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Gladstone: A Biography

Page 94

by Roy Jenkins

  in WEG’s last government ref 1

  mental qualities ref 1

  supports WEG in Midlothian campaign ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  WEG visits at Mentmore ref 1, ref 2

  political ambitions ref 1

  classical learning ref 1

  insomnia ref 1

  attends Disraeli’s funeral ref 1

  joins WEG’s government ref 1n

  WEG complains of Queen to ref 1

  joins WEG’s Cabinet (1885) ref 1

  threatens resignation ref 1

  Scottish speeches in 1885 election ref 1

  visits Hawarden ref 1, ref 2

  and Home Rule question ref 1, ref 2

  WEG stays with at Dalmeny ref 1

  WEG consults before opening of 1886 Parliament ref 1

  in WEG’s 1886 government ref 1

  as Foreign Secretary ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  supports resignation after 1886 defeat ref 1

  declines then accepts office in 1892 government ref 1

  at Asquith wedding ref 1

  contributes to Granville estate ref 1

  relations with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  settles 1893 coal dispute ref 1

  and Duke of Edinburgh’s civil list allowance ref 1

  as potential Prime Minister ref 1

  on Cabinet confidentiality ref 1

  succeeds WEG on resignation ref 1, ref 2

  biography of ref 1

  resigns (1896) ref 1

  final visit to WEG ref 1

  obituary tribute to WEG ref 1

  Rosebery, Hannah, Countess of (née de Rothschild) ref 1, ref 2

  Rothschild, Sir (Baron) Lionel de ref 1, ref 2, ref 3n, ref 4, ref 5

  Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, 1st Lord ref 1n, ref 2

  Round, Charles ref 1

  Routh, Martin Joseph ref 1, ref 2

  Rowton, 1st Lord see Corry, Montague Lowry

  Royal Academy ref 1

  Banquets ref 1, ref 2

  Ruskin, John ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Russell, George William Erskine ref 1

  Russell, Lord John (1st Earl)

  parliamentary career ref 1

  Whiggism ref 1

  accepts Corn Laws Repeal ref 1

  declines to form government ref 1

  1846 government ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  and Rothschild’s parliamentary oath ref 1

  resigns (1851) ref 1, ref 2

  agrees to Royal Commission on Oxford and Cambridge ref 1

  speech in Don Pacifico debate ref 1

  promotes Ecclesiastical Titles Bill ref 1, ref 2

  and WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1, ref 2

  influence ref 1

  relations with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  introduces bill on Oxford University reform ref 1

  opposes civil service reform ref 1

  and Crimean War ref 1

  and formation of 1855 government ref 1

  opposes Disraeli’s 1859 Reform Bill ref 1

  and beginnings of Liberal Party ref 1

  and fall of Derby government ref 1

  as Foreign Secretary under Palmerston ref 1, ref 2

  and Italy ref 1

  urges Cobden to join government ref 1

  and repeal of paper duties ref 1

  earldom ref 1

  and WEG’s comments on American Civil War ref 1

  popular reputation ref 1

  succeeds Palmerston as PM (1865) ref 1, ref 2

  age ref 1

  1866 Reform Bill ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  resigns office (1866) ref 1, ref 2

  experience ref 1

  WEG visits at Richmond ref 1

  pragmatic diplomacy ref 1

  relations with Queen ref 1, ref 2

  and Alabama’s activities ref 1

  Russell, Odo (later 1st Lord Ampthill) ref 1 & n, ref 2n

  Russell, Sir Charles (later 1st Lord Russell of Killowen) ref 1, ref 2

  Russia: war with Turkey (1877) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Rutland, John James Manners, 7th Duke of (earlier Lord John Manners) ref 1, ref 2

  St Asaph, bishopric of ref 1

  St Barnabas, House of, Soho ref 1

  St Cyr, Maréchal ref 1

  St Deiniol’s Library, Hawarden ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  St James’s Square (London) ref 1

  Salisbury: WEG visits ref 1n

  Salisbury, Mary Catherine, Marchioness of ref 1

  Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of (earlier Viscount Cranborne)

  resists household suffrage ref 1, ref 2

  reputation ref 1

  WEG visits at Hatfield ref 1

  votes for Irish Church Bill ref 1

  and University Tests Bill ref 1

  relations with Queen ref 1

  election victory ref 1n

  differences with Disraeli over Public Worship Bill ref 1

  and Bulgarian question ref 1

  relations with Hartington ref 1

  separated from WEG in Lords ref 1

  calumniates WEG’s motives ref 1

  reforms London local government ref 1

  votes against 1884 Reform Bill ref 1, ref 2

  redistribution of seats ref 1, ref 2

  relations with Dilke ref 1

  serves on Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes ref 1

  forms 1885 government ref 1

  MacCall visits ref 1

  opposes Home Rule ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  government falls (1886) ref 1, ref 2

  declines offer of dukedom ref 1

  condemns Irish ref 1

  1886 election victory ref 1

  heads 1886 government ref 1

  and 1892 election ref 1

  Queen accepts 1892 resignation ref 1

  third administration (1895) ref 1

  biography of ref 1

  obituary tribute to WEG ref 1

  Samuel, Herbert Louis, 1st Viscount ref 1

  San Giacomo, Prince of ref 1

  San Stefano, Treaty of (1878) ref 1

  Sandringham, Norfolk ref 1

  Savage Club, London ref 1

  Savings Bank Monies Bill (1860) ref 1

  Savoy ref 1, ref 2

  Savoy Theatre, London ref 1

  schools see education

  Schuyler, Eugene ref 1

  Schwarzenberg, Felix, Prince zu ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Scotch Patronage Bill (1874) ref 1

  Scotland: Church in ref 1, ref 2

  Scott, Sir Walter ref 1

  Guy Mannering ref 1

  Seaforth House, near Liverpool ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Sefton, William Philip Molyneux, 4th Earl of ref 1, ref 2

  Selborne, Roundell Palmer, 1st Earl of

  in Tractarian lay brotherhood ref 1

  and Oxford reforms ref 1

  earldom and lord chancellorship ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  opposes Irish Land Bill ref 1

  joins WEG’s government ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  and need for WEG’s resignation on assuming Chancellorship ref 1

  supports Bradlaugh’s right to affirm ref 1

  opposes Home Rule ref 1

  1886 withdrawal ref 1

  Selwyn, George, Bishop of New Zealand, then of Lichfield ref 1, ref 2

  Severn, Joseph ref 1

  Seymour (a ‘lady of the night’) ref 1

  Seymour, Admiral Frederick Beauchamp Paget, 1st Lord Alcester ref 1

  Seymour, Horace Alfred Damer ref 1

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of ref 1

  attacks WEG in campaign for Oxford seat ref 1

  opposes WEG’s charity tax ref 1

  chairs meeting on Eastern Question ref 1

  Shannon, Richard

  on WEG’s morbidity ref 1

  on WEG’s stature ref 1n

  on WEG’s views on Crimean war ref 1

  Shaw, William ref 1

  Shaw-Lefevre, George John (later Lord Evers
ley) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Shrewsbury, John Chetwynd-Talbot, 16th Earl of ref 1

  Sicily ref 1

  Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (née Balfour) ref 1, ref 2

  Sidgwick, Henry 419

  Sinn Fein ref 1

  Smith, Adam ref 1

  Smith, William Henry ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Snowdon (North Wales) ref 1

  Solférino, Battle of (1859) ref 1

  Somerset, Edward Adolphus Seymour, 12th Duke of ref 1, ref 2

  Somerset, Lord Granville ref 1

  South (a ‘lady of the night’) ref 1

  South-west Lancashire: WEG loses 1868 election in ref 1

  South Lancashire

  WEG represents as MP ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  WEG nominated for ref 1

  divided ref 1

  Southport: WEG’s 1867 speech on Ireland in ref 1

  Special Commission of Inquiry, 1888 (into Irish agrarian crime) ref 1

  Spencer, John Poyntz, 5th Earl

  as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  and WEG’s 1874 election defeat ref 1

  reassures Hartington ref 1

  WEG visits ref 1, ref 2

  in WEG’s 1880 government ref 1

  political ambitions ref 1

  and WEG’s overwork ref 1

  visits Hawarden ref 1

  favours Home Rule ref 1, ref 2

  WEG meets before opening of 1886 Parliament ref 1

  in WEG’s 1886 government ref 1

  and WEG’s 1886 Home Rule Bill ref 1, ref 2

  and 1886 government resignation ref 1

  and WEG’s relations with Parnell ref 1

  and WEG’s proposed domestic reforms ref 1

  in WEG’s 1892 government ref 1

  contributes to Granville estate ref 1

  and Irish Bill (1893) ref 1

  supports Second Home Rule Bill (1893) ref 1

  supports increased naval expenditure ref 1, ref 2

  qualities ref 1, ref 2

  and WEG’s funeral ref 1

  Stafford, Revd James Charles ref 1

  Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Dean of Westminster ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Stanley, Edward Henry, Lord see Derby, 15th Earl of

  Stanley, Oliver ref 1

  Stanley, Sir Henry Morton ref 1

  Stanley, Venetia (Mrs Edwin Montagu) ref 1

  Stanmore, Arthur Charles Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Lord ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Stansfield, Sir James ref 1

  Stead, William Thomas ref 1, ref 2

  Stephen, (Sir) Leslie ref 1

  Stevenson, Robert Louis: Kidnapped ref 1

  Stonehenge: WEG visits ref 1

  Storks, Sir Henry ref 1

  Strachey, Lytton

  at Cambridge ref 1

  on Monsignor Talbot ref 1

  on Disraeli in old age ref 1

  Strasbourg ref 1

  Stuart, James ref 1

  Stuart-Wortley, J.A. ref 1, ref 2 & n

  Stubbs, William, Bishop of Chester (later of Oxford) ref 1

  Sudan ref 1, ref 2

  Suez Canal

  Disraeli buys shares ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  completed ref 1

  suffrage see franchise

  Sullivan, (Sir) Arthur S. and Cowland, (Sir) Francis Cowley: Box and Cox ref 1

  Sullivan, Sir Edward ref 1, ref 2

  Summerhayes, Marion (later Dukes) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Dyce portrait of ref 1

  Sumner, Charles ref 1, ref 2

  Sunbeam (yacht) ref 1

  Sunderland ref 1

  Sutherland, George Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Duke of ref 1, ref 2

  Sutherland, George Granville William Sutherland Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of ref 1, ref 2

  Sutherland, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana, Duchess of

  friendship with WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  death ref 1, ref 2

  Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury

  on WEG’s levity ref 1

  serves on Oxford and Cambridge Royal Commission ref 1

  at Penmaenmawr ref 1

  and Irish Church Bill ref 1, ref 2

  visits WEG at Walmer ref 1

  Queen Victoria discusses elevation with Disraeli ref 1

  promotes Public Worship Bill ref 1

  death and succession ref 1

  Talbot, Edward Stuart, Bishop of Winchester ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Talbot, Monsignor George ref 1

  Talbot, Lavinia (née Lyttelton; WEG’s niece) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Talbot, Mrs (of Great George Street) ref 1

  Tamworth Manifesto ref 1

  Tantallon Castle (ship) ref 1

  ‘Tea Room Revolt’ (1867) ref 1

  Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of (1882) ref 1, ref 2

  Temple, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury

  supports WEG for Oxford seat ref 1

  abstains in Irish Church Bill vote ref 1

  appointed Bishop of Exeter ref 1n, ref 2 & n

  votes for 1884 Reform Bill ref 1

  Temple, William ref 1

  ‘Ten-Minute Bill’ (1867) ref 1

  Tennant, Laura ref 1

  Tennant, Mrs (Superior of Windsor Clewer House) ref 1

  Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Lord

  age ref 1

  and Hallam ref 1

  accepts peerage ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  relations with WEG ref 1

  on Scandinavian cruise with WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  WEG writes essay on ref 1

  WEG reads works to Marion Summerhayes ref 1

  votes in Lords ref 1

  death ref 1

  funeral ref 1

  Idylls of the King ref 1

  In Memoriam ref 1

  Maud ref 1

  The Princess ref 1

  Tennyson, Hallam ref 1

  Tewfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Theodore, King of Abyssinia ref 1

  Thiers, Louis Adolphe ref 1

  Thirlwall, Connop, Bishop of St David’s ref 1

  Thistlethwayte, A.F. ref 1, ref 2

  Thistlethwayte, Laura (née Bell)

  WEG’s relations with ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  and former Lady Lincoln ref 1

  Thomson, William, Archbishop of York ref 1n, ref 2

  Times, The

  attacks WEG on Ionian commission ref 1

  on WEG’s 1860 budget speech ref 1

  sales ref 1

  and Parnell libel case ref 1

  on Parnell-O’Shea liaison ref 1

  praises WEG’s Romanes lecture ref 1

  and Camperdown-Victoria collision ref 1

  Tiverton, Devon ref 1

  Tractarians ref 1, ref 2

  Transvaal ref 1

  Trevelyan, Sir Charles

  and civil service reform ref 1

  career ref 1

  Trevelyan, Sir George Otto

  indiscretion on Queen and Duke of Cambridge ref 1

  life of Macaulay ref 1

  speaks at London convention ref 1

  threatens resignation ref 1

  joins and leaves WEG’s 1886 government ref 1

  accepts Home Rule ref 1n

  opposes 1886 Home Rule Bill ref 1, ref 2

  returns to Gladstone’s Liberals ref 1

  in WEG’s 1892 government ref 1

  What Does She Do With It? ref 1

  Tring Park ref 1

  Trinity College, Dublin ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Trinity College, Glenalmond ref 1

  Trollope, Anthony ref 1, ref 2

  Barchester Towers ref 1

  Phineas Redux ref 1

  The Way We Live Now ref 1n

  Truro Cathedral ref 1

  Truro, Thomas Wilde, Lord ref 1


  and Bulgarian atrocities ref 1, ref 2

  rejects Constantinople Conference demands ref 1

  war with Russia (1878) r
ef 1, ref 2, ref 3

  condemned ref 1

  cedes Dulcigno ref 1

  and Egypt ref 1

  Uganda ref 1, ref 2

  Ulster Tenant Right ref 1

  United States of America

  economic strength ref 1, ref 2

  Fenians in ref 1

  and Alabama settlement ref 1

  food imports from ref 1

  University Tests Act (1871) ref 1, ref 2

  Vaughan, Cardinal Herbert Alfred, Archbishop of Westminster ref 1

  Venezuela ref 1

  Venice ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Victor Emmanuel I, King of Italy ref 1

  Victoria, HMS ref 1

  Victoria, Queen

  influence of Gerald Wellesley on ref 1

  and bedchamber crisis ref 1

  WEG’s early good relations with ref 1n, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  and Russell’s Ecclesiastical Titles Bill ref 1, ref 2

  and Derby’s 1851 ministry ref 1

  supports WEG for Chancellor of Exchequer ref 1

  and WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1

  opposes civil service reform ref 1

  WEG visits at Windsor ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7

  and WEG’s commission in Ionian Islands ref 1

  favours Granville for 1859 government ref 1

  and Russell’s Italian policy ref 1 & n

  and paper duties repeal ref 1

  relations with Disraeli ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  WEG’s deteriorating relations with ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9, ref 10, ref 11, ref 12, ref 13, ref 14

  overweight ref 1, ref 2

  WEG attends at Balmoral ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  and succession to Palmerston ref 1

  opposes 1866 dissolution of Parliament ref 1

  opposes Clarendon’s nomination as Foreign Secretary ref 1

  calls WEG to first premiership ref 1, ref 2

  and Irish Church Bill ref 1, ref 2

  WEG visits at Osborne ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  obstructs Rothschild’s peerage ref 1n

  and Franco-Prussian War ref 1, ref 2

  Guedalla on stages of reign ref 1

  withdrawal from public appearances in widowhood ref 1, ref 2

  political leanings ref 1

  prejudices ref 1

  suggests change to 1871 budget ref 1

  assassination attempt on ref 1

  health debility (1871) ref 1

  complains of overwork ref 1, ref 2

  and republican movement ref 1

  visits dying Princess Feodore ref 1, ref 2

  and Prince of Wales ref 1, ref 2

  offers Greenwich house to WEG ref 1

  and Irish University Bill ref 1

  and WEG’s 1873 resignation and resumption of office ref 1

  and WEG’s overstrain ref 1

  and WEG’s resignation following 1874 election defeat ref 1

  WEG declines offers of peerage from ref 1, ref 2

  and WEG’s anti-Eton remarks ref 1n

  proclaimed Empress of India ref 1, ref 2


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