlfriend notes so I turn on her.

  “And you, I get it your some big bad girl from a rough neighbourhood but really, calling me bitch every two seconds, it’s amusing not threatening. You sound like a bad version of some girl gangster wanna be. Get over it and call me a bitch once more and I really will show you how much of a bitch I can be”

  “Please, you’re just about as real as your tits” she announces, her boyfriend laughs.

  “Babe, my breasts are real, unlike that diamond on your finger” I point my eyes at her ring and her boyfriend turns bright read, cheap shot I know but I’m loosing it here “I am not paying for something that you did, what about the damage on my car? I’ll ignore it if you walk away now. I don’t want to hear from you ever again. But if your drive your POS car into mine again, I’ll sue for destruction of property”

  I hear them mutter things about bitches and princesses and daddy’s as they get in their car and drive away. Cat lets out a big sigh.

  “You okay?” I ask her not forgetting what he called her.

  “Are you? I wasn’t the one he was shouting at and touching and I never almost got attacked by his psycho girlfriend”

  “He touched you?” both Travis and Kyle ask at the same time.

  “Just before you came he was poking her” Cat tells them looking at me worriedly.

  “I’m fine, honestly” I shrug and turn to Kyle.

  My memory of him did not do him justice, from his jet black bed hair to his silver/blue eyes that you can get lost in and that mouth that can make you loose your panties if he turns his trademark slanted grin on you, he is still just as perfect as he always was. My feelings for him are still present as well, if anything the time apart has only made them stronger. He’s giving me the same attention with his eyes.

  Amber walks over to us and wraps an arm around his waist. “What’s happening baby?” she asks him then turns to me “Oh, hey Louise” she smiles.

  I have to blink to break the connection between Kyle and me before I turn to smile at her.

  “Hi, how are you?” I ask getting my emotions in check.

  “I’m good thanks, we’re going down to the beach” she smiles and Kyle wraps his arm around her returning the hold. My eyes move down as they catch the movement.

  “You two know each other?” he asks looking down at Amber.

  “We met a few days ago and got chatting” she smiles at me so I nod my agreement.

  “Well, we should get going” I turn to Cat and motion with my eyes that I’m uncomfortable, she picks up on it and turns to the others.

  “Thanks for coming over when you did Trav, it could have gotten ugly”

  “It’s not a problem, try to stay out of trouble Lou” he smiles at me.

  “Yeah me and my big mouth” I roll my eyes and jangle my keys “right well, I’ll see you all around” I smile at everyone and walk back to my car.

  “Did you know he was back?” Cat wastes no time talking before I’ve even started the engine.

  “Nope, I met Amber a few days ago in the library, she mentioned moving into town with her fiancé but she didn’t offer a name and I didn’t ask her for one. He’s back for good” I quickly fill her in on what I know.

  “They’re engaged?” she asks stopping to clip her seatbelt on.

  I look out my rear window and reverse out of the space I was in, offering a small wave when we drive past Travis, Kyle and Amber. “Yeap, didn’t you see her ring? That’s definitely not fake”

  “How do you feel after seeing him again?” She asks watching me warily.

  I let out a big breath “Honestly, I’m hoping that that bump we just had in the car was a lot worse and right now I’m unconscious dreaming, none of this is real”

  “Well he has Amber now and you’re happy with Chris. You two separated for a reason” she pats my leg but I’m not sure if she’s doing it as a warning to stay away from him or to reassure me that everything is going to be fine.

  “I know” I nod at her but can’t do anything to stop the memories of how Kyle and I used to be together from running through my mind.

  “I wonder how Chris will take the news” she says mindlessly as we drive towards her house.

  “He will be fine; he has nothing to worry about. Kyle and I have history that’s all, it’s not like he doesn’t have any ex girlfriends around here” I say firmly.

  “Yeah but you and Kyle were … everyone thought you two were forever” she sighs not helping at all.

  “Thanks Cat” I mutter.

  “Right, sorry. You’re right, you have Chris and he’s engaged to Amber so obvious he has his forever with someone else now” she says as if trying to convince me but I think she might be trying to convince herself.

  “Do you think I should tell Chris? Amber told me the other day that she’s going to the party tonight so he will obviously be there as well, shall I tell him that I know he’s back or just let him find out for himself tonight?” I ask worrying now.

  “I don’t know, If you tell him before hand then he could think you’re making a big deal out of it but if you leave it and then he finds out you saw him but didn’t mention it that you have something to hide”

  “I know why do I have a feeling this just got very complicated?” I ask the clouds when we get out the car.

  “Come on, don’t worry about that now. You’re not going to see Chris until you meet him there so you have that excuse, but if he rings you mention it in passing when you tell him about the bump in the car” I just nod my agreement and head into the house to get ready for the party hoping it d
oesn’t cause any problems, I don’t need anymore arguments right now.

  As predicted Chris rings me an hour before the party.

  “Hello” I answer smiling automatically.

  “Hey, are you going to break every guys heart tonight or what?” he teases making me laugh.

  “I look presentable, I guess”

  “Babe you could go in your pyjamas and still be the most beautiful woman in the room”

  “I had a bump in the car today” I sigh changing the subject and getting it over and done with.

  “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” My heart squeezes at his concern.

  “I’m fine, the guy was an asshole though, Travis came over and interrupted it before he could set his girlfriend on me, it was close but then Kyle came over and it got solved once the man was outnumbered” I hold my breath hoping that he picked up on the way I casually dropped Kyle in there not drawing attention to them.

  “Kyle’s back?” he asks quietly.

  “Guess so, I met his fiancée a few days ago, didn’t know who she was engaged to though” I shrug even though I know he can’t see the gesture.

  “Should I be worried?” he asks making me frown.

  “Of course not, they are very happy and so are we. The past is the past. I love you and don’t want anyone else” I assure him.

  I hear him let out the breath he was obviously holding “Okay good, I guess I’ll see you in an hour then. Don’t be nervous about you’re speech, I know how you hate public speaking”

  “I know” I smile “I love you, see you soon”

  “Love you too”

  “Well that went well” I note once I’m sure he’s no longer on the line.

  “It will be fine” Cat squeezes my hand in reassurance.

  “Yeah” I nod, not sure if it will be anymore.



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