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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 13

by Ainsley Cole

  Her orgasm built again, her clit rubbing against hard, cool abs. He flipped her onto her back, rising above her.

  Slamming into her, the bed shuddering with every inhuman thrust into her. She lifted her arms, gripping the headboard, holding hard as he rammed. His mouth lowered, biting the edge of her breast, making her gasp as he drew on her blood and she tipped her head back, crying out again. “Absinthe!”

  “Marley!” The vampire roared his orgasm, body shuddering. Slowing, his body covered hers. His tongue raked along her skin, sealing the puncture marks as he gripped her to him. “Fuck.”

  Marley giggled, smoothing back his hair. Kissing the side of his face, Absinthe lifted himself, looking down at her as she smiled, “And to think, I was only gone a few days.”

  “Seemed more like an eternity.” He grinned, his mouth coming down to hers. He kissed her, taking her breath, his body moving against hers. “Plus, I had a bit of a jealousy streak happening there.”

  “Needed to lay claim?”

  “Yes. You're mine Marley. I didn't like the look Korin was giving you. Plus, with Rhayden having his meltdown—”

  Marley sighed and pushed against Abe, making him roll from her. She sat up, moving to the side of the bed, “He is being a spoiled brat Abe.”

  “He was always the pampered one, being the youngest. Mom and dad’s baby.”

  “Well he definitely hasn't grown out of it,” She quipped, picking up Abe’s shirt, slipping it on. She turned to him as his fingers trailed up her arm.

  He really did take her breath away, with his dark hair cascading over the bed sheets, his moss green eyes. Naked body covered in the slight sheen of sweat from her—he was one of the most beautiful men she had ever met.

  Only equalled by his little brother and her heart hammered at the thought of Rhayden and his anger with her, “Is he okay?”

  “Sure,” He said, leaning back on the pillows. “He hates you right now, but he will be fine, he'll get over it.”

  Marley’s stomach churned. Hated her? She frowned as the thought of Rhayden hating her sunk in, “Great.”

  “Marley, he’s just worried. He doesn't like you being here alone and he definitely doesn't trust Korin. And frankly, after tonight, neither do I.”

  She turned, looking at her undead lover and shook her head. She didn’t want him to protect her, “No.”


  “There is no fucking way you are taking me off this case Absinthe Raynes. Vampire Lord or not, I am not going to let you take me away from this.”

  Absinthe frowned, moving his hand to her leg, stroking up and down, trying to calm her, “What are you trying to prove Marley? That you're strong enough to be around us? I already know you are, you can handle me in bed. Fuck, you even survive Rhayden in bed. You have to be strong for that.”

  “I need to find Johann.”

  His gaze shifted to hers, paling and she frowned at his gaze, “Marley.”

  “Abe,” She turned, lifting herself onto the bed, kneeling right beside him, her hand coming to his chest. “I have to find Linda’s killer. I need to bring him to justice. I need to avenge my sister. You would do the same if your brother had been killed. Keeping me here, letting me stay is one step closer to me finding him. I can feel it. I’m so close. There is only so far he can go.”


  “Abe, please.”

  The vampire sat up, his hand came to the side of her face, stroking her cheek gently.

  “Fine. I will let you stay. I won't even send Rhayden back. But I want you to know something,” He pursed his lips, as if trying to find the right words. “I don't agree with this. I don't like the idea of you being near Korin. Being vulnerable. I will leave Tony and Maddison here with you. And when you come back—after all this is over—We need to talk.”

  She nodded, leaning in. Pressing her mouth against his, her hot lips melded against his cold ones.

  Absinthe’s hand slipped to her neck, grabbing it, holding her head to his. He pushed her back, covering her body with his again, pushing open her thighs. He slipped into her again, thrusting against her, making her gasp into his mouth.

  “I love you Marlene. I can't spend eternity without you.” He groaned, his body hard against hers. She moaned, tipping her head back as her orgasm built, sending her mind into a clouded spin.

  “I love you too, Abe.” She gripped him tighter to her, her fingers digging into his back, eliciting growls from the vampire. He rammed into her and his body stiffened, his orgasm moaned against her neck. He bit her throat again, the sting sending her over the edge—into oblivion.


  “You look tired Marley.”

  She looked to Maddison, heat flashing across her face. “I-I had a visitor.”

  “Yes, Lord Raynes spoke to us before he left this evening. I am sorry about what happened last night, with Korin.”

  “It's ok. I wasn't expecting him in my hotel room. He didn't give me a chance to do anything but talk with him, even though I would have rather put a bullet in his brain.”

  Maddison giggled and she smiled, this woman, this vampire was quickly becoming one of her confidants, her friend, “So, Lord Raynes came all this way to…?”

  Marley’s face heated again, and Maddison smiled.

  “Ahh. You seem to have a touch. Absinthe is not one to swoon or fall for someone; he hasn't even been Mated before. You must have a very, very big pull. Not only him, but Rhayden too? Two powerful, old vampires wanting you. Girl, you are the bomb!”

  Marley laughed, tipping her head back and Maddison joined her, earning a curious glance from Tony. Marley sighed, leaning back in the car and looked at the driver, “Tony, can we make a detour?”

  The big man frowned, raising an eyebrow, “Miss Brennan?”

  “As much as it pains me to say it. I have to talk to Korin.”


  Korin stared at her.

  Marley stood in front of the group of vampires; uncomfortable, with an itchy trigger finger. Everyone's gaze was on her, their ragged breathing loud in her ears.

  They were only fledglings, still clinging to the last of their humanity.

  After being in Absinthe’s Coven so long, the sound of vampire’s breathing un-nerved her. These vampires had been turned, not bred like most of Absinthe’s coven. Born vampires didn’t breathe, “What can I do for you Miss Brennan?”

  “I need access to your archives, Lord Korin.”

  His eyebrow rose, the corner of his mouth turning up and she hated the fact he would make her do something in return for his help, “And why would that be? Did you not get enough information, when you hacked it last night?”

  She frowned, turning her head to Maddison, seeing the woman’s eyes roll. Marley had to stifle a giggle, before looking back to the vampire. There was a feral glint in his gaze and she shuddered, “We did not find the required information.”

  “Of course you didn't.” He retorted, and Marley contemplated pulling her gun out and shooting him. But she would be left in a room full of pissed off, hungry vampires. There would be only so many of them Tony and Maddison could kill, before they got to her. “What exactly are you looking for Miss Brennan?”

  “We need the information on all the Mated. Not only the ones who have been killed, but the ones who are still left.”

  “And what exactly are you going to find out with this information?”

  “We need to correlate the data, check it against Lord Raynes data. Try and make a connection.” Korin's gaze shifted to Tony behind her. She didn’t turn her head, but knew the man behind her would be barely keeping his own anger in check. He was still annoyed with what had transpired the night before.

  “Please Korin, we need the information, or more and more Mated will be killed. And not just in your Coven, or Lord Raynes, but everywhere. And how long do you expect to survive with so few Mated? Having to turn humans to be able to have your fledglings? It must be tiring. Your Coven has been depleted. Don’t let
it get any worse.”

  Korin's gaze burnished copper, making her clench her teeth. She’d hit a nerve.

  How many people had he killed, just to get this small handful of vampires sitting around him? Turning vampires was messy. Not everyone survived.

  “Very well Miss Brennan. I will get the files you need and have them delivered to your hotel,” His voice was strained, but she knew he had no other option. “Let's hope this matter is resolved quickly.”

  “Yes,” Marley said, her fingernails digging into her palm with the man’s tone. “Let's…”


  It took Marley and Maddison almost three hours to pour over Korin's files. Discarding the ones which didn't seem relevant. Piling those which hinted at a link, to the side.

  Tension in the back of her neck thudded through her skull, signalling a headache. To have Abe here, with his strong fingers, he would be able to release the tension.

  “Are you all right Marley?”

  Her gaze lifted to Maddison and she smiled, “Fine Maddi, just fine.”

  “No, you're not, you are exhausted. You are barely keeping awake. Go, lay down. I will finish this and let you know when I find something.”

  Looking from her to Tony, she sighed as the vampire nodded. Picking herself up off the floor, she smiled, “Thanks.”

  “No problem, we will sleep here today, use the spare room? If that is okay?”

  “Sure, it’s fine,” Wandering to her room slumped down onto the bed. Her eyes closed, and for the first time, since coming to Vegas, Marley slept peacefully.


  “Marley?” Eyelids fluttering open, she blinked. The sun had barely sunk beneath the horizon. The tinge of orange and pink just fading from the sky. “Marley!”

  Scrambling to her feet, she ran out to the living room. Sliding to a halt, she stared at the vampire. “Rhayden?”

  He stood before her strewn paperwork, blood coating every single inch of it. Stepping forward, his gaze finally went to her. He blinked, rushing forward, his hands cool on her face, “Mars…”

  His mouth slammed down on hers, her breath taken. She moaned as he released her. He brushed her hair from her face, his gaze searching her, “Are you okay?”

  She pushed at him, trying to look back to the blood.

  “What happened? Where’s Tony? Maddison?” She stepped past the vampire, looking around the room. The splashes of darkening blood, the scattered papers. She turned back to him, seeing his eyes pale as he looked around again. “Rhayden? Why are you here? Absinthe said—”

  “He knows you’re here.” He whispered, his gaze lifting to her. Fear shone brightly in those silvered orbs.

  Marley’s brain jumbled. “What? Abe? Of course, he knows—”

  “No, not Abe.” Rhayden replied. He stepped forward, his hands coming to her shoulders. “Johann. He knows you’re here.”


  He was still a crappy driver. Marley held onto the edge of the seat as Rhayden raced through the streets of Vegas.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere safe.” He growled, his hands tight on the steering wheel. She frowned, slamming her eyes closed as he swerved into oncoming traffic to get around a tour bus.

  “Rhayden! For fuck sake slow down!” He put his foot down harder and the car lurched, making her grit her teeth. “Rhayden, please.”

  He didn’t listen, and she turned her head, delving into her thoughts to take her mind off it.

  How did Johann find out she was here? Who had tipped him off? Or was her working for Absinthe something everyone knew?

  Where was he?

  In that vast expanse of bright lights and millions of people; where was the vampire who killed her sister?

  Thinking back to that night; flashes of her sister lying on the floor of their apartment, her throat ripped cleanly out, assaulted her. The blood soaking into the carpets, the cloying odour— it was something she couldn’t get rid of even after two years.

  But it had her wondering. Had he killed Linda, so she would go running back to Absinthe for the contract?

  Her stomach twisted with the idea of Absinthe having anything to do with her sister’s death. It would destroy her if she found out he had ordered the kill, just to get her to work for him—sleep with him.

  “We’re here.” Rhayden said, snapping her out of her thoughts. Her head turned, seeing the dark building, the trees surrounding it, buried into the side of a hill. It looked like a fortress.

  “Are you serious?”

  “What?” He asked, pulling to a stop, shutting off the engine. “It has water, power, guns; what more could you ask for?”

  He climbed from the car, going to the trunk and pulled the bag from it. Dropping it to the ground, he rummaged as she climbed out of the borrowed vehicle; Rhayden had acquired it from the hotel.

  “Where is Tony and Maddison?”

  “We don’t know. Abe is tracing the chip in Tony’s leg.”


  “Yes, since Vince, every one of Absinthe’s soldiers have had a chip imbedded in their leg. It lets him keep an eye on them, make sure they aren’t doing anything naughty.”

  “Oh lovely,” She groaned, closing the door and she turned to him. “Does Abe know you’re here?”

  His gaze shifted to hers, “Yes.”

  “Did he send you?”


  “So, you came here yourself? Against his wishes? Against mine.”

  “I am not discussing it with you Marlene,” He growled, picking up another bag, before slamming the boot of the car. “I am here, you are safe. That is it. End of discussion.”

  He turned, walking to the building, the other bag; her bag, had been left on the ground. She frowned at it, picking it up as she followed him.

  It wasn’t end of discussion.

  She didn’t like the idea of him being here, babysitting her and as soon as he stood still long enough, she would have at him again.

  The lights flicked on in the building as she climbed the steps, closing the door behind her. She dropped the bag to the floor, looking at the walls lined with guns, “Oh wow.”

  “Yea, it’s pretty cool hey? This is the only safe house Abe owns in Vegas. Korin is anal, wouldn’t let him put any more in. So, we stockpiled all the weapons we needed here.”

  “And Korin knows it’s here?” She asked, watching as Rhayden flipped a switch, the building groaning. Huge shutters rolled down over the doors and windows, effectively locking her in with him.

  Great… Locked in… again.

  “Yes, but Absinthe and now me, are the only ones with the access codes. We are the only ones who know how to get in here, once it’s locked down. You’ll be safe from Johann here.”

  “And my job? You know the one that involves Korin’s Mated?”

  Rhayden turned, glaring at her, “Is it really that important? More important than your life?”

  Marley turned and picked up her bag, walking towards the back of the building. She had to put distance between them.

  Footsteps slammed against the ground behind her, as he grabbed and spun her to face him. “Don’t you dare ignore me.”

  She pulled herself from his grip, glaring back at him, “Why not? You ignore me when I ask questions you don’t like. So why can’t it be the same when the tables are turned?”

  “You don’t want to piss me off.” He threatened, and Marley raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh really? And what exactly are you going to do Rhayden? Kill me? It would be a fucking blessing right now, with the shit I have to deal with.” She turned away from him, but he grabbed her arm again.

  Fist already clenched, she turned, swinging her arm, connecting it with his jaw.

  Hitting Rhayden hurt.

  It wasn’t just the solidness of hitting his skin, but the pain which shot straight to her heart as his head snapped to the side. Blood welled on his perfect lips and she stepped back as his fingertips went to his mouth. He pulled his hand away,
looking down at the bright blood, before lifting his gaze to her, eyes almost red with anger.


  The vampire turned, picking up the bag he had left on the table. Rummaging through it, he dropped a few things to the table top, “Key card to get yourself in and out. Pin number for the gates on the weapons racks.”

  His voice was flat, his eyes on the things in the bag.

  “Serum, if you are bitten by a Lycan or sustain a major injury. Absinthe’s direct number, he’s had it changed. The files on Absinthe’s Mated,” He zipped the bag closed, slinging it over his shoulder, dropping a set of keys to the pile of things. “Keys for the car in the garage.”

  Turning, he walked to the door his hand going to the palm scanner and she stepped forward. She didn’t want him to leave like this, she loved him.

  “Rhayden,” The vampire froze, hand mere inches from the pad. Turning his head, but not looking at her, his pale hair curtained his face. “I’m sorry.”

  “Too late for that now Marlene. You want to do this on your own, then fine. Do it on your fucking own,” Pushing his hand against the scanner, it flashed green, opening the heavy-set door. He put his hand on the frame as he finally lifted his gaze back to her. It was silver, his eyes rimmed with tears. “Goodbye Mars.”


  “I’m sorry Abe,” she sniffed, holding the phone to her ear, her eyes still puffy from crying. “I-is he there?”

  “No, he’s not here Marley. I don’t know where he is.”

  Abe’s voice was tight, not with anger, but emotion.

  A fresh bout of tears spring to her eyes. What had she done? She had pushed her protection away, hurt him more than anything and now no-one knew where he was.

  “What about the tracker? Can’t you find him like that?”

  “Rhayden wouldn’t let me put one in him. He doesn’t like to be controlled Marley, you know that. He has an independent streak. Always has.”

  “I shouldn’t have hit him.”

  “No. Probably not. But it’s done now. No going back. Look, just work on the files. I have managed to find Tony and Maddison. They’re at Korin’s.”

  “Korin’s? Why are they there?”

  “I am yet to find out, but I have a feeling.”


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