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The Saving Angels Series: Books 1-3

Page 25

by Tiffany King

  "Hey, I was here first," I said, pounding on the door and stomping my foot in frustration.

  "You can change in my room," Mark said, coming up behind me with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. My mouth began to water just looking at it. "What's wrong? Oh you want this?" he asked teasingly as he handed it over.

  "Thanks," I said, flushing just slightly as he gave me the once over. I always felt so self-conscious when he saw me in the morning, all rumpled looking, but he recently confided in me that he loved seeing me that way. That he would love to wake up to me looking exactly like I did now.

  Knowing what he was insinuating made my body heat up each time I thought about it. The mental picture of waking up in his arms was definitely something that got my blood boiling. And by the glint in his eyes, I could see he was thinking the same thing without even entering his thoughts.

  "Um okay, I guess I'll go change," I stuttered, backing up from the oddly intimate moment. "Thanks for my drug," I added, indicating my mug of liquid gold.

  "No problem," he replied, still watching me with his burning gaze.

  I closed the door behind me sagging weakly against it. "Hormones my butt, that guy is just smoking hot," I told Feline as I changed my clothes.


  Twenty minutes later we were once again assembled on the sand facing Haniel. Despite my jokes this morning about it killing me, I was pretty apprehensive about another round. By the looks on Lynn and Sam's faces, I could tell I wasn’t the only one. In fact the only one out of our entire group that looked relaxed was the flipping seven foot Angel that would be assaulting our emotions in a moment.

  Haniel had spent the entire night outside. I wasn’t sure if he actually stayed on the beach or went somewhere else.

  "All right, let's begin. Remember Guides, though the images may be disheartening, use them to your advantage. They are there to help make your job easier. You must focus on changing the pictures they have, thus giving them back an emotion other than the one they initially had," he said, preparing us for another round.

  I closed my eyes and focused on the task at hand. I felt the emotion that Haniel was sending slowly creep toward me. I steadied my breathing and prepared myself for today's onslaught of pictures.

  I cringed when the first picture flashed before my eyes of a sad child huddled in a corner, only to be replaced with another of a man clutching a belt in his hand. In the next image, the belt sailed through the air. I jerked back in horror, trying to get away from the sting of the belt. My sudden movement caused me to lose my balance as disorientation set in. I tried to steady myself, but the flashes of pictures and the foreign emotions had thrown off my equilibrium, sending me in a heap to the sand.

  I tried opening my eyes, but the sky was spinning out of control. My only shot at relief was to clamp my eyes shut and focus on getting my bearings back. The pictures of the poor defenseless child huddled in the corner and the monster that clutched the heavy leather strap remained engrained in my mind's eye.

  "Krista, are you okay?" Mark asked.

  I opened my eyes to see his anxious face hovering over mine. "Yeah," I said, struggling to sit up. "That totally sucked," I said dryly, looking around at my friends to see how they had fared. Lynn and Sam were both still standing, though they were deathly pale. "Why am I always the one lying around?" I asked, trying to make a joke of it. Mark reached a hand down and I grabbed onto it so he could haul me to my feet.

  "So, do I get an F for that attempt?" I asked Haniel as I dusted sand of my backside.

  "An F?" he asked puzzled.

  "You know, like an F for failed attempt," I said, realizing that trying to explain the dynamics of the grading system to a celestial being out of the human realm was a little difficult.

  "I am confused. You did not fail, you responded appropriately to seeing an image for the first time. How did you feel seeing the pictures?"

  "I felt sad and a little scared. And mad." I said.

  "Yes, now if you were there how would you fix the outcome?" he asked, pressing for details.

  "I would want to comfort the poor little girl and get her far away from the situation," I said, confused at what exactly he was asking me.

  "Exactly," he said. "You would want to help her. As a Guide, your gift gives you the ability to help her. She has already suffered the abuse, but you have the power to help her move on and leave the despair behind. When you encounter forgotten souls, they will be emotionally damaged. Abbadons use this to their advantage. They prey on the suffering of the forgotten souls, intensifying their anguish, making them more susceptible to evil."

  "How do I do it?" I asked, finally understanding what he was telling me.

  "You take the images you see and you change them to what you would want to see. Your soul will take over, replacing their negative emotions with your positive emotions. You will forever change the way they view that image from that day on. They will not forget their past, but they will finally be able to release it."

  "Okay, I think I understand," I said, looking at Sam and Lynn.

  "Me too," Sam said, sounding relieved.

  Lynn nodded her assent, also.

  "Very good then, let us begin again," Haniel said in what I could have sworn sounded like a proud voice. Though I knew I was imagining it. In the short time that we had been around Haniel, I had come to realize that he was a blank slate emotionally.

  I closed my eyes and mentally prepared myself for the images that were headed my way. This time I was ready for the picture of the scared little boy huddled behind the couch. My heart went out to him the instant I saw his frightened face peering around the sofa. His image was replaced by a mean-eyed drunk hurling a beer bottle toward the couch, striking the child in the head. I ran across the room, desperate to shield the defenseless child from more harm. The emotions I felt - despair, betrayal, misunderstanding - hit me one after another like arrows piercing my body. I reached down to pick up the child and suddenly the image repeated, only I was now the target. I ducked to try to avoid the oncoming bottle and felt myself falling backwards.

  I landed hard on my butt as Haniel once again retreated. "Crap, I suck at this," I said, exhausted from the mental abuse I was suffering. I glanced around and saw both Sam and Lynn also on the ground. "You too?" I asked, smiling a little at the grimaces on both their faces. It pretty much gave me an idea of what I looked like without glancing in a mirror.

  "Krista, very good," Haniel said, standing over me.

  "What," I asked, confused yet again. "What do you mean very good? I'm sitting in the sand again!" I said, letting my frustration show.

  "Krista, you were able to make contact. Your attempt was quite remarkable for such a young and inexperienced Guide. It will not be long before you will be able to erase the images altogether. You have embraced your lead role extraordinarily well."

  "Wow, you got to the little boy?" Sam asked awestruck. "I couldn't seem to make my feet move. They felt like they were sunk in cement by the fear I felt."

  "Same here," Lynn said, clearly frustrated. I couldn’t blame her. Lynn always seemed so invincible, it was hard to believe that she suffered from the same fear Sam and I felt.

  "Again?" I asked, rubbing my sore backside as I slowly got back on my feet with Mark's assistance once more.

  "I think that you’ve done enough," Mark said, brushing the remaining sand off of me.

  "That's okay…." I said, starting to argue.

  "Your Protector is right. The soul of a Guide is precious, and as such, training should be taken in small steps," Haniel said, dismissing my protest as only he could. "Protectors, we will now work on your training."

  "Sounds good to me my kind sir, let me just walk milady to the house," Shawn said in the weakest Medieval impersonation I had ever heard.

  "Oh, brother," Sam giggled at his bad impersonation.

  "Really man, that totally sucked," Robert said, grabbing Lynn's hand as we trudged along the sand on our way back to the house.

sp; Mark grasped my own hand in his and I felt his healing touch working its magic over me.

  "I'm sorry the training is so tough," he murmured into my ear as we topped the last step. There was just something about his lip touching my ear, breathing his warm air into me that made my pulse race with pleasure.

  He chuckled lightly as he picked up my thoughts. His relief that I was feeling good enough to get hot and bothered was palpable. Leaning in even closer, he blew gently in my ear, rustling the hair around it. Goosebumps popped up along my arms as a delicious shiver raced up my spine, making my scalp tingle in anticipation. I turned fully into his embrace, wrapping my arms snugly around his neck. He pressed his lips gently to my neck trailing light kisses up to my ear. My legs turned to jelly.

  "Go pamper yourself." Smiling now, he loped down the steps as I sagged weakly against the railing. Holy crow bear, he killed me sometimes.

  Sam and I spent the remainder of the day preparing ourselves for our big night out. By the time the guys were clamoring to get the show on the road, we had both given each other pedicures, dolled up our hair, and added just a tad bit of makeup.

  I felt like a bundle of nerves as I pulled the elegant dress out of the bag and slipped it off the padded hanger the sales clerk had sent home with me. I hoped against hope that it still looked as good on my stick figure body as I remembered from the day before. The satin of the dress caressed my skin as I slid it on. Stepping in front of the mirror, I gasped in pleasure when I saw the sparkling girl staring back at me. With my hair pulled up in the intricate knot that Sam had concocted, the touch of make-up, and the beautiful dress, I felt like a princess. My eyes sparkled and my mouth spread into a smile as Sam stepped up behind me adjusting her own dress.

  "Oh my God Krista, you look so flipping beautiful. Mark is going to have a coronary when he sees you," Sam said delighted.

  The excitement of the night began to grab me as I reached over and gave Sam a quick hug. "I'm glad you talked me into this. You were right, who cares what those cows think. It was crazy thinking we should skip it. Why give them the satisfaction?" I asked, echoing the same argument Sam had been making for last few weeks.

  "Ha, they're going to die when they see how hot you look," she quipped, tucking a stray hair back up into one of the countless bobby pins on my head.

  "Well, it's not like you don't look pretty spectacular yourself," I said, giving Sam a once-over. The midnight blue dress could have been tailor made for her with the way it accentuated her every curve. The strappy heels she wore made the full skirt swish around her in a very flattering way. I had piled her hair on top of her head, leaving several tendrils to hang down to curl attractively around her heart-shaped face. As a last touch, Sam had added glitter eye shadow to the top of her eyelids, which could have looked cheap, but instead made her eyes sparkle and dance. Had Sam been a foot taller, she could have easily walked the catwalk as a topped billed model.

  "You guys read? Wow, you two look fabulous!" Lynn said, opening the bathroom door. "Um, you two are going to leave those three gossip hounds you're always talking about with tongues wagging tonight," she added.

  "Aww, thanks Lynn," Sam said, giving her a smacking kiss on the cheek as the three of us strolled toward the racket in the living room. It was quite obvious the guys were getting impatient. Sam and I exchanged a knowing look as we stepped around the corner, stopping in the doorway.

  All sound evaporated from the room as Mark and Shawn finally got their first look at us.

  Lynn broke the silence with a knowing snort behind us.

  "Told you guys you looked hot," she said, joining Robert on the plush couch.

  They weren't the only ones struck silent.

  Mark in a tux was enough to send my heart racing and my skin tingling. The cut of the tux emphasized his lean but muscular body. He was McDreamy and McSteamy all wrapped up in one delicious ball.

  "Dudes, you might want to close your mouths," Robert mocked from the couch. He roared with laughter as Mark and Shawn became aware of his teasing.

  I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my mouth when they both seemed to shake their head as if to clear the haze. Sam giggled next to me as Robert and Lynn both openly laughed.

  "You look beautiful," Shawn told Sam, finally regaining speech as he joined us. Sam's giggles stopped in mid-giggle as Shawn tenderly cupped her cheek and pressed a light kiss on her lips.

  I glanced away feeling intrusive. Instead, I focused on the one person who mattered the most to me. "You look unbelievable," Mark said, reaching for my hand and pulling me into his arms for a quick embrace. There was no need for Mark to kiss me, his eyes said it all. I could feel my cheeks heating up as he appraised my appearance from head to toe making it quite obvious he was pleased with what he saw.

  "You are beautiful." The thoughts he flashed in my head confirmed it as we joined the others in the living room.

  Chapter 4

  As per my mom's request, Mark swung me by the hospital so she could admire our formal clothes. I could tell right away she was not a happy camper as we strolled into her room.

  "What's wrong?" I asked

  "My ignorant doctor is under the impression that I need to stay an extra week in the hospital. I can't stay laid up here another week. I have things to do. Your graduation is coming up, not to mention my poor plants are going to die," she added in an agitated voice.

  "Mom, come on, graduation is still weeks away, and really, what can possibly still need to be done. I have my graduation robe, my pictures are taken, and my class ring is on its way. It's not like we have any family flying in. Everyone I want there is already here. As for your plants, I've been watering them every day. It's not like you would be able to go home and do all that anyway. I for one am glad they're keeping you here. That way I can make sure you really are better," I said truthfully.

  "I know. I'm sure they know what's best, it's just so frustrating. I feel like I'm missing too much of your last few months at home," she said, suddenly teary eyed.

  "Mom, you're not. I'm here most afternoons anyway, right? Plus, we have the entire summer, and it's not like I'm moving far away."

  "I know, I'm sorry. I'm an emotional wreck lately," she said, wiping the tears away with the corner of her bed sheet. "You look beautiful, by the way. That dress looks absolutely stunning on you. I should have started off with that instead of venting," she said apologetically. "All of you look great," she added, indicating the others that were lounging on the chairs by the window. "Did you take pictures?"

  "Yeah, we had Lynn take them," I said. I had recently brought Lynn and Robert up to meet her. She had a vague idea about our connection and knew that we were all drawn to Santa Cruz, but she thought it was for some unknown reason. I deliberately kept our most recent findings to myself. I was always afraid that when I visited her I was going to let something slip. She and I had been close my entire life and I was used to confiding in her about most of my fears, but these were best left unsaid.

  "We better head out," Mark said, knowing what I was thinking without having to use any mind tricks. He knew how much it bugged me to lie to her even if it was for her own good.

  "I'll come back tomorrow Mom," I said, dropping a kiss on her cheek.

  "Okay, don't come too early. I'm sure you guys will be exhausted after being out late tonight. No drinking and no getting in the car with anyone that has been drinking," she said sternly to all of us as we left the room. I paused in the doorway to blow her a kiss and chuckled when she made a swooning face at Mark's back.

  The drive to the Swan Resort was short, and before I knew it Mark was handing his keys over to the valet. Swallowing back a knot of nervousness, I glanced up at the elegant building in front of me. The architecture was breathtaking and reminded me of something you would see in a movie from the Victorian era. Wide, sweeping porches graced both levels of the building with ivy running in abundance over the round pillars and railings that separated the dual porches. Wooden white-painted planter
s filled with pretty mauve flowers hung from the rafters and brackets mounted to the railings. It was obvious each detail had been well thought-out and added accordingly.

  Shawn and Mark helped Sam and I exit the vehicle. Mark wrapped his arm around my waist, sliding his fingers along my ribcage and pulling me tight against his side.

  "I know I've already said it, but you look absolutely beautiful tonight," he said in a husky voice that sent my pulse into overdrive. If we lived a hundred years together, I would never get tired of the way our connection made us so hyper-aware of each other. I loved that I could almost sense where he was at all times now. I'm sure an observer would say I was shackled to him, but it was exactly where I wanted to be.

  We could hear the party in full swing as we climbed the sweeping marble inlaid staircase toward the ballroom. I couldn't help noticing that the small pieces of marble matched the mauve flowers that were scattered about.

  One of doormen tipped his hat formally at us as Shawn and Mark handed him our tickets. The second doorman opened the doors grandly for us, allowing us to pass. Sam and I both gasped in pleasure when we took in the sight of the wide spectacular ballroom in front of us. The room was massive with elegantly draped tables surrounding a dance floor that would have rivaled the gymnasium floor at any professional arena. Each table held glass bowls filled with floating candles that illuminated the faces of those that were seated around them. The perimeter of the room was broken up by an entire glass wall that overlooked the ocean churning beneath the cliffs. Drapery swaged the walls around us, each decorated with thousands of twinkling lights that made the walls appear to move. Instead of a tacky disco ball or a typical chandelier illuminating the dance floor, the center of the dance floor was lit up by thousands of dancing lights that seemed to drop from the ceiling. It was by far the most elegant room I had ever entered. Even the deep midnight blue carpet under my feet was the plushest flooring I had ever walked on. I fought the temptation to slip my strappy shoes off so I could sink my feet into it.


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