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Disasters in Dating

Page 15

by Danielle Allen

  I nodded, grinning. “He is amazing. He has the kind of spirit that makes you want to chase your dreams and shoot for the stars. He is just so passionate. He has this attitude that makes me believe that anything is possible.”

  “I think I’m in love with this guy,” Carmen joked.

  “Seriously. He’s great! I can’t wait to tell you guys about the date because I can already tell it’s going to be amazing. We’re starting at CAGE, and then he wouldn’t tell me what else was planned.”

  “He sounds cool. Very creative,” Nichelle commented with a smile.

  “Yeah, so that’s Miles. And the third connection I made was with Brian, but…”

  “But what?” Anika asked quickly.

  “Brian has been distant. He told me he was into me and that he was getting tested so that we could take things to the next level. We talked Monday morning before he was supposed to go to the doctor. He was saying how he was excited about our second date. And then poof—he vanished,” I explained.

  I told them about the ignored text message I’d sent him on Monday evening and about the failed conversation I tried to start at the restaurant.

  “And he was the one who initiated the conversation about the doctor’s appointment?” Carmen asked, her arms folded and her head tilted to the side.

  “Yes, that’s the thing,” I started, shoulders lifted. “He asked me on the second date. He called to tell me he was excited to get the doctor’s appointment over and done with so we would be one step closer to sex.”

  “This is a rough dating era. I can’t even say generation because all ages have succumbed to it. It’s the era of confusion. Not knowing what the hell you want has become standard. Mixed signals have become a way of life. Bullshit has become the official language of the people,” Nichelle muttered, snatching her glass of wine from the counter. “This annoys me. The girls at work tell me stories about their dating woes, and it’s ridiculous what’s going on out here.”

  His words will say “I like you and I want to spend time with you,” but his actions will say “I have a wife or I’m juggling a bunch of women.” And it’s so confusing!” Carmen added on.

  “But…” Dyani shook her head, sipping her water. “Has the bullshit with dating really changed or is it just that technology has made it easier for people to bullshit more people at once?”

  “Your options increase exponentially when you consider the likelihood you’ll meet someone online as opposed to in person. So instead of going to bars and actually having to have game, people are hiding behind apps and computer screens, creating personas and trying to get as many suitors as they can,” Anika added. She turned to me. “Do you think he was dating you and someone else at the same time?”

  I smiled a little because she looked more hurt about Brian’s disappearing act that I did. “He could’ve been. And that’s fine. We weren’t exclusive. He’s free to date whoever. But I just don’t understand why he’d vanish after pursuing me.”

  “Do you think he’s not interested?”

  My eyebrows lifted along with my shoulders. “That’s entirely possible, but I didn’t get the feeling he wasn’t interested. I don’t know. It’s been a couple of days. I guess I’ll just wait and see what happens. For me though, I’ve lost a bit of interest because he changed up on me. The moment he started acting differently toward me, I stopped being as interested.”

  “Makes sense.” Nichelle nodded. “I would be the same way. Consistency is key.”

  “Amen to that!” Carmen agreed, lifting her soda bottle.

  We all raised our beverages in the air. “Amen,” we said in unison.

  “So, what’s going on with Jayson?” Carmen asked in a nonchalant way that let me know that she bet on him in their little wager.

  I decided to hold off on updating them on any definitive news until next Sunday’s brunch because of their little bet.

  “He’s definitely a husband type, I’ll say that,” I giggled, trying to keep the information to myself.

  He’s the cheating husband type.

  “But enough about me, what’s going on with you guys?” I continued.

  We talked about life—relationships, work, random news, etc. We talked about everything and it had gotten late when Anika’s husband, Mike, returned from his night out with Nichelle and Dyani’s husbands. Carmen’s fiancé had to work or he would’ve been with them as well. It was hard not to imagine which of the men I was interested in would fit best with the group.

  “Earth to Desiree!” Anika giggled, waving her hand in front of my face.

  “Oh, I’m sorry!” I blinked rapidly. “I missed it.”

  “I was just asking how you were faring on the SOS app,” Mike asked.

  I smiled, pulling my phone out and started reading some of the messages.

  “On behalf of the male species, I’d just like to say this is not representative of all of us,” Mike declared, causing us all to laugh.

  Chapter 11

  As my mom would say, he was a tall drink of water. He had the broad shoulders and a thick build that I often found to be attractive. He was dressed in a laid-back, but age appropriate way. He was fashionable without trying too hard. He was cool without trying to be cool.

  His long lashes and big, chestnut brown eyes looked warm as they crinkled in amusement. The features of his face were sculpted from stone with his chiseled jaw and high cheekbones. The dark brown hair of his 5 o’clock shadow looked ultra-sexy against his caramel colored skin. He was absolutely gorgeous, but not just because of his looks. He had a light within him that radiated from him through his words and actions. I struggled to stop staring at him.

  “Do you hear that?” Miles asked as we toured the last exhibit.

  It was a music exhibition that incorporated music and lighting that changes as you look at the fourteen-foot canvas. Depending on the music and lighting, the same picture would change mood and meaning. It was amazing.

  “The sadness?” I asked, holding my hand over my heart.

  I looked at the abstract piece and with the blue lights shining on it and the music swirling around the room, I didn’t just hear the sadness, I saw it and felt it.

  When I looked back over at Miles, I caught him checking me out. Wearing a mint green and electric blue romper with electric blue pumps, I showed off my long legs and ample bottom. The neckline of the outfit was high, but it tied at the neck and gave a great view of my back. I felt good in it and from the moment we met at the front door of CAGE, I could tell Miles was into it, complimenting me verbally and through longing glances.

  “You look incredible in all lighting, but this blue with the blue you have on is…” He licked his lips and looked me directly in the eyes. “Exquisite.”

  My entire body burned instantly.

  The lighting changed to red and the music became darker, more sinister. It wasn’t quite anger; it was evil. The last time the lighting was red, the vibe was sexy. It was such a powerful representation of how music transforms a situation.

  “I loved this,” I gushed as Miles and I exited CAGE and headed toward our cars at closing time. “Are you going to tell me what’s next?”

  We’d just spent three hours together discussing art, but it felt like thirty minutes.

  “It’s a surprise. It’s not that far away, but if it starts raining, I don’t want you to get caught out in it. Do you want to ride with me or do you want to follow?”

  I grinned at him. “I’ll follow.”

  He winked at me. “Sounds good.”

  I waited for his SUV to pull out in front of me so that I could get behind him. We drove a little less than a mile away and parked behind a nondescript brick building.

  “Where are we?” I asked, turning around in a circle as I tried to figure out what our next stop involved.

  “It’s a surprise,” Miles teased, putting his hand on the small of my back and guiding me to a rusty, black door.

  I looked into his eyes and felt that I didn’t have an
ything to worry about. “Okay.” I nodded. “Let’s go.”

  We walked through the door and up a flight of steps. A heavy black door separated us from the stairwell and whatever was on the other side. It wasn’t completely dark in the stairwell. But it was dark enough that a little seed of doubt crept into my mind.

  Aren’t most serial killers charming?

  I heard keys jingling and I looked over my shoulder quickly. Miles unlocked the heavy door and we walked into a waiting room area with music notes emblazoned on the wall.

  A gorgeous woman with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes, and dark brown Marley twists sat at the front desk. She looked at me with a friendly smile for a second before shifting her gaze to Miles. “Good evening, Mr. Castillo. Your usual studio is available. Is this a new artist?”

  I smiled brightly. Me? An artist? I tried not to start laughing. If only she knew how horrible I sounded when I tried to sing.

  “Yes,” Miles answered with a bit of a laugh. “Thank you.”

  Ushering me down the hall, we entered the studio. He turned on the lights and I looked around. “Oh wow! Very cool. So, this is your usual studio?”

  “Kind of. I have a home studio, but on a first date I thought it might be too much to take you home,” Miles said smoothly.

  “Yeah, I would have to agree.”

  He laughed lightly. It was husky and had a musical tone. “Come here.” Extending his hand, he gestured for me to come sit next to him. “I want to show you a few things and then we can get started.”

  I made my way over to him, but I eyed him suspiciously. “What do you mean?” I asked slowly, stretching the question out.

  “Get over here.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me playfully. I giggled as I plopped down into the chair beside him. He turned me and pulled me close so that our knees were touching. “Look!”

  He turned my chair around so I could see inside of the expansive booth. In my mind, I figured the booth was big enough for two people at most. In actuality, the booth was large enough for a full band and even had a piano and drum set already inside.

  “Wow,” I breathed, truly taken by surprise.

  “Right? Now are you ready?”

  My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. I put my hand on my fluttering belly. “I think so.”

  Miles looked down and noticed my hand. “Do you want to eat first, or do you want to play around for a little bit?”

  My body was listening with rapt attention, but my brows furrowed in confusion. “Play around? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Miles had the face of an angel, the lips of a professional kisser, and the body of a man who would manhandle me in the bedroom. He was broad shouldered, strong, and stocky. He was more thickly built than riddled with defined muscles. He was incredibly sexy so it wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in playing around with him. The thought crossed my mind almost every time he touched me. Even if it was just for a heavy duty make out session, I was interested. I’d spent our few hours together with the thought in my mind. But having him ask if I wanted to eat before we played around was a bit forward coming from him.

  “Do you want to order some food and have them deliver it to us while we play around with some music, or do you want to go down to the bar downstairs and eat there?”

  “Oh!” I breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought you meant...” I shook my head. “Never mind. Yes, I am getting a little hungry. I want to get to know you and being in here is cool, but I want to see you in action while in your element.”

  “Well, the best way for you to get to know me is for me to show you my passion and teach you a little something.” He lifted his eyebrows and repeated, “So do you want to stay and play or do you want to eat out?”

  Is he doing this on purpose? A tingle of excitement stiffened my nipples at his choice of words. Being in this confined space will be a test of my willpower, I thought as he licked his lips and waited patiently for a response.

  “Let’s order food and play while we wait for it to be delivered,” I announced decidedly.

  “Good choice,” he said as he turned his chair and picked up two notepads and pens. “Follow me.”

  Along the back wall was a brown leather couch.

  “Sit here,” he commanded, pointing at the other end of the couch.

  “I can already tell you’re a hard ass in the studio,” I said with a little laugh.

  “Why would you say that?” Miles asked, lifting his eyebrows.

  “Because the artist that I hung out with this afternoon was laid back and taking everything in. The artist with the pen and paper is already trying to tell me what to do. We’ve been in here for two minutes and you’re already telling me what to do and where to sit!” I threw my hands up in the air.

  Miles laughed as he opened the door into the booth and came back out with two guitars.

  “I will admit that I’m a bit tough in the studio. With art, the artist is giving life to a moment. With music, the artist is giving a moment life. With music and art, moments can be experienced by different people, and every one of them experience it differently. But at the end of the day, the guiding force is what the artist says it is. So, if I’m producing a song, I can’t have anything out there that will have my name on it that isn’t something I one-hundred percent stand behind.”

  “I understand that.”

  He winked flirtatiously. “You don’t look like the type of woman who likes being bossed around.”

  I scoffed. “You’re right about that! I don’t like to be bossed around.”

  “So, if I put you in the studio and told you what to do, you would…?”

  “End this date on the spot,” I laughed.

  He chuckled, “I believe you. You seem tough.”

  I nodded in agreement. “And don’t you forget it!”

  Miles handed me a guitar and then sat beside me. Reaching in a drawer, he pulled out a menu. We ordered burgers, fries, shakes and bottles of water from the bar, and then he got back to business.

  “We’re going to write a song together,” he announced, adjusting the guitar in his lap.

  “Will you play a little something to start us off? I need to feel the music first.”

  He started plucking at the strings and then all of a sudden, his random strumming turned into something beautiful.

  My heart fluttered watching him. With one arm resting on the guitar, I ran my finger along the length of it as my eyes zoomed in on his adept fingers.

  Once he found a chord that he liked, he started nodding. Without even realizing it, I started nodding along with him. Then he started humming and then singing the words “first date” over and over again. His voice was gritty, melodic, and unbelievably sexy.

  “Oh, wow! You sound amazing,” I complimented him. “Sing something else!”

  His face flushed as he grinned at me. “Later. Right now, we are writing this song, and I’m going to teach you a couple of chords.”

  “Okay, but before we begin, understand that I don’t have any kind of musical ability. I can’t sing. I can’t play an instrument,” I protested, laying the guitar on my lap.

  “Let’s just write the song first, and then take it from there. Cool?”

  I smiled. “Cool.”

  “And if you play your cards right, I might have you singing after all,” he said with a wink.

  I pursed my lips and struggled not to let a giggle escape. I shook my head. I wasn’t quite sure if he meant it the way I took it, so I just shook my head. “Yeah, yeah, yeah… that’s what they all say.”

  Grabbing the neck of the guitar and rotating it, he said, “Well, I’m not the rest of them.”

  “That’s what they all say,” I said pointedly with an arched eyebrow, causing him to laugh. “Okay, what do I need to do? How do we get started?”

  We started working on lyrics to a ridiculous first date song. Our food arrived halfway through it, but we decided to eat and work since we were having so much fun.

ce we were done eating, he took me through a quick lesson. I learned to pluck three chords in such a way that didn’t sound completely horrible. An hour and a half after we arrived at the studio, I was full of greasy foods and playing my three slow chords in time with his more complex strumming. Listening to Miles sing our goofy song while we played was hypnotic.

  He could make anything sound good.

  As the song came to an end and Miles put the guitar down, I applauded wildly. “That was pretty awesome.”

  “I agree… Next time, you’re singing,” Miles said, picking up both guitars and taking them back into the booth

  Next time? I stood up and waited for him to return to the control room. So, he’s thinking there’s going to be a next time… As in, second date! I bit my lip to keep from smiling too hard as he returned to the room.

  “So…” he started.

  Before he was able to continue, there was a knock on the door. He went to open it and as I listened to him discuss his studio schedule for the next day, I cocked my head to the side and checked him out.

  It makes so much sense how musicians get so much ass. Groupie love makes so much sense to me. I mean, if that song was a little bit longer, I might’ve considered throwing myself at him. Internally, I laughed to myself. Who am I kidding? I’m still thinking about throwing myself at him just from the sound of his voice alone.

  “Thank you, Dahlia.” Miles turned from the door and smiled at me. “We still have the room for a few minutes. Do you want to hear something?”

  “Of course,” I answered, taking a seat in one of the rolling chairs. Raising my arms up high and stretching my feet out in front of me, I inadvertently groaned loudly as I rotated my head, cracking my neck.

  Miles walked up and hit a few buttons and moved a few switches. A sexy beat instantly filled the room. He moved behind me and put his large hands on my shoulders.

  I smiled, closing my eyes as he started massaging. I let my head lull back and when I opened my eyes again, I saw his eyes scanning my body. I could see the lust in his eyes, and I smiled—I could tell he wanted me. I was turning him on, and I liked it.


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