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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 44

by Jenika Snow

  That was a heavy thing to take in. She closed her eyes and leaned back against him. “We’re together now,” she said, spinning in his arms. She moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

  “We can handle this together, Dani.”

  “I know. You better stop calling me, Dani. It’s Leslie.”

  “Damn, I hate the name Bernie.”

  She giggled, holding onto him. They would make this work; they didn’t have any other choice.

  “Any news?” Demon asked.

  They’d been riding for two days straight, and they were all exhausted. They had encountered the phone box where Daniella had called Zeke, and the diner where Shakes had called him.

  Deanna was at home, and Demon had left the clubhouse immediately to begin searching for Daniella.

  “We’ve got nothing else,” Joker said. “I do know that Zeke is heading down this road right now.”

  Looking behind him, Demon cursed. He’d been hoping Zeke would stay behind and let him handle this shit after they’d talked. It looked like he wasn’t going to be blessed this time.

  They’d been working with Zeke’s men on the hunt for Shakes and Daniella. They were all now at a dead end.

  Shakes was a smart man, and he knew how to get lost.

  The limousine pulled up alongside the bikes they had parked under an awning to stay out of the rain. It was raining pretty damn hard, making it impossible for them to ride right now. Demon didn’t bother arguing as Zeke opened the door, and ordered them to get in. Demon and Joker entered the back of the limo, closing the door.

  “Well, well, well, we meet again. I really did think you’d have stayed at home to protect your bitch and let your boys handle this, Demon,” Zeke said.

  Demon tightened his hand into a fist. The desire to smash his fist in Zeke’s face was strong, but he held it contained. Looking at Zeke, Demon saw the other man was struggling to keep his shit together. He must really love Daniella to go this bat shit crazy trying to find her; this was news to him. Demon had thought Zeke put up with her because he didn’t have a choice.

  “I’m looking for Shakes. Believe me, I want him and Daniella found. The sooner the better.”

  Zeke nodded, leaning back.

  “I would imagine Shakes would go to the city, hide in a crowd,” Zeke said.

  Demon looked toward Joker.

  “Actually, that’s exactly what he wants us to think. Shakes isn’t stupid. I believe he’ll go to a town, something small, somewhere he can fit in, make a life, prete—” Demon laughed. “He’s gone to Sean.”

  Joker looked toward him, frowning.

  At first, Demon had every intention of keeping Shakes at the club and protecting him. The moment Shakes threw Deanna at Zeke and walked away Demon knew the club wouldn’t protect him. He loved the club, but he loved Deanna more. Brother or not, he’d protect his woman and the club.

  “Who is Sean?”

  “He’s been known to create fake identities for the club from time to time. If Shakes is starting over, he’ll go there,” Joker said, explaining it to Zeke.

  If he was going to go anywhere that was exactly where he would go.

  “Do you know where he lives?” Zeke asked.

  “Yes, I know where he lives. We’ll get the information we need since it can be hard getting ahold of him, especially at this hour.”

  Zeke smiled. “Good, Demon. I’d like to keep this friendship going.”

  “The moment we find Shakes, you pull everyone off Deanna. I don’t want her to be hurt.”

  “I will. Don’t worry; I’m a man of my word.”

  Demon exhaled, turned, and was about to climb out of the car when Zeke’s words stopped him.

  “But hear this, Demon, you try to protect that little shit after what he’s done to my daughter, and I will kill Deanna; I’ll do it with my bare fucking hands.”

  Chapter 13

  “We have a location on him,” the tracker said, and Zeke looked up from his paperwork. He’d been waiting for this moment since that motherfucker took his daughter. He didn’t care if Daniella “willingly” went with him, that fucker took his little girl from him. Shakes was going to pay with blood for doing this, and Zeke was going to be the one delivering the punishment.

  “Where?” Zeke said. He leaned back in his seat and watched the man that worked for him; finding everything that Zeke needed to know. If someone was missing, had run off with Zeke’s merchandise, then his hunter tracked their asses down, and delivered them to Zeke on a motherfucking silver platter.

  He was in one of his other lockdown units, hours away from his main club, still on the hunt for Shakes and Daniella. The MC was staying at another location, working on a way to find that little bastard before he did. Although Zeke could have let them bring Shakes to him, he wanted this hunt; he wanted this kill.

  “We are only a couple of days away from where he set up shop. He has new identity for himself and Daniella, but I sent out men all over the country, and they spotted him in some small, rinky-dink town. They didn’t know if it was them for sure, not until I gave the confirmation from the pictures they sent me.”

  The tracker set pictures down on the table, and Zeke felt his anger rise. He stared at the image of Shakes in civilian clothes, Daniella beside him. Shakes had his hand around her arm, and Danielle looked up at the MC member, a smile on her face. Zeke could picture that bastard forcing his little girl into doing this shit.

  “We should tell the club. They’ll want to be there, and having them at the site might help Shakes turn Daniella over if we have some leverage.”

  He didn’t give a shit about the club, but the tracker had a point. If they had the club as leverage, maybe even taking out a few of those club bastards, might make Shakes realize he really was no match for Zeke. Hell, Zeke didn’t need the Soldiers to help bring Shakes down, but the more that he could take out, the more he could relieve some of this rage that motherfucker had caused.

  “We ride out tonight. I want to see that asshole look me in the eyes when I wring the life out of him.

  Several days later

  Shakes stepped inside his new house, but it felt foreign, not right. The only thing that felt good and right in all of this was Daniella. And he’d do anything for her. Shakes was aware that it was late, that his woman was probably a sleep, but he wanted her so damn badly. He’d been thinking about her all day as he tried to live this life, this normal fucking life that was harder than he’d ever thought. He didn’t regret leaving with her; he just wished they could have been together with him in the MC and Zeke getting off his damn back.

  He moved into the bedroom they shared; he saw her lying on the bed, the sheet over her, and his cock instantly hardened. She rolled onto her back, the sheet twisting on her body. When she stretched her arms, her breasts came into view under the thin material, and he swallowed. She shifted again, this time causing the sheet to fall away, showing naked body to him from the waist up. He let his eyes roam over her exposed flesh. She looked like an offering, like a feast for a king. He started to sweat, definitely not from the heat. His dick was pressed uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans, pulsing with the need to be buried inside of her.

  He went into the bathroom and turned on the water, more cold than hot. He needed to cool off, and he needed to take care of this erection, which had been plaguing him since this morning when he’d wanted to fuck her, but had to leave. He shut the door slightly, opened enough for him to hear any kind of disturbances, but closed enough to make sure she wouldn’t be disturbed.

  When he stripped out of his clothe and stepped into the shower, he nearly groaned at how good the chilled water felt. Shakes was stressed, tensed because he was still looking over their backs, expecting Zeke to find them at any moment. He didn’t tell her that the chances of staying here long-term were pretty slim, because he didn’t want to scare her even more. But Zeke was determined and had resources at his fingertips. He also knew the club would co
me for him.

  He washed his body and hair quickly, rinsing off, and moving his hand down to his straining erection. He could go and wake her, because he knew she’d welcome him, and take his cock like she’d been starving for it. But he also knew these last few days had been hard on her. She needed her rest. His erection was unbearably hard, and if he didn’t take care of his hard-on, he wouldn’t be able to keep his head in the game.

  He gripped his shaft, squeezing his hand tight around it, and clenching his jaw at the pleasure that coursed through him. He started a slow stroke, up and down, root to tip, running his palm over the engorged head and feeling his own pre-cum slip out. He was breathing heavily, his arm working faster, pumping harder as his climax neared. The one person that fueled his desire was only a few short feet away, lying on the bed, her glorious body laid out like a treasure for him. She maddened him, inflamed him, and drove him crazy.

  No matter what he’d protect her, even if that meant laying down his life for her.

  Daniella opened her eyes and stared into the darkness. She heard Shakes come in, but had been in that twilight of sleep and wakefulness. But with the shower running now she was wide-awake, her need to have him close riding her strong. She’d had this bad feeling all day, this prickling at the back of her neck. She told herself it wasn’t that they’d been found, but that she was paranoid because they were running.

  Breathing out hard, she rolled over and faced the bathroom door. She had hoped to get a nap in, but the sound of the shower running wasn’t allowing that. Just as her body started to relax, she was jarred awake by a low, male groan. She blinked, sitting up slowly, straining to hear. A second ticked by, and although she knew what it was, and she loved him, she felt like a voyeur. Her body instantly reacted, her nipples beading up, her clit tingling with arousal. She slowly stood and walked toward the bathroom.

  She stood next to the door and listened, hearing the sound of falling water and hard, fast breathing. God, was he jerking off in there? She was aroused, wet, wanted to just go in there and tell him to take her, but she griped the doorframe instead. Her eyes grew wide, and a fresh stream of her moisture slipped out of her pussy.

  Another low moan coming from the other side of the door had adrenalin pumping through her veins. She pushed the door open enough so that she could slip inside, steam saturating the small room and slightly suffocating her. She stayed close to the door, watching Shake’s body through the frosted shower curtain. She could see the outline of his muscular form and tattoos; she could even see his hand pumping up and down on his impossibly large cock. She clenched her fingers. She'd never been this daring, but with Shakes, she was more wanton than she’d ever been in her life.

  It was an erotic show, and she could tell the exact moment Shakes was about to cum. His whole body tensed, and he sucked in a lungful of air, slamming his palm on the wall in front of him, and throwing his head back. She was hyperventilating, doing everything in her power not to touch herself as, through the curtain, she vaguely saw the jets of his semen shoot out of him.

  She couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe as she watched him shut off the water and stand there, breathing hard for a several seconds. She should have turned around and left, but she was rooted to the spot, her eyes staring at the shower curtain, willing it to open. Her wish come true; the curtain parted, and Shakes stared at her without even looking surprised.

  He slowly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist, pushing the curtain fully open, his eyes never leaving hers. She should have said something, anything, but her mouth was incredibly dry, and her throat felt like it was closing off.

  “Like what you saw, baby?” he said and smirked.

  “I’m sorry.” She felt like an idiot as soon as the words left her lips, but she didn’t know what else to say. She had just been caught red-handed being a voyeur. He dried his upper body and hair off, grinning, but not responding to her statement. She felt her face heating and turned to leave, gripping the doorknob as he spoke.


  She turned around slowly, loving the way his voice caught as he spoke the endearment. He stepped out of the shower and moved toward her. She pressed herself against the door with enough force that it slammed shut, not because she was afraid, but because she was so turned on. He didn’t stop advancing on her until he was a few inches away from her, his hair disheveled around his head, water droplets falling down his golden skin, his inked up flesh, and his erection still evident through the towel.

  “How long were you standing there?”

  She licked her suddenly dry lips, wondering if she should lie. “Not long.” Not lying, but vague. She inhaled, smelling the soap and shampoo he’d used, but it wasn’t strong enough to mask his natural, woodsy scent. He placed his hands on the door, one on either side of her head as he leaned forward. She looked into his eyes, the light color such a contrast to his sun-kissed skin and dark hair. She let her eyes travel down his thickly corded neck, over his rippling, hairless chest, and stop at his navel. A trail of dark hair started below his belly button, leading down and disappearing beneath the towel. His erection strained against the fabric, pointing toward her and causing a fresh gush of moisture to seep out of her.

  “Did you like what you saw, Daniella?”

  His voice was deep and gravely, so sexually laced that her whole body heated with awareness. She nodded, feeling wicked for what she’d done, but seeing he liked it. She licked her lips again and noticed how his gaze dropped down to her mouth. In the next instant, he crushed his lips against hers, speared his hand through her hair, and pulled her toward him.

  Her body molded to his, and she was very aware of how soft hers was compared to the hardness of his. She tilted her head and opened her mouth, moaning when his tongue slid inside and tangled with hers. The bathroom was humid, the moisture in the air causing beads of sweat to dot her body as her arousal spiked.

  He ground his shaft into her, his cock like steel, monstrous and ready to take her. She spread her legs wider. He used the opportunity to move closer and press his erection against her mound. He broke away from her mouth, breathing heavily as he kissed a trail down her throat.

  “Oh, baby. What you do to me.” He licked her throat. “I didn’t want to wake you, but God damn, I’m glad you’re here right now.

  She let her head fall back against the door and closed her eyes, loving the feel of his tongue dancing along her flesh. His other hand gripped her waist, clenching and unclenching as he slowly moved it up. She thrust her breasts out, needing him to touch her, aching for him to caress her throbbing nipples. He took the hint, cupping the heavy mound and running his thumb over the engorged tip. She should have been embarrassed at how the nubs stabbed out, and even more embarrassed that she was naked. But she’d been so aroused, thinking about Shakes jerking off in here, that covering herself hadn’t even crossed her mind.

  His took his other hand and reached around, cupping her ass and lifting her slightly. She teetered on her toes, gasping as his cock nudged her clit. He slid his hand over the globes of her bottom, slipping between her cheeks, and running his fingers up and down the center of her body.

  “I can feel how wet and hot you are for me, baby.” He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear, and she shivered. “Tell me you want my big fucking cock in your tight little pussy.”

  She gasped. “I want your big cock in my pussy.”

  He growled low; she moved her hand between their bodies and gripped his cock. He hissed between his teeth and groaned, dropping his head slightly so that he was looking at her with half- lidded eyes. He kissed her again, his tongue sliding along her lips, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin.

  Both of his hands were on her ass, and he lifted her easily. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He opened the door and moved into the bedroom, his mouth working hers, his hands tightening on her bottom. With every step he took, his shaft bumped her cleft, rubbing along her clit and making her tingle all over. The air in the
room was chilly, a comparable difference to the humidity of the bathroom. Shakes set her on the floor, and she felt the bed against the back of her thighs. He stepped away from her, and she took a deep breath, her body primed and ready for him.

  God, Daniella would always be ready for him, and she wouldn’t let her nerves, her fear of what could happen take her happiness away. She loved Shakes, and not even her father could change that.

  Chapter 14

  Shakes moved to turn the light on, casting the room in a soft light. Over the past couple of days, they’d worked on the house to bring it back to life. He didn’t want to live in this house, or have this life, but going home meant he couldn’t have Daniella. If Zeke had given him permission to court her, he’d have been more than happy, but no: her stubborn bastard of a father had point blank told him no, not in this lifetime. There was no one out there that was better than he was at dating Daniella. He loved her with his whole heart, would do whatever he could to protect her.

  There was no going back to that life. This was going to be their life from now on, moving constantly to keep one step ahead.

  Zeke was a stubborn fucker, and he would always be on their case.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked, opening her arms wide.

  “Turn around, show me every part of you that belongs to me.”

  He stood by the light, admiring her body as she turned around, showing off her body. Daniella was still nervous around him, and her actions were tense. In time, he’d have her fluid, relaxed, and at ease in his presence. He’d thought about moving out of the country, leaving the States to go somewhere else, disappearing.

  There was only so far Zeke could touch. The biggest question Shakes’ faced was where? Where in the world were they safe?


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