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Possessive Valentine (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 95)

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  “Just like you. See, we really were meant for one another.”

  “So just like I’m yours, you truly are mine.”

  “Yours and only yours. You may have been waiting for me to claim you all this time, and you knew that, but I was also waiting for you to claim me, and I wasn’t aware until just yesterday.”

  “But once you knew…”

  “I knew immediately, and forever.”



  The next day

  I smell her before I even see her.

  I don’t even hear the door open to our offices, but that unmistakable scent permeates the room and all it takes is one whiff to know that it’s not the onshore breeze from the ocean that’s about to greet me first thing this morning.

  “You’re early,” I say looking up from my desk, and seconds later she steps into view. “And right on time.” My eyes trail up and down her body. She’s dressed similarly to how she was yesterday, mostly just a change of color, but what a change it is.

  Her pencil skirt, or whatever women call it, hugs her curves just a bit tighter than yesterday and instead of a dark shade it’s ruby red, which matches her lipstick.

  The skirt might be a pencil type, but damn how I want to erase it immediately, take her in my mouth as my body screams for the real breakfast of champions that I and only I will ever taste.

  “No Bamber today?”

  “I told her she could take the day off.”

  “And she didn’t object?”

  “She didn’t have a choice because I wanted the office just to the two of us today.”

  “To train me?”

  “Oh, we’ve got some training alright, and it starts right now.”

  I slide open my desk drawer and move forward toward her, stopping just short before I lean in and kiss her good morning.

  My dick steels immediately and I want to fist her hair, pull her head back and devour her again.

  But I can’t.

  We need to get things sorted today before more of the staff that works remotely comes in tomorrow to prep for the Love is Lame party, a theme which suddenly makes no sense whatsoever in my life.

  “What’s this?” She lightly tosses the box up in the air a few times, catching it in her palms before shaking it close to her ear.

  “That, is part of the company training package, and only a kind of training for you to receive.”

  She looks up at me with a suspicious eye before smirking as she carefully removes the wrapping paper without moving her gaze from mine.

  Once the paper is off, she removes the lid and the entire room goes silent as she stares down at what’s inside the box.

  “This is…unexpected.”

  “But welcome I hope.”


  God, how I want to rip that red skirt off and shove my cock deep inside her equally red and swollen cherry. I know she wants it too. I can see by the way she’s looking at my gift.

  She’s nervous. I see her pulse visibly thumping right below her ear. Damn, how I want to run my tongue right over the top of it, bite her neck like a fucking vampire and make us eternal forever.

  The thoughts that are rushing through my mind are crazy as hell, yet make complete sense at the same time.

  Maybe I’ve just been thinking about this party too much, but the truth is I’ve been thinking about her too much, not that that is possible.

  There’s nothing or no one else I’d rather have on my mind, and she’s smack dab on the front of it constantly…right where she belongs.

  She clears her throat, her eyes finding the floor next to her and I watch her cheeks redden to the point that they almost match her skirt.

  “Are you embarrassed?”


  “Good, I thought we got through that yesterday.”

  “We did.”

  “Then tell me what you want, Valentina. Just tell me and it’s yours.”

  She inhales hard, holds it for a long count, and then exhales even harder, her eyes rising to meet mine.

  “I want to put this on, take everything else off, and this time climb up on your desk while you eat me for breakfast.”

  I feel my gaze narrow and watch as her pupils dilate. I feel my arm shaking and need rip through me in response to her words. I already wanted her like a motherfucker since I woke up this morning with an erection so hard I couldn’t sleep anywhere but on my back, and even that didn’t work.

  And that need didn’t start this morning, it’s been ongoing since yesterday, my mind thinking of nothing but her.

  But to hear her say those words? Damn.

  And she doesn’t have to say them twice.

  I take a step forward and wrap my arms around her, grabbing her ass just before I kiss her hard and carry her frantically over to my desk as her mouth fucks mine.



  I fiddle with the collar that he gave me, trying to fasten it around my neck as his tongue swirls inside my mouth.

  The moment I saw the fresh inscription on the inside of the leather that read Valentino’s Property - Valentine’s Day and Forever, every possessive and submissive thought of my own shot through my body.

  Putting the collar on means I accept the words inscribed on the inside of it...I’m his. But somewhat counterintuitively it also means he’s mine, because it will serve as a constant visual reminder that he can’t live without me, that he needs me more than anything...that he’s mine.

  Either way it doesn’t matter right now.

  I get it fastened just as he unzips my skirt up the side and flings it off like a matador in the ring.

  My ass feels the cool top of his desk as his hand grabs hold of my panties and he yanks them down mid-thigh.

  I straighten my legs, allowing him to pull them off, avoiding my heels, which I manage to place right on top of his desk as I spread my knees as wide as they’ll go.

  “Fuck, I could smell you the minute you walked through the door,” he growls into me.

  “What did I smell like?” I gasp. “Tell me,” I demand as my hands fall back, finding the desk before my head falls back as well.

  My hair hangs down, the tips brushing the top of his desk as his stubble brushes across the inside of my legs as he licks up my slit, my ass tightening and my hips pushing forward as I will my bud into his warm mouth.

  “Mine. You smelled like mine,” he possessively moans into my middle as he licks me like a fucking lollipop, or more like he’s dying to get to the center of a sucker.

  He takes my bud in his mouth as he eats me like a starving man, grinding his face into my warm depths.

  His tongue continues to work my clit as he slides two fingers inside me, taking my breath away.

  Slowly he removes his fingers from me and I slide my ass forward, pissed that we’re not connected in all possible ways.

  I can hear his breathing fill the room as his hand grabs the side of my thigh, jerking my ass off the table.

  He moves my knees above his shoulders in his kneeling position. The heels of my feet spasm forward and back, hitting him in the back as he cups my ass, licking my hole just before I feel the two fingers he had inside my pussy pressing at the entrance of my asshole.

  Quickly he breaches my ass and my eyes bulge open at the sensation. I feel his digits work past the small ring of muscles inside my ass as he moves them around, opening me up.

  My forearms start shaking uncontrollably as I do everything in my power to keep them flexed so my elbows don’t buckle sending my upper body collapsing down onto the desk.

  Now I know why he gave me this collar, because I’ve completely surrendered to him. He owns my body in every way and I feel like I’m on fucking fire.

  “Valentino!” I moan, knowing I’m close, but my plea goes unanswered.

  He continues doing exactly what he’s doing, thankfully not succumbing to my cries as his pace, touch, and pressure continue just as they are, which allows my body
to relax into what it wants most…

  …And just like that I feel a wave wash over me and my abs tighten just before I dump buckets of cream all over his face, which he licks up like a starving beast.

  I feel my juices slide down my crack and find the desk, but I don’t even care…and neither does he.

  He continues taking me to a place inside myself that I couldn’t have even dreamed of, and I continue climaxing wildly until I’m completely spent.

  My entire upper body heaves as I try to get oxygen, any kind of air, into my body before I pass out.

  Through nearly closed eyes I look between my legs and watch as his mouth comes off me and feel his fingers slide out of my ass, just before he looks up at me with a smirk of satisfaction.

  “That’s just the beginning of how you’re mine…including every last drop.”



  That afternoon

  “Paddle! Paddle! Paddle!” Valentino yells as I move my arms through the cold water as fast as I can.

  I feel the back of my board rise, and my feet with it, as he pushes me into the wave.

  Come on, Valentina. You can do this.

  I grab the rails of the board and steady myself as I pull my knees up to my chest. Thankfully Valentino insisted on a wide, thick board, which gives me more time to steady myself in this position as the wave continues to propel me forward.

  “Hurry! Stand up!” I hear his voice booming off the top of the water despite the fact that the wave is pushing me away from him fast. I’m not sure if I can make it, and feeling I’ve missed my chance on this one I prepare to lie back down on my stomach and try for the next one. “You can do it!” he yells and his words give me a second wind.

  Dammit! I can do it.

  I steady my feet and slowly straighten my legs. I wobble like crazy, my knees knocking as I slowly stand on the board. My back’s not totally straight but it’s close enough.

  I look to the side and then straight ahead at the beach fifty yards in front of me.

  I did it! I’m surfing! I’m a surfer!

  A huge smile covers my face just before the wave completely engulfs me from behind, sending me spinning underneath the water like I’m in a washing machine, but I couldn’t care less.

  I feel relaxed and confident, thanks to his words, and just like he told me before we paddled out, the wave washes over me and then it’s gone.

  I calmly find my board and maneuver my body on top of it again, wiggling it into place, just as another wave bops me on the head.

  I can’t stop laughing at my clumsiness, and I don’t care. I’m having the time of my life and I just caught my first ever wave, which Valentino pushed me into.

  A second later, after that second wave is gone, I manage to get the board turned back around and I start to paddle out, but I don’t see Valentino out where he was.

  I stop paddling, but my board keeps moving. What the…

  I turn around and he’s holding onto the back of my eleven footer’, acting as a human propulsion device, or motor, or whatever the heck he is.

  And what he is, is everything.

  The way he makes me feel inside when he’s making my fantasies come true in the boardroom or on a board in the green room, as surfers call being the inside of a barrel, are equally the same.

  Okay, technically we didn’t get busy in the boardroom, but the boss’s desk is even better…and I’ve still got a long way to go before I find myself in the green room of a wave.

  But with him by my side I know anything, and I mean anything, is possible.

  “Cold?” he asks.

  “I feel great,” which is hard to believe. The water temperate is pretty cold, but Valentino picked up a three-millimeter wetsuit for me, and all the moving around in the water is keeping me warm.

  And when he swims around to the side of the board and then the front, kissing me as I lean over towards him, I feel real heat surge through me…just before I fall off the board, my “punishment” for leaning too far, as I fall into his arms.

  Our bodies tangle as we sink in the sea. Realistically it’s maybe seven or eight feet deep at this part of La Jolla Shores in San Diego, but figuratively, when it comes to him he’s already taken me way out past the area where I can swim by myself. I’m in over my head, but I’m not scared at all.

  With him by my side I feel like I can conquer anything, on land, air or sea. It sounds like some military recruiting slogan and it kind of makes sense.

  The two of us are a team. We’ll fight for each other. We’ll die for each other. And we’ll love each other with the respect and admiration that would literally lead us to give our lives for one another.

  But as crazy as it sounds the only life I’m thinking about right now is ours…together.

  And call me crazy, but I think there might already be one growing inside me.

  Valentino kicks hard and we breach the surface, our lips locked as we share a kiss at sunset in the Pacific.

  Midweek in the month of February. There’s almost nobody out, and the few people that were got a mean mug from Valentino when we arrived, and they paddled off somewhere else leaving us to ourselves.

  “Ready for some fish tacos?” he asks, as he helps me back onto the board.

  “One more?”

  “Now that you caught one you’re hooked, aren’t you?”

  “Surfing is great and I am hooked, but what I’m really hooked on is the rush I get from being with you.”

  “Just like the rush I get from being with you,” he says as he manages to crawl up onto the board with me, his big body on top of mine.

  “I’m going to sink us,” he says.

  “You already did.”


  “I’m drowning in these feelings your giving me.” My vulnerability is on full display as I bare my soul for him.

  “How about one more,” he says as he maneuvers me to one side of the board and him to the other. He stares into my eyes and I stare into his. The beads of water on his face look so perfect, so natural, just like the two of us out here acting like complete fools…together.

  His arm reaches over the top of me and he carefully pulls our body together as our lips meet.

  “Whoa!” I say. “Oh my, god! Oh my, god! What was that?” I freak out on the board feeling a bump from underneath.

  “Shhh. It’s normal. Watch. Probably right about…over…there,” he says pointing a few feet away from the board and suddenly a couple of dolphins come shooting out of the water.

  “Oh my god. Amazing!”

  “You’re amazing.”

  He kisses me again, but I’m still a bit nervous.

  “Are there sharks out here?”

  “No, we’re good. Just dolphins and they want to play, scoop up minnows, and maybe do one other thing.”

  “What one other thing? Eat surfers?”

  “Well, you are a surfer now, but no. It’s sunset so maybe they’re thinking of the same thing I’m thinking of. We are both mammals, right?”

  “You mean?”


  “You’re crazy!” I say, slapping him.

  “What can I say? I can’t get enough of you.”

  With one arm he tries to lean back and kind of paddle us in, but it’s totally not working. We both laugh.

  “Incoming!” he says.

  I turn and see a big wave coming right at us. It’s big because we’re lying down, but I know it’s literally two or three feet tops, nothing to worry about.

  The wave crests and right before it hits us, Valentino cuddles me into him, placing his body in the position to take impact.

  Suddenly we’re back underwater again, but as always I feel safe, and a second later we’re up and holding onto the board again.

  The dolphins reappear next to us and wow, are they ever bigger than I expected.

  But I don’t feel scared. They’re playful, just like Valentino was this afternoon after he suggested we come out he
re and enjoy the day after he showed me what I’d be doing at the office…after our steamy session on his desk.

  To say the day has been perfect would be an understatement, and tonight I know I’ll be underneath him…and above him, riding him, pinned against the wall, and probably hanging from the ceiling knowing his insatiable appetite for me.


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