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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 18

by Ainsley Cole

  But since their argument he had gone back to animal blood and it tasted like shit.

  The slide of her hot life-force into his mouth made him moan, spurring him on and he rammed himself into her harder and harder. She moaned his name, her voice breathless as she came, and he felt her milk him, tightening around his shaft. He growled, shoving harder, his release not far off. Marley’s hands went to his scalp, grazing her fingernails over it as he rammed.

  Then he was there, his orgasm washing over him as he tipped his head back and roared. “Marley!”


  Abe slowed his movements, his hands holding her against the wall and Marley felt satisfied, but sore. Her back ached not only from where the vampire had attacked her and thrown her against the building; but also, where Absinthe had slammed her against the wall.

  She opened her eyes and looked at her vampire lover as his eyes slowly opened, his mouth turning up in a wicked grin, reminding her of Rhayden.

  Abe kissed her again, his hands hard on her and she moaned as he pulled himself out. Slowly letting her down and he held her while her legs took her weight after their intense workout. They quietly got dressed, Abe pulling a shirt and pair of jeans from a cupboard against the wall.

  Marley hissed as the shirt caught her grazes and Abe turned to her. “Are you okay?”

  “I am bruised and not just by you.” She winced, and she lifted her arm, showing him the bruises on her ribs, the ones on her back.

  “I don’t think he liked me.” She looked down at the ones on her buttocks, lifting her gaze to his, “But I can tell you like me.”

  “Shit. I shouldn’t have been so rough with you.” Absinthe turned, picking up the syringe and he turned to her, taking her arm. “This is going to sting.”

  He pushed the needle into her arm and she hissed, feeling the serum quickly working into her veins and her head swum. Abe took her arm, making her sit on the bed and he crouched in front of her, smoothing back her hair, “Just breathe, let it do its work, you’ll be fine.”

  Marley nodded, closing her eyes. She breathed deeply, trying to get her brain to cooperate and she looked at Absinthe, “So, once this does its thing, then what?”

  Abe sighed and lifted himself, sitting on the edge of the next bed and he leaned forward, taking her hands in his.

  “We have to go back to the mansion. Othello is there and the Council members from other Covens,” She sighed, dropping her head and he continued. “You made an unsanctioned hit Marley.”

  “He was killing a human Abe. She looked so much like Linda I lost it.”

  “Marley, they don’t care. You killed a vampire, without permission. He would have been dealt with, if you had just called, told someone.”

  “Who was I going to call Abe? You? We haven’t really been seeing eye to eye lately because of what happened with Linda.” She looked up at him and his gaze faded to copper.

  He was angry again.

  “You’re back to that? After I came after you to save your life? After what we just had?” He stood, pacing and Marely frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. “What do I have to do to show you I had nothing to do with her death?”

  “How about tell me everything? Every single little detail you have on him; I want to know Abe. You can’t keep lying to be, because you think I will leave when it’s over.”

  Absinthe stopped, looking at her, “What?”

  “You think I’m going to leave when I find Johann, you can’t deal with it, so you’re keeping it from me, to keep me near you.”


  “Yes, I can see it in your eyes Abe. But you don’t seem to realize, if you keep it from me, then you are going to make me leave anyway. I don’t want to be around you, if I can’t trust you.”

  Her heart tore at the look on his face, his eyebrows creasing, and he turned from her, “Let me get you back to the mansion first Marley, have this all sorted out. Please. Then I will tell you.”


  He turned back to her, green eyes slowly fading to silver. He nodded, closing them, his bottom lip quivering, “Yes. Everything.”


  The five-hour drive back to Miami had been just as harrowing with Absinthe behind the wheel as Rhayden and Marely was glad to see the gates of the mansion loom.

  “We have visitors,” Abe growled, and Marley saw close to twenty cars lined up in front of the building. He turned the Alpha into the garage beneath the huge structure. “I’m not going to be able to be with you much Marley. You broke the rules; Othello wants to talk to you. Alone.”

  “Awesome,” Marley sighed, her stomach flipping, and she turned her head, watching Absinthe wrestle with his emotions. “If you knew that I was in danger, why come after me?”

  He turned his head for a moment, before looking back to the garage. Parking his brother’s car, he switched off the engine, before turning to her.

  “I came after you, because one, I believe you had a damned good reason to kill that rogue. Two, I didn’t want Mathias to find you, he would have tortured you,” He lifted his hand, his thumb brushing over her cheek. “And three… I love you.”

  “And I love you Abe.” He leaned in, ready to kiss her, when a knock came at the window. He stopped, turning to it. Rhayden stood on the other side of the door, face stony, and Abe rolled his eyes.

  They climbed from the car and Rhayden smiled at her, trying to alleviate her worry, before he turned back to his brother, “Abe, the Council has arrived.”

  “Yes. I so couldn’t tell, by the line of cars in my driveway” he said sarcastically and Rhayden ignored it.

  “And—Mathias wants Marley locked up.”

  “What?” they both said in unison and Rhayden grimaced, pushing his hand through his hair, before he looked at them.

  “Mathias thinks Marley will run the moment we go into hibernation in the morning. He wants her locked up until we can convene the trial tomorrow night.”

  “Trial? Are you serious? I killed a rogue who was killing a human!” her voice was almost shrill, and she balled her fists at her sides, wanting to hit someone, anyone.

  “I’m sorry Mars,” Rhayden said and he looked at Absinthe. “Othello agreed.”

  “Fuck!” Absinthe pushed his hand through his hair, turning his gaze to her. “Marley, I’m sorry. He is the Lord of the vampires. We can’t cross him, no matter what.”

  She frowned, her bottom lip trembling and Rhayden came around the car, wrapping his arms around her, as she cried into his shirt, “It’s okay Mars, we will protect you. We will fight.”

  “I know,” She sobbed, and she pulled away from him, sniffing, looking at Absinthe. “Let’s get this over and done with.”

  Abe nodded, walking to the door of the garage and to a small cabinet, opening it and fished out the cable ties he kept there.

  He turned back to her, and she saw the hurt in his gaze at having to use them on her. She sighed, walking over to him, put out her hands and he bound her wrists together.

  “I’m so sorry Marley.” his voice was thick with emotion and she had to stop herself from bursting into tears again. Instead she lifted her bound hands, ignoring the sight of the black cable ties and stroked his cheek, trying to smile.

  “It’s okay Abe, it’ll be fine. We will work it out.”

  “How are you so sure?” he asked, his hand lifting to caress her face and she smiled weakly at him.

  “Because you haven’t told me everything yet,” He smiled, nodding and quickly kissed her, before turning to the elevator and pressed the button, ready to take her prisoner.


  “So, this is the murderess of my Coven member?” Marley opened her eyes as Rhayden stepped out of the elevator. Standing before them was a vampire, his skin tight on his bones, his eyes copper with anger, claws descended.

  Abe stepped in front of Marley, shoulder to shoulder with his brother; blocking their human from the volatile creature.

  “You are in my mansion Mathias,
remember that. If you even lay a finger on her, I will rip your head off and use it for a soccer ball.”

  Abe’s tone was blunt, to the point and Marley’s fear kicked into overdrive as Mathias leaned forward.

  He looked past the vampires protecting her, leering as if as if she was an animal in a cage. For the first time since she had met the Raynes, she was terrified of being alone in the mansion.

  “She is scared. You’re feared bounty hunter, is frightened.” Mathias chuckled, and Marley growled, pushing past the brothers and glared at the dark-haired vampire.

  “I am not scared of you Mathias,” She spat, hoping her bravado wouldn’t wilt. She tipped her head up to him. Mathias looked down at her, the shock she would be so bold to step out of the Raynes’ protection, evident. “I killed the vampire, yes. But he was feasting on a woman of no more than eighteen. Feeding on humans is forbidden, and you know that.”

  Mathias’s eyes flared copper, and Abe’s hand came to her shoulder, “Marlene. Enough.”

  She wouldn’t budge, wanting to show this ass he couldn’t intimidate her.

  Someone gently took her arm, guiding her away and down the hall, “Come on Mars. Let’s get you to safety, while Abe placates the asshole.”

  “I’m not scared of him Rhayden.” She spat, and he nodded in return.

  “I know sweetheart, but they don’t care. You are an easy scapegoat to them, someone they can hang their dirty laundry on to dry. Mathias knows that a vampire killing a human is illegal, and the ramifications to his Coven will be huge,” He led her to a room, a different one to hers, and Rhayden turned her, making her look up at him. “But your hit on the rogue is just as bad, your actions were reckless, and he will try and make you take the fall. To him, you are in the wrong, not him.”

  She stared up at him, trying not to cry.

  “The windows have been locked both internally and externally. Othello is the only one who will have the key. I’m sorry Mars. I want to protect you, but I know if I go against Othello, he will kill me and then I am no good to anyone.”

  She sighed, nodding her head and he lifted his hand, brushing her hair way from her eyes, making her look up to him, “Want to run away with me now Rhayden?”

  He smiled forlornly at her, his eyes misting with tears. “Sweetheart, I would love to. I’d do it in two seconds flat. But we can’t, and you know it. We would never be safe—ever.”

  Marley sighed, and he quickly leaned in, kissing her gently. Pulling back, his hands went to her wrists, snapping the cable ties. Turning her, he pushed her gently into the room, his voice thick, “I’m sorry Mars. I love you.”

  He closed the door behind her, and she looked around the sparseness of her room.

  They had stripped it. Not leaving a single thing she could use to either escape with or hurt herself with.

  A small, mottled mattress was on the floor and she crossed to it, curling up on its lumpy surface and cried.


  “I will get you a better bed.”

  Marley sat up, blinking at the man standing just inside her door, smiling at her. She scooted off the mattress and stood, her back against the wall as the door closed behind him, locking her in, “W-who are you?”

  “I am Othello, my dear.” He replied, walking closer and Marley looked at the man they called the Lord of the Vampires.

  He was regal; dark, gothic clothing covering his thin frame. His head was bald, mottled with spots, a slightly blue tinge to his skin’s pallor and she wondered exactly how old he was.

  “Lord Othello.” She said, dropping her head slightly, bowing to him.

  “Oh my, you are a cultured little thing, aren’t you?” He replied, amusement in his voice, and she lifted her head. He had closed the distance between them and was staring at her, his dark eyes twinkling at her as he smiled. “Did Absinthe tell you to do that?”

  “No. I know my place. You are the Lord of the Vampires. Not acknowledging it would be an insult,” She said, seeing amusement flicker across his features. Gulping, her voice shook. “Have you come to kill me?’

  Shock replaced the amusement and he stopped, tipping his head to the side, “Why would you think that Marlene Brennan?”

  “I performed an unsanctioned hit. Killed an Elder of another Coven.” She tucked her hands under her arms, looking at Othello.

  “Dear God child. I may be an old, cranky vampire, but I am decent. You will have a trial and it will be conducted formally and in accordance to our rules. But I do have other questions for you, if you don’t mind?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  “Good,” He held out his arm and she looked at him, seeing the smile on his face. “Come on, I won’t bite you. You have two strapping young vampires to do that.”

  Marley’s face heated, and she heard Othello chuckle.

  “Yes, I know of your arrangement with Absinthe and Rhayden. Even though others may not approve of the inter-species coupling, I am not one to judge what people do with their sex life.”

  She stepped forward, linking her arm with his and he turned them to the door. Othello rapped on the door and it opened, a huge guard stepping forward, “Back off, she is fine with me.”

  “Sire?” his eyes moved from his Lord to the human woman on his arm, eyes burnishing copper and Marely averted hers, knowing almost every vampire in this house hated her for what she had done.

  “What did I just say?”

  The vampire slunk away, and Othello turned them down the corridor, heading toward the Library. Marley couldn’t seem to think straight. Maddi had told her Othello was dangerous, that he would have no trouble in killing her, but he had been nothing but nice and gentle with her.

  “Right, in we go.”

  Othello led her into the library, sitting her at the table and he sat at the head—Absinthe’s chair and looked at her, “We need to have a lengthy discussion about you, Absinthe, Rhayden, Johann, and this sister of yours.”

  Marley looked at him, his gaze steady on her and she sighed, sitting back, her arms folding over her chest, “So, where do you propose we start?”

  Othello smiled. “How about at the beginning?”


  “And you were sure she was dead?”

  Marley frowned, “What? What do you mean? She had her throat ripped out.”

  “Of course, sorry, do continue.”

  She frowned, trying to figure out where she had been up to, “So, when I found Linda, I came back to Absinthe. Told him I wanted the job he’d offered, as long as he would help me find the vampire who had killed her.”

  “And has he?”


  “Why not?”

  Marley leaned back, looking at the older vampire, “I don’t know. Maybe he has different ideas for me. Maybe he wants to turn me, or just have me leave and give up; maybe he is protecting Johann.”

  “Absinthe wouldn’t do that.”

  “Which part?”

  “All of it,” Othello said, leaning forward. “I was present when he was born, with Absinthe being the heir to the Raynes’ Coven; it was my duty as Lord of the Vampires to oversee the birth. Strapping, healthy young vampire he was, his hair as dark as night. So, I know Absinthe and what he is like, he would not tarnish the Raynes family name, by doing such a low act as to keep information from you. He is one of the most loyal men that I know, so; if he said he will help you, then he will.”

  “Then, why hasn’t he?” she asked, and Othello shrugged.

  “He does have other things pressing right now. Like the fact that out of his fifty-five pairs of Mated, he has had almost half of them slaughtered. He is the only one of the Lords who has had so many taken,” Othello leaned back in the chair, regarding her with dark eyes. “He’s being targeted. He might not be so obliged to divulge information; you are only human, weak. You could easily slip up—”

  “I would never betray Absinthe or Rhayden.” Marley spat, her voice tinged with anger and Othello raised an eyebrow at her.

�Yes, I can see,” He said quietly, his hand coming to his chin, stroking it as if there had once been a beard. “You would not have come back with Absinthe if your loyalty was not absolute. But tell me, would you die for them?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “If you are found guilty of using your position to terminate a vampire without cause, then the council members will have no choice but to sentence you to death.”

  “Are you? You’re serious.”


  “Oh, just wonderful.” She said, closing her eyes.

  “So, I ask you again. Would you die for them?”

  Marley opened her eyes, staring at the man in front of her, unable to answer. Othello pursed his lips, looking at her, “Would you like to see them?”


  “Absinthe and Rhayden, would you like to see them?”

  “You would allow it? With Mathias so adamant I am to stay locked up? What would he say if he found me here with you?” she asked, waiting to see if the man would go her, yell, rant, anything, but he didn’t, shrugging his shoulders.

  “What Mathias says never reaches my mind. He is a deceitful man. You are a guest and prisoner of Absinthe. Mathias would never dare do anything in Absinthe’s mansion.”

  “I hope you’re right.” She whispered, and he smiled.

  “I am always right Miss Brennan. Now, before I let them come and see you, I would ask a favor?”


  “Tell me of the vampire in the alley.”


  Marley stood as Absinthe and Rhayden entered the library and her first thought was to run to them, let them whisk her out of here, but she didn’t.

  Instead she dropped her gaze and sat back down, letting them find their seats opposite her.

  “Are you okay Marley?” she lifted her head to the pair of brothers, seeing Absinthe leaned forward and she nodded.

  “I’m fine. Lord Othello and I have been talking.”

  “About?” Rhayden asked and she looked at the old vampire at the head of the table, his gaze shifting from the pair of me, to her.

  “Go on, you can tell them.”

  She sighed and lifted her chin, knowing this was going to hurt more than she could imagine, “When I killed the rogue, I noticed he looked like Vince and Norman.”


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