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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 36

by Jenika Snow

  “I love you, baby girl.” He placed his hand on her belly, ran slow circles around her soft skin, and leaned down to kiss her. “You’re carrying my baby, and I fucking love that.” He leaned back and looked at her face. “We’ll make this work, and it’ll be fucking spectacular. It already feels so right, De. It always does when I’m with you.” And wasn’t that the damn truth.

  Chapter 3

  Deanna sat in the waiting room with Demon at her side. He looked so calm and relaxed as they waited for their appointment. None of the club knew about her pregnancy and she didn’t want them to know. She’d not told Amy or Eloise, preferring to keep everything to herself until she knew more.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Demon opened another pregnancy magazine before closing it up and wincing. “Damn, that looked nasty.”

  The picture was of a woman pushing and it looked like a baby’s head was about to pop out of her vagina. Even Deanna was wincing at the pain it must cause.

  “I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Baby, I’m right here. We’re going to do this.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked toward him. “I need some air.” Without waiting for him to follow, she walked outside the doctor’s office. She took several deep breaths while staring up at the sky. This was a hell of a lot harder than she’d anticipated.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Demon asked, stepping outside.

  “Don’t you want to stay in in case we’re called?”

  “No, we’ve got over twenty minutes until we’re called. I also told the receptionist we were going outside for some air.” He cupped her cheeks, and she looked up into his eyes. She loved him so damned much.

  “You were right. This isn’t the right time for a baby or anything. I don’t know what I was thinking, but it wasn’t this. We shouldn’t be having a baby.”

  “You’re not aborting our kid.”

  “I know I’m not. Demon, I’m panicking, okay. I’d never do anything so crazy or stupid. God, this is awful. I’m awful person.”

  “No, you’re not an awful person.”

  “I always thought I’d have my mom around for this. I never thought I’d be doing this alone.”

  “You’re not alone, baby. You’ve got me.”

  “No, I don’t mean that. My mom was my rock. She was my whole world and even when life was complete shit with my dad, she was always there, happy.” Tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. “I really wish you’d been able to meet her. She was the most amazing woman.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, sliding his tongue inside. She gasped, holding onto him. Her mother was once her rock whereas now, Demon was.

  Demon rested his head against hers. “We’re going to be able to do this together. I never got the chance to meet your mother, but I know you. Knowing how strong you are, De, that’s all I need to know. Your mother was an amazing woman. She gave me you, and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you’re going to be a wonderful mom.” He pressed his hand to her stomach. “This little guy, or girl,” he added when she raised her brow, “is going to be fucking lucky to have you in their life.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “Babe, I don’t need to promise anything; I know it’s going to be true. You’re not a bad person. This we can handle together.”

  Taking a deep breath, she smiled up at him. “You know the right things to say to make me melt.”

  “I’m the love of your life, De. If I didn’t know the right things to say, I should be fucking shot.” She burst out laughing. Demon opened the door and held his hand out. “Are you ready to go back inside?”

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  She walked back in, took her seat, and stared up at the clock. A pregnant woman smiled over at her. “It’s okay, love, we all get a little scared our first time.”

  “How many children do you have?” Deanna asked.

  With Demon by her side she wasn’t used to having women willing to talk to her. They tended to shy away from her as if she had some kind of biker’s disease. Damn hypocrites. All of them were, and Deanna would bet money that the women who sneered at her were green with envy on the inside.

  “This is going to be my fifth child. I’m Patsy, by the way. I know some women here don’t like the whole biker thing, but I don’t care. I’m happy to make friends with a fellow, mommy to be.”

  Patsy moved from her seat to sit beside Deanna. “My husband’s a lawyer, in case you’re ever interested.”

  Deanna smiled, already loving Patsy. She had blonde hair that was pulled into a bun on top of her head. Heavy fake eyelashes decorated her eyes, and she wore a lot of makeup.

  Before she knew what was happening, she was staring at photos of Patsy with her husband, Richard, along with all the kids. “You need to come by for a barbeque. My husband loves it when I rile my neighbors.”

  She was called back, and she shook hands with Patsy before following the nurse down a long corridor.

  “She was very, uhm, talkative,” Demon said.

  “She was nice.” Deanna was going to get her number and have lunch. Amy and Eloise would love her.

  The doctor was waiting for them. Sitting in the seat, Deanna answered the necessary questions before climbing up on the table. She’d worn a loose skirt, but they made her remove her skirt and panties so they could check to see how the baby was doing through an internal ultrasound.

  Licking her lips, she watched as the doctor typed away on his keyboard before turning toward them.

  Demon grabbed her hand.

  “This isn’t going to hurt one bit. The gel will be a little cold, but there’s nothing we can do about that I’m afraid.” The doctor pulled the ultrasound closer to the bed. “So was this a planned pregnancy?”

  “It’s a welcome one,” Demon said, leaning down to kiss her lips.

  “That’s good to hear.” The doctor squeezed some gel onto her exposed stomach, before grabbing the little wand. Deanna closed her eyes for a second, unable to look at the screen. “Now, that is a nicely growing baby.”

  Turning toward the screen, Deanna didn’t know what he was looking at. The screen was black with flecks of gray. Who allowed these devices to look at kids anyway?

  “I don’t see it,” she said.

  The doctor pressed down a little then pushed some buttons and the screen froze. “It’s the early couple of months, but that there is your little baby.” He pointed to the center of the screen. In a couple of months, we’ll do another ultrasound and you’ll get a clearer view of what your baby will look like.”

  “We’re having a baby,” she said, whispering the words.

  “Everyone suddenly realizes it’s all coming true once they see the screen. I know it starts out hard, but I promise you, it’s worth it.”

  “How many kids do you have, Doc?” Demon asked.

  “I’ve got seven kids, nine grandbabies, and I love them all. They’re a hoot but hard work. Without my wife, I wouldn’t have the family I have today.” The doctor wrote down a prescription explaining she was to take one daily, and for her to take it easy but to remember she was doing something that women for generations before her had done.

  After leaving the exam room, Patsy was nowhere to be seen. Leaving the doctor’s office, Demon took them toward the diner. She was starving and they took a booth in the back.

  “When do you want to tell the club?” Demon asked.

  “I guess we can’t keep putting it off. It’s official now. I’m pregnant with our first baby.”

  “We’ll go house hunting as well. I promise you, De, you’re not going to go without. You’ll have everything money can buy. I’ll employ the best doctors, and you won’t have to worry about a thing. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Deanna picked up the menu and quickly scanned through the list. “I believe you. We need a house. I love the club, Demon, but raising a baby there isn’t right.”

  “I agree. We’ve got time and I’ve got money to ge
t us set up.” He touched her hands. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  She took a deep breath. Nothing could go wrong. She had Demon in her life and he would take care of everything.


  “A baby, huh?” Joker asked later that night while Demon took a sip of his drink. He’d told the whole club the moment they’d walked through the door and now they were celebrating. Amy had come to the club as well, and she stood near Deanna. His woman, unable to have a drink, drank her sparkling water.

  “Yeah, a baby. Who would have thought it?”

  “How did you handle it?” Joker smirked.

  “When she first told me, I sucked. I mean, really bad. I shouted at her, in a way I blamed her. I didn’t take the news well.” He took another sip of his beer. Every second that passed, he loved the idea of being a dad even more.

  “What about now? How are you feeling?”

  “Amazing. It’s strange. The doctor did the ultrasound and I couldn’t see a fucking thing. Then bam, he pointed to this little dot in the center, and I just knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that baby is fucking mine. I put my kid inside Deanna.”

  “It’s going to take a lot more to get rid of her now,” Joker said.

  “I don’t care. I love my girl and I’m going to love having a kid with her.” He’d never thought about having a family before. The club had been his whole world. He hadn’t needed anything else. However, a child was starting to sound right.

  “Your son or daughter is going to have a lot of uncles. What are you going to do if it’s a girl?” Joker was just full of the questions tonight.

  “What do you mean what am I going to do?”

  “Well, you’re a guy, in a guy’s world, and if it’s a girl, you’re going to know exactly what guys are thinking. Damn, I would hate to be in your shoes come prom night. I bet you’re going to have a beautiful girl as well, who all of the boys want to fuck—”

  He silenced Joker from finishing his word by gripping his shoulder tightly. “I get your point and you’re going to keep your fucking mouth shut.”

  “It’s food for thought.”

  “I own a gun and I’ve got a club who’ll do everything to protect my little girl. I’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  Moving away from Joker before he put a bullet in the guy’s head, he walked toward Deanna. Wrapping his arms around her, he tugged her close to his side. “Hey, baby.” He kissed her neck before giving Amy a smile. “You might want to go and talk to your man before I kill him.”

  Amy’s eyes went wide. “Why? What’s he done?”

  “He’s saying some nasty shit about my baby girl and I don’t like it. It’s bad enough I’m going to live through it.”

  “Well, maybe he can knock me up and you can torture him the same way.” Amy laughed before moving away.

  “She’s coming out of her shell a lot more. You must be a good influence on her,” Demon said.

  “I try. She’s learning to trust the club. It’s not always easy, but we’re doing it. She’s been through a lot.”

  Her father had abused Amy for many years. He was one of the men Joker had happened to torture for hours before he killed him.

  “What about you?” she asked. “How are you handling being a dad?”

  “I’ve got some time to practice before my skills are called into question.” He rubbed his nose against her neck, loving the soft floral scent that radiated off her. “I need you, De.” Pulling her back against him, he wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling her body pressed against his.

  He couldn’t wait to see her swollen with his kid. After one kid, he wondered how many more he could give her.

  “You need me, then take me, Demon. No one is stopping us from taking what we want.”

  She looked up at him. Her eyes twinkled with the glow of her pregnancy.

  Taking hold of her hand, he started to work around the club, heading toward the stairs. He was so close to leaving when the music was cut off.

  “Demon, Demon!”

  He turned toward the guy calling his name. Glancing through the crowd, he saw Striker, red in the face.

  From the look on Striker’s face, it was serious.

  “What’s the matter, man?” Demon asked.

  “It’s Shakes. He’s gone and taken Daniella with him.”

  DEAD BASTARD (The Soldiers of Wrath MC, 4)

  Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Published by Crescent Snow Publishing

  Copyright © June 2015 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Digital Edition

  First E-book Publication: June 2015

  Edited by Editing by Rebecca

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  Shakes knew he couldn’t have Daniella, but that didn’t stop him from taking her. Leaving meant betraying his club and going against her father, Zeke. Even though they are being hunted he won’t let her go, he can’t.

  But what happens when they are found? Can Shakes give Daniella back to her father? Can he make amends with the MC?

  With his patch and life on the line, and the possibility of losing Daniella forever, Shakes must decide which road he’ll take.

  Chapter 1

  Shakes sat at the bar at the Soldiers’ clubhouse, nursed his beer, and watched Daniella across the room. She was talking to one of the prospects, and although he shouldn’t give a shit about whom she spoke with, the fact was he wanted to go over to that punk ass motherfucker and beat his face in.

  He took another swing, curled his fingers around the neck of the bottle, and clenched his teeth.

  “Another?” DT, one of the sweet-butts, asked from behind the counter. He faced her, looked at her DSL’s—dick sucking lips—and knew he was aware of too much stuff about this bitch. The fact that he’d had her DSL’s on his cock more times than not in the past years, had the nickname of DT, which was short for deep throat, and how she’d done just that to his cock before Daniella came along, made him feel like this dirty fucking bastard. Compared to Daniella, he was trash. He was a filthy, old, fucking man-whore.

  He turned and looked at Daniella again. She’d been staying at the club recently because of shit her father, Zeke, was going through. For some reason, that asshole thought she’d be after here. The thoughts that went through Shakes mind, the dirty damn images, the things he wanted to do to the barely legal woman, made him feel like a pervert.

  He turned back to DT again. “Give me something harder.”

  She grinned, leaned forward, and licked big fucking lips that were glossy from her lipstick. “I can make something hard for you.”

  He curled his lip in disgust. “Just get me a fucking stiff drink.” He faced Daniella again; he saw Boom, the newest prospect working with the club, put his hand on her shoulder, he fucking lost it. Since the moment he saw her walking out of that building when they’d picked her up from college, Shakes had wanted her. He couldn’t even get his dick hard for any other bitches anymore; he didn’t want to fuck them.

  All he wanted was her, wanted between her thick, creamy thighs, her tits in his mouth, his hands, and he wanted her body filled with his seed. Yeah, he wanted his spunk covering her. He’d massage that shit in too, into her big ass tits, and make her smell like him, taste like him.

nbsp; Damn, he was fucking hard thinking about that, but his rage overpowered his lust now. He stormed over to Boom, who was smiling wildly at Daniella. Maybe no one should be fucking with her, because damn Demon laid down the lay, and because she was Zeke’s daughter. But the fact was if anyone was going to have Daniella, it was going to be him and no one else.

  No one else.

  He pulled Boom back by the neck, spun him around, and slammed his skinny ass up against the wall. Daniella gasped right beside him, but he was too focused on this little runt to say anything to her.

  “What the hell, Shakes?” Boom wheezed out, but Shakes clenched his hand tighter around the man’s neck.

  “You don’t think about her, talk to her, and sure as hell don’t fucking touch her, got it?” He bared his teeth, making sure this asshole knew he was fucking around.

  Boom nodded frantically.

  “Shakes!” Demon shouted in his deep voice.

  Shakes stared at Boom a little longer, tightened his hand on his throat a little more, then pulled the guy away from the wall and pushed him off to the side. Boom rubbed his neck, looked around the room, and then headed to the back. Shakes looked at Daniella, saw her eyes wide, her mouth parted. She then narrowed her gaze at him, huffed out, and stormed away. He watched her all the way down the hallway then heard the door slam to the room she was staying at while at the club.

  “Get your ass in the meeting room. Now.” Demon said in a deadly void, but Sakes didn’t give a shit.

  He’d done what he needed to make it known Daniella was off limits, and he would do it again in a heartbeat, president and club scolding be damned.

  “Now, Shakes.” Demon shouted out again.

  A few of the members whistled under their breaths and chuckled, and Shakes flipped them off. He went into the meeting room, shut the door, and stared at his club’s president. Demon was a bad motherfucker, set the rules so their club stayed on track, and was as hard and unforgiving as it needed to be.


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