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The Saving Angels Series: Books 1-3

Page 36

by Tiffany King

  "When Krista and Mark are done with their inner dialogue, perhaps I can congratulate Krista on a job well done," Haniel said.

  Flushing slightly, I pulled my gaze from Mark and focused on Haniel.

  "Well done Krista. Your talents for a young Guide are quite astonishing," he said. "Alright, let's see how the next pair does," he said, indicating Paul and Kim.

  Sinking to the ground by Sam and Shawn, I watched Kim try to shield her Protector from Haniel's onslaught. Her grunt of defeat made it clear she had failed. I didn't want it to go to my head, but I was a little proud that the oldest and wisest band here struggled with a task. Being the newbie's was starting to grate on my nerves slightly.

  Kim finally gave up after several minutes, sinking to the ground. "That's tough," she said panting, looking at me appraisingly. "Well done Krista."

  Kieran and John went next and nailed it almost immediately. I wasn’t surprised. Their bond was strong. They obviously spent a huge amount of their time communicating through the bridge in their mind. That's what made my successful attempt even more impressive, since Mark had closed our bridge several weeks ago.

  Lynn and Robert went after Kieran and John, but had the same outcome as Kim and Paul. By the time each pair had taken a shot at the exercise, only three of us were successful at it; Kieran and John, Michael and Faith, and Mark and me.

  "The Dark Angel will use any means available to manipulate you, and will use any method necessary to turn you against one another. You will all be pushed to your limit when the battle begins, and all of you will be Protectors in your own right. This will be unlike any situation you have ever encountered," Haniel said once we were all done with the exercise. "You must learn to do this," he added earnestly.

  "The Dark One may even try to engage the Archangels, hoping for divine intervention so he can retaliate, but we have our orders from The Light," Haniel said solemnly, laying it all out for us. "We cannot, and will not, step in to intervene, to do so would jeopardize humanity."

  His words did not surprise me. Mark and I had been on our own the first time and we survived. I'm sure we would not take his dad by surprise a second time, but I also felt our numbers were strong and we had eliminated the surprise element from the equation.

  Putting up blocks proved to be harder than overcoming emotions. We were not only trying to protect ourselves, but our very reason for living as well. After several more attempts, Sam and Shawn were finally able to master it along with Grace and Thomas.

  We switched gears and Haniel came at us in a surprise attack, playing his part well, his gifts matching those of the Dark Angel. He was relentless as he mixed up his strategy, going after one of the Protectors then shifting gears abruptly to one of the Guides and then back again. My head was spinning, trying to keep up with his rapid attacks. By the time we broke, I was shaky and slightly sick.

  Settling on the sand, I rested my head on my knees, trying to hold back the burning bile rising in my throat. I sensed someone approaching from behind, and then felt Mark's soothing touch as he massaged the tension and nausea out of my system with his healing touch. Leaning back into him gratefully, I sighed with pleasure as my system slowly returned back to normal.

  "Thanks," I said, tilting my head back to give him a quick peck on his jaw line. I smiled when his eyes darkened slightly. Mischievously, I pressed another light kiss on the soft skin right below his chin. Gripping my hand in his, he slowly pulled my wrist up to his mouth, gently kissing me on the one spot that he knew turned me to mush. There was just something so seductive to me about being kissed on such a sensitive spot.

  "You're not playing fair," I whispered, glancing around self-consciously. I was relieved when I saw everyone else engaged in conversation.

  "And you are?" he asked, showing me a flash of his thoughts. Go figure, he decides to start sharing his thoughts again and they are R-rated. Needless to say, a houseful of guests pretty much left it all as just wishful thinking. Gazing in, his eyes, I let my own thoughts merge with his expressing just how much I wanted to be alone with him too. He stood before me, cupping my face with his hands, bringing me closer. His lips met mine as our thoughts merged together, leading us down one fantasy trail and then another. Each one taking us closer to the point we so desperately wanted.

  "Um, pretty sure you guys should get a room for a kiss like that," Shawn said dryly, sinking down onto the sand next to us.

  Blushing deeply, I pulled away from Mark and covered my flaming face with my hands. I knew he couldn't read our thoughts, but I was mortified that there was someone in our group that could. Sneaking a peak through my fingers, I was immensely relieved to see Haniel engaged in an in depth conversation with three of the older Protectors. If he had heard our thoughts, I would have probably died, and saved Mark's dad from having to do it.

  "Figured it was my brotherly duty to interrupt before you guys completely forgot where you were," Shawn continued.

  "Gee, thanks for that one," Mark said sarcastically, sounding more than a little frustrated.

  I couldn't help the giggle that slipped out. Here I was worried that Haniel could hear our dirty thoughts while Mark was aggravated that we were interrupted. We had definitely reached new ground. Who needed dirty texting when you can share dirty thoughts, I couldn’t help thinking ruefully.

  Mark chuckled as he pulled my errant thoughts from my head before I could firmly close the gate. "Any time you're up for another round, you let me know," he whispered in my ear, all hot and sexy.

  My cheeks had to be as red as a sunburn now at his suggestion this time, but not from embarrassment. This was more from the blood vigorously pumping through my veins at the thought of another round.

  He placed one more heart-stopping kiss on the sensitive spot of my delicate wrist, and then jumped to his feet, sending a quick light swat to Shawn's head as he loped away with Shawn fast at his heels.

  "Wow, that was one hot kiss," Sam said, taking Shawn's place beside me.

  "Ugh, you saw it too? Did we have like a flashing sign above our heads or something?" I asked, turning pink again.

  "Well now that you mention…"

  "Are we talking about the "we need a bedroom" kiss?" Lynn interrupted, settling in the sand on the other side of me.

  "Seriously! You saw it too?" I asked.

  "Well, at first I didn't see it, but I felt the heat behind me and I thought someone had started a bonfire," she joked. "Kidding. I would have missed it if our not so very mature guys hadn't pointed it out to us," she added, reassuring me. "Right Sam?"

  "Oh yeah, Shawn nearly cracked my rib nudging me with his elbow. Of course I think he was hoping I would interrupt it. He's not all that crazy about seeing his sister getting all hot and steamy with his best friend," Sam said giggling.

  "It wasn't like we intended to make out in front of everyone or anything. It's amazing how an innocent kiss can lead…," I said, letting the rest trail off.

  My friends nodded their heads affirmatively, knowing from personal experience what I was talking about. I wasn't sure what their raging hormones felt like, but I'm pretty sure mine rivaled theirs tenfold.

  Training wound down after one final test in which Haniel paired the Protectors against each other to battle. As Guides, it was our job to block any interference thrown their way to manipulate them. This proved to be the most difficult task of all. Although I knew the Protectors really wouldn’t harm each other, it was still hard to idly stand by as they fought while at the same time, concentrate on keeping Haniel away from them. Haniel was more aggressive during this simulation. Keeping him away from all the Protectors felt impossible as he shifted gears with lighting quick speed. After several failed attempts on our part, Haniel called an end to the training.

  "We will train again tomorrow. You will get it. You have to," he said, leaving no room for argument. Who were we to argue anyway? We knew what was expected of us and what we would lose if we failed.

  He was right. We had to get it.

nbsp; Chapter 15

  The next few days passed in a blur as we traded sleep shifts while still allowing ample time to train. Most of us were getting less than four hours sleep a night and we were beginning to feel the effects of it.

  I, of course, had my own issues to deal with. My mom wasn't happy that I hadn’t spent one night under her roof in almost a week. I felt the pressure of my white lies building up as I sought to protect her from the truth. I managed to squeeze in a few hours here and there, but our conversations became strained as she tried to make me feel guilty for all the hours I was spending with Mark.

  "Mom, I told you we're researching our past, still trying to figure things out," I told her, regurgitating the same white lie.

  "I understand that, but there's no reason you need to sleep there every night, unless the promise you made me was just a tale?" she asked, clearly aggravated.

  "Mom, trust me, we are sooooo not sleeping together. I'm sharing a room with Sam and Lynn. It's just easier if we're all together," I added.

  She continued to wear on me for the rest of the visit. By the time I arrived back at Mark's house, I was in tears. I hated that she was mad at me, and I hated that I had to play the "I'm not a kid anymore" card. It just didn't feel right.

  Once I finally left the vehicle, I sought out Haniel to ask for his help. I wasn’t crazy about the whole mind control thing, but I also hated to see my mom hurting over my actions. He had offered his assistance days before when he visited Sam's foster parents, giving them the impression that Sam was away working as a counselor at a summer camp. I resisted his help at first, not feeling comfortable deceiving my mom like that, but the time for worrying about trivial things had passed. The pressure of juggling it all was affecting my sleep and my training.

  "I will handle it," Haniel reassured me, placing his hand on my shoulder briefly. His touch removed all the heartache I felt over my visit home, leaving behind a warm glowing feeling that traveled from my shoulder down to my toes.

  He turned to leave, but I stopped him with one last question that had been eating away at me for days.

  "Haniel, is it wrong that I get angry in certain situations?" I asked quietly. "I mean you're always talking about a Guide's soul being precious and a sight to behold and yet mine seems far from that," I said, mumbling the last part.

  Haniel walked back and stopped in front of me. "Krista, it is your ability to feel each emotion so completely that makes your soul so much more precious. You care about wrong as passionately as you do what is right. Trust me, your soul glows from the inside out. In all my years, I have only seen one other soul as lovely as yours. Never doubt your emotions or your place in the Angelic order. You are truly special to us all," he said, walking away in his usual abrupt manner.

  Sinking to the shallow step, I digested his words. For weeks, I had been stressed that there was something wrong with me. Angels were perceived as caring and loving, without a trace of animosity and yet, when facing danger my anger flared up. I pondered Haniel's words and a great wave of relief flowed through me, easing the doubts that had plagued me.

  I stood up, hopping up the last step, suddenly very lighthearted. Haniel's reassurance about my soul and the fact that he was fixing my home situation lifted the two heavy weights that had been sitting on my shoulders.

  "You okay, Krista?" Grace asked as I walked in the front door.

  "I am now," I said, shooting her a smile. Grace and Faith had quickly become my favorites from the other bands. Their good-natured, sunny attitude drew you in like a bee to a sweet flower. Although, I couldn't help thinking that part of their appeal to me was the knowledge that they were the counterparts to our own missing Links. Being around them gave me a piece of what our own band was missing.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked sensing there was more.

  "My mom, or adoptive mom, is not taking my absence over the past few days very well," I said, mentioning only a small portion of what had been bothering me.

  "Honey, you can call her mom around us. We are all so very grateful to her for the loving care she and her husband provided for you. We wish your fellow Links would have received the same kind of love. It grieves us greatly that Victor stole all of you from your birthright," she said, sounding sadder than I had ever heard her.

  "Okay, so what can I do to help you with your mom?" she asked, shaking off the gloom and switching back to the sunny attitude I loved.

  "Haniel said he would go see her," I said.

  "Ah yes, Haniel does have a knack for fixing situations. When you're surrounded by other celestial beings day in and day out, you forget what it's like to have to deal with humans. I'm sure it's tough on you trying to juggle both," she said, completely understanding my dilemma.

  "It is. When I'm here, I'm someone special with a great responsibility. At home, I'm just a regular girl whose biggest worry is supposed to be if my favorite shirt is clean before I go out on a date. I've tried hard to keep her in the dark, but when she's nagging me about a clean room or college, I have to fight the temptation to tell her all the secrets I'm keeping. Maybe then she would see that I have bigger worries than a clean bathroom," I said sighing. "But I know I can't. Protecting her by keeping her in the dark is the best thing for her. It was hard for me to buy into the whole celestial being thing at first and I had proof. I could only imagine trying to convince someone that wasn’t tied in with all of this," I said, spreading out my arms.

  Grace placed her arm around my shoulder, guiding me toward the kitchen. "I know it's tough, but I think you've made a very wise and mature choice," she said. "How about to take your mind off of it, I whip up a batch of double chocolate chip cookies? A little birdie told me that you're a bit of a chocolate lover," she said, smiling at me.

  "You mean from scratch?" I asked, my mouth already watering.

  "Of course, is there any other kind?" she asked, laughing lightly as she started assembling the ingredients.

  "In my house there is. Slice and bake is the closest we come to homemade. My mom isn’t the best of cooks, and I definitely take after her," I said.

  "Well, you're in for a treat because my double chocolate chip cookies are Heavenly, no pun intended," she said, making quick work of mixing the ingredients together in a large stainless steel bowl.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, the first batch was in the oven smelling as Heavenly as she promised. Grace and I talked about trivial things as she prepared another batch on a second tray. She was easy to talk to and I felt like I had gained an older sister.

  Soon the smell of fresh baked cookies drew a crowd as everyone came in to check it out.

  "Yum, I see you're treating everyone to your famous cookies," Thomas, Grace's Link said, joining us in the kitchen. He snagged an uncooked cookie from the cookie sheet and planted a quick peck on her cheek, dodging her swat with the spatula.

  "The first batch is almost done," she said affectionately.

  "I know, and I'll eat those too, but these are just my appetizers," he said, making a grab for another one, but this time Grace was ready for him. She smacked his knuckles lightly with the rubber spatula warding him off.

  "Out," she ordered, giving him a playful shove. "Or no cookies for you," she added, giving him a warm smile, totally contradicting her words.

  Thomas gave her bottom an affectionate pat as he headed out of the kitchen, winking at me on his way out.

  I couldn't help laughing at their easy banter. Watching the older bands interact gave me insight into what my future could be, warming me from the inside out with happiness. I knew from conversations we had, that Thomas and Grace were the proud parents of a beautiful bouncing baby boy. Grace showed me pictures of him and I had to smile at how closely he resembled a replica of a cherub with springy blond curls framing his adorable, round face. In the picture, he was toddling after an orange tabby cat, obviously trying to catch him. I could almost hear his squeals of delight as the cat eluded him.

  After she showed off her pictures,
the rest of the Guides pulled out their own pictures too. It was amazing to see the next generation of Links as babies. I wished we could have met them firsthand, but I was immensely relieved that they were all in a secure location being protected by the last remaining fighting band.

  "As soon as the threat is over, we will all get together," Grace had assured me as I studied the pictures.

  Watching Grace and Thomas show their affection, I was anxious for my own life with Mark to begin. We knew each other better than anyone else and had spent more time together in our dreams than most married couples spent together.

  Grace handed me a platter of steaming cookies straight from the oven. Carrying it through the living room, I balanced the tray on my hip while I twisted the door handle. The door swung open as Shawn opened it from the outside.

  "I thought I smelled something good," he said, grabbing one of the cookies off the top of the pile. "Holy cow, these are delicious," he said, devouring the whole thing in one gobble. He reached out to snatch another one before I could set the tray down.

  "Hey, these are for everyone, greedy-meedy, " I said, trying to elbow his large frame away to no avail.

  "Hey, they snooze they lose," he said, tugging on my ponytail before he grabbed a third cookie.

  "Ooh, cookies," John said, spotting the tray of cookies. "Please tell me these are Grace's famous double chocolate chips," he said, grabbing several.

  Before I could answer him, everyone crowded around the tray making a mad grab and within seconds, only crumbs remained.

  "Hey, I didn't get any," I complained loudly, watching all the delicious chocolate walking away.

  "That's why I always make a triple batch," Grace said laughing, coming up behind me with a second overflowing tray in one hand a stack of plastic cups in the other. Thomas brought up the rear, carrying an oversized glass jug of ice cold lemonade with fresh lemon slices floating on the top.

  "Here," she said, handing me several cookies.

  "Thanks," I said taking a bite out of one of them. "Oh my God, Grace, these are fantastic," I said, savoring the mouthwatering bite in my mouth. I sat down in one of the padded chairs across from Grace.


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