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Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

Page 4

by Burns, Rachel

  He arched his back and pushed his pelvis forward. His penis pushed its way into me. I cried and whimpered at the pain it caused me. He kissed my face several times and he was saying something to me too as he continued to push slowly inwards. My body wasn't made to take someone his size but he didn't stop pressing forward so my body had to stretch to accommodate him. I held onto his shoulders waiting for the moment to pass, like they say in the books that you read that you would never admit to reading. I concentrated on breathing slowly. It still hurt but it was manageable in the meantime.

  He had his eyes closed and he looked like he really enjoyed this. He pressed inward until our bodies meet. We were together, entirely. His body pinned mine to the bed. I couldn't get away from him. I didn't want to anymore. He laid his hand to the side of my head just like his other hand. He had me surrounded and circled in. His complete attention was on me.

  He looked down at my tear-streaked face. He rounded his back and slowly started to remove himself.

  That was it? I had expected more. Wasn't the joke that men should be able to do it longer?

  But then before he had completely removed it he drove it back in with more force than before.

  I gasped in pain and in surprise. I still needed a moment to get used to him. I needed to catch my breath. Okay, I hadn't expected that.

  He proceeded in this way, pretending to pull it out and then pushing it back into me very painfully. He did this the same way he had with his finger, always picking up speed. Suddenly it felt so amazing. I didn't want him to stop.

  His breathing quickened with the speed of his thrusts. He went faster and faster as I watched him. He kept his eyes closed as he worked over me. I laid perfectly still, not knowing what I should be doing. He arched his back an odd way, thrusting deep inside of me. He had stopped moving. Then he moved as if he was doing mini thrusts. I felt like he was pumping something into me.

  He was, his sperm was inside of me. I could be pregnant right now from the beater man. My opinion of him was very low as reality returned. I didn't know this guy and I didn't like everything I seen about him. And I hadn't been finished.

  He laid down next to me, still inside of me. He whispered many things in my ear that I couldn't understand. I laid there saying nothing, doing nothing and debating what I could do. I could fuss and holler, telling him that I hadn't wanted to sleep with him but then again I had.

  Besides fussing would probably earn me another spanking. I could lean into to him and cry and maybe he would hug me again we could mourn the loss of my virginity together or I could just continue to lay here quietly.

  I had always pictured my first time to be on my wedding night. My husband would have carried me into the bedroom smiling at me like I was the world's greatest treasure and not yanking me by my hand aggressively behind him.

  My husband would have undressed me and felt lucky to have me as his wife, for forever. Not the painful spanking before where I had come very close to passing out.

  My husband would have very carefully made love to me.

  The sadness within my heart couldn't be contained anymore. Was I crying because of what he did or because I had behaved to wantonly?

  My rescuer was back to hushing me. Petting my face with the inside of his hand, gentle fingertips glided along my cheekbone. Whatever he did to try to shut me up, made me cry all the more. Finally he pulled himself out of me and I rolled away from him. He had a nice view of my back and my beaten behind.

  I shook as the pain of heartbreak rocked through my body. I wished I had given my virginity away on my first date, instead of saving it for him to take. He laid his hand on my shoulder and continued petting me. That is all I probably was to him, a pet. And like, with most children who get a new pet, he would quickly lose interest in me. He laid an arm around me and he eventually fell asleep.

  When he was sound asleep I wiggled out from under him. I tipped toed over to the bathroom door. I stood in front of it, needing to go in. “Please,” I whispered.

  He spoke and I jumped. He had rolled onto his back. His thing was … now relaxed. I looked away quickly. The bathroom doors had opened. “Thank you,” I mumbled as I went in. He was right behind me again. I pretended he wasn't watching as I went over to the toilet to do what I had to.

  I felt like he was one of those dog owners who watch their dog very closely while it goes and then reports back home what the dog had accomplished on his walk. You get that I was the dog in this scenario, right?

  He was doing something on the opposite wall. I saw him pushing a couple of buttons and the wall opened up revealing one of those moving water bathtubs. He said what you had to, to flush the toilet. I enjoyed the cleaning it was giving me on my sore parts. If I could have flushed it five or six more times than maybe I could have actually felt clean. He held out his hand for me to come forward.

  I went to him, doing as I was told. He had showed me a new punishment to get me to obey him. He lifted me up into the tub. It was up high like a sink would be. He jumped in behind me, grabbed a funny sponge thing again, this one was yellow and orange, and went right to work on cleaning me up.

  I tried to make myself tiny. I pulled my knees into my chest squishing my breasts and hiding them from him too. I moved the far corner where the water was disappearing to. I just wasn't sure what was going on or how I felt about what had happened.

  He grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. He washed me leisurely and I had to admit very gently. I was so embarrassed but laying on him this way had become so familiar that I cuddled into him and just tried to ignore what he was doing.

  When he was finished he handed me the sponge. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to be treated in kind. I thought about pretending not to understand him but then I choose the option of just getting it over with. I quickly washed him, especially his thing. His lips curled up and I could tell that that had amused him.

  He turned giving me his back. He laid stretched out in front of me. This position gave me the idea of seeking revenge. I could easily smack his backside instead of cleaning it. I stared at it debating. How would he react? Would he laugh at my futile attempts or would he punish me again. I couldn't take a fourth spanking today.

  I started washing him quickly even gently where I had scratched him. I noticed that he was watching me. He probably had been the entire time. I was glad that I hadn't pulled anything.

  I was finished so I backed away from him. He rolled over and stood up faster than a man his size should be able to do. The water rolled off him. He looked so large and impressive. He jumped out of the tub without hitting his head on the ceiling. That kind of impressed me too. He turned to me and reached his arms out. Was I supposed to jump into his arms?

  He reached in and plucked me out. There was nowhere where I could hide from him. He set me down on the floor. He didn't let go but just stared in my eyes, as usual. I wondered what they were doing in this moment, as he watched them. Were they more green or more brown? Or were they changing right in front of his eyes.

  The water ran off of me too. It dripped to the floor but it didn't puddle at my feet, like I expected it would. I looked down, trying to understand what was going on. It seemed absorb into the floor. I watched it happen. I had never heard of anything like that either. First inklings that things weren't on the up and up here started in again. Like he wasn't human and this was actually a spaceship.

  I laughed at myself. That would mean that I had just slept with an alien. That was such stupid nonsense that I had to laugh again.

  He liked that I was laughing. He smiled along not knowing what I was thinking about him. If he knew, I would be over his knees so fast that it would make my head spin.

  Why was I accepting the spankings that he had given me? Well after the fact, I was accepting them.

  I was all dry. How did that happen? He left the room. I was in here all alone. I didn't have anything to do in here. I needed to brush my hair. I had a hairbrush in my backpack. I went out to retrieve it. His eyes
were on me the second I appeared at the door. I went into the living room and picked up my bag. My brush was still in one of the side pockets. I took it back into the bathroom and started brushing my hair. He stood in the door watching me. He was looking at me like the idea of brushing hair was new and amazing. I remembered him doing that with his fingers before while he tried to find something for me to drink. It felt like a warm and cherish memory but it had happened today. I wished I had a moment to myself to sort out my feeling.

  He came to stand behind me and took my brush. I hung my head. He was going to break it like he did with my pencil.

  I felt the brush in my hair. He was brushing it for me. I looked in the mirror and saw him. He looked very happy. He was holding my hair and brushing through it. My hair had been the longest of all the women today. Shorter hair was in nowadays. Especially in the heat. I was an oddball that way. Out of all the women today I was the one that looked the most womanly.

  He was brushing my hair the wrong way. It hurt would be all snarly later.

  “No,” I said as I reached up and guided his hand. “From top to bottom.”

  I looked at us in the mirror. It was a very intimate picture that we presented. One would think of a husband and wife. He smiled and worked on my hair much longer than I would have. I stopped once it was go through and he didn't. My hair was feeling especially silky. It had ever since the radiant red beam went through it.

  He was just thrilled to be with me. Again I was back to my pet idea. He was grooming me. I should probably be happy that he didn't give me a flee and tick collar. He gave me the brush back. I wasn't sure where to put it. He didn't have anything laying out, no knick-knacks. I laid it down on the countertop and looked at him for permission.

  He smiled and nodded. I smiled back. I was so stupid. I should be fighting him tooth and nail and not laying back like a dog so you can scratch their tummy. Oh, I had actually tried both of those things.

  He took me by the hand again and pulled me out of the bathroom. I stopped to watch the bathroom door close. It looked like a flower closing its petals for the evening because the sun was gone.

  He smiled at me doing that but it was just so different and pretty. He pulled me out of the door. I was still a little sore down there and walking wasn't that easy or comfortable for me. I tried to slow him down but he was walking like a man on a mission. I wished my hand would get sweaty so I could pull it out. “You're hurting me,” I said as I pulled away from him.

  He stopped and looked at me. I placed my hand over my womb and hoped that he would understand. “Ouch.”

  His hand went there too and pushed mine away. He rubbed a little. It didn't bother him in the least that people were passing by us, looking. I turned red. He picked me up again. He seemed to like carrying me around like that. I was glad that he was so strong. This way I didn't have to worry about my weight being too much for him even though I wasn't thin. I had the typical hour glass figure. He carried me into the room where we had been earlier so I could drink water.

  I recognized a few of the others. They were the women from before with the men who had chosen them. My rescuer moved past everyone with me still in his arms. It was a little embarrassing, knowing that my flaming red bottom was sticking out from under his arms. He sat down in the same spot as before, in the middle of the U. When you walked into the door you were opposite of him. After he sat down and adjusted me on his lap the way he wanted me. The others all sat down. Okay, there was obviously some form of hierarchy at work here. All the men had their women on their laps. I noticed a few had red behinds like mine when I came in. A few men didn't have a woman on their lap. Somehow I felt sorry for them.

  I gave myself another mental shake. There was a name for what I was feeling. I was a classic case even. I was suffering from Stockholm syndrome. By definition it was when your capturer gives you simple things that he could just as well withhold and you get appreciative. Like water and hair brushes. Here I was, sitting on his lap and not trying to run away and after being beaten up from him all day. That couldn't be normal or healthy.

  Some of the women were talking amongst themselves. One was telling how she had been beaten and tricked into having sex with her man. All the women listened to her. They all nodded along having experienced something very similar. They talked of being brainwashed and about escape. I listened and took in everything. Then everyone started in talking and making plans.

  “I think we are on a ship. The walls are all concave. I have a steady boat feeling. If we escape we have to reckon with water. That would explain the moving water in the bathtubs,” I said.

  The women all looked shocked about something. It took me a second to realize that they were looking behind me. I turned and looked too. He looked madder than when I had bitten his tongue.

  “Oh no, not again.” My shoulders slumped.

  He wasted no time turning me over his knee and starting in. Again I tried to be as quiet as possible but he spanked even harder when I was quiet. I cried until it could only be called bawling. I gave up. This time it only took about two minutes to get to that point. I laid over his knees totally defeated. He gave me a couple more spanks after that but that generally seemed to be his quitting signal. I had to keep that in mind for the next time, which would probably still be today. Just thinking that sent a new wave of tears through me.

  He turned me on his lap so I was looking at him. He still looked so mad. First he pointed to the others and then to me. He laid a finger on his lips and shook his head. He was trying to tell me that I wasn't allowed to talk to the others.

  I was so shocked by that. I hadn't expected it. All the others were allowed to talk to each other but me. That hurt. Why was he being so cruel? He pointed to me and then to his lips again while he shook his head. He wanted to know if I had understood him. I took a loud gulp of air and nodded. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed unto his chest.

  He wrapped an arm around me, then he started talking to the man sitting next to him as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He sat there happy and I sat with my crimson bottom facing out to the crowd for all to see. I sobbed even more, feeling sorry for myself.

  The food was being served behind me. I guessed the meal had had to wait until after my spanking. He picked up a bowl of food and offered it to me. I turned away from him. I wasn't hungry anymore and didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

  He gave me a sharp smack on my bottom that sent my hands to my backside. My breasts pressed forward when I did that. That made him smile and me cry again. He held the bowl up to my nose. I didn't smell it. Instead I shook my head again. He exchanged the bowls for the next one. I turned to the table and circled my hand over all the bowls and shook my head no. I couldn't eat after being spanked like that. Even if I had already stopped crying. I was already getting used to it. I had only cried for a couple of minutes. That sadden me all the more. I hung my head.

  He lifted my head, pointed to me again and then back to the food. He shook his head and pointed to himself. Then he raised his opened hand up high, like he did when he spanked me.

  My eyes widened in disbelief. “Damned if you do and damned if you don't.” My hand flew to my mouth. I had spoken aloud. I cowered on his lap waiting for the first blow. His hand had still been raised when I was dumb enough to say something.

  Nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes and peeked at him. He was watching me and his hand was on his other knee. He didn't look like he was going to attack me. He moved me so I was sitting sideways over his lap with my bottom on both of his knees. Once I was all settled he picked up the first bowl. He stuck his finger in it and held it up to my mouth. I smelt it. It smelled good like fruit. I nodded.

  His finger moved closer to my mouth. He tapped my lips. I looked at him confused. He opened his own mouth and stuck his finger in and sucked it clean. He dipped his finger back into the fruity cream and held it to my mouth. I opened my mouth and he put his finger in it. I sucked it clean.

nbsp; He said something and nodded at the group. They started eating.

  My rescuer was definitely the leader of this group. I could see half of the room in this position. The other men were trying to feed their women the same way. This was normal to them. They all ate with their fingers. My rescuer had his finger ready, full of food, waiting for me to take again. I did and he smiled. I was still too sad to smile back. I looked at the others. One woman stuck her finger into one of the creams and fed herself. Her man flipped her over his knees and spanked her. Is that what I had looked like over his knees? It looked worse than I thought. Like a little girl be punished by her very angry father.

  She kicked and screamed. Her bottom had been white before he started. This was her first one. My heart went out to her. I tried to look away again but he held my face in her direction. I closed my eyes and tears flowed out. His hand moved to my bottom and pinched it hard.

  My eyes flew open and I bounced on his lap, much to his enjoyment. I had to watch the poor woman scream and cry as she kicked and pounded him with her fists. All the while she begged him to stop and that she would never do it again, that she didn't know better. I cried along with her. My rescuer wiped the tears from my eyes. He tasted it and looked very surprised by the salty taste. He turned my head back to the spanking in front of us. The woman was at the giving up phase. She sobbed so heartbreakingly as she laid void of life over his lap. He was still spanking her but he had slowed down. His hand landed on her bottom and her body bounced with the blow. She wasn't moving her body, the impact was. He finished and pulled her to his chest. He let her cry on his shoulder. Her bottom was facing into the room like mine had just been. Is that what I looked like from behind? Was my bottom also filled with his hand prints?

  His finger was by my mouth again. I ate the way he had taught me. All the women did. We were all afraid. Any one of us could make a mistake that would inadvertently earn us one of those brutal spankings.

  My rescuer continued to talk with the men left and right of him. He simultaneously fed me without paying that much attention to me. We both ate from his finger. That would have normally disgusted me but this constant contact between us made him seem so familiar to me.


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