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The Protectors Book 3_The Bodyguard

Page 12

by Jordan Silver

  After his stay in the hospital a few women had come forward and claimed he’d abused or harassed them in some way going back twenty years. Monstrous fuck.

  She pulled on a robe and I threw on some shorts and a tank before we headed down the hall from our room, right next door in fact to where our daughter slept.

  My heart, which had been closed off, empty and cold for so long, was always full and warm these days. I had my two girls to thank for that. And for everything that was good in my life.

  We stood looking down at our little angel together, my arms wrapped securely around her from behind. “She’s so beautiful baby. Every time I look at her I get this jolt, like I can’t believe she’s really mine.”

  “I know what you mean. I don’t know how I’m gonna handle being away from her in the next few weeks.”

  “You won’t be. We’ll be there with you remember?”

  “I know that, but I won’t be with her all day.” She sniffled and I pulled her back closer.

  “Okay, don’t do that crying shit again. If you’re not ready to go back just tell Aaron you need more time. He’ll understand.” Of course he will, because I’d already threatened him with death if he didn’t give her-her space to be a mother.

  Aaron and I had a new understanding since he knew that I could do his job of managing her just as well as he did, and he wasn’t willing to risk that shit happening.

  “No I’ll be fine. If I don’t go back now I’ll never go back. I do so love it here.” Thank fuck! Here she could get away from the hustle and bustle of being a star. The town was very protective of her and the word had gone out after the first enterprising asshole showed up, that anyone who came snooping around would be booted out on their ass.

  She’d spent most of her pregnancy here after we’d tied the knot in her hometown just as I’d planned, and some of the women here, women who’d cross the fucking street when they saw me coming, had talked her into starting an acting class for them and some of their brats.

  Now my place is always crawling with people, but if it’s the price I have to pay to make her life here happy I’m more than willing to foot the bill.

  Marriage hasn’t blemished her little innocent girl persona and she’s still America’s little darling. But I have a feeling once they get a look at her new curves they’re gonna try recasting her which is not gonna fucking happen.

  I have a hard enough time dealing with the teenage shit she played now. I’d lose my fucking mind if she had to be rolling around on the screen with some douche.

  “Whatever you decide to do you know I’ll stand with you no matter what.” She lifted to her toes and covered my mouth with hers.

  “You know what I really want.” She turned around in my arms and wrapped hers around me.

  “No, tell me.” I rubbed my cock into her middle.

  “I want to make another baby with you.” It was only because of our sleeping daughter that I didn’t take her down right there. Instead I lifted her in my arms and headed for our room.

  “Like I said, whatever you want.”





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