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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 9

by Ainsley Cole

  After what had happened with Vince, finding who was doing this was a priority. She could understand why he wanted her to concentrate.

  “What we have, is a situation in Vegas. Korin James is the Coven leader for Nevada.”

  “And what kind of situation is it?” Marely asked, trying to keep her attention on Abe. She didn’t want to dwell on the anger she had for Rhayden right now.

  “He's having Mated killed there, just like what happened here genius.” Rhayden's voice floated down to her. Her gaze snapped to him, glaring, before shifting back to his brother.

  “Do you have a gun?”

  “Your last attempt at killing me didn't work. Remember Marlene?” Rhayden said, spitting her name as if it was a bad taste in his mouth.

  “I can still shoot your stupid ass!” she yelled, and Abe put out his hand, gripping hers.

  “Ignore him Marley, it is easier.”

  “Yeah, go ahead, not the first time you have.” Came the vampire’s angry words.

  Marley ground her teeth together and looked at Absinthe, “So, what is the plan? Do I go to Vegas and work with Korin?”

  “Sort of. I was hoping that you and Rhayden could go and help—”

  “No!” they replied in unison.

  “Okay…,” Abe looked from his lover to his brother, a frown developing between his dark eyebrows. “I need you to go Marley, but I don't want to send you on your own. Rhayden can protect you.”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I will go with Madison and Tony.”

  “Yeah, like they could save that perfect ass.” Rhayden retorted.

  Marley closed her eyes, reigning in her anger. Opening them, she looked to Absinthe, wanting permission to take the little blonde-headed vampire and her Syre, “Tony and Madison?”

  Abe nodded. She could see he didn’t want to give in to what she asked, but in the end, he nodded, “Agreed.”

  Marley smiled, not glancing up to Rhayden, “Good. I will go and get my things ready, to leave first fall of dark tomorrow.”

  Marley lifted herself and turned, walking to the door, not even looking back.


  The door slammed behind Marley and Absinthe lifted his gaze to his brother.

  His head was turned to the door, eyes glowing silver, not a single ounce of coppered-anger in them.

  Abe frowned, leaning back in his chair. He didn’t like it when his brother and his hunter fought and he could tell… Rhayden was heart-broken.


  “You should at least talk to him Marlene.”

  Eyes opening, she looked up.

  Absinthe was sitting on the side of the bath, his face etched with worry, hair carelessly hanging over his shoulders, a curtain of dark silk.

  Closing her eyes, she sank lower into the tub, “No.”

  “I don't like the idea of you going to Vegas, and Korin without him.”

  “Well, he should have thought about it before he chucked tantrum. He is almost 400 years old Absinthe, not two.”

  “I’ll admit, he does have temper on him. But it doesn’t mean he doesn't care. What he said. He didn’t mean a word of it. Surely you realize that?” Abe brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, caressing her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “He's never been very good at sharing, especially with me.”

  “Well, unless he pulls his shit together, he won't have to worry about it. That will give him more comfort, knowing he doesn't have to share me anymore,” Marley opened her eyes and looked the vampire beside her. “As much as I love him Abe, I can't keep being made to feel like I’m the one in the wrong here. He must realize, this is harder on me than it is on him. How am I supposed to choose?”

  Absinthe pursed his lips, a small wrinkle forming between his eyebrows, “I understand. You would stop seeing him?”

  “If that is what it takes. I will think about it while I am in Vegas. And if it had to come to it,” Marley knew this was not what Abe would want to hear. “I would stop seeing you too.”

  Abe stiffened, hand slipping from her skin, resting on his lap, “Why?”

  She bit her lip.

  They’d already been through this before.

  Their relationship was volatile; she had told him she didn’t want to see him as a lover anymore. It hadn’t gone well or lasted long. Their lust for each other had burned to hot.

  “I'm sorry Abe. I can't keep doing this. I love you both. More than anything, but if I must choose between the both of you… I can't. I would rather go without, then to have Rhayden angry with me, because I am still putting you first.”

  “Then stop putting me first Marley,” Abe said, leaning in. “I can cope with that.”

  She looked up at him, eyes misting with tears. They slid down her face, her bottom lip trembling. The last thing she wanted to do was cry.

  “Oh Marley,” Absinthe knelt next to the bath and pulled her close to him. Her head rested against his shoulder as she started to sob. “You have to look after number one darling. And that’s you. You can’t hunt effectively, and we can't have you, if you are frazzled out from trying to keep us both happy.”

  “I-I can't do this anymore Absinthe. I can't cope,” Marley sobbed, biting down on her lip. The tang of blood washed into her mouth as she broke the skin. “I have so much to do. Going to Vegas to work out who the hell is killing the Mated again. Johann. I still need to find him; he needs to pay for Linda's death.”

  “And he will, Marley. I have as many eyes out for him as I can spare. When they find him, they will bring him back. He will pay for what he did. I promised you that two years ago, when you started working for me,” Abe pushed her back slightly, brushing the hair from her face, wiping away her tears with the pad of his thumb. “But for now, just concentrate on Korin's Coven. You will be safe there with Tony and Madison. They know you are not to be hurt by anyone. And so does Korin.”

  “And Rhayden? What happens with him?”

  He smiled, “Leave my brother to me.”

  Marley nodded, leaning her head back against his shoulder. She didn't want to lose either of the vampires.

  Where Absinthe was her rock, her safe and warm, her normal— Rhayden was her crazy, able to ignite the wilder side of her, the more insane.

  She took more risks when she was around the paler brother.

  She needed them both, like two halves of her soul; she knew she would go crazy without them.

  Marley hoped Abe was right; Rhayden would be able to see her side of this. But for now, she had to get out of the mansion, away from his intoxicating beauty and sexuality, before she tried to kill him again.


  Abe’s hands were soft on her, his mouth kissing along her neck, making her head swim. Her head tipped back as he covered her throat in soft kisses and she wished he would bite down. The sting of his fangs piercing her skin always heightened her pleasure.

  Covering her smaller body with his cold, larger one, he slipped into her, moving slowly against her.

  Marley moaned, wrapping her arms around Absinthe’s neck. Allowing him to slowly make love to her. It drew out, slower than usual and her orgasm finally peaked.

  Burying her head against Abe’s neck, moaning his name, his body stiffened as he came.

  “Short, but sweet.” He moaned, pushing the hair from her face and Marley smiled.

  “I don’t mind. I think I just needed short and sweet tonight Abe.”

  He smiled, kissing her, before rolling to the side. Marley curled up against him as he pulled the covers over her, keeping her warm against his chilled skin.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay to go to Vegas? To Korin?”

  “Sure. It’s fine,” She replied, tracing the lines of his muscles as she lay against him, but her head was full of turmoil. She had never even heard of Korin James. But now she had to go and work with him. She looked up at Absinthe, his gaze was steady on her. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “With what my love?”

  She smiled a
t the nickname and her gaze dropped to his chest. She traced the small scars which crisscrossed his skin. She’d never asked him about what they were, what had caused them, “Me being so far away.”

  “I can deal with it Marlene. I could get to Vegas in only one night. I could come and see you, if you needed me to. It’s you, being so far away, without Rhayden protecting you. That’s what worries me. Especially being with Korin.”

  “Who is he?”

  “Korin?” She nodded and he gripped her hand, making her look up at him. “He is a Coven Lord, like me. He is old and dangerous. He’s not one you want to upset. I want you to be careful around him.”

  “I will. I have Tony and Madison coming with me.”

  “Yes, they will protect you…” he nodded his head and Marley knew there was something else. Something deeper and more dangerous about the vampire she was going to work with, lying just below the surface. But she didn’t want to push him.

  “I will be fine Abe. Trust me.”

  The vampire looked down at her, smiling, but it never reached his eyes and her stomach heaved.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.


  Bright blood splattered onto Marley's shirt, cool and sticky. She looked up to Rhayden, seeing the arterial spray, gushing from his throat, as his hands desperately tried to close the wound. She rushed forward, trying to help, but he swiped out at her, blood spraying her again.

  “It's your fault I am like this!”

  Marley screamed, sitting bolt upright in bed, her hair plastered to her face, “Rhayden.”

  She put her hand out, touching smooth, chilled skin and turned. Absinthe lay naked beside her. He hadn't woken to her scream and she was glad. She didn't want to tell him she had had a nightmare about his brother, throat slashed, dying, and blaming her.

  Marley swung her legs over the side of Abe's bed and planted them firmly on the ground, the chilled floor comforting to her hot skin.

  She reached down, picking up her robe and stood, wrapping it around her. Walking to the bag on the settee, she opened it, fishing out clothes, before getting dressed.

  Looking back at Abe's sleeping form; she walked to the door, stepping out into the mansion. She had never been awake during the day here and she couldn't believe how deadly silent it was.

  Padding barefoot along the corridors, she soon found herself in front of Rhayden's door, her hand out to open it.

  She pulled back. Did she really want to go in there? Was the only reason she was there, was to check and make sure he didn’t have his throat slit?

  Marley sighed and put her hand out again, twisting the knob, pushing open the door. Lying on the bed was Rhayden, his naked frame, covered only by a silk sheet across his groin. She walked over to him, looking down at his beautiful face.

  She had never seen him sleeping. He tired her out so much; she was usually still asleep well after he had woken.

  He was so beautiful.

  His pale skin, soft, but hard at the same time.

  Chilled, but able to heat up, with hot water or her body.

  She looked at the beautiful muscle structure of his torso, his legs, and his shoulders. The V-line of the muscle as it dipped towards his groin. He was so much lither and toned than his brother.

  Absinthe was stockier, heavier.

  Marley felt heat flush through her as she knew what was under that sheet, what his shaft did to her. She wanted to reach out and touch him, caress him, let him make love to her.

  But she didn't.

  Hopefully Abe would be able to talk to him, while she was in Vegas, hunting this other rogue vampire.

  She needed to be back with him, needed his love and insanity. She needed him to be the protective, suffocating man she was in love with. Not his hard, cold asshole he had turned into, demanding and obsessively boorish.

  Marley sat on the side of the bed, knowing there was nothing which could wake him until the time was right, until the sun had set long enough to rouse him.

  Her hand went to his face, brushing away his sandy hair, exposing the beauty of his face. She leaned in, kissing him lightly on the lips. Feeling the chill of his skin against hers and she felt her eyes mist. She pulled away from him, looking down.

  “I love you Rhayden and I am sorry if you think I love Abe more. But I don't. I love you both just as insanely as each other and that’s the problem,” Her eyes stung with tears as her words flowed freely. Able to speak while his intense gaze wasn’t levelled straight at her. “I need time Rhayden. Time to think, time to make the right choice. I need to know if I can keep doing this, or whether to give up.”

  Tears rolled down her face, but she continued, knowing if she stopped, even though he couldn't hear her, she would never be able to get it out into the open.

  “I know that if I lose either you or Abe, I would go insane. I would die. So please, I know you can't hear me, but I need to tell you this,” wiping away tears, she sniffed. “I need time. Otherwise I will have to say good bye to both of you… and I don't want to do that.”

  Marley leaned in and kissed him again, her tears dropping onto his face, sitting like little jewels on his pale skin. “I do love you.”

  She stood, looking down at him one last time, before walking over to the door. Leaving the room, she closed the door behind her.

  On the bed, Rhayden moved, his head tipping to the side, a single tear rolled from the corner of his eye and his lips parted, as he whispered. “Mars…”


  Marley shoved the last of her guns into the bag and sighed, zipping it closed, “Marley.”

  She turned, seeing Absinthe standing in the doorway, holding out a small folder. She smiled, walking over and took the folder from his hands. “What's this?”

  “Maps. Directions. Money.”

  “I have money Abe.”

  “I don't want you using your personal money for this Marley, if it’s not enough, let me know.” Abe said, as she opened the folder.

  “Okay. So you give me some more. How the hell am I supposed to use the ten million from the last job, if I can't spend it on random stuff?”

  Absinthe chuckled and leaned down, kissing her on the cheek, “Please be careful.”

  “You worry too much Abe. I will be fine.”

  “I wouldn't worry so much if Rhayden was with you.” He said and Marley groaned.

  “Yes, I know. But that won't happen. Speaking of Rhayden. Have you seen him yet tonight?”

  “No, should I have?”

  “No,” Marley shook her head. “It's fine.”

  “You were gone when I woke,” He said, tilting her chin to him and she smiled weakly. “Where were you?”

  “I needed to get things ready. I couldn't sleep properly.” Marley turned, walking back towards the bench, shoving the folder into the bag. Plastering a fake smile on her lips, she turned to Absinthe. It had to seem like she was holding it all together, when it was far from the truth.

  “It has to do with Rhayden, doesn't it?” Marley blinked and the smile faded from her lips. “I thought so. Are you sure you’re okay doing this without him? Do you want to go and see him before you leave?”

  Marley shook her head, “No. I need time to think. I will figure things out with him, when I get back.”

  “I understand. I want you to ring when you get there okay?” Marley nodded and tilted her head up as he stepped forward towards her. He leaned in, kissing her softly. “Make sure you use Tony and Madison to the extent. They are there to help, but also protect you. Make sure you remember that. If you feel unsafe at any point I want you to leave.”

  She nodded, tilting her head to the side, “Do you expect that much trouble?”

  “I don't know what to expect Marley, which is why I want you to be careful.”

  “Of course, I will be,” She turned from him, picking up her bag, slinging the straps of her shoulder. “Tell Rhayden I will see him when I get back. Hopefully I will have had enough time to think.”

sp; “I will.”

  Marley nodded, walking past the vampire, stopping beside him, “I love him and you Abe.”

  “I love you too Marley.”


  Abe turned, as Marley left the room. He stepped out of the door, watching her walk down the corridor to the garage. Tony and Maddison would be waiting to take her to the airport and then on to Vegas.

  His gaze shifted to the balcony across the gap in the mansion's interior. His brother was standing in the shadows, his gaze on Marley as she walked down the stairs.

  “Go to her Rhayden…” He whispered, knowing his brother would hear him.

  Rhayden looked up, eyes flaring brightly, and he shook his head, turning away, “She needs time.”

  He disappeared into the shadows, leaving Abe torn.

  If his brother and Marley didn’t sort out their differences… they would both lose her.


  With the use of Absinthe’s private jet, the trip from Miami to Vegas had been relatively short. Now she was sitting in the hire-car, watching the scenery fly past, her mind still on the pair of vampires she’d left behind.


  She turned to the female vampire by her side and smiled, brought back to reality with the pretty woman’s voice. “Yes Madison?”

  “We are almost there. This is the last turn before we arrive at Korin's Coven.”

  Marley nodded and looked out the window at the bright lights, twinkling in the distance.

  Vegas was calling to her.

  Wanting her to blow the almost ten million dollars in her account at Absinthe's bank. She watched as they disappeared behind the tall ranges and she turned her head back to the front of the car. The car’s lights swept over huge wrought iron gates and butterflies took flight in her stomach.

  Madison reached over and gripped her hand, squeezing it tightly, “I'm here and so is Tony.”

  “You bet’cha,” Tony quipped, from the driver's seat. “We won't let anything happen to you Miss Brennan. Lord Absinthe will kill us if you got hurt. And not to mention what Rhayden would do to us too.”

  I don’t think Rhayden would actually care right now.


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