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Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC Book 17)

Page 29

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “You better hope your pants don’t fall down, bro,” Wrath’s voice booms halfway across the parking lot. “Ain’t nobody here wantin’ to see that pasty ass.”

  Murphy flips Wrath off and shrugs at me. “She doesn’t have a strap with her. Trying to improvise.”

  Wrath rolls his eyes my way. “They improvise a lot.” He adds air quotes around improvise in case I can’t grasp his meaning.

  I slap Murphy’s chest. “Can’t you control yourself, ya fuck beast?”

  Wrath’s not finished busting on Murphy this morning. “Do you have any idea how much Jack Daniels it takes to erase the vision of a Ginger Yeti violating the innocent little girl you’ve known since she was a toddler?”

  “I’m not that innocent, Uncle Wrath!” Heidi shouts.

  “We’re all aware, Heidi-girl.”

  Murphy punches his arm and Wrath laughs harder.

  “I feel like I’m missing out on all the fun being downstate,” I joke.

  They stop fucking around and stare at me.

  “What? I’m not thinking of leaving Z or anything. Just saying.” I paint a circle in the air with my fingers. “You guys are all tight. Even the girls.”

  “Where are you planning to land when she’s off tour?” Murphy asks.

  “Don’t know yet. She’s open to spending time in New York.” I shrug, uncomfortable since I’ve been trying to avoid thinking about this too much.

  Murphy slaps my chest. “You want me to drive your rig today so you can ride with Shelby? We got a good five hours ahead of us.”

  “You sure you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all.” He waves his hand somewhere in the direction of north. “We got a long ride ahead of us when we head home. It’ll give Heidi and me some time to talk.”

  “Yeah, brother. Thanks. I appreciate that.”


  As we’re finishing in corpse pose, what sounds like hundreds of bikes thunder into the parking lot. Heidi jumps up to grab her tablet. She points toward their tent. “I’m going to talk to Alexa for a minute.”

  Trinity watches her for a few seconds before turning her attention on me. “How do you feel?”

  “So good.” I drop my gaze to the ground. “I’m a little sad you guys are headed home soon, though.”

  “Aww.” She pulls me in for a hug. “I’m gonna miss you too.” In a lower voice, she asks, “You’re not worried about all the alone time with Rooster, are you? You two seem to get along well.”

  “Oh. No.” The corners of my mouth twitch. “At first, I was concerned. But we mesh well.” Heat stings my cheeks. “I really never get tired of being around him. Is that weird?”

  “No,” she answers, quickly glancing over her shoulder at her husband. “I feel the same way about Wyatt. We each have our own things going on, but at the end of the day he’s the only person I want to share my space with. We always have something to talk about or I just enjoy, you know, the quiet with him.”

  “Yeah, I’ve never felt that easy silence with someone before. It’s soothing.” I glance over my shoulder in the direction Heidi went but she’s already on her way back.

  She hands over the tablet to Trinity. “Hope wants to talk to you for a minute.”


  “Everything okay?” I ask. Heidi seems sort of down instead of invigorated from our practice.

  Her lips form a wobbly smile. “I’ve been having fun out on the road with you. Thank you for letting me come along.”

  “Oh my gosh, of course.” I pull her in for a quick hug. “I love having you guys with me. I feel a little selfish though. I know you have lots to do at home.”

  She nods and swipes at her eyes. “I miss my daughter. She’s totally fine.” A more genuine smile flashes over her face. “She’s having the best time with her aunties and uncles as she just told me.”

  “Aww. That’s good, though.”

  “It is,” she agrees quickly. “I appreciate them so much. I wouldn’t have been able to finish school or accomplish any of the stuff I’ve done the last couple years if I didn’t have Rock, Hope, and my brother helping us out. I know how lucky I am. My friend Dawn’s a single mom and I see how rough it is on her.”

  “It’s nice to have people you trust looking after her.”

  “Sorry.” She swipes under her eyes again and pastes on a smile. “I know you’re not a kid person. You don’t want to hear all this.”

  I can’t help hugging her again. “Maybe. But I’m a Heidi person, so I don’t mind listening at all. I’d have trouble leaving that bundle of cuteness too.”

  “Thanks, Shelby.” She squeezes me once more before letting go. After a few laugh-sniffles, she wipes her hands over her cheeks. “This is why Murphy says we need to add to our family sooner than later. So we’ll still be young enough to do all the traveling we want once they’re out of the house.”

  I burst out laughing. “I guess he’s got a point.”

  “Yeah, when we go on any big club trips, Carter drives one of the vehicles, so the kids can come along. We have a big family party while the guys are all doing club stuff.”

  “Which one is Carter?”

  “Oh, sorry. He’s my soon-to-be-sister-in-law’s little brother. Phew! That’s a mouthful!”

  I laugh with her, thinking over what she’s told me. “Y’all have a very ‘takes a village’ approach to child-raising, huh?”

  She squinches her nose. “Yeah, I guess we do. It’s nice.” Her expression shifts to something almost melancholy. “I went to live with my grandmother when I was little and it was pretty lonely. None of my kids will ever have to deal with that.”

  “Ugh, I woulda ended up dead if Grandma Morgan had raised me.” I shudder at the thought.

  “Yeah, mine was no picnic either,” she mutters.

  The guys have all returned and seem awfully disappointed we’re done with yoga. No one dares say it, since Wrath’s wearing what I’d call an I-dare-you-to-open-your-mouth scowl.

  “Let’s get everyone fed.” Trinity claps her hands together and hands out tasks for everyone.

  They work out a system on the grills scattered around the campground and in no time we’re sitting down to plates of bacon, sausage, and piles of scrambled eggs.

  Rooster nudges me and leans in. “Murphy volunteered to drive the truck for a bit. Feel like ridin’ with me today?”

  “Yes.” I flick my gaze across the table at Murphy. “Thank you. That was very thoughtful.”

  “I would’ve offered too,” Jigsaw says with a pout.

  “And yet, you didn’t,” Dex says.

  “I’m really going to miss you guys.” I reach over and tap Murphy’s hand.

  “I’m not going anywhere, songbird,” Jigsaw reassures me.

  A faint smile ghosts my lips. “I know, Jiggy. I’m glad. I definitely feel safe with you on board.”

  He lifts his chin, giving Rooster a smug smile.

  “I’m sticking around too,” Dex announces.

  “You are?” My eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, that’s great, Dex. Thank you.”

  “I’m staying too, Shelby!” Pants shouts from the next table.

  “Same!” Steer raises his hand.

  “They’re not being noble, Shelby,” Hustler yells. “They just can’t find any ass at home.”

  “Fuck off,” Rooster growls.

  “You guys are terrible.” And Lordy, I hope that’s not the only reason why they’re sticking around.

  My phone buzzes and I pick it up, quickly glancing at the message that pops up. “Oh look!” I nudge Rooster and show him Miranda’s text.

  Miranda: You’ve been nominated for best video of the year at the Small Screen Music Awards.

  “What is it?” Heidi asks.

  Heat stings my cheeks. I don’t know why I feel embarrassed talking about this. It’s not like everyone hasn’t watched me up on stage night after night. “I’ve been nominated for a Small Screen Music Award.”

  All the guys cheer an
d whistle, startling the birds and squirrels gathered around our tables.

  “Nice job, Shelby!” someone yells.

  “I remember watching those when I was a kid,” Steer says. “That’s cool as hell, Shelby.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter, glancing down at my lap.

  “Congratulations.” Rooster ducks down and brushes a kiss over my lips. “Proud of you.”

  “Not sure it’s anything to be proud of. She made it sound like it was a handshake kind of thing.”

  “The whole world is a handshake thing,” Jigsaw says. “Be proud, Shelby. You put in the hard work.”

  That helps me find my smile again. “Thanks, Jiggy.”

  “Awww, Jiggy.” Someone makes kissy noises at him. “Such a philosopher.”

  Jigsaw rolls his eyes and throws his middle finger in the air. Rooster shakes with laughter and high-fives Jiggy over the table.

  My phone buzzes again.

  Dawson: Congrats, Shelby. Just heard the news.

  “More good news?” Trinity asks.

  “Dawson congratulating me.”

  Heidi presses her hand to her chest. “She has Dawson Roads texting her like it’s no big deal.”

  “You lettin’ that guy text your woman, Rooster?” Hustler asks.

  “You need us to fuck him up, bro?” Steer throws a few fake punches in the air.

  My eyes widen in terror. “God no.”

  “They’re just messin’ with me,” Rooster says.

  “We’re civilized,” Steer assures me with a maniacal grin.

  “Not really,” Dex mutters.

  Everyone pitches in to clean up, leaving the grounds neater than when we found them.

  “Leave no trace behind,” Pants explains when I mention how tidy everything looks.

  Rooster checks his phone and quickly taps out a message. “All right! Listen up. We need to be there by three, so we’re moving at a fast clip. Greg says roads are clear. We shouldn’t have any issues.”

  “Let’s roll!” someone shouts.

  “You need to get your riding gear on,” Rooster says, placing his hands on my hips and steering me toward the RV.

  “So do you.”

  “No funny business,” Jigsaw warns. “We’re rolling out in ten.”

  “Keep your pants on,” Rooster grumbles.

  “No, that’s what I’m asking you to do.”

  “Har. Har.” Rooster shakes his head but the rest of the guys laugh.

  Inside the RV, I race around, searching for something to wear.

  “I’ve got what you need here,” Rooster calls out.

  “That right?” I stop and blink at the two shiny bags with Harley Davidson logos on the front he has laid out on our bed.

  “Meant to give this to you sooner but since we weren’t on the bike…”

  “What…what is it?”

  “Just some thicker jeans meant for riding, leather jacket, gloves, stuff I should’ve bought for you sooner.”

  “But I’m okay.”

  “We’re traveling a longer distance and these roads are faster. I’d rather you be safe and a little sweaty, than roadkill.”

  “Yikes. When you put it that way.” I shake out the jeans and study them. “How’d you know my size?”

  He shrugs. “I pay attention?” He hooks his fingers in the waistband of my shorts and tugs, peering into the gap. “I can read a tag?”

  Laughing, I push him away and hurry out of my shorts and into the jeans. They’re a stiff, sturdy denim. A little snug in the hips and thighs, but I’m guessing that’s the lack of spandex.

  Rooster sits on the bed and pulls a box out of one of the bags. “Riding boots. Your cowgirl boots are cute but not quite what you need.”

  “When did you do all this?”

  “A while ago.” He motions for me to move forward and rest my foot on his leg. “You were being weird about me buying stuff for you so I figured I’d wait until you needed ‘em.”

  “Logan,” I whisper. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate—”

  “I know.” He pats his leg. “Stay still.” He takes his time, carefully lacing the boots tight and secure.

  “Thank you,” I say when he’s finished.

  He dumps the rest of the stuff out. “Gloves. Jacket. You might want to tie that bandanna around your forehead under your helmet too.” Everything’s black leather except the bandanna which is flamingo pink.

  “All right. Let me throw my hair in some braids first.”

  I shamelessly let out a low whistle and squeeze his buns while he’s changing. He peers at me over his shoulder. “Don’t start something you don’t have time to finish.”

  With all his brothers right outside our door we don’t have the time or privacy. “Thanks for giving us yoga time this morning.”

  “No problem. Wrath figured sending the guys out for breakfast supplies would give you three enough space.”

  “Perfect timing. And Murphy was so sweet bringing over his belt for Heidi to use as a strap. They’re just the cutest.”

  “Cute.” He chuckles softly. “Yeah, they’re good together. I got a lotta respect for Heidi. She always has Murphy’s back. And she loves the club as much as any brother I’ve ever known.”

  Is that a hint that Rooster wants me more involved with the club? How would that work when I’m on the road so much? And when I’m not on the road, I live in Texas?

  Although, if I were going to pull up roots and move for anyone, it’d be Rooster. Not that he’s asked me to.

  I like being around his brothers. They’ve definitely made the tour a whole lot more fun. And I’ve loved hanging out with Trinity and Heidi. For once I feel like I have true girlfriends who aren’t waiting to stab me in the back.

  I’m not sure how to respond, so I shift the subject. “Poor Heidi was a lil’ weepy about missin’ her daughter and I felt so bad.”

  “Yeah, I bet.” He finishes lacing up his boots and glances at me. “You talk it out with her?”

  “A little. She seemed uncomfortable because she said I’m not a ‘kid person’ but that doesn’t mean I don’t wanna listen to a friend’s troubles, ya know?”

  “I’m sure that meant a lot to her.”

  “I hope so.” I bite my lip and glance at the door. “Can I tell you somethin’?” I whisper.

  “Always,” he whispers back with a teasing smile.

  “Talkin’ about it just reinforced me not wantin’ kids. I’d hate having to make those decisions.” I cock my head. “You think that makes me selfish?”

  “Nope. I think that makes you smart.” He stands and drops a kiss on my forehead. “Nothing wrong with a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.”

  “Who said I’m not scared?”

  “Are you?”

  “Every dang night when I go on stage. But I still love it.”

  “Good. Then keep on doing it until that changes. Then we’ll figure out where to go next.”

  We’ll figure out. Damn, I like how that sounds. I tilt my head, staring up at him. “Are you happy? Is this what you want?”

  His lips curve into a slow smile. “Riding the open road with my woman? Moving from place to place. A new adventure every day? Life doesn’t get any better than that.”

  Chapter Forty


  Life doesn’t get any better than that.

  Shoot, as soon as those words were out of my mouth, the weight of how right they felt settled into my bones.

  I gave Murphy some quick pointers about the truck. He assured me he’d be fine. We rolled my bike out of the back and loaded his in. Things took longer than I expected so we’re on the road later than I wanted but we’re moving at a good clip.

  Jigsaw’s on my left. Shelby’s at my back, arms squeezed tight around my middle. Every now and then I catch a few lyrics on the wind. Nothing I recognize, so she must be trying to work out new material.

  The thought forces a smile on my face. Shelby’s never hinted that s
he doesn’t like to ride but she never seems particularly enthusiastic either. I’d love if she got the same thrill and peace from it that I do.

  The highway’s smooth—there’s something to be said for roads that aren’t battered by ice and salt all winter long. We move as a seamless unit. In the rear view, I catch the truck every now and then. Murphy seems to be handling it fine. I keep my eye on Remy and Griff too. They’ve settled into riding with a pack quicker than I expected—keeping pace and not getting in anyone’s way.

  Shelby’s arms tighten around me.

  A few words in her sultry voice swirl around us. “Diamond in the dust…about to combust.” She grumbles and tries again. I can’t help laughing to myself. One day in the not-too-far future, I bet I’ll be listening to whatever she’s working out on the radio.

  As soon as we pull into the arena parking lot, Shelby hops off the bike, shaking herself out of her jacket. “Oh my Lord, I’m so hot!”

  “Are you about to combust?” I tease.

  Her jaw goes slack. Maybe I shouldn’t tease her about her lyrics.

  “You could hear me?”

  “Bits and pieces. Liked everything I heard.”

  If it’s possible, her cheeks turn even redder. I reach for her with one arm and turn the ignition off with my free hand.

  “Ugh, I’m all sweaty.”

  “I know. I like it.” I drag her in for a kiss. “Love having you back there.”

  Her stiff posture softens as she melts into me. “I like being there.” She kisses my cheek and leans in to whisper in my ear, “It’s hot the way you handle this big machine.”

  “Shelby!” Greg’s voice intrudes from somewhere behind us.

  She groans and squeezes her eyes shut.

  “Hold that thought.” I kiss her once more.

  “Thank God you’re here. I was starting to worry.” Greg grabs her by the shoulders and gives her a weird, stiff-armed hug. “You need a shower.”

  “No kiddin’?” Shelby drawls, clearly annoyed.

  “Sorry, sorry.” Greg holds up his hands. “Congratulations. I talked to Miranda earlier. Dawson got a nod too so at least there will be a familiar face there.”


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