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Surrounded by Darkness

Page 14

by Rachel Dylan

  “What are you thinking?” Katy asked.

  “That I could’ve just as easily been you.”

  Katy started to cry. “My life is a mess, Eliza. Thanks for helping me out here.”

  “I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but I wouldn’t leave you alone to deal with this.” The question was how she was going to manage this situation. First, she had to make sure Katy was okay. Then she could deal with the fallout.

  Katy quickly finished packing, and Eliza did what she could to help. When they were in Eliza’s car, Katy started sniffling again.

  “I’m sorry. Everything is hitting me.”

  “You have no reason to apologize. I should’ve listened to my initial gut instinct about Optimism, but, like you, I was drawn in by Layton.”

  Katy turned to her. “You weren’t dating him too, were you?”

  Eliza gripped the steering wheel. “No. It wasn’t like that.” At least it hadn’t gotten to that point, thankfully. “But I did experience things with one of their members that scared me to death.”

  “I knew I wasn’t losing my mind. They’re really a bunch of devil worshippers.”

  A chill shot down Eliza’s arm. “A few weeks ago, I would’ve disagreed. I didn’t even think there was a devil, but I’ve reconsidered that point. I’m supposed to go to some events to get to know them better.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “I’m not saying all the people in the group know what Layton’s capable of—I didn’t. But now that I do know, I can’t support them in any way, shape, or form. Like you said, my goal has always been to use magic to help people.”

  Katy blew out a breath. “I’m beginning to think there isn’t such a thing as good magic.”

  “I’ve heard that before,” Eliza muttered.

  “I haven’t been to church in years, but I know the difference between right and wrong. I believe there is a God, and apparently, that’s a good thing given the situation I’m in now.”

  “I’ll admit I’m feeling a bit out of sorts about everything.”

  “You and me both,” Katy said.

  Eliza feared the path she had been on was one that would lead to destruction. She wondered if she had already taken the wrong turn and was doomed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Olivia had convinced Nina Marie to share her story with Eliza to try to make sure she didn’t get pulled into Optimism’s dark hole. Olivia sat in the driver’s seat as they rode to Eliza’s house to pay her a visit. It hadn’t been that difficult to track down the address.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. I don’t know if I’m ready,” Nina Marie said.

  “There’s no time like the present. You know better than anyone how fragile this life is. If we can make an impact on one woman’s life, let’s put forth our best effort, okay?”

  Nina Marie nodded. “You’re right, as usual.”

  They pulled into Eliza’s driveway. “After we’re done here, I’m taking you to get food.” The least Olivia could do was make sure Nina Marie had a good meal.

  “Don’t you have better things to do? How are things going with Grant?”

  Ugh. “I’m trying my best not to be that girl who is too needy.”

  Nina Marie turned to her. “As hard as it is, you have to be patient. It might take time.”

  Nina Marie was right. “I get that, but it’s hard. It’s not something where there is an easy fix.”

  “You aren’t alone through this. I’ve had my fair share of guy problems in my life. You know you can confide in me.”

  Nina Marie’s kind offer touched her. “Thank you.” Olivia took a breath. “But for now, let’s put my problems aside and go talk to Eliza.”

  The two women got out of the car and walked up Eliza’s steps. Olivia knocked on her door.

  “Showing up unannounced is a bold move,” Nina Marie said.

  “I didn’t want to give her the opportunity to say no.” She had been afraid Eliza would’ve politely declined their visit. That was much harder to do in person.

  The door opened but it wasn’t Eliza. “Katy, what’re you doing here?” Olivia asked.

  “What are you doing here?” Katy eyed Olivia and then Nina Marie.

  “Who’s at the door?” Eliza’s voice rang out before she appeared. “Come on in.”

  Eliza quickly ushered them inside.

  “What’s going on here?” Katy asked. “Is this about me?”

  Olivia shook her head. “Actually, Katy, I had no idea you’d be here. We’re here to visit Eliza.”

  “Katy, maybe it’s best if you finish up the cookies. I’ll be out on the back porch. I need to speak to Olivia for a minute.”

  Katy frowned. “All right.” Katy walked toward the kitchen.

  Olivia and Nina Marie followed Eliza outside to the porch.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met,” Eliza said.

  “I’m Nina Marie. I used to be CEO of Astral Tech.”

  “Ah. Yes, I know who you are. I didn’t recognize you, but I think we did actually meet some years ago.”

  Nina Marie nodded. “Yes, I believe that too.”

  “Katy told me that you were her lawyer,” Eliza said to Olivia.

  “When she said she had an old friend who wouldn’t let her down, I didn’t know it was you,” Olivia said.

  “Would you have told her not to come?”

  “I would’ve warned her that you knew Layton”—Olivia took in a breath, not wanting to sugarcoat it—“the man who has been abusing your friend.”

  Eliza held up her hand. “I get it. I had no idea what that man was capable of. I was fooled, but I’m on Katy’s side here. If that’s why you came over, then this can be a short conversation because I have her back one hundred percent.”

  “Like I said before, I didn’t even know that you knew Katy. I’m working on Katy’s legal issues, and I appreciate you taking her in, but you need to understand what type of man you’re dealing with. That’s one of the reasons I brought Nina Marie with me.”

  Nina Marie took a seat in one of the patio chairs, and the other women followed suit. “Sorry, I get weak if I stand too long these days.” Then Nina Marie looked directly at Eliza. “That wasn’t the case before Layton stabbed and left me for dead.”

  Wow. Nina Marie wasn’t pulling any punches.

  “I read that he was found innocent,” Eliza said.

  “Not guilty,” Olivia responded. “There’s a big difference under the law. Plus, he had help from an insider who gave him an alibi, but there’s no point rehashing his case. Nina Marie is sitting right here. She’s known the man for years—been both an ally and an enemy of his. She speaks the truth.”

  “I’m not saying it didn’t happen. Especially now after I’ve heard Katy’s horror story. Where does this all leave Katy? Do you think she’s safe here?” Eliza asked.

  “That depends.” Olivia knew this next topic of conversation was going to be dicey. “We want to talk to you about something else.”

  “If you’re wondering if I’m going to join Optimism after all of this, I think I can safely say that won’t happen.”

  Olivia let out a sigh of relief, but that wasn’t enough. “That’s good to hear. It really is.”

  “So, what’s the problem?” Eliza asked.

  Olivia looked at Nina Marie, urging her to speak. Thankfully, Nina Marie took the hint.

  “I thought I could provide you with a unique perspective on things,” Nina Marie said.

  “What things?” Eliza asked.

  She wasn’t going to make this easy. Maybe Olivia should intervene to set up the conversation. “Nina Marie used to be a practicing witch among other things as leader of Astral Tech.”

  Eliza sighed. “But that isn’t what type of magic I practice. How many times do I have to tell people that?”

  “That’s it,” Nina Marie said. “You think there’s this thing out there called white magic and that you’re helping people, but you’re as much a p
art of the evil one’s flock as those in Optimism. And the fact that you don’t even realize it means you’re in danger—of either eventually ending up like them or continuing to think what you’re doing is innocent when in actuality you have already invited forces of darkness into your life.” Nina Marie took a big breath and shut her eyes. “In fact, they’re still here right now.”

  “What?” Eliza’s eyes widened. “Stacey told me that they would leave me alone now.”

  Nina Marie’s hazel eyes popped back open. “Stacey was wrong.”

  Eliza groaned. “I can’t believe this. I can’t have them around me. This is my home!”

  “They are free to hang around you as long as you continue witchcraft and whatever else you’re practicing,” Olivia said. “You’ve opened that door for them to walk into your life.”

  “But I’d been living peacefully until Stacey came into this house. If what you’re saying is right, they could’ve been around for years.”

  Nina Marie cleared her throat. “It’s possible that Stacey’s presence was like a magnet, but it was probably just a matter of time before they visited you, that is, unless they have been here the whole time and you didn’t realize it. Demons can be dormant and docile when they want. You were doing what they wanted. Practicing magic, divination. They had no reason to interfere.”

  Eliza drummed her fingers on her patio table. “This all sounds crazy.”

  Olivia needed to push her. “Under regular circumstances, we wouldn’t be here, but because I know how dangerous Optimism is and what they bring to the table, I can’t be silent.”

  Eliza leaned forward. “Then tell me what you really want to say.”

  Olivia took a breath. “There are only two sides here, Eliza. There is no magical middle ground. No white witches.”

  Nina Marie nodded. “Take it from someone who has been deep into this world. You have no idea the danger and darkness you’re bringing into your life.”

  Eliza frowned. “Even if that’s never been my intention? I’ve always only wanted to spread love and help people—not do any harm. I’ve not once used any magic for a bad purpose. And if someone in our group did that and I found out about it, I would tell them they were no longer welcome in our coven.”

  “You’re being naive,” Nina Marie said, playing bad cop.

  “And I think you’re being a bit harsh,” Eliza responded.

  Olivia held her tongue. She didn’t know whether Nina Marie’s tough love approach was going to work, but she would defer to her given what she had lived through.

  Nina Marie looked directly at Eliza. “I’m not trying to upset you. I don’t want to gloss over it. I almost died because of the life I led, Eliza. I want to prevent the same hardship from coming to you. It’s not too late. There is another way,” Nina Marie said softly.

  Olivia felt the outdoor temperature rise. Her hands grew clammy as she started to sweat. She didn’t think this was from the summer day. This was something sinister. A heavy weight descended on her shoulders. “We’ve got company on the porch. Eliza, do you want them here?”

  Eliza shook her head. “No, of course not.”

  “They don’t believe you want them out of your life,” Nina Marie said. “Take that crystal off from around your neck and any other New Age items you might be wearing.”

  Eliza didn’t move for a moment. Then slowly, she removed the necklace and a ring. “That’s all I have.” Eliza stood up. “Get out of here. You’re not welcome.”

  “They’re not going to listen to you,” Olivia said. The sweat started to drip down the back of Olivia’s neck. She could see no visible signs of evil, but the presence of darkness was unmistakable. Even on that bright and sunny day, they were surrounded by darkness.

  Eliza spent the next five minutes telling them to leave to no avail because her approach was wrong. Eliza didn’t have the power to tell the demons what to do, but at least this demonstrated to Eliza that things were more serious than she could’ve imagined.

  Olivia looked at Nina Marie and then at Eliza. She knew what she needed to do. She had to act before someone got hurt and the situation got completely out of hand. Lord, help me. She closed her eyes and started to pray aloud asking for help from the Lord. Only in His name would these demons flee.

  After a moment, a breeze blew through the screened in porch. Olivia opened her eyes, and she saw that all the color had drained out of Eliza’s face. Nina Marie also looked pale. “Are you both okay?”

  Nina Marie nodded but Eliza still didn’t speak.

  “Talk to me, Eliza.”

  “I—I… saw them again,” Eliza stuttered. “Evil creatures with big, bright, burning eyes.”

  Nina Marie took ahold of Eliza’s hand. “They can take many forms, Eliza. Some days they look beautiful to the human eye, and other times their true heinous form comes out. And I didn’t see anything, did you, Olivia?”

  Olivia shook her head. “No. They just made themselves visible to you, Eliza.”

  “What have I have done?” Eliza asked. “I tried to talk myself into thinking that the experience with Stacey was a fluke. That I was hallucinating or something, but after today, I saw them as clearly as if they were standing here.” Eliza’s voice started to shake.

  “Eliza, remember what Nina Marie said. It is not too late, but if you want to cleanse your life of this evil, you’ve got to do it all out. There is something I am going to ask of you.”

  “What?” Eliza asked.

  “I’d like for you to sit down with Pastor Dan.”

  “The one you defended?”

  “Yes. I think it would be good for you to hear from him about this stuff and not just me and Nina Marie. There’s a lot I think you need to consider and contemplate.”

  “Why would he meet with me given my beliefs?”

  “He’ll meet with anyone,” Nina Marie said. “He won’t judge you.”

  “I’ll listen. I admit I’m a bit confused. I know for certain I don’t want any part of this evil.”

  “But you’re not ready to change your current lifestyle, right?” Olivia could clearly see Eliza’s struggle.

  “You set up the meeting with the pastor, and I’ll be there.”

  It was only a first step, but Olivia would take it.

  Layton was typing away on his office computer when his intercom buzzed loudly, indicating his secretary wanted to talk to him.

  “Yes, Ingrid, what is it?”

  “There’s someone here who says he has to see you personally. He has a package delivery.”

  “Fine. Send him back.” He wasn’t expecting anything, but he’d welcome the break from the financials he was reviewing. Optimism was actually doing quite well from that perspective, but he always wanted to do better. That drive was one of the things that had made him such a successful businessman.

  A few moments later, a young man walked into his office. “Are you Layton Alito?”

  “Yes.” Layton looked up at him.

  The man handed over a large envelope that Layton accepted.

  “You’ve been served.”

  Layton cursed under his breath, and the man walked out of his office. He should’ve known better, but he’d learned long ago with the litigation he’d been involved with over the years that there was no point in trying to evade service. They’d always be able to get to you. The question was, what exactly he was in legal trouble for this time.

  He tore open the envelope and pulled out the pages. Letting out another string of curses, he took the papers and walked down the hallway. When he got to Morena’s office, he didn’t bother knocking before walking in.

  Morena looked up from the pile of documents and put down her pen. “Layton, what is it?”

  “Take a look at this.” He slammed the papers down on her desk.

  She took a moment and scanned the documents, a deep frown pulling down on her lips. “This is a summons for you to appear before a judge. Some dispute with a woman named Katy Leonard. Who is she?”

  Layton ran a hand through his hair. “A woman I’ve casually dated. Katy’s not the point. Look who Katy’s lawyer is.”

  Morena flipped the page and blew out a breath. “Of course, it’s Olivia. Layton, this appears to be through the work Olivia is doing at the clinic. What does this Katy woman have on you?” she asked pointedly.

  He didn’t miss the hint of disdain in Morena’s voice. There was no reason to be dishonest with one of his staunchest allies. “Katy and I had a fight that got a bit out of hand. She’s fine though. She wasn’t seriously injured.”

  Morena shook her head. “Layton, I thought you were supposed to be laying low after your trial. Why in the world would you put yourself in this compromised position?”

  Now Morena had moved to straight up lecturing him. He had to be careful and hold his tongue because the last thing he needed was for Morena to decide she didn’t want to work with him. “I wasn’t thinking, okay? I reconnected with her after the trial, and things got a bit out of hand.”

  Morena tapped her pen on the desk. “Wait a minute, is this the woman you brought to one of our services the other week?”

  “Yeah, that’s her.”

  Morena groaned. “Layton, sometimes I think you need a babysitter. How can a man as brilliant as you continue to do such stupid things?”

  “I’d watch your tone, Morena. Remember who you’re talking to.”

  “And you remember what your place is! You haven’t just put yourself at risk here, Layton. You’ve risked Optimism’s operations and reputation. What if this Katy woman starts talking to the judge about what she saw happen at your home?”

  “I’ll deny it, and it will be her word against mine.”

  “Your word isn’t as solid as it used to be. You just stood trial for attempted murder.”

  “Now you’re starting to get hysterical.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m apparently the only one around here thinking straight. We’ve got to fix this.” She rose from her chair and started pacing. “Money. We need to offer her a payout.”

  “Do you really think Olivia’s going to let that happen?”


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