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Page 21

by A. K. DuBoff

  “A strategy I fully endorse,” Colonel Kaen said from behind her. He was standing near the doorway alongside Major Sandren.

  “Sirs,” Leon greeted.

  “We’re here as observers,” Sandren said. “Please, go on.”

  “Do you think it’s possible?” Kira asked Elric.

  He nodded. “Isolate the signal in the TR? Certainly. I would have collected the data already, but I haven’t been able to coax Nox to the forefront so I can take accurate measurements.”

  “I’d be happy to help with that,” Kira said.

  Doctor Elric and Jack made the necessary preparations to record Jared’s brain activity. When they were finished, Elric indicated for Kira to proceed.

  “All right, I’ll get Nox talking,” she said.

  Leon watched as she bent over to look into Jared’s eyes. The captive went rigid under her intense gaze.

  “Where are you?” Kira said in the tone Leon had come to associate with a telepathic command.

  “Definitely getting something here,” Elric said, looking over the readings on a monitor next to the bed. “We’ll need a little more to get it fully calibrated.”

  “I’ve seen the world,” Kira continued in her commanding tone. “Show me where it is.” She leaned in. “I can feel you, Nox. You’re trying to run.” Her eyes narrowed. “Show me!”

  Leon watched the struggle on Jared’s face as Kira focused on Nox.

  Elric kept a close eye on the monitor as the sensors continued processing inputs. “Isolating the signal now...”

  “That’s right, Nox,” Kira said, her gaze intent. “You can’t hide any longer.”

  “Okay, I think we have it,” Doctor Elric announced. “Hopefully this data will be enough to help focus your scans.”

  “We’ll begin searching the Gaelon System right away,” Kaen acknowledged. “Now, I suggest you dissolve Jared’s TR and sever Nox’s connection for good.”

  — — —

  Ellen sat down in the visitor chair under the watchful gaze of President Joris.

  “Okay, so that could have gone better,” she stated the obvious.

  Joris leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled. “When I agreed to you going to Mysar, I thought it was to help the chancellor, not instigate her death.”

  “I know, sir, but she died years ago. This was a necessary tragedy.”

  He nodded. “A chance at a new beginning for us, indeed.” He paused. “I think you should participate in discussions with the new heads of state.”

  “I had a hand in their previous leader’s death. I’m not sure how well that would go over.”

  “That’s not in the official record,” Joris pointed out. “You know what really went on there before. That insight will be valuable when it comes to instituting a structure to keep this from happening again.”

  Ellen shifted in her chair. “Have any new Mysaran representatives been nominated yet?” she asked.

  “No, but I heard it’s in the works. MTech and several other companies are also going through a reorganization now that the alien influence is no longer present.”

  “Did they get a final count on the number of people who’d been subverted?”

  “Over one hundred, in one capacity or another. They’re rolling out a program to test for the TR your brother’s team identified.”

  Ellen released a sigh of relief. “With that resolved, we can finally move forward.”

  “Indeed. Now that circumstances surrounding Mysar’s opposition to rejoining the Empire have come to light, the matter has been reopened.” Joris cracked a smile.

  “Finally, a chance for peace.”

  “It’s what we’ve all wanted, isn’t it? Even if we went about it in different ways.”

  Ellen slumped back in her chair. “I can’t believe the things I was willing to do for the Sovereign.”

  Joris smile broadened. “Impressionable youth.”

  “And so horribly misguided. There’s such a huge difference between cultural identity and autonomy. They aren’t mutually exclusive.”

  “Our little Elvar Trinary will find our voice, I have no worries,” the president replied. “We will remain Elusia, and hopefully Mysar can reestablish itself in a new image for the future.”

  “I would like to be a part of that, sir, if they’ll have me.”

  “I’ll make the suggestion as soon as it’s appropriate. You’re one of the few who’ve touched all three worlds in this system in a meaningful way—lived on each, knows the quirks and preferences. That will go a long way toward opening a productive dialogue.”

  Ellen smiled. “I look forward to being of service.”

  Joris nodded. “We have a long road ahead yet, but now we’re on the right path.”

  — — —

  Kira swiveled back and forth on a stool in Leon’s office. The others had departed for the night, and most of the equipment had been shut down. She looked Leon over in the subtle blue glow cast from a screen.

  “What aren’t you saying?” she asked him.

  He’d been distracted since her return from Mysar, but he had yet to make a clear indication as to why.

  “Elric and I spent some time looking into your condition while you were away,” he said at last.

  “Right, that.” Since her more controlled transformation on Mysar, she felt a new sense of confidence in the abilities, at least insomuch as she wasn’t going to accidentally kill her loved ones. The agony she’d felt during the recent transformations, though… that was a problem.

  “I have good news and bad,” Leon continued.

  “You know me. Always the bad first.”

  He nodded. “To put it bluntly, I don’t think we can remove the nanites from you.”

  Kira’s heart skipped a beat. She’d suspected as much, but part of her had been holding out hope that she could be free of the modification entirely. It was a much easier decision to walk away than to decide if she should take advantage of enhancements that were so unpredictable and painful.

  “What are my options?” she asked, trying to remain objective.

  “Well, though we can’t remove the nanites, it might be possible to deactivate them.”

  “Would I go back to how I was before, then?”

  He drummed his fingers on the countertop. “I’m honestly not sure. I ran a model using the equipment we got from the MTech lab, and the results were inconclusive.”

  “So, I’ll be a freak for life.” She sighed.

  “But you’ll be my freak.” Leon smiled at her.

  “You’ll still love me when I have fangs and claws?”

  He chuckled. “Well, I might have to kiss you more carefully under those conditions, but yes,” he stepped forward and stroked the side of her face, “I’m in this with you. It doesn’t change a thing.”

  Kira pulled him in for a hug and leaned her head against his chest. “I’m glad I don’t have to go through this alone.”

  He held her close. “You’ll never have to again.”

  After a minute of quiet reflection, Kira pulled away. “How would this suppressant thing work?”

  Leon walked across the lab and grabbed a vial from a rack. “I don’t know how effective this will be. It’s just a first attempt. It’d be administered through a standard shot.”

  Kira nodded. “One time or ongoing?”

  “Depends on how you respond,” he replied. “There is another option. You could be paired with an AI.”

  She wasn’t sure if the suggestion was just Leon spit-balling or if he’d talked with the Guard’s leadership about it already. True AI pairs were relatively uncommon, especially on the core Taran worlds. While certain Taran planets had adopted a more tech-saturated culture, the current Taran vogue was to keep bodies in a more natural state. Having an implanted AI would make Kira even more of an outsider than she was already.

  “I don’t know.” She crossed her arms. “It might be a little much to have another voice in my head on top of the whole telepathy thing

  “I don’t doubt it, but an AI could help regulate you—probably a whole lot better than the suppressant we came up with.”

  Kira nodded. “Yeah, maybe. What would you do in my position?”

  “I haven’t felt what you’ve felt. It’s not fair to say.”

  “From a medically objective standpoint, then,” she prompted.

  He sighed and leaned against the counter, facing her. “If I suddenly had super-strength and speed, I think I’d want to learn to master those abilities, even if it was painful. Those kinds of skills could come in handy. If an AI could help you achieve that, it’s worth serious consideration.”

  “I’m glad to know there are options.”

  “I’ll support you, no matter what you decide.”

  She took her free hand and drew him in for a kiss. “Those decisions can wait.”

  — — —

  Kaen leaned back in his office chair. He was almost back to his usual routine, but there was still the unresolved issue of the alien threat.

  It wasn’t the Empire’s way to wipe out an entire race without exhausting every other option—especially not under the new High Dynasty leadership. While the aliens’ possession of autonomous individuals was heinous by Taran standards, the alien beings had their own perspective. If they could open a dialogue, perhaps there was still a chance the two races could find common ground. If not, they would take appropriate action.

  A knock sounded on Kaen’s office door.

  “Come in, Major,” he greeted Sandren. “Thank you for joining me.”

  “Of course, sir. What was it you wanted to discuss?”

  Kaen steepled his fingers. “Now that we’ve identified the source of the alien signal, Guard command has authorized a recon mission to get a lay of the land.”

  “Kira’s team?” Sandren prompted.

  “Do you think she’s ready to be back in the field?”

  Sandren let out a long breath between his teeth. “She’s not her old self, but she’s been cleared by Medical.”

  “What about your gut instinct?”

  The major folded his hands in his lap. “Given what we’re up against, I think she’s the only person for the job.”

  This is the end of Mindspace Book 2


  Get Book 3 now!

  Some missions need a personal touch.

  After learning a race of telepathic aliens was behind her transformation into a Robus, Captain Kira Elsar wants answers.

  As the only person to have successfully communicated with the aliens, Kira is the best person to learn their enemy’s true intentions. Embarking on a daring recon mission places Kira and her team in the greatest danger they have ever faced, but there’s no time to play it safe. The aliens are gearing up for a sinister power play, and Kira’s home system—the Elvar Trinary—is ground zero.

  Kira must try to get inside the mind of the enemy to stop the attack before it begins. Except, Kira is part of the aliens’ master plan, and every action she takes may be playing directly into their hands.

  Get the next Mindspace book now!


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  Cadicle Series

  The Mindspace series is part of the broader Cadicle universe. The seven-volume original series sets the stage for a political revolution which will change the Taran Empire forever.

  "Exciting space adventure" - Publisher's Weekly

  The Taran Empire is fighting a secret interdimensional war... and they're losing.

  Out of sight from modern-day Earth, the Taran Empire rules the galaxy from the planet Tararia. Cris Sietinen, a High Dynasty heir, leaves home to seek training for his prohibited telekinetic abilities and start a new life with the Tararian Selective Service (TSS). But training to be a TSS Agent isn’t the dream life it seems. Cris and his family are at the center of a galactic conspiracy and must fight in a secret interdimensional war that will spur a political revolution. Join three generations of the Sietinen family as they challenge destiny to win a war where enemies are not always who they seem.

  Book 1: Rumors of War (Cadicle Vols. 1-3) - Buy it now:

  Book 2: Web of Truth (Cadicle Vol. 4) - Buy it now:

  Book 3: Crossroads of Fate (Cadicle Vol. 5) - Buy it now:

  Book 4: Path of Justice (Cadicle Vol. 6) - Buy it now:

  Book 5: Scions of Change (Cadicle Vol. 7) - Buy it now:

  Dark Stars Trilogy

  “Do-overs” are possible.

  Elle and a team of companions with magically enhanced abilities embark on an interstellar quest to stop an alien invasion. The unique crystalline network connecting their worlds allows reality to be reset to past moments in time, but an alien Darkness is corrupting the crystals and entire planets. If Elle and her friends can’t stop the Darkness, their worlds and loved ones will be lost in shadow forever. Dive into this adventure with a fun blend of high-tech sci-fi and traditional fantasy magic!

  Book 1: Crystalline Space - Buy it now:

  Book 2: A Light in the Dark - Buy it now:

  Book 3: Masters of Fate - Buy it now:

  Troubled Space

  Nothing could possibly go wrong. Probably. Well, maybe…

  When you go to the trouble of legitimately buying a ship for your illegitimate smuggling operation, and that ship turns out to be stolen from a powerful weapons dealer… well, you might figure the universe hates you. But not Jack Tressler, an aspiring smuggler; he’s used to taking misfortune in stride. Given the choice to die—or get an ill-fitting cybernetic eye and join a crew of thieves on a crazy heist—he opts for the unpleasant modification. After all, it’s just another day in the life. With rabid pirates, ruthless corporations, and a scorned former employer all vying for the same bounty, Jack and his new friends will need all their wits and snark to survive until their next meal in this farcical space opera adventure.

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  More Books and Stories

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  Thank you for coming on this journey through the Mindspace series with me! I can’t express how much it means to have your support.

  When I set out to write this series, I wanted to delve into a part of the Cadicle universe that wasn’t addressed much in the original series—namely, the Tararian Guard and what goes on in the outer Taran colonies. I found myself wondering about other advanced races that might be lurking beyond the Taran sphere.

  These thoughts eventually led me to the perennial concept of a scavenger race that absorbs others’ tech and repurposes it for their own ends. There are classic examples of this in other sci-fi, such as the Borg in Star Trek or the Replicators in Stargate, but I found myself leaning in a slightly different direction for this alien foe. I wanted something that would push the boundaries of how we tend to think of life and get away from a being in its own mobile body.

  If you’ve read the original Cadicle series, you know I tend to wander into the metaphysical with my writing. I spend a good deal of time in that series on telepathy, telekinesis, and astral projection. May
be it’s because I was a psychology major, as well as being the daughter of a psychologist, but I can nerd out for hours thinking and talking about the mind and how it relates to physical form.

  So, the idea of Nox and its kind began to take shape—a race curious about physical experience but not autonomous beings unto themselves. It’s a new challenge to have an enemy that one can’t readily see or put in any one place. With a character like Kira and her unique skills, it only seemed appropriate for her to face an adversary that complemented her exploration of consciousness.

  At any rate, that’s a little backstory about how Mindspace came into being. I’m thrilled you’re reading it, and I hope you’re enjoying the ride!

  Special thanks to Craig, Jim, John, Kurt, Tracey, Leo, Eric, Randy, Curtis, and Ron for beta reading and making sure I was doing the story justice. Thank you again to Andrew Dobell for the awesome cover and my tireless proofing team for spotting everything I miss. There’s an old adage that writing is a solitary endeavor, but this amazing community has proved otherwise.

  Stay tuned for Mindspace: Offensive as Kira’s story continues!


  A.K. (Amy) DuBoff has always loved science fiction in all its forms—books, movies, shows and games. If it involves outer space, even better! Now a full-time author, Amy can frequently be found traveling the world. When she’s not writing, she enjoys wine tasting, binge-watching TV series, and playing epic strategy board games.


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