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Gladstone: A Biography

Page 92

by Roy Jenkins

  universities in ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  land tenure reform ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  and union with Britain ref 1

  Hartington proposes reforms in ref 1

  party representation in ref 1

  agrarian vulnerability and unrest ref 1, ref 2

  effect of 1884 Reform Bill on ref 1, ref 2

  local government reform proposals ref 1

  Liberal vote lost ref 1

  secession fear ref 1

  representation in Westminster parliament ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  see also Home Rule

  Irish Church Disestablishment Bill (1869) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Irish Coercion Bill (1870) ref 1

  Irish Coercion and Arrears Bill (1882) ref 1

  Irish Coercion Bill (1886) ref 1

  Irish Crimes Bill (1882) ref 1

  Irish Crimes Bill (1887) ref 1

  Irish Land Bill (1870) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Irish Land Act (1881) ref 1, ref 2

  Irish Land Commission ref 1

  Irish Nationalists: election successes ref 1

  Irish Tenants Relief Bill (1886) ref 1

  IrishUniversity Bill (1873) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt ref 1


  WEG visits with brother John ref 1, ref 2

  WEG visits Glynnes in ref 1

  WEG visits in pursuit of Lady Lincoln ref 1

  political unification ref 1, ref 2

  WEG visits on return from Corfu ref 1

  and Franco-Piedmontese war with Austria ref 1

  Palmerston’s view of ref 1

  WEG visits with family (1866) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  see also Naples

  Jacks, William ref 1n

  James, Sir Henry (Lord James of Hereford) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Jelf, William Edward ref 1

  Jenkinson, E.G. ref 1

  Jenkyns, Richard ref 1

  Jenner, Sir (Dr) William ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Jessel, Sir George ref 1

  Jeune, Francis, Bishop of Peterborough ref 1


  in Parliament ref 1, ref 2

  honours for ref 1 & n

  at Oxford ref 1

  jingoism: as term ref 1

  Jones, Ernest ref 1

  Jowett, Benjamin ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Kandahar ref 1

  Keate, John ref 1, ref 2

  Keble College, Oxford ref 1

  Keble, John

  at Oriel College ref 1, ref 2

  ‘Assize Sermon’ ref 1, ref 2

  supports WEG for Oxford University seat ref 1

  and Pusey’s scourge ref 1

  Kennedy, Thomas Francis ref 1

  Keynes, John Maynard, Lord, at Cambridge ref 1

  Khartoum ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  see also Gordon, General Charles George

  Kilbracken, John Arthur Godley, 1st Lord ref 1, ref 2

  Kilmainham Gaol: Parnell held in ref 1

  Kilmainham Treaty (1882) ref 1

  Kimberley, John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of

  as Colonial Secretary ref 1

  title ref 1n

  WEG consults ref 1

  in WEG’s 1886 government ref 1

  in WEG’s 1892 government ref 1, ref 2

  and honours for Lansdowne ref 1

  praises WEG on resignation ref 1

  WEG dines with ref 1

  pall-bearer at WEG’s funeral ref 1

  Kingsley, Charles ref 1

  Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald, 10th Lord ref 1, ref 2

  Kossuth, Lajos ref 1

  Labouchère, Henry du Pré ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Lacaita, (Sir) James ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Lambert, Sir John ref 1

  Land League (Ireland): formed ref 1

  Langtry, Lillie ref 1

  Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of

  WEG praises speech in Lords ref 1

  and Russell’s anti-Catholic letter ref 1

  in Russells’ government ref 1

  and WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1

  asked to form 1855 government ref 1

  Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of

  and entente with France ref 1

  and WEG’s 1880 government ref 1

  resigns (1880) ref 1

  contributes to Granville estate ref 1

  proposed honour for ref 1

  Latitudinarians (Anglican liberal church) ref 1

  Lavelaye, Emile de: La Prusse et l’Autriche depuis Sadowa ref 1

  Law, Andrew Bonar ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Law Courts, Strand: financing ref 1

  Lawrence, Abbot ref 1

  Lawson, Sir Wilfred ref 1

  Layard, Sir Austen Henry ref 1

  Leeds: constituency ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Lehnbach, Franz von ref 1, ref 2

  Leicester ref 1

  Leinster, Charles William FitzGerald, 4th Duke of ref 1

  Leith (constituency) ref 1n

  Leo XIII, Pope ref 1

  Leopardi, Giacomo ref 1

  Leopold I, King of the Belgians ref 1, ref 2

  Leopold II, King of the Belgians ref 1

  Leveson-Gower, Lord Edward ref 1n, ref 2

  Leveson Gower, George ref 1

  Lewis, Sir George Cornewall

  on effect of Peel’s death on WEG ref 1

  as Chancellor of Exchequer ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  on Whig-Liberal amendment to 1859 Address ref 1

  as Home Secretary in Palmerston’s 1859 government ref 1

  death ref 1

  Liberal Party

  beginnings ref 1

  decline ref 1

  proposed reunion with Unionists ref 1, ref 2

  Liddell, Henry George, Dean of Christ Church ref 1, ref 2

  Liddon, Henry Parry, Canon of St Paul’s ref 1

  Lieven, Antoinette, Princesse de ref 1 & n

  Lightfoot, P. ref 1

  Lincoln, Henry Clinton, Earl of see Newcastle, 5th Duke of

  Lincoln, Susan, Countess of see Opdebeck, Lady Susan

  Lister, Joseph, 1st Lord ref 1

  Listowel, William Hare, 3rd Earl of ref 1

  Littleburys (house), Mill Hill ref 1 & n


  WEG born in ref 1

  WEG visits ref 1

  WEG’s last political speech in ref 1

  Liverpool College ref 1

  Liverpool Standard ref 1

  Lloyd George, David

  breakfasts ref 1

  Beaverbrook on ref 1

  experience ref 1

  in Asquith’s government ref 1

  adapts to Tory coalition ref 1, ref 2

  as WEG’s fellow guest at Beddgelert ref 1

  autobiography ref 1

  Local Government (or Parish Councils) Bill (1893) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Locke, John ref 1

  Logan, J.W. ref 1

  London: administrative reform ref 1

  Longley, Charles Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury ref 1n

  Lords, House of

  and Irish Church Bill ref 1

  rejects Ballot Bill ref 1

  and 1884 Reform Bill ref 1

  WEG writes to Queen on ref 1

  hostility to Home Rule ref 1

  rejects 1893 Home Rule Bill ref 1

  Lorne, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquess of (later 9th Duke of Argyll) ref 1, ref 2

  Lorraine see Alsace-Lorraine

  Lothian, William Schomberg Robert Kerr, 8th Marquess of ref 1

  Louis Napoleon, Prince see Napoleon III, Emperor of the French

  Louise, Princess (later Marchioness of Lorne; then Duchess of Argyll) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Lowe, Robert (later 1st Viscount Sherbrooke)

  and Indian civil service reform ref 1

  opposes Russell’s Reform Bill ref 1, ref 2

  peerage ref 1<
br />
  Cabinet offices under WEG ref 1

  and Irish Land Bill ref 1

  and WEG’s ‘scandals’ ref 1

  Queen objects to Viscountcy for ref 1

  Lowestoft ref 1

  Lubbock Sir John (later 1st Lord Avebury) ref 1

  Lusk, Sir Andrew ref 1

  Lyons, F.S.L. ref 1

  Lyttelton, Alfred ref 1

  Lyttelton, Edward ref 1

  Lyttelton, George William, 4th Lord

  WEG’s closeness to ref 1

  children ref 1

  marriage to Mary Glynne ref 1

  shares in Oak Farm ref 1

  as endowed school commissioner ref 1

  death ref 1

  Lyttelton, Lavinia (WEG’s niece) see Talbot, Lavinia

  Lyttelton,Mary, Lady (née Glynne; Catherine’s sister)

  at Hawarden ref 1

  children ref 1

  uses ‘Glynnese’ language ref 1

  mother lives with ref 1

  decline and death ref 1

  Lyttelton, May (WEG’s niece) ref 1n

  Lyttelton, (General) Neville ref 1

  Lyttelton, William Spencer (WEG’s nephew and secretary) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st Earl of ref 1, ref 2

  Maamtrasna (Ireland): murders ref 1 & n, ref 2

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  McCarthy, Justin ref 1, ref 2, ref 3n

  MacColl, Malcolm, Canon of Ripon ref 1

  Macdonald, John Cameron ref 1

  MacDonald, Ramsay ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  MacGahan, J.A. ref 1

  Mackerness, John Fielder, Bishop of Oxford ref 1n, ref 2

  Maclagan, William Dalrymple, Archbishop of York ref 1

  Macmillan, Harold (1st Earl of Stockton) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Magdalen Hall (later Hertford College), Oxford ref 1n

  Magee College, Ireland ref 1

  Magee, William Connor, Bishop of Peterborough, then Archbishop of York ref 1

  Magenta, Battle of (1859) ref 1

  Magnus, Sir Philip

  on WEG at Eton ref 1, ref 2

  on WEG’s religious upbringing ref 1

  on WEG’s proposal of marriage ref 1

  on WEG’s hearing of Newman’s conversion ref 1

  and WEG’s pursuit of Lady Lincoln ref 1

  on WEG’s work among prostitutes ref 1

  on WEG’s interest in Homer ref 1

  on WEG’s Midlothian campaign ref 1

  Lords defeat of 1893 Home Rule Bill ref 1

  Mahdi, the (Mohammed Ahmed ibn Seyyid ‘Abdullah) ref 1, ref 2

  Maiwand, Battle of (1880) ref 1

  Majuba Hill, Battle of (1881) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Malet, Sir Edward Baldwin ref 1

  Malmesbury, James Howard Harris, 3rd Earl of ref 1

  Maltby, Edward, Bishop of Durham ref 1

  Man, Isle of ref 1


  WEG visits ref 1, ref 2

  Fenians free Irish prisoners in ref 1

  Disraeli’s 1872 speech in ref 1

  Manchester, Bishop of see Fraser, James

  Manchester College, Oxford ref 1

  Manchester, Louise Frederica Augusta, Duchess of see Devonshire, Duchess of

  Manners, Lord John see Rutland, 7th Duke of

  Manning, Cardinal Henry Edward

  at Oxford with WEG ref 1

  received into Catholic church ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  and WEG’s first book ref 1

  and Maynooth ref 1

  WEG meets in Rome ref 1

  as Archbishop of Westminster ref 1

  WEG criticizes Newman to ref 1

  as WEG’s politico-religious adviser ref 1

  and Gorham judgment ref 1

  WEG entertains ref 1

  renews contact with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  and Talbot ref 1

  and Irish Church Bill ref 1

  and Irish Land Bill ref 1, ref 2

  and Irish University Bill ref 1, ref 2

  criticizes WEG’s Vatican Decrees ref 1

  classical learning ref 1

  serves on Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes ref 1

  death ref 1

  attacks Parnell ref 1

  Mansfield College, Oxford ref 1

  Margaret Chapel (later All Saints, Margaret Street), London ref 1, ref 2

  Marjoribanks, Dudley Coutts (later 1st Lord Tweedmouth) ref 1

  Marjoribanks, Edward (later 2nd Lord Tweedmouth) ref 1

  Marlborough College ref 1n

  Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill, 5th Duke of ref 1, ref 2

  Marlborough, John Winston Spenceron-Churchill, 7th Duke of ref 1, ref 2

  Marsham, Robert Bullock ref 1

  Martin, Robert ref 1

  Martin, Sir Theodore ref 1

  Matthew, H.C.G.

  edits WEG diaries at Christ Church ref 1

  on WEG’s religious upbringing ref 1

  on WEG’s sex life ref 1

  and WEG’s cryptic diary entries ref 1

  on WEG’s china collection ref 1

  on WEG’s relations with Bright ref 1

  and WEG’s relations with Laura Thistlethwayte ref 1

  on WEG and Elementary Education Bill ref 1

  on WEG’s conversation in later years ref 1

  on WEG’s Egyptian bond holdings ref 1

  on WEG’s voice trouble ref 1

  Maud, Princess (later Queen of Norway) ref 1

  Maurice, Frederick Denison ref 1

  Maximilian, Archduke (later Emperor of Mexico) ref 1

  May, Sir Thomas Erskine ref 1, ref 2

  Maynooth seminary, Co. Kildare ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount

  resigns (1839) ref 1

  government declines ref 1, ref 2

  intellectual pessimism ref 1

  relations with Queen ref 1

  Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount ref 1

  Mentmore (house) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Meredith, George ref 1

  Metropolitan District Railway: WEG’s investment losses in ref 1

  Metternich, Clemens Wenzel Lothar, Prince ref 1

  Middlesbrough ref 1

  Middleton, Henry Willoughby, 6th Lord ref 1


  WEG represents as MP ref 1

  WEG’s 1879 election campaign in ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  WEG’s prospect of seat ref 1, ref 2

  WEG visits ref 1, ref 2

  1885 election victory ref 1

  WEG re-elected unopposed (1886) ref 1

  Militia Bill (1851) ref 1

  Mill, John Stuart ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Millais, Sir John Everett: portraits of WEG ref 1, ref 2

  Milner, Alfred, Viscount ref 1

  Milnes, Henrietta ref 1

  Milnes, Richard Monckton (1st Lord Houghton) ref 1, ref 2 & n

  Milton, Frances, Lady see Fitzwilliam, Catherine, Countess of

  Moffatt, Dr ref 1

  Molesworth, Sir William ref 1, ref 2

  Moltke, Helmut von ref 1n, ref 2

  Monsell, William (later 1st Lord Emly) ref 1

  Montagu, Edwin Samuel ref 1

  Montenegro ref 1, ref 2

  ‘Moonlight, Captain’ ref 1

  Moran, Charles McMoran Wilson, 1st Lord ref 1n

  Morier, Sir Robert Burnett David ref 1

  Morley, Arnold ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Morley, Charles ref 1

  Morley, John, Viscount

  on WEG’s speeches and oratorical style ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  on Sidney Herbert ref 1

  on WEG at Eton ref 1

  on Newark election ref 1

  on Peel and WEG ref 1

  on WEG’s mental disturbance ref 1

  on WEG’s appearance ref 1

  and Peel’s 1846 defeat by Disraeli ref 1

zes WEG’s performance as Colonial Secretary ref 1

  and WEG’s work among prostitutes ref 1

  on WEG’s power in Commons ref 1

  praises WEG’s speech on Ecclesiastical Titles Bill ref 1

  and WEG’s views on Crimean war ref 1

  and WEG’s lack of interest in architecture ref 1

  on WEG’s remoteness ref 1

  on WEG’s 1868 South-west Lancashire campaign ref 1

  on Irish Church Bill ref 1, ref 2

  on Irish legislation ref 1

  on Alabama settlement ref 1

  on Irish University Bill ref 1

  meets WEG at Lubbock’s house party ref 1

  on WEG’s Midlothian campaign ref 1

  on WEG’s Glasgow rectorial address ref 1

  on Disraeli’s 1880 defeat ref 1

  on WEG’s 1880 premiership ref 1

  on WEG’s Affirmation Bill speech ref 1

  classical learning ref 1, ref 2

  on WEG’s Irish policy ref 1

  on Lord’s reform ref 1

  helps with first Home Rule Bill ref 1, ref 2

  misquotes Grattan ref 1n

  and 1886 government resignation ref 1

  stands in for WEG at 1890 Sheffield meeting ref 1

  and WEG’s attitude to Parnell divorce ref 1

  and downfall of Parnell ref 1

  and WEG’s reaction to Bassetlaw defeat ref 1

  Biarritz holiday with WEG ref 1

  devises ‘Newcastle Programme’ ref 1

  and WEG’s proposed domestic reforms ref 1

  pleads with Rosebery to accept office ref 1

  and Irish Bill (1893) ref 1

  on WEG in decline ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  character ref 1

  supports WEG on second Home Rule Bill (1893) ref 1

  disfavours Harcourt ref 1

  and naval estimates dispute ref 1

  WEG values as companion ref 1

  final visit to WEG ref 1

  and WEG’s funeral ref 1

  Morley, Samuel ref 1

  Morton, George Sholto Douglas, 18th Earl of ref 1

  Mundella, Anthony John ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Munich ref 1

  Munro-Ferguson, Ronald Crauford (later Viscount Novar) ref 1n

  Muntz, George Frederick ref 1

  Murillo, Bartolomé Estéban: Virgin and Child (painting) ref 1

  Murray, John (publisher) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Musgrave, Thomas, Archbishop of York ref 1, ref 2

  Namier, Sir Lewis B. ref 1


  WEG visits ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  WEG protests against oppression in ref 1, ref 2

  Napoleon III, Emperor of the French (formerly Prince Louis Napoleon)

  and Ems telegram ref 1n

  Palmerston congratulates ref 1, ref 2

  attempted assassination ref 1

  annexes Savoy and Nice ref 1, ref 2

  entertains WEG in Paris ref 1

  and Franco-Prussian War ref 1

  overthrown ref 1, ref 2

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel ref 1

  National Education League ref 1


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