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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

Page 18

by Sandra Bischoff

  He held their joined hands in his and a warm glow surrounded Lance and Elizabeth.

  “By the elements and Goddess of the Lake, I pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Lance and Elizabeth stared at each other in silence, unsure what they should do. Zephyr cleared his throat, removing his hands from theirs. The eye lock they had on each other broke. They refocused their attention on the vampire grinning at them.

  Zephyr unwound the rope from their hands, slipping it back into the pouch on his belt. “Christian, you may kiss your bride.”

  “Wait . . . what?” Lance blinked.

  Galahad slapped him on the shoulder, laughing. “I do believe he said to kiss your Lady. Or shall I stand in for you?”

  Lance growled. “If you value your life, Gal, I suggest you don’t try it.”

  Still chuckling, Galahad removed his hand. “I would never dream of taking your place, brother.”

  Cupping her face with his hands, Lance took fierce possession of her lips. She answered him with the same intensity. The air surrounding them crackled with static electricity. Above them a shower of lights floated to the ground, surrounding their small party. Magic surrounded and filled them.

  Reluctantly, they broke their kiss. Lance touched his forehead to hers, panting. “Wow.”

  Elizabeth inhaled deeply, expelling her breath in one long whoosh. “My sentiments exactly.”

  Galahad shifted uneasily bowing to them. He stepped back a pace, adding, “My congratulations to you both and to you Lady Elizabeth, welcome to the family. Insanity and all.”

  “Christian, I must take my leave. ‘Tis too close to sunrise. I shall see you back at the castle.” Zephyr swept them a low bow. He, Semiramis and Galahad quietly withdrew, leaving them alone.

  The moon hung low in the western sky over the lake. Behind them, on the other side of the trees, the horizon glowed pink with the approach of dawn. Lance knew they should follow Zephyr’s lead, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. Walking away from this moment would mean returning to their masquerade, pretending to be something they weren’t, at least until he could speak to the King. The thought of having to let her go for even a minute was already weighing heavily on him.

  Lance closed his eyes. “It’s only for a few days.”

  He wasn’t aware he had spoken out loud until he felt Elizabeth’s hand on his cheek. “Aye. A few days and then we shall never be apart again.”

  Twenty Three

  On the ride back to the castle, Lance took the opportunity to candidly observe Semiramis. The woman riding ahead of him with Elizabeth certainly resembled his foster mother, but he had lived with her long enough to know something wasn’t right. Sam did not have a void in her soul, not like he had seen in her eyes at the lake. Although every other aspect of the Goddess was intact. He couldn’t ignore the hollowness in her eyes.

  Every instinct in him warned him to pull his mate away from Sam. But come on, it was Sam. She would never hurt his mate, especially after everything they had gone through to get here. Or would she?

  Could it be another test? Could it be she intended for him to lose Elizabeth from the beginning?

  No. He’d never accept that. Sam didn’t have a vindictive bone in her body.

  She denied her own son his heritage and birthright. What’s to say she wouldn’t deny you your mate?

  Lance immediately crushed the thought. Semiramis denied Jared those things to protect him. If his father had known he lived, he would have had him killed because of a prophesy spoken in haste. After all was said and done, the prophesy was coming true. A healing had started in the future, but there was still so much that needed to be accomplished.

  And that was the reason for his trip into the past, the training and even finding his mate. He would never believe the grand intention was to rip it all out from under him for a test.

  Next to him, Galahad leaned closer. “You seem quiet. Is something amiss?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t really know.”

  “Well, which is it?”

  His brow furrowed. He reigned in, slowing his mount to a walk. Galahad followed suit and they let the ladies ride out ahead.

  “Did you notice anything different about Lady Semiramis tonight?” Lance kept his gaze locked on his mate.

  “I have only known her for this short time. I may not be the best one to ask that question.” Galahad paused, considering his next words carefully. “Over the past few weeks, I have seen and learned of things that by all means should not exist yet do. And, a brother who I knew existed but also knew I would never meet is here riding with me, fighting by my side. What I am trying to say is, I have learned to keep my mind open to any and all possibilities. So, tell me what you feel is different.”

  Lance gritted his teeth. “My gut is telling me Sam isn’t who I think she is.”

  His brother’s face remained unreadable. “Are you suggesting that the woman with Elizabeth is not your foster mother?”

  The gates of Camelot loomed ahead of them. Lance kept a close eye on the riders in front of him as they passed through and rode straight for the stables. He and Galahad followed close behind.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  He dismounted and helped Elizabeth from her horse. Their hands touched and their eyes met. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to whisk her away to his room and peel the wrinkled mess of a gown off her body. He could tell by the glint in her eye, she thought the same thing. Instead , he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips.

  Speaking loud enough for others to overhear, “My Lady, I do believe there is a warm bath with your name on it waiting in your chamber. After the ordeal of last night I think you’d be wise to take advantage of it.”

  Elizabeth hid her smile. “Aye, My Lord. Thank you for keeping me safe and finding us shelter from the storm. I wish you luck in the tournament this afternoon.”

  Semiramis raised her chin. “Come, Lady Elizabeth, I shall accompany you to your chamber.”

  Biting her lip, Elizabeth nodded. She slipped her hand from Lance’s and left him standing with his brother. Every few steps she glanced over her shoulder. The wolf itched to run after her.

  When the women passed through the door to the main hall, Lance started pacing. This would be harder than he thought. He assumed the wolf would rest easier being back within the walls of the castle. Elizabeth would be safe here surrounded by all of Arthur’s men and his family.

  But even knowing there were so many to protect her here, the wolf was more restless. His instincts warned there was danger, and it was close. Was Camelot compromised? Other than his family and Zephyr, who could he trust?

  “Christian, you have to cease.” Galahad grabbed his arm, pulling him to an abrupt halt. His brother’s voice was low, only he heard him. “Your Lady is well protected here.”

  “You don’t think I know? There’s just something . . .”

  Heat erupted across the back of his neck. Lance turned to see a knight dressed in black armor, without helm, staring at him. Though the man’s piercing black gaze was filled with such anger and hatred, it was vaguely familiar to him.

  The knight approached, hand on the hilt of his sword. Lance’s hand immediately went to his own as the air of malice that bled from the man before him reached out, surrounding him. The wolf was immediately alert and on edge.

  “Lord Christian Du Lac, I presume?”

  “Yeah, and you are?” Lance narrowed his eyes. He felt the air stir on his left and knew Galahad stepped up next to him.

  A cynical smile curled the man’s lip. “Lord Rimmon Arktos” He extended his hand.

  Lance spared it a fleeting glance. “To what to I owe this pleasure, Lord Rimmon?”

  A tic worked in Lord Rimmon’s jaw as he withdrew his hand. “I had the honor of meeting your brother last night.” He inclined his chin in Galahad’s direction. “I am glad to see all of you return safely this morning. The storm was more intense than any I have witnessed i
n a while.”

  “Intense is one way to describe last night.” A smirk curled Lance’s lip. He watched Rimmon’s hand tighten into a fist. He knew the danger in baiting the demon, but he didn’t care. He needed to know how far he could push the man before he found a weakness. “I’d love to sit here and exchange pleasantries, but I need to wash up and find my breakfast before the archery competition.”

  “Archery?” Rimmon laughed. “I would think a son of the great Lancelot would be taking part in a more physical competition like swords or the joust.”

  “Oh, I will. I’m judging the archer competition. It’s one set up for children. My idea.” He nodded. “Now if you’ll excuse us.”

  Lance and Galahad brushed past Rimmon. They were halfway across the courtyard when the demon called after him.

  “Du Lac!”

  Lance paused. Galahad continued into the hall.

  “You may think you have won, but I always get what is mine even if I have to kill to get it. You don’t know what you’re up against, Pup.”


  Lance spun on his heel. His gaze searched the courtyard, but Rimmon vanished. Lance was the only one out there.

  “Son of a bitch.” Lance snarled, storming into the castle. He rushed past Galahad on his way to the passage leading to Merlin’s domain.

  “What? What is it?” His brother fell in behind him.

  “You didn’t hear that?” Lance tossed over his shoulder.

  “Hear what? I thought you were behind me. I was about to sit and break my fast when you thundered in.”

  “Rimmon called me Pup.”

  “So? You are a wolf. He is a demon. He recognized what you are. It makes sense.” Galahad shrugged. “I never dreamed I would say that.”

  Lance pulled up short Galahad almost ran into him. He spun on his brother. “No. You don’t get it. There has been only one person to ever call me that. Just. One.”

  “And that would be who?”

  Lance’s gaze hardened. “Zephyr.”

  “You do not mean . . . You do not think . . . Christian, be reasonable! Zephyr is not responsible for this.” Galahad blocked Lance’s path. “I cannot believe I am about to say this, but the vampire is not out to destroy you. He is on your side.”

  His brother’s voice echoed in his mind. He had heard those exact words before, only Jared had been the one to say them. Was it only two months ago he had seen his best friend? It felt like an eternity.

  “Did you hear what I said?” Galahad shoved him, bringing him back to the here and now. “Whatever it is you think is going on here, forget it. Zephyr and I are probably the only ones other than Father who have your back completely. Trust us to do the right thing. To do what needs to be done.”

  Lance ran a hand through his hair. “I do trust you.” He snarled. “But right now I need a certain vampire to answer a few questions. There are way too many similarities. I need to know the bottom line.”

  He shoved past Galahad to descend the damp stone staircase into the catacombs below the castle. Torches sprang to life, showing him the way to Zephyr’s private chamber. They passed through Merlin’s vacant workspace and continued down an even narrower tunnel through the earth. At the end stood a thick wooden door with an iron loop for a handle.

  Lance pounded on it with his fist. “Z, open up.”

  Silence greeted him.

  Growling, Lance grabbed the iron loop. Something snapped inside him and the wolf’s strength became unleashed. He pulled the door clean off its hinges. The wood splintered as it hit the wall next to him.

  Galahad cringed. “Was that necessary? He probably is not even--”

  A blur rushed past, tackling Lance. Vampire and shifter morphed into a snarling, rabid, punching mess between Galahad and the only way out. Galahad hugged the wall, fingers wrapped firmly around a dagger.

  Lance’s fingers dug into Zephyr’s throat. The vampire snapped at him with elongated fangs. The vamp brought a foot up between them and kicked Lance in the stomach with enough force, he hit the wall next to his brother. Dirt rained down on all three of them.

  Zephyr flipped to his feet and stalked them. “What the hell is your problem? You knew I came down here to sleep. What is so important that you had to tear my fucking door down?”

  “Lord Rimmon Arktos.” Lance spat blood at the vampire’s feet. “That’s the problem.”

  “What about him?” Zephyr wiped his mouth on a sleeve, avoiding eye contact.

  Lance sprang to his feet, getting close enough to the vampire to look him in the eye. “You tell us.”

  “Christian, I honestly think we should do this later.” Galahad interjected.

  “You should listen to your brother.” Zephyr curled his lip. “I have no idea what you mean.” He shoved Lance out of the way, entering his chamber to assess the damage.

  “No idea, huh?” Lance was hot on his heels.

  Zephyr picked up a piece of broken pottery. “No, not even one. Please take the time to explain it to me. Then kindly leave so I may go back to sleep. Dusk comes early this time of year.”

  Lance righted an upside down stool. “Okay, for starters, the two of you look alike. Second, there were a few other similarities I noticed, kind of like the ones between Gal and myself.”

  “What are you trying to say, Pup? Spit it out.”

  “Ah, and there it is. For as long as I knew you, my whole life actually, you are the only one to ever call me that and I never questioned it till now.”

  “What? Pup?” Confusion veiled Zephyr’s face.

  “Yes, Pup. You’re the only one, Z. That is, until today.” He grabbed the pottery from Zephyr’s hand and threw it against the wall. It shattered, sending shards flying in every direction.

  “What does a simple word have to do with anything? I do not understand.”

  “Well let me spell it out for you. Rimmon is a demon who looks strikingly similar to you, same hair, same cheek bones, except for the eyes -windows to the soul. His are black pits of nothing while yours are the bright yellow of the sun. Ironic, really. He can walk in daylight and you are forced to hide from it. It’s like you are two halves of the same person.” Lance’s eyes glowed vibrant amber in the dim light. “What are you keeping from me, Z?”

  Zephyr’s jaw set as he stared over Lance’s shoulder at a spot on the wall. “Wolf, you do not know what you’re asking of me.”

  “Look Z, you want me to trust you then trust me. Your secret will go no further than this room.”

  Zephyr barked out a laugh. “I am supposed to believe that? Sorry if I happen to be a bit skeptical. My secrets are mine, buried for hundreds of years. I see no reason to share them with an insolent dog that cannot follow at least one command.”

  “Alright, that’s it. A, I am not a dog.” Lance grabbed the vampire by the shoulder and spun him around. His fist connected with Zephyr’s jaw, sending him sprawling across the bed. “And B, I am sick of your ‘I’m better than thou’ attitude. If we didn’t need you, I’d stake your ass right here and now.”

  “Oh so ‘tis my ass you would like to stake? I really thought Lady Elizabeth was more to your taste.” Sitting up, Zephyr spat a mouthful of blood on the floor. “Any time you want to try, go for it, Pup.”

  Lance’s jaw ticked. “Who is Rimmon to you, Z?”

  The vampire’s face hardened and a cold smile curled his bloody lips. “Rimmon is my brother.”

  Twenty Four

  Elizabeth sighed as the warm water engulfed her. Her whole body ached, but in a good way, a wonderfully delicious way. Never in her wildest dreams would she have believed last night happened the way it had. She intended to take a lengthy ride to clear her head. The thrill of galloping across the open field was too much temptation for her to pass up. Having Christian to herself was a bonus. A bonus that left her heart racing and her head feeling faint.

  Closing her eyes, she lifted the wash cloth and dabbed at her brow. Water ran down the sides of her face and neck. She followed it with th
e cloth, stopping when she touched the sore spot on her shoulder. Replacing the cloth with her fingertips, Elizabeth gently probed the bite mark Christian left there. It had already begun to heal, but it was still noticeable and would remain so after it completely healed.

  How would she ever be able to hide his mark? She couldn’t wear a cloak forever.

  A gasp behind her made Elizabeth jump. Water sloshed over the side of the makeshift tub, creating a shallow moat around it. Her eyes flew open to meet the wide eyed-gaze of Lady Elaine, Christian’s mother.

  Immediately, Elizabeth sunk below the surface. “Lady Elaine, I did not hear you come in.”

  Elaine stood by the closed door, hands clasped primly in front of her. The look on her face was unreadable, but the hurt in her eyes spoke volumes. Without looking away, Her Ladyship addressed Beatrix and Semiramis. “Leave us.”

  Her maid picked up the mending she was working on and scurried out of the room. Lady Semiramis on the other hand, stood with her chin held high and glared down her nose at Elaine.

  “How dare you order me, the Goddess of the Lake, around like a common servant? Who are you anyway?”

  Elaine’s brow furrowed. “Who am I? Have you lost your mind? I am the one who handed over my first born to you. I am the one who allowed you to raise him because that is the price you wanted for my happiness. How dare you, of all people, question me?”

  Shock flashed across Semiramis’ face. A cold mask of indifference replaced it. “I am sorry, Elaine. I don’t know what came over me.”

  Christian’s mother raised her hand. “I don’t care, Sam. Please leave. It seems Lady Elizabeth and I have something to discuss.” She paused, sparing the Goddess a glance. “In private.”

  Semiramis gathered her skirt with a huff. “Well yes, of course. I shall go attend the Queen then.”

  The moment the heavy wooden door closed behind Lady Semiramis, Elaine latched it. Elizabeth sat up straighter, her chin held high. This woman was her family now. She would not cave in.


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