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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

Page 13

by Sandra Bischoff

  Galahad blanched. “Impossible.”

  Lance laughed harshly. “You believe I can be from there but not her?”

  “Of course not, she’s always been here with me.” Galahad placed his hand on the table.

  “Yes, she has. Before you were born she was a completely different person. Mom gave up everything to stay with our father, including her ability to change into a wolf. The same ability I have.”

  “You say you can change your shape. Then prove it. Change.”

  Lance sighed. “I can’t.”

  “Why? Because ‘tis all a lie or are you forbidden?” Galahad scoffed.

  “No. I was stripped of my powers so that I could learn to live without them. And here I am getting my ass kicked on a daily basis by everyone in Camelot.”

  “Do you think confessing all of this to me will change anything? Knowing this, I will make sure to be harder on you. Now that I know you can handle it. Special powers my arse.” His brother laughed.

  Merlin cleared his throat, catching their attention. “Sorry to interrupt such a beautiful family moment, but the two of you came to see me, remember. Why?”

  “Christian needs help with Lady Elizabeth. He would like to ask for your assistance in breaking her betrothal.” Galahad grinned.

  “Absolutely not!” Merlin’s voice exploded. “You could never bring her to your time.”

  “Then I’ll stay here.” Lance got into Merlin’s face, growling. “She belongs with me and nobody is going to tell me otherwise. Beth is mine.”

  “You may think that now, boy, but I know your kind. You will find another woman and forget about Lady Elizabeth. Now leave before I have you removed.” Smoke rose from the hem of Merlin’s robe, engulfing the sorcerer. When it cleared, the wizard was gone.

  Zephyr watched them from across the room in silence. He couldn’t decide if the wolf was stupid or if he truly meant what he said. One thing was certain, Merlin would never go against the King’s decision. Du Lac didn’t have a chance in hell. “You’d be wise to heed Merlin. Nothing good can come of this.”

  “Then you agree with him?” Lance sneered at the vampire.

  “Nay. I am on no one’s side here but my own. I can see when a fight is useless and this one is definitely useless. No one is about to bend. The only one who will get hurt is the Lady. I don’t think you want that.” Zephyr tapped the wooden spoon on the edge of the pot placing it on the table.

  “But what if she’s in more danger because of the betrothal? She and I have a connection.”

  “And you know this how?” The vampire leaned his hip on the table, crossing his arms.

  Lance ran a hand through his hair. “She is my mate.”

  “What epiphany has you believing she is your mate, wolf?”

  “She kissed me.”


  “And what?”

  “What did a kiss prove?” Zephyr smirked.

  “The wolf claimed her. I can’t explain it.” Lance paced the length of the chamber.

  “I thought you couldn’t change?” Galahad stepped in his path, stopping him. “How could the wolf claim her if it’s not here?”

  “It’s still inside me.” Lance tapped his chest with his fist. “It’s bound by Sam. If there is one thing I’ve learned it’s to trust the wolf’s instincts. Those instincts are telling me she is my mate and I am here to protect her.”

  Zephyr’s jaw twitched. While Merlin saw the facts of the situation, he felt what was in the wolf’s heart. That was why he could see Christian was not merely infatuated with Lady Elizabeth. “I may regret this later on, but I will help you. You must trust me. Can you do that?”

  Lance and Galahad blinked. Neither could believe what they heard.

  “You believe me?”

  “Aye, Christian, I do. And what of my question? Can you trust me?”

  Their gazes met and Lance held out his hand. Zephyr took it, holding tight. “With my life and hers, Z.”


  The air surrounding the castle shimmered with excitement. After weeks of endless training and torture, Camelot’s autumn tournament was finally here. Knights from all over Britannia arrived in droves. Lance and Galahad looked out over the sea of tents. There seemed to be no end to them. Even as they watched more were erected at the farthest corner of the field below.

  The horse beneath him pawed the ground and tossed its head with a snort. Lance leaned forward and patted its neck. “Company makes me antsy too, Chew.”

  Galahad rolled his eyes. “Humor me, tell me why you have named your steed, what was it? Ah yes, Chew.”

  Lance laughed. “Where I grew up in New Orleans, it’s what we call someone who is undesirable. It’s kind of like a veiled insult.”

  “I knew there was a perfectly insane explanation.” His brother chuckled.

  Lance inclined his chin in the direction of a large black and red tent. “Hey, can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything. It does not mean I will answer you honestly.”

  “And that’s the reason why you can’t lie. You suck at it.” Lance smirked. “Who’s tent is that?”

  Galahad shielded his eyes and watched the men hammering spikes into the ground around the large tent. “Ah, that belongs to the man betrothed to your Lady, Lord Rimmon.”

  All humor fled from him. “He’s here? I thought we were supposed to bring her to him after the tournament.”

  “Aye, I do believe we still are.”

  “Then why is he here now?” His horse pawned the dirt clearly picking up on the change in his mood.

  “Probably because he was invited. King Arthur extended an invitation to all the nobles. It makes sense that he accepted. How would it look if he did not? Especially when his betrothed is here?”

  Lance’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t like it, Gal. There’s something more to this. I just can’t put my finger on.”

  “Aye, on this we agree. I have never liked his Lordship. I usually make an excuse and entertain myself elsewhere when he visits.”

  “That’s probably a good thing. Being this close to him is creeping me out and we’ve never met.” Lance tapped his heels into the sides of his mount, leading it toward the castle. His brother fell in next to him. “I think, brother, we’ll have to step up our plans.”

  A smile curled the corner of Lance’s mouth. He kicked his horse into a run. Galahad let out a whoop and raced after him, leaving the sights and sounds of the camp behind them.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Lady Elizabeth watched from her chamber window as more knights arrived for the King’s tournament. Before long, all she would be able to see was the ocean of tents across the vast open countryside below. Seeing them didn’t bother her. She welcomed the tournament’s distraction. Her maid, Beatrix, already informed her which events she would be most interested in -the joust and swords. It seemed her personal watchdogs were to compete against each other during both.

  The thought of seeing them thrilled her. Though she had seen many of the King’s men practicing, none held her attention quite the brother’s Du Lac. They were equally matched, even with their age difference. Not to mention, Christian had only been with them for a short time. In that time his skill amazed her.

  Her gaze paused on two men racing toward the castle. As they approached she recognized Christian and Galahad. Laughing, they pushed their mounts to near exhaustion trying to best each other in this newest competition between them. They slipped out of view as they rounded the castle. Elizabeth blew away a stray lock of hair in frustration.

  What she wouldn’t give to be able to move around the land as freely as they did. No, she was kept in this cage, a fortress, at least until she was to be delivered to her betrothed.

  “Yet another prison to live in.” She sighed.

  “Did you say something, M’Lady?” Beatrix looked up from the mending in her lap, setting it aside.

  “Nay, I was wishing to be as free as the birds in the sky. Once would be nice.�

  “Aye, I know the feeling.” Beatrix smiled and went back to her needlework, softly humming.

  Elizabeth leaned on the stone ledge of her window. All the tents were the same; bleached white by the sun, some tattered by the constant exposure to the elements. All save one. A large black and red tent loomed above the rest, a dark omen calling to her.

  A chill ran up her spine. Elizabeth rubbed her hands over her arms closing the shutters cutting off the view below. She had to get out of there. Perhaps she would be allowed a ride? Would the King approve?

  “Bea?” She nibbled her lip.

  “Aye, M’ Lady?” Beatrix didn’t look up this time. She continued to mend the page’s tunic in her lap.

  “Would you bring a request to the King? I wish to go riding.”

  Her maid set aside her mending. She rose from the stool and beamed. “Aye, a bit of sunshine and fresh air would do you some good.” Beatrix squeezed her hand and left quickly to search out King Arthur. Moments later she slipped back into the chamber, a smile firmly planted on her face.

  “The King approves and has sent word to the stables to ready a horse for you. Christian and his brother Sir Galahad are to accompany you for as long as you like.”

  Elizabeth’s heart pounded in her chest. She expected to fight for this small bit of freedom but her uncle surprised her. It overjoyed her she could finally spend time away from here. She was tired of being smothered.

  Would Christian feel the same?

  He had been doing a fine job avoiding her. Christian warned her off, but she went to great lengths to be near him. She sat across from him at meals but he spared her a quick smile or nod, never anything more. Even conversation between them was formal and stilted, making her feel he would rather be gutted than spend one moment alone with her.

  Maybe she was truly infatuated with the thought of him. She spent hours watching him from darkened corners of the training field to catch a glimpse of him. Elizabeth even memorized every line and curve of the intricate design he wore on his right arm. To have that embedded in his skin must have been painful. It didn’t appear to bother him at all. When the other knights questioned him about it, Christian gladly talked about the meaning behind it.

  Elizabeth never heard any of it. But she wanted to. She wanted to hear about the land he lived in. She wanted to know more about him than he let everyone see. If only he would let her in.

  Now the time had come for the man to either engage in conversation or defy the King’s direct order to accompany her on a ride. She couldn’t have planned it any better. The only question was, would Galahad step in and destroy her efforts? She honestly hoped not.

  Wrapping her cloak around her shoulders, Elizabeth fastened it closed. “With any luck, I shall soon be enjoying a spirited chase across the fields.” She embraced her maid. Nothing could ruin her mood right now, not even her surly watchdog and his brother. “I shall be back in a few hours, in time for the evening meal.”

  As Elizabeth released Beatrix, her maid smiled. “Enjoy yourself. ‘Tis all I want for you.”

  “Thank you, Bea.” Her gratitude was muffled by the closing door and the rushing sound her feet made as she ran toward freedom.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “I can’t believe you’re going to bail on me. I thought we were in this together, to find a way to keep her from Lord what’s-his-face.” Lance took the mare’s lead from the stable boy. He ruffled the kid’s hair and tossed him an apple. “Thanks for the assist, kid.”

  The child caught the apple in his dirty little hands, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank you, m’lord!” Before anyone changed their mind and took his prize away, the boy ran from the stables, vanishing amongst the throng of people filling the bailey.

  Galahad dropped onto a vacant hay bale. “Brother, you keep giving every child a prize for doing their job, you will spoil them. We will never get a descent days work out of them.”

  “Giving the boy a piece of fruit is not going to spoil him. In fact, he may work harder next time if he gets something in return for his hard work. Take this as a small insight to the way things work in my time.” Lance fixed the blanket on the back of his steed glaring at Galahad over its back. “And you’re changing the subject.”

  “His name is Lord Rimmon and what subject might I be changing?” Galahad removed another apple from the burlap sack next to him. He turned it over and over in his hands, smiling. “Do you not think yourself perfectly capable of keeping Elizabeth out of trouble for one afternoon? You truly need me along for the ride?”

  “Well, no but--”

  “But nothing. The Lady merely wants a few hours of freedom. Fulfill that wish and I am positive she will be eternally grateful.” Galahad rubbed the apple on his tunic and took a bite. “If I were you, I would take advantage of this. Talk to her. Find out where her heart truly lies.”

  The problem, Lance wasn’t completely sure he wanted to know who she held closer to her heart, Galahad or himself. He’d pushed her away once. Would she give him another chance? “And what if it’s you she wants?”

  “Christian,” He swallowed the apple in his mouth. “I gave you my word I would not pursue her and I meant it. Lady Elizabeth is to be my sister and I welcome that with an open heart.”

  Galahad looked over Lance’s shoulder lowering his voice. “Your Lady approaches and I must take my leave. Especially if I am to kick your arse in the tournament.” His brother winked and ducked out through the back of the stables.

  “Coward.” Lance shook his head. Leave it to his brother to hang him out to dry.

  He knew the precise moment she stood behind him. Closing his eyes, Lance allowed her scent to envelope him. Having her close was like being home. He vowed to do everything in his power to save her from this fate she never asked for.

  “Lord Christian, I was under the impression Sir Galahad would be joining us.” Elizabeth’s voice caressed his skin surely as if she touched him.

  “Nope, you’re stuck with me I’m afraid.” He turned to face her. “Is that a problem?”

  She hid her smile. “Nay. ‘Tis perfectly acceptable to me. I only wish to feel the wind rush over me as I ride. A large party would complicate that.”

  “I agree.” Bowing, he laced his fingers together and held his joined hands out for her to step into. “Shall we be on our way? The smell of rain is in the air and I’m sure you’d like to be back for dinner.”


  She placed her foot in his hand. Lance easily lifted her up. After settling her comfortably on the back of the mare, he swung up onto his own mount. A tap of his heels and the stallion trotted out of the stables. Her mare followed close behind. It wasn’t until they were clear of the gates that she kicked her horse into a full on gallop, leaving him to watch the dust billowing out behind her.

  “If it’s a chase you want, cher, a chase you’ll get.”

  Lance kicked his horse into action, giving a yell. She had a descent head start on him, but his stallion was swifter. Lance gained ground quickly.

  Elizabeth looked back over her shoulder, laughing. Her hair fanned out behind her like flames against the dark clouds rolling in. Thunder rumbled in the distance as a light drizzle started to fall. None of it slowed them down.

  Hands tightening on the reigns, she shifted their direction, guiding them away from the castle. The edge of the forest approached fast, but neither of them held back. Wind and rain whipped his face. Lance didn’t feel it. The thrill of the chase, a wolf and his prey, it was all that mattered to him.

  They hit the forest never slowing in their stride. Weaving in and out of trees, branches slapped him from all directions. Lance ignored all of it, keeping Elizabeth in his sight. Her reckless behavior fueled his excitement. Elizabeth was not meant to be controlled. She was a free spirit, one who needed the freedom he wanted to share with her.

  If he could convince everyone of the truth; Elizabeth belonged with him in the future. She certainly wasn’t meant to be the wife of a Lord
most likely twice her age or more.

  The wolf growled. It wasn’t going to give up its mate without a fight.

  Breaking into a clearing, the rain increased in intensity, coming down in sheets. They slowed to a stop and dismounted. Lance grabbed the reigns out of her hands. Laughter died on her lips.

  “What the hell possessed you to ride like that? Your horse could have stumbled into a rabbit hole or over a rock. You could have been thrown. How would I explain that you broke your neck on my watch?” He dropped the reigns and wrapped his arms around Elizabeth, crushing her to him. “Part of me would die if anything ever happened to you.”

  Elizabeth gasped. The freezing rain plastered her hair to her head. Her bright emerald gaze dimmed as their eyes met. “I did not think--”

  “You never think. That’s your problem.”

  Lightning struck the ground on the other side of the clearing. It spooked the horses. They took off at break neck speed, leaving Lance and Elizabeth stranded. He let go of her and whistled, calling them back. It was no use. They were gone.

  “Son of a bitch!”

  “What are we going to do now?” Elizabeth’s voice caught in her throat as she stared off in the direction the horses fled.

  “Well, little Miss Accident-prone, now we hoof it till we find shelter.” He held out his hand.

  Pulling her saturated cloak tighter, Elizabeth hesitantly slipped her cold hand in his. Lance frowned and took a good look at her face. Her lips were already turning blue. He had to find shelter soon or she would wind up sick, most likely with some kind of plague.


  Lightning lit up the clearing again. Lance took the opportunity to get his bearings. Everything looked vaguely familiar. He had been here once, maybe as a child?

  If only he could remember.

  He looked back down at Elizabeth. Rain drops hung on her lashes, ready to fall on her cheeks. He brushed the water away with his free hand. She was cold, scared, and he wasn’t making it any better.

  His anger cooled. “I think there is a cottage close by. If anything, we can get out of the rain.” Lance walked away but didn’t get far. Elizabeth was firmly planted where she stood. “Beth, we can’t stay here. This storm is getting worse.”


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