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The Texan and the Cowgirl

Page 2

by Victoria Chancellor

  Thank heavens for the dance lessons she’d taken, and for the self-preservation instincts that kept her from babbling on about how attractive and talented Charlie was. The music thumped through her veins even as she tried to take a breath. She’d never danced with a partner who held her so close or commanded the lead quite the way Charlie Yates did. His lean, muscular body seemed tight and powerful. She’d never felt so…controlled before.

  Alarm bells should be going off in her brain, but she felt a strange exhilaration instead. She couldn’t be safer at a wedding reception, although her senses and her body were on alert. Instead of shouting danger, however, they were urging her to give in to this foreign yet entirely wonderful desire to enjoy every second with him. She’d never have this chance again, after all.

  She relaxed a little, molding herself to Charlie’s body. Her bridesmaid’s dress swirled around her calves and her low-heeled pumps glided across the wooden floor as if they’d been made for the Texas Two-Step.

  “You’re a good dancer, darlin’,” Charlie said, leaning down. His warm breath tickled her ear.

  A shiver went through her body. “Um, thanks.” She was really out of her league.

  The band started another number and Charlie didn’t say a word, just changed his tempo to match the song. They whirled around the floor until Cassie could barely make out the faces of her friends as they spun by. Their bodies became a little damp from the exertion, and the smell of hot, clean cowboy—with just a touch of expensive men’s cologne—filled her senses.

  And then the music stopped with a crescendo and a high-pitched shriek of the fiddle. Charlie twirled her around with a laugh.

  Startled, she looked up into his sparkling green eyes and couldn’t resist a matching chuckle. “Why are we laughing?” she asked as the music stopped.

  “Who knows? Time for the toasts.” Charlie guided her to the edge of the dance floor and took two flutes from a waiter. He handed her one. She wasn’t going to finish this glass since her head was already swirling from their two dances.

  He kept her hand tucked firmly around his arm, as if he didn’t plan to let her go. Which was fine with her.

  “Are you friends with Leo?” Cassie asked as Charlie glanced toward the raised table where Amanda and Leo sat with their families.

  “We went to school together, but then I went off to rodeo and he left to make his fortune at the blackjack tables. I’m sorry to say we haven’t kept in touch.” Charlie looked down at her and smiled. “How about you, darlin’? Have you been friends with Amanda a long time?”

  “I met her several months ago, when she came to town looking for her brothers.”

  “How long have you lived here?”

  “It will be three years in December.”

  “Well, I sure am glad.”

  And I’m glad you’re here, too. “Thank you.”

  Leo’s cousin Ham got up and gave an amusing toast, followed by Leo’s father, who praised Amanda, and finally her brothers Cal and Troy Crawford, who welcomed Leo to the family. Cal also gave a moving speech about how happy they all were that Amanda had found her two brothers after years of living far away from their family. By the time the toasts were finished, Cassie had a tear in her eye.

  “That was beautiful,” she whispered.

  Charlie looked at her as if he didn’t know what to say. He was probably uncomfortable with women getting mushy at weddings, but Cassie couldn’t help it. Amanda was her friend and she deserved this happiness.

  Amanda and Leo glided to the middle of the dance floor as the DJ played Kenny Chesney’s “You Had Me From Hello.” They held each other close and looked so in love it almost made Cassie teary again.

  “Let’s dance,” Charlie said, taking her hand and urging her close.

  This was a chance to move to the music without worrying about her feet or following his fast leads. And she wasn’t about to let him dance with someone else when she had this opportunity to be held close.

  She allowed herself to feel every inch of his body as they began to move. And then he placed his leg intimately between hers. The sensation of being surrounded by him, pressed against his thigh in a very arousing way, made her more light-headed than the champagne, and she found she had to stop herself from digging her nails into his shoulders and back.

  The song ended and she wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. She and Charlie stopped dancing and her feet felt curiously unstable, like the first time she’d kept Rooster in a lope around the ring, then dismounted to find herself as wobbly as a newborn foal.

  “I’m getting a bit dizzy from…um, all the dancing. And the heat. Isn’t it warm in here?”

  “Sure is, darlin’,” he said as he stepped back slightly so his leg wasn’t right there.

  “I think I need to eat something.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, too.” He guided her toward the buffet. She barely noticed friends and neighbors as she and Charlie walked by James and Sandy Brody, then her roommate Darla’s parents, Bobbi Jean and Burl Maxwell.

  “Man, this food looks great,” Charlie said, surveying the laden tables. “I forgot how much I like Dewey’s and all the folks here in town. They really know how to put on a spread.”

  “Yes, they do,” Cassie said, reluctantly dropping Charlie’s hand so she could get a plate, fork and napkin.

  She went down the buffet first, picking some fruit and cheese, tiny barbecued ribs, tiny cheese quiches and raw vegetables with ranch dressing. Charlie got just about the same, plus several deviled eggs he claimed were the best in the country.

  “Let’s go find a table,” he said as he guided her toward the far wall.

  She was flattered he hadn’t excused himself to rejoin his friends, or maybe find someone else to spend time with. She’d never considered herself especially engaging to men, but maybe Charlie Yates liked quiet women. She was definitely a change from the beautiful, busty would-be stars she’d seen him with on The Next Cowboy Star.

  He found a relatively quiet place to sit and held out her chair. Very charming. She put down her plate, then settled her full skirt around her. She still felt flushed, but resisted the urge to dab herself with a wet napkin. That wouldn’t impress the cowboy smiling at her from across the table.

  “I sure do like that bridesmaid dress. It’s a real pretty color on you.”

  “Thank you. Amanda said her favorite color was purple, but I suggested this shade of plum.”

  “Well, it’s nice.”

  “This is my second time being a bridesmaid and I’ve been lucky to have beautiful dresses for both weddings. Of course, I doubt if I’ll ever wear them again since there aren’t a lot of fancy parties or events in Brody’s Crossing. At least I have them if I ever need them.”

  “I guess that’s better than having a froufrou gown in a horrible color hanging around, taking up room in your closet.”

  She wondered how he knew so much about bridesmaid gowns. “Do you have any sisters?”

  “Nope, just Colby and me.”

  “And your parents…”

  “Retired from the ranch and living in Harlingen, down by the coast.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” She nibbled on her veggies and wondered if she’d be able to eat the ribs without making a mess.

  “How about you? Any family around here?”

  “No, my parents died a long time ago and I was raised by my aunt and uncle in California. They’re retired now. They’re thinking of buying an RV and traveling around the country before they’re too old.”

  “I’m sorry about your mom and dad.” He paused, then added, “Those RVs are nice. Any sisters as pretty as you, or any big, mean brothers?”

  Cassie laughed. “No to both, and thanks for the compliment.”

  “I just want to make sure no one’s gonna come over and yank me out of this chair for spendin’ all my time with you.”

  “Um, no, I can’t imagine that happening.” And she couldn’t imagine anyone having the guts—or the st
rength, for that matter—to yank Charlie out of his chair.

  She poked a barbecued rib with her fork.

  “Just pick it up, darlin’,” Charlie said. “I promise I just love a girl with sauce on her fingers.”

  Cassie smiled and went for it. The tangy, sweet and smoky taste was so wonderful that she closed her eyes and nearly moaned.

  When she opened them again, Charlie was watching her. Slowly, he raised her hands and licked her index finger, then sucked another fingertip into his mouth. “Yummy,” he whispered, leaning close. “I sure do like Dewey’s special sauce, especially on you, darlin’.”

  Immediately images of herself covered in barbecue sauce—and nothing else—popped into her head. She felt a blush spread over her cheeks. Oh, please, don’t let me be as pink as that baby back rib.

  “Would you like a little fresh air, darlin’?” Charlie asked, his voice low and sexy.

  “Yes, I think that might be a good idea.” She needed some fresh air to get the image of herself as a sensual feast for Charlie Yates right out of her head.

  Chapter Two

  Charlie led Cassie by the hand through the crowded reception. A little fresh air might be just the thing for both of them. For an inexperienced woman, she’d gotten him pretty worked up.

  They passed Toni Casale, except she was McCall now. It was hard keeping up with all the marriages and new folks around here.

  “Are you okay?” Toni asked Cassie. The question was entirely unnecessary, in Charlie’s opinion. Cassie was fine. A little flushed, maybe. She’d had a bit too much…excitement.

  “I’m fine. We’re just going outside for some air.”

  “You let me know if you need me,” Toni said, looking up from Cassie to give him the “evil eye.” Toni had been a tyrant in high school, several grades ahead of him and Leo. The fact she was now a successful businesswoman and the mayor of Brody’s Crossing hadn’t diminished her desire for control.

  “Of course I’ll be fine,” Cassie said. “Charlie’s going with me.”

  As he held open the door for her, he thought he heard Toni mutter, “That’s what I’m afraid of.” But then again, maybe he was just imagining things.

  The night was clear. When he’d been a teenager he couldn’t wait until he was old enough to walk into Dewey’s and order a beer. Now he was walking out of an old friend’s wedding reception, his arm around a cute bridesmaid who didn’t seem to have a clue how sexy she was.

  He’d ordered beers in some of the fanciest places in Vegas and Hollywood and had downed a few with some pretty fabulous people. But there was something about coming home, having a brew with old friends in Dewey’s, and meeting a pretty new girl that made for a really nice change of pace.

  “Isn’t this a beautiful night?” she asked, looking up into the dark sky.

  “Not as pretty as you, darlin’,” he said with a chuckle. Her neck looked good enough to lick right here in public.

  “Do you call everyone ‘darlin’?”

  “Just the women.”

  “Someone told me that men do that so they don’t have to remember a woman’s name.”

  He stopped, pulling her up short. “Now wait just a darn minute. I’m not sayin’ that some men wouldn’t stoop that low, but not me. I’m a Texan and a cowboy and a gentleman.” He leaned in close, inhaling her soft, floral fragrance. “If I were to whisper in your ear, darlin’, I’d for sure call you Cassie.”

  “Mmm.” She snuggled a little closer. “You’ll go back to Hollywood or Las Vegas or someplace else and you’ll have beautiful women all around you. You’ll forget about meeting me at a wedding reception in Brody’s Crossing.”

  “Not true. I’ll remember you.” He knew he would because she was so different. So sweet. And he couldn’t wait another second to taste her lips.

  He covered her mouth, coaxed her to open, and slipped his tongue inside. Sweet, so sweet. The heady taste of champagne mingled with the tang of barbecue sauce, all of it infused with Cassie’s giving, joyful personality. For just a second she didn’t respond, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

  Her tongue mated with his. The night went from mild and clear to humid and hot in an instant. She kissed with an enthusiasm that instantly aroused him. He broke the kiss momentarily when he heard Dewey’s front door bang closed.

  He pulled Cassie around the side of the steakhouse where his big pickup was parked. They wouldn’t be seen back here, hidden by his camper shell. And then he kissed her again.

  His butt thudded against the side of the truck as she pressed against him. He hadn’t expected her to be so hot, so damn sexy he couldn’t keep his hands off her. The silky fabric of the bridesmaid dress bunched and flowed through his hands as he cupped her bottom and pulled her against his erection.

  “I want you so much,” he whispered against the smooth skin of her neck, near her ear. “You’re drivin’ me a little bit crazy, Cassie darlin’.”

  “You’re driving me crazy, too,” she whispered, her breath tickling the skin beneath his unbuttoned collar.

  The door to Dewey’s opened and closed again. Charlie moaned and rested his forehead against Cassie’s. “It’s like makin’ out in the middle of DFW Airport,” he complained.

  Cassie giggled, a lyrical sound that tickled him right out of his frustration.

  “I’m sorry. I really did come out here for some fresh air.”

  “Have you had enough…air, that is, for now?”


  “I’m not ready to let you go, Cassie.” He kissed her again, lightly this time, making his way down her jaw and neckline to that tempting skin right where her shoulder began. “You taste so good.”

  “Mmm,” she muttered, rolling her shoulder and turning her head. “I don’t think I’m ready to be let go.”

  He chuckled. “Come to my truck. It’s more private than standing out in this parking lot.”

  She hesitated a moment, then asked, “Where is your truck?”

  Charlie grinned. “Right here, darlin’.” He lightly thumped the camper shell above the side of the F250 they were leaning against. “Home, sweet home.”

  SO THIS WAS WHAT IT FELT like to be a modern, single woman, taking charge of her own life, Cassie thought as she grasped the grab bar next to the narrow steps. Climbing into the back of a pickup truck with a man she’d met maybe an hour ago might seem a little irresponsible to some people. A man who was so naturally charming that he’d probably coaxed any number of women to act just as crazy.

  But she’d seen him on The Next Cowboy Star for weeks. He was practically a neighbor of a half-dozen people she knew. He’d grown up with Leo and gone to school with lots of people she’d met here in Brody’s Crossing. Besides, Toni knew that she’d gone outside with him. It wasn’t like he was going to kidnap her or do anything shady.

  She climbed up the last step and formed a general impression of a space that was neat and compact. Lights from the parking lot filtered through the tinted glass windows.

  She’d just noticed that the biggest thing in the camper was the bed, about the size of a cot, when Charlie closed the door with a gentle thud.

  “Have a seat, darlin’,” he said. She couldn’t make out his face but he was close enough that she felt his warmth.

  She eased down on the cot and rubbed her hands together. Okay, this was awkward. “When do you go back to…wherever it is that you live now?”

  “I’ve got a tiny apartment in L.A. but I haven’t been there very much. The production company put us up in a real nice suites hotel in Las Vegas, but since I’m off the show, I’m all packed up and ready to go back to L.A. on Monday.”

  “That soon.”

  “I’ve got to meet with my agent and figure out what we do next.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  He played with a strand of her hair. “Hmm. I guess I want the same thing I wanted when I tried out for the show.”

  “Do you have another role in mind?�
�� She knew he’d been competing for a shot as one of the characters in the remake of Silverado, but how many Westerns were made anymore? “Are you only interested in cowboy roles?”

  “Since I’m not an experienced actor, I thought I should try out for a cowboy role. That way, I don’t have to learn too much at first. Maybe later I could play a stockbroker or a doctor or some other character, but I think that might be a reach for me at the moment.”

  “I think you could do it if you tried.”

  His hand eased around the side of her neck and cupped the back of her head. “That’s real sweet of you to say.”

  “I mean it. I think you have talent. And charisma.”

  “I sure do hope other people agree with you.”

  “They will. Like you said, you just have to find the right role.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he whispered as his mouth descended and he kissed her again. The long, heavy, slow kiss drained all the tension right out of her body. His hand on the back of her head molded her closer, tilting her into just the right position. She moaned a little and sucked his tongue.

  Suddenly she was lying back on the cot and Charlie was braced above her, kissing her, touching her. Oh, he felt so good. She vaguely knew that her pretty dress was getting wrinkled, all bunched up as his hand crept high along her thigh. It felt so wonderful she didn’t have any intention of mentioning the dress or anything else, though.

  She closed her eyes as Charlie worked his magic on her body. He seemed fascinated by the neckline of her dress, and before she realized what he’d done, he eased down the zipper in the back. Suddenly the dress was truly off her shoulders and he found her breast.

  She opened her mouth to tell him this was happening too fast, that she wasn’t this kind of girl, when she remembered that she truly wanted to be this kind of girl. She’d wanted to dance and party with a handsome cowboy. She’d wanted to have fun without thinking of tomorrow or next week or whether she should or shouldn’t do something outrageous.

  She wanted to be crazy, with Charlie, just for a little while.

  The windows of the camper steamed up as they continued to taste and stroke and tempt each other beyond reason. She wouldn’t be surprised if the truck started rocking to their beat. Her panties ended up on the floor and his shirt fell open.


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