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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 20

by Ainsley Cole


  Rhayden woke to the smell of wet fur and blood. It burned his nostrils, making his nose twitch. Sitting bolt upright, at the same time as his brother, he looked over to him, growling, “Lycans.”

  “In my mansion!” Absinthe roared, leaping from the bed. Rhayden quickly followed, racing to the door and out into the darkened hallway. “Marley!?”

  Rhayden turned, seeing Marley pinned to the wall, the Lycan’s fangs almost at her neck. He roared, racing to the creature. He had almost lost her once to one of the slobbering creatures. He would not let it happen again.

  Tackling the huge beast, ripping it away from Marley, the pair of them went over the railings into the lower levels—

  Rhayden turned the Lycan midair, flipping it to its back. It lashed out at him, renting gashes across his chest, but it didn’t matter, and he landed on the creature with a satisfying thud.

  Claws embedded into its stomach, he ripped through its skin, up under its ribs—gripping its heart—he pulled.

  The Lycan shuddered, eyes flying wide. It kicked and howled, trying to dislodge the vampire, but Rhayden gripped harder and with a satisfying squelch the Lycan’s heart came free.

  Rhayden lifted the organ, the bright red blood flowed down his arm as the Lycan slumped to the ground dead.

  “Rhayden! Get the Serum!” Absinthe’s voice was clear in the mansion. Rhayden dropped the still warm organ onto its previous owner. Running to the medical room, he grabbed the box which held the syringes, ripping it clean from the wall and headed back to Abe.

  Marley was cradled in his brother’s arms, her face slashed. Rhayden dropped to his knees, shoving the lid of the box open. Picking up the syringe, he pushed the needle into her arm, emptying the contents, before flinging it to the side, “Come on Mars…”

  Absinthe smoothed back her hair, his lips going to her forehead as he rocked her, “Come on Marley—”


  Both looking up, Mathias standing over them, eyes copper from anger. Rhayden stood up, stepping between the pissed off vampire and their injured human, “Back off Mathias.”

  Mathias stared down at her, his jaw clenching, before his gaze lifted to Rhayden, “Is she dead?”


  “Pity!” he spat.

  Rhayden launched himself at the man, hands wrapping around his throat, as he slammed him against the wall, “She saved us, you pathetic piece of shit! She took some of them out, while we were still hibernating. You’d have you throat ripped out if it wasn’t for her!”

  Rhayden’s anger seethed through him.

  They had almost been slaughtered in their beds and Marley had taken the full brunt of the attack. Now she was unconscious in his brother’s arms, most probably not going to make it and this worthless fuck was pissing him off… not a good idea.

  He leaned closer, his fangs distending as he growled at Mathias, “I should rip your throat out. Right now. No-one would miss you.”

  “Rhayden enough!” Othello’s voice cut through the chaos in his mind and Rhayden let go of Mathias, stepping back.

  He turned to the ancient vampire, “Sire she—”

  Othello held up a long-clawed finger, silencing the younger vampire and Rhayden’s jaw clenched.

  “It’s fine. I know. See—” Othello held up his arms and they could all see the blood coating his sleeping robes. “I am covered in Lycan blood. Woke up to one laying over me. Quite a shock it was, and I think she might have done it on purpose.”

  He turned to Absinthe, looking down at the woman he was still cradling, “Is she okay?”

  “Sire—” Mathias started, but Othello put up his hand, stopping him and the murderous look the vampire gave his Lord was clear as day to everyone.

  “Mathias take your men and any that Korin, Francoise, Sebastian, and Percy can manage to spare and cleanse the grounds. Make sure there are no more Lycans. If you find one, bring it to me.”

  “But—” Othello looked at him, raising an eyebrow and Mathias dropped his head, curtailed. “Sire.”

  Mathias stomped away and Rhayden turned his attention back to Marley, “Is she okay?”

  Absinthe looked up at them, “She has been through so much lately. Her wound from Norman hadn’t even healed yet, even with serum. This just might have been too much for her human body—”

  “Nonsense.” Othello snorted and the older vampire walked over to him. Leaning down, he took Marley from Absinthe’s arms and turned away.

  “What are you doing?” Rhayden asked, ready to fight his Lord for his human.

  “Settle down Rhayden, I’m not going to hurt her. She has become immune to your serum—I will use mine.”


  Marley’s heart fluttered, head pounding, and she opened her eyes. Absinthe and Rhayden were leaning over her, their hair curtaining their beautiful faces. She smiled, reaching up and stroked their cheeks, her touch melting the tension from their features, “My boys.”

  “Marley.” Absinthe cooed, leaning down. He gently pressed his lips against hers, before Rhayden did the same.

  “We thought we’d lost you Mars.”

  “I’m not going anywhere just yet.” She smiled, moving to sit up.

  Rhayden smiled, looking to his brother, “I’ll go tell Othello she’s awake.”

  Absinthe nodded, turning back to her as Rhayden closed the door, “You left a dead Lycan on Othello—”

  “Oh my God, I shouldn’t have done that,” She hissed, putting her hand to her face, giggling. “Was he surprised?

  “More than.” He replied, chuckling.

  She sighed, leaning back against the pillows, “Did anyone get hurt?”

  “No, maybe Mathias’ pride, but that was about it. Othello cut him down to size quickly enough. Are you okay?”

  “I think so,” She replied, moving her arm. She didn’t feel the pinch in her chest from the stab wound and she looked down. “Hey, it’s gone.”

  “Yes. Othello gave you some of his serum. It’s more potent, derived from his blood. You were becoming resistant to mine.”

  “Used it too often lately,” she whispered.

  Absinthe put out his hand, touching hers, “Yes. Marley, I’m sorry. If I had known you working for me would have led to all this, I would never have sought you out.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows, “About that, why did you ask me? I didn’t know about vampires, Lycan’s and I sure as hell didn’t know about hunting them.”

  “Your name was mentioned to me. I don’t—” his eyebrows knitted together, and he pursed his lips.

  “Do you think it might have been Johann?” she asked quietly, and he looked at her, before standing and walking to the window.

  “Everything is a haze. I can’t remember what happened. I have lived so long, it’s all becoming a blur.”


  The doors opened, and Marley turned her head, seeing Othello walk in and she smiled at him, as he smiled back at her, “Miss Brennan, so good to see you’ve made a full recovery.”

  “Yes, thank you,” She said, her hands folding in her lap. “Oh, and I am sorry for the dead Lycan. Had to chase down others.”

  Othello raised an eyebrow, and her face heated. The vampire chuckled, before turning to her lover, “Absinthe, I know this is the last thing you want right now. But Mathias has called for a meeting over Marlene. He has Sebastian and Percy’s support. And I’m afraid I must accept it. We need to sort this out, the sooner the better.”

  Marley saw the change in her lover’s eyes, the copper of anger coming to the surface. She stood, crossing to him, her hands going to his chest. He looked down at her, his eyes fading back to green, “Abe please, I need to get this figured out, we must move on. I know what I did was right, it’s time to prove it.”

  “I don’t like this idea.” Abe whispered, his hand caressing the side of her face. She smiled, leaning into his touch, the chill of his hand comforting.

  “Neither do I, but it has to happ
en,” She turned to Othello, feeling Absinthe’s hand on the small of her back and she lifted her head. “I’m ready.”


  “You let her come in here without being bound?” Mathias’ voice was loud, piercing and Marley looked at him.

  “What’s wrong Mathias? Worried I might hurt you? Or you might not get the death sentence you’re after?”

  He glared at her, eyes bright with anger. She ignored him, walking to the end of the table, seating herself opposite Absinthe and Rhayden, while Othello took the head of the table. The other vampire leaders of random Covens were at the other end.

  Except for Korin.

  Korin was one seat down from Marley and when she looked at him, he winked.

  She flipped him off and he chuckled as Othello cleared his throat, “This meeting is now in session. Mathias, you called it, you make the opening address.”

  Mathias stood, his knuckles on the table in front of him and he glared at Marley, “This human, killed one of my senior Coven. She had no right to, and with unfounded evidence. She needs to be punished for it. And I would gladly punish her if you cannot.”

  “I’ll fucking punish you if you touch her.” Rhayden growled and she looked at him, his eyes red with anger. Absinthe was holding his arm, keeping him in place.

  “Right. Why is it you are so protective of her? Is it because she is fucking your brother?” Mathias asked.

  Light shone in the room and she turned her head to the screen behind Othello. Her encounter with Abe at the safe house was playing out for the whole room to see—

  Their kiss in the driveway, how she had carried him inside, how she had curled up in his arms. Then the next day, as he had ripped open her shirt, then ripped the camera off the wall.

  “Very unprofessional of you Absinthe, Lord of the Miami Coven,” Mathias drawled, earning sniggers from the men around him. “Your father would turn in his grave if he knew you were fucking a human.”

  Marley turned her attention to Absinthe.

  His gaze was on her, fading to copper, jaw clenching in anger. His hands gripped the sides of his chair and she almost expected him to launch out of it and rip Mathias’ head clean from his shoulders.

  “He isn’t the only one sleeping with her.” Rhayden interjected.

  Marley’s gaze flicked to him, before it moved to Mathias.

  “Both of you? Seriously?” his gaze shifted to Marley, shock coming to his features. “You must have a fucking treasure between your legs human, if you’ve got two of the most cold-hearted bastards ever to be vampires, as your lovers. And is that why you killed my Coven member? Because you knew they would protect you?”

  “No,” Marley said, sucking her tongue over her teeth, she leaned back in her chair, glaring at the man. “I killed him, because he was draining an eighteen-year-old woman of her life. I know the rules when it comes to vampires feeding on humans. It is illegal.”

  “But you are fed from,” Another vampire added, and she shifted her gaze to him. “You bear the scars of feeding.”

  She blinked, looking at the Rayne’s brothers. Shame burned through their features, knowing she would carry the scars of what they did to her, until she died.

  Clenching her teeth, she turned back to the man. She wore her marks proudly. It was a way of letting every vampire who came across her know she was not to be touched, “So?”

  “So,” Mathias said, “Your lovers are just as guilty as Johnathan. Feeding on a human.”


  All eyes turned to Othello and he sat forward, his old eyes sparkling with intelligence.

  “It is a mutual feeding. Marlene willingly offers her throat and the Raynes’ take it. When not feeding from her, they supplement with animal blood, as per the rules. Or have you forgotten them Mathias?”

  Looking back to him, Mathias’ eye ticked and he shrugged, as if indifferent, “Fine, we will leave that one. As strange and unnatural as it is. But I still want justice for my coven member.”

  “A coven member which is supposed to be dead?” she asked. Mathias’ look was dark and menacing. “Absinthe killed Johnathan years ago. So why is it he shows up, feeding, for me to stumble across and kill? And why, does he look so much like Vince and Norman? Is there something you aren’t telling us Mathias?”

  The vampire at the end of the table had everyone’s attention. Even his so-called supporters stared at him. He sat down and he leaned back in his chair, looking at them all. “It wasn’t Johnathan.”

  “It was. I saw the tatt—”

  “It wasn’t. It was his brother,” Mathias said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Kendrick didn’t like the fact his brother had been slaughtered by Absinthe.”

  “I did not slaughter him. He attacked me.” Abe spat and Mathias rolled his eyes.

  “Whatever. Kendrick said Absinthe had no right to ruin his family’s legacy like he had. Johnathan’s final wish was to destroy his own coven, kill out the bloodline. He never liked the fact he was a vampire. Never accepted what he was. He worked hard to become the Lord of his own Coven, then killed everyone.”

  “But Kendrick didn’t die.”

  “And neither did his sons.”

  Mathias’ words hit Marley in the chest like a sledge hammer, “Oh my god. Vince and Norman.”


  She turned her head to Absinthe, “Abe, where did your Mated come from?”


  “Your Mated, the ones who were killed? Where did they come from? Where they yours? Did they belong to the Coven originally?”

  “No, they—Oh shit,” He turned his head to Othello. “The mated I’ve had killed. They were Johnathan’s’. I saved them, when I went to talk to Johnathan.”

  “And the two pair Korin lost?” She asked, looking to the Vampire beside her and he nodded.

  “Yes, they were originally from Johnathan too.”

  She grinned, looking back to Othello, “Johnathan was the original link. Kendrick made his sons finish their Uncle’s work. Finish off the Bloodlines of his Coven, so there was no trace of them left. And then he made himself readily available to be killed, completing it.”

  “Yes, I think you are right. In killing the Mated from his original Coven, he cleansed his brother’s bloodline like he requested. Very clever Miss Brennan. We had not thought of it like that.” He smiled, leaning forward and looked down the table at Mathias.

  “You have no claim to punish this woman Mathias. Without her, we would have all be slaughtered in our sleep, and the Mated would have still been killed.”

  Marley blinked at the older vampire, turning her head as he continued.

  “But you and I. We are going to have a long hard discussion about you allowing someone as dangerous and volatile as Kendrick to have free roam in not only your Coven, but the outside world.”

  Mathias’ gaze darkened with anger and he stood, pushing back his chair, lip curling up in a snarl. His hands curled, claws distending, and Marley froze, thinking he would attack her.

  Rhayden, Absinthe and even Korin stood; showing him he would have a hard time getting to her. Mathias glared at her, before turning, stomping out of the room.

  She sank back in her chair, looking to Othello, “Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me Miss Brennan. You solved the murderer’s identity, plot and saved two Covens while you were at it. It is us who should be grateful,” He stood and so did Marley, bowing her head slightly at him and he smiled at her, before turning to Absinthe. “Take care of her Absinthe, she is a very precious commodity.”

  “I will, Uncle.”

  “Uncle?!” Marley looked at Abe, then Othello. “You’re their Uncle?”

  “Yes, their mother was my sister, beautiful woman she was,” He nodded his head at her. “This meeting is done, time to leave. Korin, get my car ready.”

  “Yes father.” Korin replied, smirking at the look on Marley’s face as nodded his head at her and left the room.

  “Oh, and one more thi
ng Marlene, you may want to double check on Johnathan’s bloodline. You might find some very interesting little snippets which may come in handy.” Othello stated, stepping up to her. He took her hand, kissing the back of it, just as his son, Korin, had done in Vegas and she nodded.

  “Thank-you Othello.”

  “My pleasure dear. Behave yourself.”

  “You know that probably won’t happen.” She giggled, and he chuckled.

  “Not with the look those two are giving you. I hope you have enough energy.”

  Face heating as he left, she turned her gaze to the brothers behind her. Their gazes were on her, Absinthe biting his bottom lip and she smiled, “Abe, you’re first.”


  Her mind fogged with pleasure as Absinthe’s mouth roamed her skin, his fingers moving to her core, slipping inside her. Her back arched, pushing her nipple into his mouth and he suckled it. His other hand was under her back, cold, comforting and she moaned, feeling his fingers working her, “Abe.”

  He pulled his fingers from her, moving above her and pushed his cock into her, shoving roughly against her. She gripped his back, fingernails digging into his skin and he growled, leaning down. Abe’s groin rubbed against her clit as he bit into her neck and she cried out as he pulled his hips back, before pushing into her again.

  “Shit! Abe!”

  Her orgasm flooded through her body, every nerve singing. Absinthe’s grunted, his movements increasing. He moaned against her neck, his fangs still in her flesh and she arched her back again; feeling her nails break the skin on his back. He let go of her neck, lifting his head and he cried out. “Marley!”

  She sighed, sagging back down onto the mattress, looking up at Abe. Her blood dark on his lips. She griped his face, bringing it down to her mouth and she kissed him, tasting her blood as she dueled her tongue against his.

  He moaned and pulled away, pulling himself from her and grinned. Flipping her onto her stomach, he pulled her back against him, pushing into her again. He leaned forward, whispering hotly in her ear as he gripped her hair gently, pounding into her from behind.

  “I’ve been getting tips off Rhayden.”



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