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Night Games

Page 8

by Crystal Jordan

  He drew her up against him, brushing a kiss over her forehead. His hands slipped up and down her back. When was the last time she’d allowed herself to be held, comforted? She stiffened, reminding herself that she needed to set boundaries. But a slow, insidious desire wound through her. Her body warmed, even though she didn’t want it to. Damn chemistry. She couldn’t make herself pull away. Tilting her head back, she met his eyes.

  His gaze had that focused, intent look that men got right before they kissed a woman, and Selina’s insides quivered with utter want. Her core went damp, slicking with juices just that quickly. She wanted his mouth on hers again. It was stupid, but there it was.

  “I want you.” The words were a deep growl.

  “We’re working together now.” It took every ounce of her willpower to derail the promise in his eyes. She had to say it now or she wouldn’t be able to. If he kissed her, she was screwed. Literally.

  “I know. I know we should back away. I know it would be better for everyone. I know. Damn it.” And then he tightened his grip and slanted his mouth over hers.

  The taste of him was just as good as she remembered. Somehow she’d thought the champagne had sweetened the experience beyond reality, but no. Heat curled through her, liquefying her bones. It was just as intoxicating as it had been the first time his lips had touched hers. A soft moan spilled out, a sound that was shocking in its neediness. She almost pulled back, but his arms wrapped tighter around her, hauling her flush against him.

  The heat burned straight to pure fire.

  Everything else fled under the onslaught of lust. She thrust her fingers into his soft hair and twisted tight. Opening her mouth, she licked her way into his, wanting more of that taste. It was addicting. Her nipples beaded to painful points, moisture slicking her pussy. Now that she knew how good it would be with him, her body was primed and ready with stunning speed. His hands roamed her back, sliding down to cup her hips and rock his hard cock into the cradle of her thighs.

  A high keen of need broke from her as her entire body lit. She arched into his muscular form, hooking one leg around his hip to open herself to greater contact. He took advantage of the access, backing her into the closed door and grinding his erection into her sex.

  She broke the kiss, throwing her head back to gasp for air. “Gods, you just got here. For dinner.”

  “Food later. I’m starving for you.” His hips surged against hers, rubbing against her clit through their clothing. An involuntary spell rolled out of her, lightning forking from her fingers. He shuddered, groaned. “Jesus, Selina.”

  “More,” she gasped.

  “I have no magic for you. No seduction spells.” He bent to slide his tongue over her collarbone and up her throat to her earlobe.

  “I’ve had seduction spells. This is better.” She sent hot sparks streaking down his skin. “I hope you don’t mind if I use them on you.”

  “Not at all.” He bit her ear, and she cried out, more moisture gushing in her sex.

  It took everything she had to gather her wits and put together a coherent sentence. “I have a spell ... that would have the effect of a seduction spell from you to me.”

  He pulled back so he could meet her gaze, and he searched her face for a long moment. “I’ve never even heard of such a thing.”

  “I’ve picked up things along the way.” She shrugged and struggled to control her breathing, slow her heart rate down. It didn’t work. He was still pressed to her body, his pelvis moving in infinitesimal thrusts that slid his erection over her throbbing clit. She was surprised she could think at all. “I dated a vampire once who liked pleasure spells, but the fanged races suck at casting so ... I found a better way for us. That used only my magic, but both our lust.”

  “Show me.” A slow grin formed on his lips, a flash of straight white teeth.

  Gathering the unraveled edges of her control, she forced herself to concentrate for a moment. The spell was psychokinetic—physical manifestations of thoughts or emotions—but it didn’t have a lot of power behind it because telepathy wasn’t one of her magical gifts. It had just enough kick to work as a pleasure spell, which was all she needed.

  She wrapped the spell around them, cycling it between their bodies, linking just the lust that flowed from them. Physical manifestation of any other kind of emotion was something she didn’t want to deal with. The tangle of her own thoughts the last couple of days was something she’d rather avoid, especially at a moment like this, when she was minutes away from going off like a rocket.

  Stroking his hands down her arms, golden light bathed her skin, shimmering for a moment before it sank into her. He grinned. “Cool.”

  No, it was hot. Burning.

  “Jack,” she whispered, her breath catching as the energy spinning between them intensified.

  He tugged up the hem of her top, pulling it over her head. Her pajama pants slid away even faster as she divested him of his clothing in return. She unfastened his belt and fly, untucking the bottom of his dress shirt. He dropped his jacket and set his shoulder holster on the table she had by the front door while she worked his tie free and unbuttoned his shirt. He kicked off his shoes, and they wrenched the rest of his clothes off.

  Slipping her palms up his chest was a tactile pleasure, all steely muscles, crisp hair, and warm skin. She circled one flat, brown nipple, and he hissed out a breath when she zapped it with a tiny fork of lightning. She moaned when he cupped her breasts, that golden warmth spilling over her. It was exquisite torment when he twisted her nipples with slow precision.

  Gods, the heat of his passion sizzled her nerves. If she’d had any doubts about this thing being mutual, they were blown out of the water. The spell let her feel how much he wanted her, how much he craved touching her.

  Abandoning his chest, she went straight for gold, swirling a finger around the tip of his cock. A bead of fluid slipped down the crest and she bent to catch it with her tongue. The salty flavor and musky scent of him turned her on even more. Everything about the man revved her up. Her sex spasmed as she licked a path down the length of his hard shaft.

  “Jesus, if you do that, I won’t last a minute.” He pulled her upright and grabbed her hips, crowding her back with his big body and lifting her against the door.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, arching herself in offering. Yes, she wanted him inside her. The head of his cock rubbed over her damp folds, and they both groaned as he impaled her on his dick. The stretch was just as good as it had been the day before, and she had to grit her teeth to keep from crying out. She couldn’t remember the last man who’d gotten her this wet, this fast. The feel of him against her was divine, the hard wood pressed to her back and him plastered to her front. It should have been uncomfortable, but she was beyond anything as trivial as discomfort. It was so damn good.

  Everywhere their bodies touched, the pleasure spell kicked in, igniting what was already smoldering between them. Erotic energy, dark and sensual, shuddered through her. She wasn’t Normal, so she had no idea how much he could feel, but if it was even half of what she could—gods.

  Sweat gathered at her temples and slipped down her skin as he began to thrust into her. She gripped his shoulders, holding on for the ride. Flexing the muscles in her thighs, she lifted and lowered herself on him, increasing the friction between them. She could have let gravity do a lot of the work, but she wanted more, faster. Now. The way he filled her was perfect.

  She closed her eyes, savoring the sensations that bombarded her. The slap of skin as he shoved inside her, the rasp of his chest hair on her nipples, the low groans that escaped them, the way her body shivered as her need rose to a fever pitch. Each time he slid his cock into her, he hit her in just the right spot, and stars burst behind her eyelids. Magic and lust twisted into something so powerful it stole her breath. Gods, yes. This was exactly what she’d needed tonight. Way more satisfying than ice cream.

  When he slammed deep and ground his pelvis against her clit, her pussy
clenched around him, the first shimmer of orgasm rippling through her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, holding him closer.

  “Selina,” he growled. “Look at me. I want to see you come for me.”

  She met his gaze as her inner muscles flexed around his cock. He grinned and rubbed over her clit again, which sent her spinning into oblivion. A scream ripped from her throat as orgasm claimed her. He kept shoving his thick cock into her, and each time he entered her sent another wave of climax rolling through her, her pussy pulsing over and over again.

  His gaze was locked with hers when he went over into orgasm, and she got to watch him come, too. The way his sharp blue eyes went hazy, his breath literally stopping before he groaned long and loud. He shuddered against her, his hot fluids pumping into her body.

  The spurt of his come inside her made her sex fist around him one last time, and they both choked on a breath. She moaned, “Gods.”

  “Yeah.” He lowered them to the floor and sprawled beside her, half on the hardwood floor and half on the area rug. His eyes closed with a groan, and he hauled her against his side, holding her close as their breathing and heart rates slowed to normal levels.

  But the quiet gave her brain a chance to reengage, and her mind started racing in circles again. She rolled her eyes at herself. Way to establish those boundaries, Selina. Excellent. And yet, she couldn’t regret what they’d done. She just had to decide how to move forward from here.

  She sighed. “Jack ... I’ve been loaned to the FBI for the case we’re both working on, remember? At least temporarily, we’re partners.”

  “Wow, way to kill my buzz,” he grumbled. He opened one blue eye to look at her. “Does this mean I’m not invited to stay for dinner?”

  “I’m serious.” She poked him in the ribs.

  He heaved a sigh. “Okay, let’s have this conversation. I know we shouldn’t keep this up, but I don’t really want to stop either. I’m not sure I can. I want you. Hell, I shouldn’t have come over here, but I did.”

  “This is making me feel ever so much better.”

  He swatted her ass lightly. “It’s not supposed to make you feel better, it’s supposed to be honest.” His fingers stroked in circles on her backside, and a shiver went through her. “We don’t have partners in the MCU. That’s not how we operate. You haven’t been made my subordinate, nor have I been made yours. We both answer to Luca. I don’t think this is an issue. If it becomes one, we’ll deal with it at that point.”

  She leaned back a little to look him in the eyes. “You’ve given this some thought, haven’t you?”

  “Yep.” He grinned, wicked and enticing.

  Her lips twisted into a reluctant smile. “You rehearsed that little speech on the way over here, didn’t you?”

  “I thought about what I might say, yeah. I wouldn’t call it a rehearsal.” A flush reddened his neck and ears, and he rubbed his forehead.

  It charmed her. He was big and tough and usually armed, but he still blushed. Damn. She didn’t want to like him, but she did. Spending the day with him had already turned him into something other than a sex toy, which meant she had no idea what category to put him into anymore. Lover? Co-worker? As she’d told him, those two things had never met since she’d joined the male bastion of law enforcement. Things had been different in centuries past, but this was now, and in this career, she’d been careful to compartmentalize.

  Was she going to blow that now?

  Then again, this case would be the end of her life, not to mention the end of her career. If she blew this, would it really matter to anyone but her?

  No. It wouldn’t.

  She didn’t want the distraction of him to be hounding her through this case, but she had no choice. He was the agent in charge, and she was just on loan. If anyone went, it was her. Plus, Merek’s vision had shown him that Jack had to be involved for a positive outcome. She’d been Merek’s partner for years before he joined the FBI—she’d seen just how accurate his clairvoyance was.

  No matter what, she had to deal with Jack. There was no escape from that unless she wanted to walk away from this case, which she couldn’t do. This was her chance to make up for not catching this guy before, for not bringing Bess some justice, for being so green back then that she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.

  Since she couldn’t escape dealing with Jack, her options were either accepting or trying to ignore the crazy chemistry they generated. She could pretend they hadn’t done the nasty multiple times already or she could include a few more of those mind-blowing orgasms in the last days or weeks of her life. That was the only thing she had to lose in this situation—the only thing she had any say in anyway. The rest was a foregone conclusion.

  Her internal justification made her want to roll her eyes at herself again. “Okay, you can stay for dinner. I’m really not up for cooking or going out to a restaurant, but we can order some delivery.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” He didn’t smile, didn’t so much as let victory flare in his gaze. He just watched her steadily, patiently.

  It annoyed her how much she liked that, but that was something else she couldn’t change.

  Under different circumstances, she’d have made an entirely different choice, but she was long past wishing for other circumstances. She had to play the hand she’d been dealt.

  He stretched against the floor. “Selina, you are amazing. This was fucking awesome.”

  A satiated sigh heaved out of her, and a smug grin curled her lips. “Yeah, it was.”

  This was the way to kick the bucket. If she was going to go out, it was going to be with the kind of smile that only really great sex could put on a woman’s face.

  It was even better than he’d remembered, and that was saying something. Because he’d recalled that it was damn fine. A grin tugged at the corners of Jack’s lips.

  Sighing, he rolled to his feet and froze halfway up, his gaze locking with the most enormous German shepherd he’d ever seen. The thing was eerie how it stared unblinkingly, with one eye a normal brown and the other a chilling blue. It snapped its jaw at him once, and he didn’t flinch, but he wanted to. “Who’s this?”

  Selina lifted her head to look at them. “My familiar, Grim.”

  “Does he bite?” Because the dog sure looked like he’d bite, and Jack had enough self-preservation not to move until he knew he wouldn’t be the beast’s next meal.

  She hummed in her throat. “If he doesn’t like you.”

  “How do I know if he doesn’t like me?” He shot her a glance.

  Her dark eyes twinkled with evil glee, obviously enjoying watching him squirm. “If he bites you, it’s a pretty good indicator.”

  “That’s helpful, thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  Jack’s muscles began to shake a bit from holding the awkward, half-crouched position. “Any pointers about how to make him not bite me?”

  “Nope. He does what he wants.” She pushed herself up and folded her legs.

  He slowly rose to his feet, waiting to see if he needed to dive for his gun. “You couldn’t have named him Fluffy or something?”

  “I didn’t name him.” Her breasts swayed a little when she shrugged and Jack had to force himself not to stare at them. Or drool. Damn, she was beautiful.

  He offered her a hand to help her to her feet. “Who did name him, then?”

  “Theodore Holmes.” She slipped her fingers into his and let him draw her up. The familiar didn’t growl or snap when Jack touched Selina, so he tried to make himself relax a little under the dog’s unnerving stare.

  “Your vampire hunter?”

  “The one and only.” Affection rang in her voice, and a knife of unwarranted jealousy twisted through Jack’s belly just as it had the first time she’d mentioned him with such warmth.

  She let go of his hand and wandered over to a built-in bookshelf lined with framed photographs. She picked one up and offered it to him. “This was taken just after we met. His speci
alty is taking out rogue bloodsuckers, and I wasn’t about to turn down help at that stage of the game.”

  He accepted the picture and saw Selina, looking exactly as she did now, but with dated clothing and a feathered Farrah Fawcett hairdo. The man beside her glared defiantly into the camera, his mouth set in disapproval. Cheerful-looking guy. “Exactly how long had you been on the force?”

  “Barely a year at that point.” She took the photo back and repositioned it on the shelf. “Women had to meet the same five-foot-eight height requirement as men to become a cop in New Orleans until 1976. Someone filed a lawsuit about it and got the requirement changed.”

  “What did you do before that?” Putting aside the vampire hunter and the case until later, he focused on finding out more about the woman before him. If he couldn’t make himself walk away from this attraction to her, then he wanted to know what made her tick. He doubted she’d answer personal questions at work, so he took the opportunity and ran with it.

  “A lot of things. I’ve been around awhile.” A small grin fluttered at the corners of her mouth. “It’s been nice having more jobs open up in the last century or so. Housewife didn’t suit me.”

  “What did suit you then?”

  “I was a governess and a teacher for a long, long time in a lot of cities, mostly because that was one of the few things an unmarried woman could do.” She shrugged. “Except for, you know, prostitution.”

  “Which you’d never do.”

  She arched her eyebrows and managed to stare down her nose at him even though he topped her by at least eight inches. “How do you know what I’d do?”

  Reaching out to brush his fingertip down her cheek and over her lips, he grinned. “While I don’t doubt that men would line up to pay you for sex, you’re not the type who’d sell yourself.”

  “You’re right.” She huffed out a breath. “I haven’t.”


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