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Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC Book 17)

Page 31

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “I’ll try like hell.” I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince.

  Truth is, I won’t be puttin’ down roots anytime soon. And what are the chances Rooster will be able to keep following me around the country?

  Chapter Forty-One


  “You’re up, Dawson!”

  The flickering firelight plays over Shelby’s face, gleaming off her glossy lips. We’re way out in the middle of nowhere on some guy’s ranch. Got the truck and RV parked a good distance from the fire. My brothers are busy carrying on with the roadies, band members, and the ladies who followed us out here. At the moment, I’m sitting next to Shelby nursing a beer and watching her shuffle her Tarot cards.

  “Ready?” she asks.

  “Hit me!” Dawson’s definitely knocked back a few bottles. I was a little surprised he agreed to a Tarot reading. Although it’s not as lengthy as other ones I’ve seen Shelby do. She’s pulling one card for what she called a “quick, focused” reading.

  “You have to pull the card.” Shelby cocks her head. “Try to have a clear question in mind when you do.”

  “That might be difficult,” I mutter loud enough that Dawson hears me and grins.

  “Thought bikers liked to party?” he shouts even though I’m less than three feet away from him.

  “I thought rock stars liked to party?” I counter, gesturing toward the groupies at the edge of our circle who keep flashing their tits at him.

  He makes a snort-chuff sound and waves his arm in the air. “Gettin’ too old for that.”

  “Wasn’t aware there’s a cut-off,” Wrath says.

  Dawson wags his finger about two feet from Wrath’s face. “You two aren’t over there, either.”

  Somehow Trinity makes sense of his word jumble. “We’re an old married couple.” Trinity giggles and rests her head against Wrath’s chest. “Come on, let’s see what card you pull.”

  Shelby shuffles the deck again before setting the cards between them face down. Biting the tip of his tongue, Dawson studies the cards with the intensity of a gambling addict choosing his lucky lottery numbers.

  Finally, he pulls a card and hands it to Shelby.

  I catch the quick downturn of her mouth when she scans the card. To me it just looks like a man lying face down with ten swords poking out of his back. Backstabber? Well, fuck. The universe sure has a nasty sense of humor. Must by why Shelby’s forehead’s crinkling with apprehension.

  “Well, how am I gonna die?” Dawson asks.

  Given the card, I wince at his question.

  “We’re not predicting your death,” Shelby says in a stern tone she doesn’t use often. “Gosh, that’s morbid.” She lays the card in front of him. “Ten of Swords. It’s a card of betrayal. Not death.”

  I swear Dawson’s eyes are about to bug out of his head. Hopefully, they don’t roll into the bonfire.

  “Well, shit, Shelby.” He whistles. “This is downright spooky. What’s it mean? Give me the full story.”

  “What was your question?”

  He flicks his gaze toward me and then Wrath briefly. “What should I work on next? That’s kinda what I had in mind.”

  “Kinda could have clouded the reading.” She gently runs the pad of her finger over the shiny surface of the card. “The man’s been betrayed by people close to him, causing him great emotional pain.”

  Well, this got uncomfortable fast.

  I dare to sneak a look at Wrath, praying he won’t crack a joke. Shelby’s livelihood for the next couple months depends on Dawson’s tour.

  Wrath’s face is stone-cold blank. I catch movement under their blanket. Trinity’s pretty focused on him. Maybe he’s not listening to our conversation at all and just trying not to come in his pants.

  “Like the picture suggests, he’s been stabbed in the back by people he trusted.”

  Gotta give it to the cards on this one. Having your girlfriend cheat on you with your best friend and then participating in the kidnapping of your opening act is about as close as a man can get to having ten knives shoved in his back without feeling the bite of an actual blade.

  “If that ain’t on the nose,” Dawson mutters.


  “No, go on.”

  “Career wise, it could mean working too hard or colleagues gossiping about you.”

  “No doubt about that.” He takes a long pull from his bottle of beer. “What else?”

  “Well.” Shelby studies the card and taps her finger against her chin. “You have to accept the situation in order to move forward. Things can only improve from this point, you know?” She taps the corner of the card. “See here, the sun is rising. A new day. New chance to start over. Ten is also connected to a new life cycle so a new beginning of sorts.”

  Dawson’s hanging on every word. I can’t tell if Shelby’s making stuff up on the fly to ease the sting of the card or that’s really what she sees. Either way, it’s entertaining as hell.

  “Thank you, Shelby.” Dawson grabs his beer bottle and moves closer to the fire.

  “My turn?” Trinity asks, crawling out of Wrath’s lap. She and Shelby stare at each other, then Dawson for a few seconds, then shrug at the same time.

  “Come on over.” Shelby pats the blanket in front of her and picks up her cards again. “Want to try a three-card reading?”

  “Whatever you’re in the mood for.”

  Shelby shuffles her deck slowly, careful not to let any cards escape. Finally, she lays them out and has Trinity pull three and leave them face down. One by one, Shelby turns them over. This time, she smiles as she studies the cards.

  “Is it good? That one looks a little scary.” Trinity taps the first one—a leaning towering inferno.

  “Past.” Shelby taps the card. “The Tower represents abandoning truths we’ve held for a long time. Discarding the old ways and taking on new beliefs.” Her gaze shifts briefly to Wrath. “Major changes in the foundation of a relationship.”

  Trinity wrinkles her nose and turns toward her husband. “Do we still technically count as newlyweds?”

  “Maybe.” He sits forward, showing more interest in the reading now.

  “The present.” Shelby moves to the next card. “Two of Cups.” Her lips curve into a serene smile. “This is nice. See how connected the two of them are? It’s about the power of two people coming together. Bonding.”

  “Aww.” Trinity reaches over and curls her fingers around Wrath’s hand.

  “Future.” Shelby holds up the last card. “The Sun. Moving toward something great, good fortune, happiness, and success.”

  “That definitely sounds good.”

  Shelby sets the sun card back down and studies all three again. “Looking at them as a whole, I’d say you’ve survived major changes that shifted your world view. More than once, maybe. You’ve found a loving partner, and will have a happy future together.”

  “She’s a genius.” Wrath nods at Shelby. For once, I don’t think he’s being sarcastic.

  “Phew.” Shelby rolls her shoulders. “I always get nervous reading cards for other people.” She flicks her gaze toward the brooding Dawson and lowers her voice. “Never know if you’re going to hit a nerve or piss ‘em off. Yours was a good one. A nice high note to close the readings.”

  “You’re not going to do mine?” I ask.

  “Nope. I already know what your future holds.”

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  She beams the widest smile I’ve seen all night. “Me.”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  It’s not often I roll into our national headquarters. I’ve certainly never been here without my local president. And while I met with Priest after getting voted in as VP in my charter, I haven’t been in his castle since then.

  I don’t want Shelby to worry about any of that stuff, so I keep my expression impassive and my movements easy as I take her hand and help her out of the truck.

  Hopefully Priest won�
�t razz my ass too bad for riding in on four wheels instead of two.

  Jiggy ambles over to us, rubbing his hands. “Ready, bro?”

  “Yeah, you?”

  Pants walks over and thumps Jiggy on the back hard enough to propel him forward. “Feels good to be here, right?”

  Jiggy shoots a glare at him over his shoulder. “Easy, ya fuckin’ beast.”

  Dex joins us, glancing over at the clubhouse every couple seconds like he’s dying to get this over with. “Your show, VP. Lead the way.”

  “Thanks a lot,” I grumble. Though, Dex has a point.

  Wrath probably has the most seniority out of all of us but the fucker only smirks at me when I suggest he go in first.

  Since it’s the middle of the day, no one’s guarding the door. I don’t doubt for a second whoever’s inside is already aware of our arrival. This place has more security than a damn diamond vault.

  “Phew. I’m melting.” Shelby pushes her damp hair off her forehead. “Mississippi heat is no joke.”

  “Texas heat is pretty rough,” Jigsaw says.

  “Ain’t no heat like Mississippi heat,” Pants adds.

  “Great. Thanks for the weather update, everyone.” Dex peers down at Shelby. “Not you, sweetheart.”

  As we reach the door, it swings open. A prospect hurries to step out of our way. I motion for Shelby to go ahead and follow her.

  The dark, cool air of the clubhouse is a welcome relief from the outside heat.

  “I’ll go grab the prez,” the prospect squeaks out before running away.

  “Welcome!” Priest’s booming voice greets, approaching from across the room. He stops to shake hands and share a few words with Dex first. Knowing Priest, he’ll get to me last.

  “Dang,” Shelby whispers. “I never knew there were so many silver fox bikers. Or is that a Lost Kings thing?”

  I squint down at her. “He’s probably old enough to be your grandfather.”

  “Prime age for my momma, though.” She grins up at me and squeezes my hand. “I’ve got all I can handle right here.”

  “He has an old lady he’s pretty fond of.” I return her smile. “Hopefully, you’ll meet her.”

  She narrows her eyes. “Is she like Tawny or more like Hope and Lilly?”

  Wise question. “She’s nothing like Tawny.” Valentina’s in a category of her own, really.

  “Rooster.” Priest stops in front of us and squeezes my shoulders. He looks me over like a proud papa bear. “One of my youngest VPs. Glad to see you outside of National.”

  Well, shit. Is that a hint he thinks I should visit more often? No offense to Priest, but Mississippi isn’t real high on my list of vacation spots.

  Best keep that thought to myself.

  He pulls me in, slapping my back a few more times. “Make yourself at home while you’re here.”

  “Thank you, Prez.”

  His gaze lands on Shelby and tension runs through her body. She squeezes my hand tight and lifts her chin.

  “Priest, this is my old lady, Shelby. Shelby, this is our national president.”

  “Welcome to Mississippi.” Priest nods at her but doesn’t offer to shake her hand. He’s never been in the habit of touching other brother’s old ladies that I can remember.

  Valentina glides through the room offering hellos to the guys. Everyone—even Jigsaw—is on their best behavior. She finally stops, brushing against Priest’s side.

  “Shelby, I’m so happy you’re here. Welcome.” She holds out her arms and bundles Shelby up in an inviting hug. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

  Not sure if she’s a country music fan or she just wants the opportunity to vet another Lost Kings old lady. Either way, I appreciate how welcoming she is to Shelby.

  “Thank you for having me, ma’am.” Shelby’s Texan twang spills out thicker than usual, as I notice happens when she’s nervous. My fingers twitch with the need to touch and reassure her but Priest might see that as a sign Shelby’s weak, and Valentina could take it as an insult. Shelby’s made of tough stuff. She’ll be fine.

  “Come.” Valentina wraps an arm around Shelby’s shoulders. “Let’s get you a drink and I’ll show you around.”

  “That would be lovely. Thank you.” Shelby peers at me over her shoulder once. Her lips wobble into a smile that doesn’t reassure me all that much. On their way to the kitchen, Valentina collects Trinity under her other arm. At least Shelby won’t be on her own.

  “She’ll be fine here,” Priest says, his shrewd eyes studying me intently. “That was some nasty business in Virginia.”

  At least he doesn’t waste time. Must’ve heard all about it. Whether Ice gave him the heads-up or someone else is hard to tell, and I don’t dare disrespect our national president by asking.

  “It was.”

  He curls an arm around my shoulders and steers me toward the club’s chapel. From the corner of my eye, I catch Jiggy giving me a farewell salute. God, I’d love to flip him off.

  The mother charter’s chapel is a lot fancier than ours. Brand new, shiny furniture. Sparkling hardwood floors. Leather couch and chairs. Nice to see Priest putting all that money we kick up to good use. He heads straight for a small wet bar, pouring two glasses of whiskey neat.

  Priest hands me one of the glasses and before I can even take a sip, he levels his stern gaze on me. “Dating someone in the public eye. Must be difficult.”

  Somehow I don’t think he’s all that concerned about my dating problems. “I’m doing as much as I can to not bring unwanted attention to the organization.”

  You know, if we just forget that whole magazine cover thing. For the thousandth time, I thank fuck they didn’t name my club.

  His jaw shifts and his unrelenting stare doesn’t ease up. “You’ve never been a showy, braggart type, Rooster.”

  “No,” I answer carefully, not sure where he’s going with that statement.

  “Good. You have a lot of potential. Z made a good call giving you that VP patch.”

  Why do I feel like a third-grader about to receive a report card?

  “You’re smart enough to know the difference between causing a problem by throwing your weight around,” He leans in and taps my Lost Kings MC patch, “and quietly letting the world know there are consequences to fucking with what’s yours.”

  I take that to mean he wouldn’t be upset if I publicly gutted Suggs. Good to know. “Yes, sir.”

  “Ice speaks highly of you as well.” He takes a slow sip of his whiskey.

  I don’t dare blink. Just keep holding his stare. “That’s good to hear. I feel like I imposed on him an awful lot while we were there.”

  “You’re never a burden on your brothers, Rooster.” He holds his arms open wide. “That’s the whole point. We are our brother’s keeper.”

  Ah, Priest’s favorite saying. I was wondering how long it would take him to bust that out. My radar’s pinging like crazy. He’s up to something. “I know.” I shrug. “Like you said, I prefer to help my brothers quietly.”

  “How did you find the hospitality in Virginia?”

  What the fuck’s he looking for? A status report about the clubhouse? The porn business? Ice’s FBI connections? All of that and more?

  “Above and beyond. Ice’s FBI friend helped smooth over some rough patches when we needed it.”

  “Good to hear Jackson’s earning his keep. He’s an expensive little pet.” For a brief second, Priest drops the kindly dad mask and the ruthless biker who’s been the national president as long as I can remember grins at me.

  Trying to navigate through a conversation with Priest is draining as fuck. Every word out of his mouth can be taken several ways.

  He sighs. “More porn, huh? That’s Ice’s big plan? Skin flicks will be our entire reputation.”

  I mean, it’s not as if any outlaw motorcycle club will ever have a sterling rep, so I don’t get why he’s so bothered by the porn. “It’s profitable. Legal. Ice has a clever set-up. His girl s
eems smart and loyal.”

  He raises an eyebrow, but one corner of his mouth twists, as if he’s disappointed in me.

  “Not like that, Prez. I was only assisting with the technical side.” I nod toward the clubhouse. “Got all I can handle with my girl.”

  “Yes, but what’s his relationship like with this ‘star’ who we’re putting so much money behind?”

  Ah, that makes more sense.

  “We didn’t really have time to sit around and chat about our hopes and dreams for the future, Prez.” I’m not trying to be disrespectful. More like, if I sound too eager to chat about brothers and their personal business, it doesn’t look good. Priest may be angling for me to act as his spy but he won’t respect me if I give up the dirt too easily. It’s a razor-thin edge I’m walking.

  He cocks his head and stares, waiting for more information.

  “Shelby hung out with her a little bit.”

  “Really?” I get his disbelief. Old ladies aren’t usually fond of spending time with unattached women associated with the club.

  “Yeah, they got along well. From everything I saw, she’s respectful to the old ladies. Doesn’t start drama.” Priest seems to want some sort of reassurance. “I don’t exactly know what their personal relationship is, but I got the impression they have history. Shelby kinda confirmed that. Ice was friends with her dad or something.”

  A flash of recognition seems to cross his face. He nods slowly. “I think I know who you’re talking about now.”

  Great, because I’d really love to stop squealing on my brothers now.

  “Every club’s certainly free to earn how they want as long as it’s not bringing us all down. Like you said, it’s legal.” He shrugs. “Your operation in New York is still profitable as well, right?”

  “It’s not my operation, Priest. But yes. Things are running smoothly and as expected.”

  “And you trust this gal?”

  “I don’t trust anyone but from what I saw, she’s extremely loyal to Ice and the club.” That’s the last thing I want to say about Ice and his personal life.


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