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Page 4

by A. K. DuBoff

  “Yes, her care is our top priority.” Without another word, Kaen departed.

  Sandren slumped in his desk chair and took a moment to gather his thoughts before heading to the infirmary.

  When he arrived in the medical center, Sandren headed for the quarantine rooms in the back, where he had been informed Kira was being held. His chest constricted when he saw her strapped to the medical bed like a criminal. “Kira…” He stepped up to the window.

  “Hey, Major. I don’t think I’m about to rip your face off if you want to come in to talk,” she greeted.

  Sandren entered through the containment tunnel and approached her bed. “Why did they strap you down like this?”

  “I changed earlier and then blacked out in some sort of seizure. This is as much for me as it is to make sure I don’t hurt anyone.” She stared down at her feet. “I like to think I’ll be able to hold onto myself, but I’m not sure I can.”

  “We’re all here to help you,” Sandren tried to assure her, but he really had no idea what he could do aside from offer moral support.

  “I wanted to talk about my team,” Kira said. “It’s important.”

  “Of course, I’m listening.”

  “It’s really important,” she emphasized, looking him in the eyes.

  Sandren caught on and repositioned so she could look at him straight-on. A moment later, he felt a presence in his mind.

  “Doctor Elric came by a few minutes ago. He held up a handwritten sign that said ‘Kaen isn’t who he seems. Play along.’ ”

  “I don’t understand,” Sandren replied.

  “Have you noticed anything odd about his behavior?”

  “Come to think of it, he did seem rather unconcerned with what’s happened to you. I’d dismissed it as being his usual detached manner.”

  Kira swallowed. “That’s what I thought, too. But he told me to embrace this. Who says that to someone who’s been infected with an unknown thing?”

  “No Guard officer I know,” Sandren told her. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  “I really appreciate you coming to see me,” Kira said aloud. “So, my team… unless they’ve decided to be heartless asses, they’ll be worried about me. Will you let them know I’m okay?”

  “Of course, I’ll relay a message. I might be able to get them added to the visitor list since you’re not actually under quarantine.”

  Kira’s gaze passed over her restraints. “I’d rather they not see me like this.”

  Sandren nodded. “I understand. I’ll let them know you—”

  “Major Sandren, sorry to interrupt.”

  Sandren turned around to see Leon standing on the other side of the plexiglass. “I heard you talking about Kira’s team. I have a proposition.”

  “And what is that?” Sandren asked, stepping away from Kira’s bed toward the window.

  “I don’t like where this is going,” Kira interjected from the bed. “Not sure I want those social circles to blend.”

  “If you want out of those restraints faster, then you might want to hold that thought,” Leon replied with a wan smile. “Major, I’d like to take Kira’s team back to the MTech lab on Valta to extract some equipment.”

  “That’s not ours to take,” Sandren protested.

  “It’s specialized and can’t be purchased from any old supplier,” Leon continued. “It’d have to be custom commissioned, and that would take weeks. Without it, we’re looking at three days for each test we run here, and we’re not going to get what we need the first time. Those tests can be performed in half an hour with the equipment I want to retrieve.”

  Sandren considered the proposition. “Come to think of it, our official investigation requires a deeper dive into MTech’s research practices. I believe we need to send in a team to procure additional evidence from the facility for examination and testing here at Orion Station.”

  Leon smiled. “I’d like to volunteer myself for that assignment.”

  “Very well. Approved,” Sandren said. “And yes, Kira’s team would make for excellent support on the mission since they are already familiar with the facility.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll leave as soon as possible.”

  “I don’t like the idea of you going back there,” objected Kira.

  “It’ll be quick. Just grab the equipment and go,” Leon told her.

  “That’s the plan, right. But what about MTech? You think they’ll really just let us condemn the lab and not come for their equipment? It’s only been a few days since our raid. They might show up around the same time you do.”

  “Which is why he’ll have a team of elite Guard soldiers accompanying him,” Sandren countered. “Like I said, this will all be aboveboard as part of the Guard’s official investigation. They won’t have grounds to bar entry into the facility.”

  Kira frowned. “It’s not getting in I’m worried about, sir. It’s getting back out.”

  “I said I’d do anything to help you, Kira, and this is what I have to do,” Leon told her.

  Sandren looked Kira in the eyes. “If we want to run detailed analyses to find out what’s going on inside you—or Kaen—then this is what we need.”

  She sighed. “You’re right. This isn’t just about me.”

  “Agreed?” Sandren asked aloud.

  “All right,” Kira conceded. “I appreciate everyone being so willing to jump in to help me.”

  “We always take care of our own.” Sandren stepped toward the door. “I’ll keep you apprised.”

  Kira tugged on her restraints. “You know where to find me.”

  — — —

  “I don’t expect them to answer to me,” Leon said to Sandren as they walked toward the quarters for Kira’s team. “I know I’m an outsider.”

  “Kira trusts you, so they’ll trust you by extension,” the major replied.

  “As long as they can help move around heavy equipment and handle the shooting if MTech gets nasty, we’ll be just fine.”

  “They have been known to move around some heavy things now and then,” Sandren said with a nod. “And they’ll work even harder knowing it’s for Kira.”

  The two men reached the door to the shared housing for the three members of Kira’s team. While Kira roomed with them when they were on ops and traveling in the Raven, she had her own quarters at the Guard base since she was their senior. The three soldiers shared a cabin and were happy to remain together, from what Kira had relayed to Leon.

  Sandren knocked on the door

  Ari answered. “Major, is everything okay? We were surprised to get your message about a meeting.”

  “We have some things to discuss. May we come in?” Sandren requested.

  Ari sized Leon up, stepping aside.

  Leon smiled at Ari and the other soldiers as he entered. He could sense their gazes on him, feeling out his intentions. Regardless of what Sandren had said about their trust for Kira extending to him, Leon was certain he’d have to earn their trust, and he intended to do just that.

  The cabin was simply appointed, with two beds parallel against the right wall and one across the back, supplemented by a table and four chairs in the front left corner of the room. A door at the midpoint of the left wall presumably led to a washroom.

  “We’re here about Kira,” Sandren began.

  “Is she okay?” Ari sat down on the bed closest to the door, and Kyle came to join him.

  Nia took a seat at the table with Sandren and Leon. “Why isn’t she here with you?”

  Leon swallowed. “She’s being held in isolation at the moment.”

  The soldiers’ faces paled.

  “Sir, what’s going on?” Kyle asked Sandren.

  “We believe that the MTech scientist, Monica, injected Kira with the Robus nanite strain,” he replied.

  “No, that’s not…” Nia shook her head.

  “She’s not like the others at the lab,” Leon hastily explained. “She fully transformed once and seemed to retain her sense of sel

  “So she’s, what, the Stage Four subject?” Ari asked. “This is foked up.”

  “I know it is,” Sandren stated. “However, that’s the situation we’re facing. We’ll get what information we can from Monica’s assistant, Jared, but Leon also needs some equipment from the MTech lab to run tests on Kira’s modifications. It just so happens we, uh, need that very same equipment to further our investigation into MTech—which Leon will oversee.”

  The soldiers nodded their understanding.

  “And we’re going in with Leon to get it?” Nia guessed.

  “If you’ll join me,” Leon confirmed. “I’m not as tough as Kira, but I’ll do my best to keep up with you. We’ll get in and out as quickly as possible.”

  Ari crossed his muscular arms. “I’m guessing the urgency means you think MTech might come looking to reclaim what was seized.”

  Leon nodded. “We still have no idea where the orders came from in the organization. Monica may have been acting on her own, or there are others in MTech who’ll want to continue the same research.”

  “And it could extend to the Mysaran government,” Kyle pointed out.

  “Exactly. Or even beyond.” Sandren spread his hands on the table. “This stays between us, but it’s possible that Monica didn’t subdue you on her own.”

  Nia scowled. “But who? We were surrounded by Guard soldiers and—”

  Sandren held up his finger to silence her. “This stays between us. I’ll watch over Kira while you’re gone.”

  The soldiers inclined their heads.

  “When can we leave, sir?” Leon asked.

  “I’ll have the Raven prepped for you,” Sandren replied. “You can be underway in an hour.”


  After an hour of being tied down, Kira was already regretting her agreement to be bound. She felt like herself, as much as she knew that could change with a second’s notice. But for now, being in complete control of her faculties, it was annoying to be treated like a vicious monster.

  To make matters worse, she was alone. When she’d suggested being tethered, Leon had at least been there for company. Now, there was only the background hum of mechanical equipment and an infernal beep coming from an unknown piece of equipment.

  “Hello?” Kira called out. What I wouldn’t give to get a viewscreen in here…

  Thirty seconds later, a nurse appeared at the window. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “I’m going to go stir-crazy. Can I get a book, or a tablet, or something?”

  “Sure, we have some tablets for patients. I’ll be right back.” The nurse disappeared from view.

  Not sure how I’ll use the thing with these bomaxed cuffs on, Kira realized. She sighed. The years of being out in the field had made her so impatient with sitting still—not to mention that Leon was off having an adventure without her.

  She chuckled, realizing the error in her thinking. There was no way Leon was going to have a good time—not with her team. In fact, he was probably as pinned down as her, even if it wasn’t with physical restraints.

  Kira made a cluck of pity on Leon’s behalf as she thought about what must be going on. I hope he’s up for a workout with those guys.

  The nurse returned with a tablet after a minute. “Now, how are we going to make this work?” she mused, assessing Kira’s tethers.

  “Maybe you could prop it up on my lap, and then find a separate mouse I could use for navigation?” Kira suggested.

  “Good idea.” The nurse got to work arranging a pillow to cradle the tablet. “Don’t worry, dear. We’ll take good care of you until this is resolved.”

  — — —

  Leon dropped his travel bag on the bunk Kira typically used while traveling on the Raven.

  The three other members of the team were settling into their own bunks, watching him stow the minimal items he’d brought with him. Kira wasn’t exaggerating about how tightknit they are.

  He finished and sat down on his bunk. “Thanks for not objecting to me coming with you on this mission,” he said to them with what he hoped was a warm smile.

  “You know the equipment we need to get. It’s in the best interest of the mission to have you along,” Nia said.

  “We’re doing this for Kira,” Kyle responded without looking up from his own activities.

  Leon nodded. “I wouldn’t expect otherwise.” He paused. “I know it’s probably strange for you to think of her being in a relationship with anyone.”

  “She was gone for less than a week and came home with a guy. Yeah, it’s a little weird.” Nia hopped down from the bunk above Leon’s bed to access her locker. “How well could she possibly know you?”

  Leon’s brow furrowed. “Wait, she didn’t tell you about our history? I thought you knew.”

  “She said you were a friend and went back a long way. What else is there to know?” Ari asked.

  “Uh…” Leon let out an uncomfortable laugh. “We dated for four years, when we were teenagers. I thought we were going to get married when we were finished with school, but she ran off to join the Guard instead.”

  The three soldiers’ mouths dropped open.

  Nia grabbed a sleep mask and earplugs out of her locker. “So, this was a reconnection, not a new thing.”

  “Yeah, you could say that.” Leon nodded.

  “Huh.” Nia climbed back up on her bunk.

  Leon looked around the room. “Are we good?”

  The soldiers shrugged.

  “Yeah, you treat Kira right and we’ll have your back,” Kyle said. “But do anything to hurt her, and you answer to us.”

  “Gotcha.” Leon rose from the bed. “Well, I’m going to get myself acquainted with the ship. I’ll see you later.”

  He departed the cabin and sealed the door behind him. When he was alone in the hall, he released a long breath. Dealing with her parents is nothing compared to these three. Thank the stars she doesn’t have brothers, too!

  Leon wandered down the metal corridor of the residential section in the compact vessel. There were only four cabins, making for cozy living arrangements compared to the spacious environment he was used to on Valta. If it weren’t for his time in dormitories while he was in school on Mysar, he doubted he’d have lasted a day on the ship.

  The residential hall opened on one side into a small galley. The room was empty while the flight crew prepped the spaceship for departure, so Leon took the opportunity to scope out the rations he’d be consuming for the next few days.

  Cabinets along the wall adjoining the hallway were filled with dry goods, and a refrigerator contained meat, vegetables, and an assortment of beverages—neatly organized even to Leon’s obsessive standards. All things considered, it was a far better selection than he would have expected. Valta’s ecological abundance may have spoiled him, but it was looking like he certainly wouldn’t go hungry with the Guard.

  A stovetop, oven, and tables with seating for sixteen completed the galley. Leon grabbed a handful of mixed nuts from a container in one of the dried goods cabinets and sat down at the table to eat his snack, oriented so he could look out the bank of viewports on the back wall.

  As he was brushing the excess salt from his hands, a man’s voice came over the central comm system. “Jumping in one minute.”

  Leon rose from his seat to get a better view out the viewport, hoping to peek at the navigation beacon before the ship transitioned into subspace. He could just make out the illuminated buoy anchored in a fixed spatial position to serve as a reference point for ships traveling through subspace. It didn’t look like much more than a pear-shaped probe the size of a shuttle, but he knew that the tech it housed was what had enabled the Taran Empire to expand. Crossing between distant star systems in hours… It’s still difficult to believe.

  The deck vibrated as the jump drive charged. A haze of shifting blue-green light—a spatial distortion—formed around the ship. The light intensified as the ship slipped into subspace. Time elongated for
a moment as they made the transition, and then the starscape was replaced by a sea of ethereal light.

  Navigation beacons were positioned at most worlds—sometimes multiple—but the Elvar Trinary had done its best to remain separated from the Taran Empire. There was only a single navigation beacon nearby, located at an intermediary point between four systems, one of which was the Elvar Trinary of Leon’s birth. Two of the other systems were uninhabited and used for resource mining, but the third had a permanent ban on entry. Leon wasn’t sure why, but he’d been taught from a young age to avoid Gaelon.

  The subspace jump to that exit beacon would take a little over two hours, and it would then take the better part of a day to reach their destination at sub-light speeds.

  As mesmerizing as the lights in subspace were, Leon decided a better use of his time would be to finish his self-guided tour of the ship. He left the galley and continued down the corridor, which terminated in a ladder, extending up and down. A sign pointing upward indicated the bridge, although he imagined the captain and pilot wouldn’t like an uninvited visitor. So, he went down.

  Leon got off at the first landing, which looked to be a combination of social space and administrative offices. Workout equipment dotted the room, along with a game table, couch, and an expansive viewscreen on the wall.

  Two men were seated on the couch, watching a video.

  “Hey,” Leon greeted. “I don’t think we’ve met.”

  “Hi,” one of the men replied with surprise. “And you are…?”

  “Leon Calleti. I used to work at the MTech lab we’re going to investigate.”

  “Ah, okay, right. You’re the one Captain Elsar was partnered with on the last op,” the second said.

  “Yeah. We grew up together on Valta.” Leon moseyed over. “How do you know her?”

  “Gil, mechanic,” the first man said, pointing to himself with his thumb, then the other man, “and Sven, support systems engineer. Basically, we have nothing to do as long as everything is going right.”


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