Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set Page 12

by Ainsley Cole

  Maddison and Tony had stayed with the car, Rhayden telling them she was safe with him. She had really wanted to have Maddison by her side. The woman calmed her and would protect her with her life.

  Marley walked to the conference room they had been in the day before. Korin closed the doors, walking to the other side of the room and sat. His eyebrow raised as Rhayden remained standing behind her, “Please cousin, sit.”

  “No. I’m fine from here.”

  Korin’s gaze narrowed at his cousin’s reply, before it moved to her, “So, Miss Brennan, what have you found out?”

  Marley cleared her throat and flipped open the folder, looking down at the extra photos Rhayden and Tony had secured. “As you know, you have had Mated die?”


  Marley clenched her teeth at his annoyed tone and continued, “Reconnaissance has shown similarities between them, but obviously, with Vince’s death, they are not the same.”

  “Of course.”

  Again, condescendence and she bit her tongue, trying not to retaliate, “So, with a bit of research, we have found the fire extinguishers used to douse the bodies are from the same company. Digging deeper, they were also purchased from the same store—”

  “Same store? How can that be? Absinthe’s Coven is in Miami, mine is here in Vegas. That is a fair distance to cover, just to use the same kind of fire extinguisher,” He scoffed, and Marley lifted her gaze. “And how do you even find something like that out?”

  “Each fire extinguisher, from each company, uses their own, specialized mixture of retardants for putting out flames. Some are more oxygen than others. With this, each batch has their own complex finger print.” Sounding like she belonged in a crime show, Marley continued. “We ran the chemical compounds and found the one which was used. Then we ran a cross check with databases over the country and found the seller—”

  “Bullshit,” Korin spat, his voice lowering, eyes changing slightly, copper hitting them. “You’re wasting my time Miss Brennan, if you think you can take me for a fool.”

  “Ok, we found an empty one near the last death.” She smirked and he stood, glaring at her, his fists balling at his sides.

  “I am not in the mood for your games Miss Brennan. I think this meeting is over.” The vampire swept out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Marley leaned back, sighing.

  “Well that was short. What’d you do that for?” Rhayden asked, walking over to her and closing the folder as she looked up at him. “You shouldn’t antagonize vampires Mars, they bite. Especially that one.”

  Climbing to her feet as he picked up the folder, they walked to the door, “I have to play my hand Rhayden.”

  “What hand?” He asked, eyebrows scrunching together. “What are you playing at Mars?”

  “Let’s get out of here first, then I will tell you.”


  Sitting in the comfort of the car on the way back from the motel, Rhayden turned to her from the front seat, “So are you going to tell me why you stirred up someone like Korin?”

  Marley smiled, looking at Maddison. “While I was stirring up Korin, Maddi was hacking into his databases.”

  Rhayden looked from her, to the female vamp by her side and back, his eyebrows furrowing together, “Excuse me? Did you just say you hacked into Korin James’ databases?”

  “Marley thinks there is something connecting Lord Korin and the Mated killings, to Vince. And she wanted me to snoop into his files.” Maddison added.

  Rhayden looked at Tony, eyes widening, “Did you know they were planning this?

  Tony looked at him, pursing his lips, “Yes sir.”

  Rhayden rolled his eyes and sat back on his chair. “For fuck sake… you’re fucking crazy,” He turned back to Marley again, anger burning through his features. “Do you have any idea what he will do when he finds out you hacked his archives?”

  Marley’s confidence suddenly waned and she looked at Maddison, seeing her grimace, “What?”

  “Korin is one of the most anal vampires I know when it comes to his security and his archives. He will skin you a live Marlene. And right now, I’m in the right mind to help him.”

  “Fuck you Rhayden. Absinthe wanted me to help. I come to help. Korin wanted me to find out who is doing it. I am.”

  “You didn’t have to hack into his archives!” Rhayden yelled, making her jump. He turned to Tony, growling. “Pull the fucking car over.”

  Tony nodded, pulling the car onto the verge and Rhayden glared at Marley, “Get out.”


  “Rhayden—” Maddison started, but his copper gaze shifted to her and she shrunk away in fear.

  “Shut up,” He looked back to Marley. “Marlene, get out of the car, or I will drag you out by your fucking hair.”

  Marley’s insides twisted with fear and she looked at Maddison, before turning to the door, opening it and climbed out as Rhayden did the same. He leaned over the car, looking at Tony, “Go, we will get back on our own.”

  Tony looked at her and she could see the apology in his eyes, but he nodded, pulling the car away. Sickness engulfed her as their tail lights blended in with all the others; leaving her alone with the pissed off vampire.

  She turned to Rhayden, his eyes shining in the light of the passing cars. They were copper, dark, and menacing. She stepped back, bringing her hand to her throat, wondering if he would attack her. It wouldn’t take much for him to rip her throat out and leave her on the side of the road.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking pissed I am at you right now?” he growled, and Marley wondered if she would be able to flag down a car, get help, before he hurt her. “You are so fucking infuriating. I don’t know whether I can deal with you.”

  Her own anger kicked in and she stepped forward.

  “Then don’t deal with me. Walk away, take your sorry fucking ass and piss off. I don’t need your shit Rhayden!” she screamed at him, making him blink. “I have had it with your crap. Always wanting to be put first. Well guess what!? You’re not being put first because I chose not to! I was with Abe before you, I am loyal to Abe. And if you can’t deal with that, then do it? Walk away.”

  “Mars…” his voice was tortured. His eyes changed as the cars sped past, the copper fading from the orbs and she realized she might have cut too deeply with her words.

  “You have no idea what you ask of me, when you tell me to choose. I can’t… I just can’t do it.” Her lip trembled, her stomach roiling.

  Rhayden stepped forward, his arms wrapping around her. She sagged against him, crying into his shirt.

  “Mars, I’m sorry.” He held her to him, soothing. She sniffed, her hand on his chest. “I’m not just angry with you. I’m angry Abe still sent you here, knowing what Korin was like. I saw the way he looked at you, the way he wants you and I’m pissed off Abe can’t understand how much danger he’s put you in.”

  He pushed her back a little, looking down at her.

  “And then you go and do something so stupid as to hack into Korin’s archives? It just all boiled over. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.”

  She sniffed, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her jacket. She looked up at him, frowning, “I just want to figure out what’s going on Rhayden. I need to get away from all this. And I am pissed off Absinthe sent you, when I told him not to.”

  “I understand.” Rhayden whispered, “So, did Maddison actually find out anything about my cousin?”

  She stepped back, glaring at him, “I don’t know. Your stupid ass yelled at me before I could find out.”


  “What Rhayden?!” her voice rose, and she watched as his eyes burnished copper again.

  “For starters, don't fucking yell at me. I can hear you perfectly fine. You know, vampire hearing and all that,” Rhayden crossed his arms over his chest, frowning at her. “And secondly, you need to calm the fuck down.”

  “I can't be calm with you around, don't
you get it?! You make me crazy; you do shit to my mind. You piss me off and I can't think straight when I'm near you.”

  “You want me to leave?” His voice quieted, and Marley sighed. Putting her hand to her forehead, she frowned.

  “I need you to just let me do my job Rhayden.”

  “And us?” He asked, stepping closer. His hand gripped her hip, dragging her closer. Marley lifted her hand, pushing against his chest, making him stop.

  “Please Rhayden. Give me space. Time,” The vampire growled, stepping back from her and turned. Walking away, she put her arms out, yelling at him. “Where are you going!?”

  “Leaving!” Rhayden yelled back to her, his pale hair whipping around him as the cars sped off.

  Marley groaned, turning, walking the other way.

  Fine, if he wanted to be a stupid, selfish vampire asshole, she would let him.

  Her phone rang in the pocket of her jacket and Marley dug for it, holding it to her ear, “What!?”


  “Abe,” The voice on the other end of the line made her sigh and she turned her head back to see if Rhayden was still there. He wasn't, the side of the road was empty and she frowned. “How are you?”

  “How am I? Is there something wrong?”

  How was it he always knew when there was something wrong with her? “No…”


  “Fine, yes, there is. It's your fucking brother okay? He is an asshole, he just wants to fuck, and I can't handle him and Korin and—”

  “Marley calm down,” It wasn't the first time she had been told by a vampire in the last 30 seconds to calm down and she groaned. “If you don't want Rhayden there, then I will call him back.”


  “No, it's fine. I was worried about you with Korin. I wanted someone I could trust, someone who could be there, protecting you and only you. Tony will protect you… But he will not protect you over his own fledgling. Rhayden would protect you from everyone… Even from me.”

  “I don't need protection Abe. I need to be able to do my job. I can't, with him around.”

  “Then I will call him. Bring him back.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, her heart sinking. Hanging up from Absinthe, tears started to fall, knowing she might not make it through this with her heart still intact.


  Marley pushed open the door, stepping inside her hotel room. The scent of rotted blood hitting her squarely. Her sidearm was instantly in her hand as she flicked on the light.

  Korin stood in the middle of her room, his grin alarming.

  Aiming the gun at him as he stepped forward, she wondered how long it would take for her to get to Tony and Maddison, “Well, hello Miss Brennan.”

  “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”

  The vampire’s eyes faded to liquid silver as his eyes travelled down to her breasts.

  The urge to shoot him in the head and deal with the consequences later, came to her mind. Why had she sent Rhayden away so quickly?

  “I thought I would come and talk to you in private.”

  “And a phone call was not enough?” She asked, watching as he walked around the room. His gaze moved lazily between her and the rest of the room and she grimaced as she noticed Rhayden’s jacket still lying over the bed.

  Korin must have picked up on it, for his gaze moved to it. The corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk, as he eyed it, before turning back to her.

  “No, I thought it would be better in person,” His gaze travelled back to her. “So, please, Miss Brennan, can you put the gun down and talk to me like a civil human being?”

  “But you aren't human.” She said, her gun still aimed at his head.

  Korin’s eyes flared copper, before fading back to russet brown. He shrugged, walking to the couch and sat, lifting a leg, placing his ankle across his knee.

  “I am civil when I want need to be. So, I would like to think you’d so the same,” Her gaze moved to the door, contemplating her escape. She’d only have to scream loud enough, and Tony would be in here in two seconds flat. Why had she been so insistent on Rhayden leaving her? He would have had Korin’s head by now. “Marlene.”

  Sighing, she dropped the gun and walked to the sofa opposite him, sitting stiffly. Resting the gun on her knee, she aimed it away slightly, but leaving it as a warning to him. She would shoot him if she had any cause to think he was going to hurt her, “Fine, let’s talk.”

  Korin smiled, leaning back in the chair. His elbows rested on the sofa arms, his fingers coming together under his chin in a steeple, “I did enjoy seeing my cousin, Rhayden. But I was quite surprised to see Absinthe had sent him along.”

  “What Rhayden does is not of my concern. He was here to help.” Turning her attention away from the vampire, she looked around the room, wondering if he had been through her things.

  “And now? He’s not here.”

  Marley’s gaze flicked back to him, and he smirked as she sucked her tongue over her teeth, “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  “I saw Rhayden leaving earlier, his bag slung over his shoulder. He really didn't look like a happy little vampire at all. What happened? You wouldn't let him fuck you?”

  She glared at him, raising the gun slightly so the butt of it rested on her knee, pointing the barrel at his head. She was more than tempted in pulling the trigger and ridding Absinthe of his mongrel cousin, “Careful Korin, you still need me.”

  Korin’s gaze dropped to the gun, eyes narrowing, flaring with a tinge of copper. He sucked his tongue over his teeth, raising an eyebrow as he looked back up at her, “Do I now? Are you going to offer yourself to me too? A fuck in exchange for what? What do you want from me? More information? Or how about something else? A new play-thing? I’ve never had a human lover before. I wonder what Absinthe sees in such a fragile creature—”

  “I want nothing from you, or your kind.” She snarled at him, the gun rattling in her grip.

  Korin’s dark russet gaze flared copper and he leaned forward, hissing as his fangs descended. Glinting brightly in the artificial light, they looked longer and sharper.

  She’d never truly been afraid of any vampire, but this one was coming close to the one she was frightened of. The one she would lose her life to.

  His voice was a low growl as he snarled at her, “You and I are going to have a lot of problems Marlene Brennan—so why don't we start with why you hacked my Archives?”

  Gulping, the gun rattled as her hand wrapped around the grip tighter, “We needed information.”

  “What kind of information?”

  “The kind you wouldn't give willingly,” She replied and his eyes paled, mouth closing over his fangs. He sat back against the chair, adjusting his jacket as he stared at her, willing her to continue. “We needed to know what you were doing. See if there was any link between you and Vince. With you and the Mated being slaughtered.”

  “And why would there be a link?”

  “There are too many factors which are similar. Same brand of extinguisher, same method of death, even the same flites in the arrows. What would you think if you couldn't find a suspect? Wouldn't you think it was something to do with the person losing their Mated?”

  “So, you think, because I am losing Mated and you can't find a suspect, I had something to do with it?” Korin laughed, throaty and harsh. She rolled her eyes as his laughter subsided, and he looked at her, “That honestly has to be one of the funniest things I have heard in a while and with the knowledge that you are quite possibly screwing one, of not both of my cousins; this whole debacle has been very entertaining to say the least.”

  She glared at him and he stood, making her jump to her feet.

  Korin closed the gap between them, his body close to her. She had nowhere to go, her knees back hard on the couch behind her. His hand lifted, reaching for her, his fingernails becoming long thin claws, “I can now see why my cousin likes you. You are such fun—”


  The vampire spun, stepping back. His eyes widened at the creature standing at the door.

  Marley turned, her gaze going to the figure.

  Absinthe stood, key card in hand, eyes copper as he took in the scene. His lover and cousin so close and she knew he would be able to smell the fear she had for this man in front of her.

  “Lord Absinthe.” Korin bowed, his hair hanging over his features, body stiff.

  The dark haired vampire crossed the room, stepping between them. His figure was much bigger than Korin and Marley wondered if they would fight? Would Absinthe be able to counter his cousin’s speed?

  “Were you invited to Miss Brennan’s room?”

  Korin lifted his head, gaze sliding to her, before he looked at his cousin, tipping his head to the side ever so slightly.


  “Then I give you one warning and only one warning. If I ever find you in Miss Brennan's room or presence, without being invited,” Abe stepped forward and Marley inhaled, trying to keep her fear at bay. “I will forgo our blood ties. And rip your heart from your chest. Do I make myself clear?”

  Korin's eyes faded to copper, top lip turning up in a snarl.


  He stepped past them, walking to the door. Throwing Marley one last look before he walked out, she could feel the annoyance he harboured; not only for being interrupted, but for Absinthe having cut him down to size.

  Marley let go of the breath she had been holding, as Abe turned. His gaze moved to the gun in her hand. Reaching out, he gently took it from her, dropping it to the floor and she sagged into his embrace and cried.


  Absinthe gripped her hips, allowing her to rock against him. Her pleasure built, his hands tightening on her and she felt her orgasm peak. Throwing her head back, she cried out, “Abe!”

  He sat up, bringing her close to him. She tipped forward, allowing him to grip her buttocks, ramming his thick flesh into her. His mouth went to her neck, fangs nicking her skin, eliciting gasps of pleasure as he drew on her blood. Closing the wounds with his saliva, he bit again, moaning as he did, his voice was tortured, thick with lust, “Marley.”


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