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Pieces Of Us

Page 5

by Pamela Ann

  Roses are red

  Violets are blue

  My heart skips each time I think of you.

  The simple and plain poetry of his words were forever ingrained in my heart. He was a complicated guy, but when it came to his feelings, he didn’t hold back.


  I’m sorry, I whispered silently as Liam picked up his pace, sliding in and out of me as he bit into my nipple, evoking a sharp cry from me. I wasn’t aware that tears were sliding off the side of my face until I felt it trickle down my cheeks, reminding me who owned my heart.

  “Look at me,” Liam demanded harshly, cupping my chin as he bore into my eyes and fucked me harder. “Don’t you fucking dare think of him while I’m fucking you!” I nodded, blinking my tears away. “Stay with me—don’t look away until I’m through.” I nodded again, feeling embarrassed he’d caught me thinking of Greyson. “Whose cock is inside your beautiful pussy, Olivia?” he gritted out, slamming it harder as if to make a point.

  “Yours,” I whispered, quivering from the intense build up simmering beneath, building up for its finale.

  “Whose cock?” he harshly added, “I couldn’t hear you properly.”

  Fuck. “It’s yours, Liam. Yours—not his. Trust me. I get it.”

  “Good. Because I won’t tolerate that kind of disrespect, especially not when I’m fucking heaven from the feel of your incredible cunt,” he said, controlling his temper. “This was supposed to be mine. I should’ve been the first—you’re only. You had no right, no fucking right to casually give it to him when you knew this was meant for me.”

  “God—please… I’m almost there,” I yelped, needing him to focus on the current task.

  “Tell me you love me then I’ll let you come all over my cock!” he yelled back, relentless.

  “You have got to be kidding.” My eyes flew open, glancing at him as if he had lost his shit. “Don’t be so cruel… I’m dying here.”

  His eyes were hard. “So am I. Three little words, my sweet, then I’ll give you release.”

  I wanted to scratch his eyes out as I tried to fight off his lead, wanting to ride him until I came. However, he held my hips in place, slowly pulling out of me and only sliding the tip of his head back in, deliberately trying to make me go insane.

  “What the fuck, Liam! Put it back in, or I’m going to walk away from here and find someone else to finish the job.”

  “. You could try, but you’re not going anywhere.” His eyes glittered with something I couldn’t pinpoint. It was obvious he was very much in love with me, though. “Just say them, even if you don’t mean it,” he finally said, reaching into my heart. “I miss hearing you say it to me, Liv.” That won me over. What kind of monster would I be if I didn’t say it? After all, I did owe him so much.

  Licking my lips, I gazed into his eyes and locked onto his gaze. “I love you, Liam Hollingsworth—”

  He went berserk after that, making me come twice before he came, gripping my hips as he ejaculated, fingers digging into my skin as he grunted my name out, as he pumped thick ropes of his seed into me while I throbbed from the feeling of his cock expanding inside my walls, milking him thoroughly.

  “Olivia… I don’t think I’ll ever get over you after tonight,” he murmured against the soft, tender skin of my neck.

  Apart from that tiny breakdown moment I’d had, the sex was amazing. I never thought I could go through with it, with any man for that matter after Greyson. However, I had just been proven wrong. No wonder men could easily commit sex to anyone after a break-up; it had certainly suspended me from my own pains, even just for a little while.

  Chapter 8


  “Do you want to go back inside?” Liam murmured before placing my head against his shoulder, preciously cradling me.

  “I don’t mind. You want to?” I tilted my chin upwards to meet his gaze. His dick was still lodged inside me. It went from half-mast to almost full-sized in lightning speed. Damn, talk about insatiable…

  “We can if you like…” his breathing became harsh, “but I’d rather take you one more time before doing that…”

  I had nothing against it, truly… “I’m going to be sore, Liam. I can already feel a slight sting.”

  He groaned in protest. “You’re sure you can’t take one more? You’re pretty wet; I doubt it’ll hurt anymore than you’re hurting right now. We can later, if you’re still up to it.”

  He felt wonderful, but I needed a breather to come to terms with what I had just done. Because no matter how I tried to convince myself that moving on was the right thing to do, I couldn’t do much with my hurting heart, aching guiltily at what I had done.

  I nodded, agreeing with him. “Later would work.” Maybe after a long bath to sooth my sore areas. Besides, I desperately needed to buy time, hoping my mental state would be guilt-ridden.

  We stayed for another hour and a half, mingling with the people from school. I even managed to consume a few glasses of wine before leaving to stay the night at Liam’s place. I appreciated the fact he never left my side. Each movement and flicker of my eyes, he noticed and scrutinized. He knew what was going on with me. It was overwhelming, and at the same time, comforting to have him dote on me so much. It shouldn’t come as a surprise because this was one of the main things that had made me fall for him before—before Grey had forced himself into the picture and ruined it all.

  That was how things progressed with Liam—with him always noting everything I did. He never asked about me thinking about him during our sexual encounters. Though he always made sure of the fact to look me in the eyes each time we were doing the deed.

  From time to time, Grey would slip himself back into my wandering mind, but I also learned how to mask it by moaning so he wouldn’t notice. It was a tough job, yet it was a skill I somehow managed to acquire within those few days with him.

  It was Thursday night when he said something that made me really focus on him.

  “Any plans for Christmas?” he murmured, resting his head against the headboard, relaxing after our crazy romping.

  Christmas was about two and a half weeks away. My decision had been made. I was staying here to spend it with dad. “I’ll be with dad, though you’re more than welcome to join us if you’re not doing anything special with your family.”

  He directed his gaze at me, his eyes dancing with an idea. “Well, I actually brought it up since your mother called me earlier, asking if I would be so kind as to escort you back home to join the rest of the family for the holidays.”

  “Huh.” My mother. Fuck. Liam and Greyson dining at the same table. Fuck. Add evil Edith into the equation and it was sure to be clusterfuck. I took another deep breath, not knowing what to say next. “Huh,” I repeated like an idiot.

  He threw me a considerate look, aiming straight at my conscience. “She sounded lonely. She really wants to see you, Liv.”

  My main reason was Grey, and I hated the fact it was separating me from spending the holidays with my mom. My mother, who was the innocent party, was stuck in the middle, making me feel selfish for not wanting to go back home.

  “I do want to see her…”

  “Then let’s go,” he immediately prompted, making me feel suddenly uncomfortable.

  Let’s… he was not considering the offer, he’d already decided on it.

  “It’s not that easy. It’s complicated—” I tried to explain, but what came out of his lips next, left me speechless.

  “Because he’ll be there,” he simply stated without question.

  Looking away, I picked at the edges of his duvet cover, wondering what to say next. I mean, what the hell did I say to that? After all, I had left him for Grey. So, knowing that he possibly lived in the same household as I did might make him look at me differently. Then again, this was Liam; what was the point in keeping this from him anyway? He would eventually find a way to bring it out of me sooner or later.

  Slowly lifting my gaze towards him, I confir
med his statement. “Yeah, he’ll be there.” I paused, my focus never leaving his face. “How did you know?”

  “It’s not hard to guess. You confirmed my suspicions when Laura told me you weren’t going back home for the holidays, though.” If you put it like that, I supposed it was quite obvious.

  “Now you see why it’s so hard to go back. It’s going to be beyond awkward.”

  “It will be, but I’m going to be there with you, so you’re safe.” He pulled me towards him and caressed the top slopes of my breasts. “Besides, why would I pass the chance to see you pretend you’re madly crazy about me, hmm?” he teased while his hand trailed lower. “I think it’ll be good for you to see that it’s time to put the past behind and look into the future.” His thumb found its way into me, sliding and slipping, as I watched him part his lips, fully enticed. Fully engorged. “So, how about it, Olivia?”

  “Uh… huh.” I gulped some air, feeling heady as I let my body rule me, humming with delight from his artful, teasing ministrations.

  The future… Yeah, it sure didn’t look too dark any longer.

  Chapter 9


  When I agreed to go back home, I had barely been thinking. It was two weeks later, and after a particularly long plane ride with Liam noting every damn thing about me, I was edgy and borderline manic once we landed at LAX.

  During the flight, I had to take a sleep aid to help me doze because I couldn’t stop fretting mentally. And even though I was out cold, subconsciously, I still thought of Greyson. My dreams were filled with him—our moments at the plateau and how well he had taken care of me. Sweet moments that I’d felt treasured and loved. Then it would cruelly flash forward towards that time I had found them in the garden, arguing, commiserating… uniting.

  Above all, I kept wondering, imagining, what it would be like to see him after everything. Would it bring tears to my eyes? Would he try to explain himself? Or would he apologize and ask me back again? The latter thought sent butterflies through my stomach.

  I knew I was setting myself up for disaster thinking this way, but I simply couldn’t help it. Greyson still owned me. My heart. My soul. A small part of me urged that, maybe, I would truly get over him once I saw him married and all.

  So there I was, grabbing onto my purse as if my life depended on it as Liam and I strode towards the exit doors. He was pushing out our luggage on the cart, giving me knowing glances from time to time. I somehow unintentionally snapped at him during our flight across the Pacific Ocean after he tried to ask for the umpteenth time if I was doing okay. I mean, of course I wasn’t okay, but I wasn’t going to openly admit to it! He saw how tormented I had been, so why ask a rhetorical question?

  My dampened mood went forgotten the moment I spotted Mom waiting right outside the terminal. She gleefully greeted us, launching herself at me with a crucial, break your bones kind of hug.

  “I’m so happy you changed your mind!” She got teary as she pulled away, cupping my face to look into my eyes. Worry settled in, planting a seed of doubt. My mother didn’t look too well.

  With my brows knitted together, I eyed her cautiously. “Everything okay, Mom?”

  Something flashed in her eyes before she nodded with a smile. “Yeah,” she whispered. “I am—now that you’re here.”

  Somehow, her words didn’t diminish the doubt. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint the problem, but my intuition was telling me my mother was hiding something. Were she and Brett in trouble? God, I hoped not. That would be devastating for her.

  “Thank you for inviting me along, Laura,” Liam interjected as he extended his arm to greet Mom, but she brushed that away and gave him a fierce hug, thanking him for convincing me to come back home for a while.

  After our little, cozy reunion, we immediately left to drive back towards Brett’s house in Woodland Hills. Liam and Mom were busy discussing the weather and whatever else was going on around the world while I kept to myself, dreading what would greet me once I stepped into Greyson’s old home. It was weird to think of it that way since I also considered it as mine, too. In reality, though, it was theirs, yet I couldn’t help feeling like I belonged there, too.

  The thirty minute drive filled my thoughts with nostalgia. As much as I tried to fight against it, the past assailed me as we drove past buildings and places that held so many memories with him. My chest felt heavy as the familiar route going towards the house appeared. I was breathing erratically, and it felt like the little air going into my nostrils was acid, burning and choking the life out of me.

  It was the night of the twenty-third and he and Edith wouldn’t be coming by until tomorrow night for Christmas Eve dinner. So I supposed I still had a lot of time to practice my fake smiles and enthusiasm. Knowing Edith, though, she’d come with her toxic tongue, ready to spread it around with her vileness.

  “Brett’s going to be coming home late from the office, so he won’t be able to see you until tomorrow morning for breakfast,” Mom informed us both before I looked towards her and gave an I’m happy to be home kind of smile. She granted me the same warm one before continuing her speech. “Liam will be taking the room across from yours, sweetie.” She pointed me a knowing look before adding, “Rules are rules.”

  “And thou shall respect it,” I had to gingerly add the last bit just to be cheeky.

  “I won’t touch your daughter under your own roof, Laura. You can have my word on that.” Liam sounded like I was a sacred virgin.

  My mother had to grin at his response. “Thank you, I truly appreciate that.”

  Liam was relentless when it came to wanting me. Where did he think we’d get our groove on, at the nearby motel? This was going to be interesting. Wonder how long he would last with that promise of his.

  When the house came into view, I released a sigh, thankful I didn’t have to encounter anyone for tonight. Maybe I could use it to speak with Mom. I mean, after all, she and I had a lot of catching up to do. The flight had worn me out, but I knew my mother was hiding something from me, and I wasn’t going to bed until I found out what it was. Besides, I was sure Liam wouldn’t mind if I spent some time with my mom while he rested and unwound in his room.

  Apart from the inkling she was hiding something from me, I felt like I needed to speak to someone about what had happened with Greyson. She had been here and witnessed it all, even though she hadn’t said a word about it to me.

  Maybe with her words of wisdom and guidance, she could help figure it out for me. She was my mother, and I knew I could always count on her to be honest.

  Chapter 10


  “Sweetie, are you awake?” Mom softly tapped on the door just as I was coming out of the bathroom after a long, hot shower.

  “Come on in,” I rushed out as I gently rubbed the towel against my wet hair, trying to get the water out. When we left Sydney it was summer time, and we landed in LA in winter weather. True, LA winter wasn’t “cold” per say, but still, it was a bit chilly to me and the hot shower somehow made me feel fresh and clearheaded.

  Mom strode in with a casual look about her, carrying two steaming mugs. “Chamomile tea. I thought you might need something to relax you,” she murmured before setting a mug next to my bed then taking a seat on the mattress, sipping her own tea.

  Was it obvious I was a nervous wreck?

  “That’s thoughtful of you, considering you went behind my back and used Liam to persuade me to come here.” I strode towards her, plucking the steaming cup before sitting across from her. We both remained silent for a whole minute before her warm eyes gazed upon me again.

  “I had to do something, Liv. Don’t get me wrong, I love you more than anything, but Jesus, you’re one stubborn girl.”

  I sighed. “It wasn’t you—you know that. It’s just… it’s been…” I was at a loss to describe how I truly felt… miserable? Barely getting by? What? A strangled sound evoked from within, making me feel helpless.

  “You two have danced around each other f
or too long. You kept him at arm’s length, and the more you held out, the crazier the connection became. Of course, it was going to combust—crazy love can do that to you, hun.”

  I stared at my mother, shocked and speechless. I knew she was the observant kind, most especially when it was in regards to me and my life, but I hadn’t been aware she knew these details.

  “He was just so persistent… he wouldn’t let me breathe—he was everywhere,” I reasoned out, head shaking. “He messed with my head. I wasn’t aware he had dug himself so deeply into my mind until it was too late… everything was too late.”

  “Like father, like son,” she murmured, deep in thought.

  “What do you mean?”

  She made a sad smile. “I loved your father, but Brett was my first love. Although he and I only shared one kiss, he stole my heart that one night during summer. I wasn’t the same again.”

  My mom’s words rang in my ears like a premonition of some kind, yet I couldn’t bear untangling the web of truths and lies to get to the bottom of things. I was simply too exhausted from it all. Though there was one thing I was dying to ask…

  “Is she—I mean, is Edith really terminally ill?”

  “I think so. She’s been reluctant to go to any treatments, though. Grey finally managed to convince her to try holistic medicine just yesterday actually.”

  So her mother hadn’t been lying. And as for Grey… “Is he hurting because he’s about to lose her?”

  My mom studied me silently before answering. “He is hurting, that’s for sure. I’m not too sure, though, if it’s because of her dying or setting you free.”

  “Excuse me?” I shrieked, caught off guard.

  “The boy you left wasn’t the same man anymore. He’s changed—harsher and harder somehow. He’s dedicated most of his time to catering to his wife, becoming a part-time student so he’ll always be there when she needs him.”

  “I don’t understand…” I muttered, shaking my head in denial. “I saw him less than seven weeks ago… He couldn’t change that quickly—that’s not possible.”


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