Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set Page 11

by Ainsley Cole

Maddison pulled out a seat for Marley, before taking up the one beside her. Close enough to show that the human woman was protected. Tony remained standing, behind the pair of women.

  Korin's eyes narrowed at him. Taking a seat himself, his gaze settled on Marley, his mouth opening.

  She spoke, before he could get the chance, “Lord Korin, I am only here to help you with the Mated and then I am leaving to return to Lord Absinthe. He is concerned the killer is still out there and—”

  “Killer? I was told Vince had been killing the Mated. That he had been taken care of, by my own cousin.”

  “And yet, you ask Abe—Lord Absinthe to send me to help see to the one who is killing your Mated.”

  Korin's eyebrow rose at the use of Absinthe's shortened name and Marley mentally kicked herself. How could she have slipped like that? She had to keep letting him think there was purely a professional relationship between them.

  “Yes. I did.” Korin's voice was quieter. His gaze traveled to her chest, his eyebrow raising. His gaze slowly lifted to her face again and Marley could see the brutal lust return.

  “Well, I am here to help you in any way possible and then I am to leave you and return to Lord Absinthe.”

  “I am sure you could help in more than one way, Miss Brennan.” Korin murmured. Tony growled behind her.

  “Keep in mind Lord Korin, you are Absinthe's cousin. I am his asset. Treat me with respect, or I will leave you to this killer and walk away.” Marley sounded more confident than she felt.

  Korin's eyes narrowed and he looked from her, to Tony and back again.

  “Very well, Miss Brennan,” he clicked his fingers and soon a file was deposited in front of her. “All the information I have on the Mated which have been killed from my Coven.”

  Marley opened it and looked at the photos of the charred corpses and her heart sank.

  They were the same as the ones back in Miami.

  Identical, even down to the arrows in the bodies.

  “Is it the same?” Madison whispered, and Marley nodded, sliding the file to the woman. Madison's eyes scanned the file, frowning as she closed it.

  “I take it, it is the same?” Korin asked and Marley nodded.

  “Yes, it is. I will stay; help you find whoever is doing this.”

  “Good. Now, would you like to join me out for dinner? I know of a nice little restaurant…”

  “No, this is purely business Korin…”

  “Of course.” The tone showed his annoyance with her blatant rejection.

  “Then I will take my leave and start on this immediately.” Marley replied, standing. Madison followed, scooping the file into her hands. Tony brought up the rear and Marley felt her confidence start to grow as she marched through the mansion.

  That had gone a lot better than she had thought—

  “Miss Brennan!” Korin's voice rang out in the hall and her heart started to beat faster, her confidence slinking back into hiding. She slowed, turning.

  Tony was barring the vampire's path, hands fisted by his sides, “Tony, it's okay.”

  Tony stepped to the side and Korin swept past him, throwing him a disgusted glance, “Miss Brennan, I hope you are not offended with my request of dinner?”

  “Of course I am not offended Lord Korin. I just do not wish to take this past the professional terms of this job.” Marley said, holding her head higher, smiling sweetly at him.

  Korin raised an eyebrow at her, smirking. “Yet, is that not what has happened between you and my cousin?”

  Marley's smile faded and Korin grinned.

  “Thought so,” He leaned in closer, ignoring the growl from Tony. “Absinthe made a mistake sending his human lover here. It will end very badly.”

  “Is that a threat Korin?” Marley spat, her anger building.

  How dare this man try and intimidate her. She came here, while her own world was crumbling and in turmoil, to help. She would not allow him to talk down to her.

  Korin straightened, as her guard stepped closer, making it known he didn’t like him being so close to the woman he was protecting, “Of course not Miss Brennan.”

  “Good. I will see you when I find out what is happening. Until then,” Marley stepped forward, watching the lust flit across the vampire's features. “Stay away from me.”


  Marley’s legs shook as she sank in the back of the car.

  “Are you alright Miss Brennan?”

  “I'm fine Tony.” she replied, trying to smile.

  Was she? If it hadn’t been for Tony, she would have been assaulted by Korin. No doubt about it.

  “Your heart says otherwise.” He replied, turning to her.

  Marley groaned and concentrated on bringing her heart beat under control. She hated the fact they could hear how erratic someone’s heartbeat was.

  It reminded her, she was human. They were not.

  “That's better,” Tony chuckled. “Now, are you sure he hasn't rattled you too much? The plane is here; ready to go, if you want to go back. Lord Raynes would not think less of you, neither would we.”

  “No. I told Korin I would help him and I promised Absinthe the same. I will stay until it is done.” Marley replied, opening her eyes, watching the scenery. “I will get it done, before I go back.”

  “Okay.” Was Tony's non-committal answer and Marley smiled, at least he wasn’t trying to talk her out of it and she was grateful. She just wanted to get it done and get the hell out of here.

  Twenty minutes later, pulling into the hotel, Marley felt the evening’s turn of events catching up with her and she sighed as Tony pulled the car into the parking, switching it off.

  “I will see you tomorrow.” She said as they walked to their rooms and Madison smiled.

  “Have a good evening Marley. Sleep well.”

  “You too.” Marley smiled.

  The flicker of desire which swept over the vampire's features as she looked at her Syre had Marley’s face heating.

  Wow. Maybe she should get turned so she had that kind of bond with her Syre…

  Her head shook.

  No, she would never turn.

  And she already had a bond with two vampires, filled with just as much lust as that of Madison and Tony.

  She walked to her room and opened the door, wanting to settle into the tub with a glass of wine and some nice, soft music. “Where were you?”

  Marley froze, flicking on the light. The vampire stoof in the middle of the room, his pale hair shining, his bright blue eyes slowly fading silver as he looked at her.


  “Who else? Or were you expecting Korin?”

  “Screw you,” She spat, walking over to the table, dumping her phone and gun on the surface. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Absinthe sent me.” He said, watching her as she stripped off her jacket and pulled off her shoes.

  “Great. Now I am sending you back. I don't need you to babysit me.”

  “Yes you do. I was told Korin has been causing you trouble.”

  Marley whirled on him, “Has someone been keeping tabs on me?!”

  “You wouldn’t know if they were…”

  She glared at him, “Then has Tony and Maddison been tattling?”

  Rhayden rolled his eyes, “No, Tony is more loyal than that. And Maddison likes you too much.”

  Marley sighed in relief; at least she knew her companions weren’t running back to Abe every time Korin fluttered his eyelashes at her.

  “So,” Rhayden walked up to her, hand grazing up the side of her arm, he leaned in, his lips close to her neck. “You’re going to have to put up with me until this is all over.”

  She reigned in her libido, having him so close, was so incredibly tempting, “And if I don't want you here?”

  Rhayden stepped back, arms crossing over his chest, annoyance flashing in his eyes, “Get over it.”

  “What if I call Abe?”

  Rhayden pulled out his phone and pressed a button,
holding it out for her, “Go for it.”

  She glared at him, stepped forward and grabbed the phone. Her fingers grazed his, a small electric shock jumping between them.

  His eyes paled with desire and she turned away, holding the phone to her ear.

  “What is it Rhayden?” Absinthe's voice was rough, tortured and Marley was surprised.


  “Marley?” His voice perked up a little, before falling again. “I take it Rhayden is there?”

  “Yes, he is. Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why is he here when I asked to be sent without him?” Marley asked, anger seeding her voice.


  “No Abe! I told you not to send him with me and you did anyway. Why?”

  “Because I don't trust Korin around you Marlene.”

  “Why? He is just another horny vampire. Not like I haven't had to deal with one before.” She turned and looked back at Rhayden.

  He’d crossed to the bed and pulled his shirt off. Lying across the bed, his hand was under his head, staring at her. His gaze was on her butt, and it lazily traveled up her body, finally settling on her face. He smirked, teeth biting his bottom lip and she poked her tongue out at him.

  “Marley you have to deal with it. I want Rhayden there to look after you.”

  “Fine if I have to put up with the pain in the ass, then I want him in another room.” She said and heard the vampire behind him growl.



  “I said no Marley. Deal with it. I want you to work with him and try and sort out you crap.”

  The phone clicked and she stared at it. Abe rarely hung up on her. It was usually the other way around. Looking back at Rhayden, he grinned. “What are you smiling at?”



  He picked himself up off the bed and walked over. His hand went out and she looked at it, placing the phone into it. He glared at it and threw it over his shoulder. “I like the thought that Abe just cut you down to size and you just—”

  Marley growled, pushing him and slammed his body against the wall, knife coming to his throat.

  “Don't push it Rhayden.” She growled and his eyes paled with anger.

  “Get that fucking thing away from me before I hurt you.”

  “You hurt me and you can fuck off for good. I am not in the mood for you or your shit right now,” She stepped back, looking down at the knife in her hand. There was a thin layer of blood and she looked up. A thin line sat on his throat, a single drop oozing from it. “I came here to think about the shit between us, alone. I don't need you here complicating things even further.”

  “You think this is easy for me?” He said, reaching up, brushing the blood from his skin. The wound was healed and he licked the liquid from his finger. “I have to deal with your shit too. You don’t exactly make thing very fucking easy Marlene.”

  His tone was harsh, and her bottom lip trembled.

  “I can't concentrate when you’re around. Everything gets too fuzzy. Too seductive,” Marley dropped the knife to the floor and sank to her knees. “I can't keep doing this Rhayden. I'm only human.”

  Rhayden dropped to his knees in front of her, tilting his hand under her chin, “Mars, I'm sorry. You being human is the reason I love you. You are warm, soft, loving. I couldn't see my life without you.”

  Marley stared into his blue eyes, tears tracking down her cheeks, “I'm going to die eventually Rhayden. I can't live forever.”

  “Abe could turn you…”

  “No,” She pulled away from him, his eyes widening in surprise. “I-I couldn't. The woman you both love would be gone Rhayden. I couldn't do it.”


  “No! I don't want to be like you. I love being with you and Abe, but I can't be like you,” She scrambled to her feet, looking down at the vampire in front of her. “Please, just leave me be. Let me do this. Be the protector I need right now and then let me think about us.”

  She watched as Rhayden's eyes slowly faded to silver and he dropped his head, “Fine.”

  His voice echoed that of a small child and it took all her restraint to not sink to her knees and hold him, “Thank you.”

  “I'll get another room.” He replied standing. He turned from her. Walking to the bed, he pulled his shirt on and walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

  Expecting him to walk back through and demand her to be more reasonable, Marley frowned when he didn’t.

  Sinking to her knees, her head went to her hands and she cried.


  Rhayden sat in the front of the car with Tony, as Marley and Maddison walked over to the warehouse, to the still charred side of the building. “Are you okay Marley?”

  She looked at her, smiling, “I am fine Maddi. Tired. I’m still on human time.”

  “That’s one thing I don’t miss.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Being tired.” She said smiling and Marley giggled.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, what do you want to know?” Maddison asked, her hand touching the side of the warehouse.

  Marley grimaced, not knowing exactly how to put it, “Uh you and Tony?”

  “Yeah?” Maddison turned, looking at her.


  “Do we sleep together?” Marley’s face heated and Maddison giggled. “Yes. We do. Tony and I are lovers.”

  “Do all Syre’s have their fledglings as lovers?”

  “Some do. Some don’t. It depends on the relationship. Tony and I have been close since the beginning. I chose him to turn me, well, because I was attracted to him.”

  Marley frowned with her statement.

  “What do you mean chose him?”

  Maddison turned to her, taking her hand from the warehouse wall.

  “As you guessed, I’m not exactly young. I was born in 1876 and I was close to my 18th birthday when I got sick. And I mean, really, really sick. I wasn’t long off dying. My mother knew of this one woman who often frequented local bars, offering cures,” Maddison looked back to the car, before looking to her. “She came around, bringing two men. One of them was Tony. The woman told me, to get better, I would have to choose one of them and I would never be able to come home again. I would always be tied to the man. But he would always take care of me and I would live for a long time.”

  “So, you chose Tony.”

  “Yeah, I chose Tony. They left me alone with him. He was gentle, explaining to me what was going to happen, then he turned me.”

  “That easy?” Marley thought it didn’t sound as bad as she thought, and she looked at Maddison, the vampire shaking her head.

  “There is nothing easy about turning Marley. Tony almost lost me twice. If I had a choice now, I would say yeah, let’s do it again, having found love with Tony. But ask me just after it happened, having to kill so I would survive? No, I wouldn’t have done it again.”

  “Oh.” The woman’s answer surprised her.

  “Are you considering it?”

  Maddison’s question caught her off guard and she looked at her, “What?”

  “Are you considering getting either Rhayden or Absinthe to turn you?”

  She shook her head, “No, of course not. I couldn’t. Rhayden has already suggested it and I told him no.”

  “Oh, you just wanted to know hey?”

  “Yeah, just wanted to know,” Marley muttered, and she turned back to the warehouse, looking at the wall. “So, what did you find out when you went through the files?”

  Maddison walked up to the wall, scraping at the burn mark on the wall with a descended claw, “Same stuff as the last pair you found. Fire extinguisher used to douse them.”

  “Well, we know it can’t have been Vince, he’s dead,” Marley suggested, and Maddison nodded in agreeance. “So, did Vince have family? A brother? Father? Someone in the coven’s who would have done this for revenge for
what happened to him?”

  “As far as I know? No. He was a loner. Absinthe had only had him in the Coven for a few years. He had rose the ranks quickly, but no-one ever really trusted him. Before that? Vince was with one of the Coven’s up north. Washington… I think.”

  Marley tried to remember anything about the big vampire. But she kept coming up blank, other than the fact he didn’t like her.

  Vince left the coven, when the Lord died. They found his charred remains in the garden one morning, a note on his desk, saying he’d had enough of the way things were, of the feeding on animals all the time and he couldn’t continue.”

  “He committed suicide?”


  “Okay. So, if it’s not someone tied to Vince, who else could be doing it?”

  “Maybe we should be digging deeper into Korin’s dealings. His past, present. See what the grub had his claws into.”

  “Grub?” Marley laughed. “I take it, you don’t like him either?”

  “No, I hate him. I hate every single fiber of him. He’s cruel, very, very unusual and he likes to prey on women. He is a pig and I don’t like the way he looks at you.” She scowled.

  “Yeah, neither do I.”

  Maddison smiled, stepping over to her. Her arm folded around her shoulders, head resting against hers, “Don’t worry you have your big bad vampire by your side now. He will keep you from the grub.”

  Marley laughed, and they started to walk back to the car, almost forgetting how much danger she was really in.


  “Rhayden? Didn’t think I would see you here cousin.”

  “Korin.” Rhayden smiled, hugging the man in front of him.

  Marley’s skin crawled. Would Rhayden hug him, if he knew how much Korin wanted her?

  The Lord of Vegas stepped away, looking at Marley and his slimy gaze traveled all over her body. She’d tried to keep demure clothing again, but it didn’t seem to deter him.

  “Miss Brennan, how nice to see you again.”

  “Lord Korin,” She replied, making no attempt at letting him touch her. His look was a little tamer than the night before and she chalked it up to Rhayden’s presence. “We’ve some Intel; we’d like to share it with you, if you have the time.”

  “Of course,” he said, stepping to the side and she walked past, Rhayden following.


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