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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11

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by Nikhil Parekh

  Please drench my body with emollient rose spray; the reinvigorating droplets

  of water splashing all over my entity,

  And the enamouring smell that wafted; drawing you closer to my persona from

  miles apart. 

  Please garnish my eyelashes with piquant mascara; enveloping my lids with

  outlines of emerald green,

  And the fiery rays that emitted placing you into a celestial stupor; drowning

  you wholesomely into the unfathomably deep ocean of my eyes. 

  Please impregnate my scalp with your blood; scrupulously bifurcating my hair

  into commensurate halves,

  And the tenacity in our romance profoundly portrayed to the world; proclaiming

  us to be bond in threads of holy matrimony. 

  Please flood my heart with your love; filling every empty pore with the fervor in your veins,

  And the essence of our love spreading far and distant; bonding us immortally in the chords of united existence .



  For imparting life to dead granules of soil; all I did was to inundate its surface with cool buckets of water,

  For generating life in pallid patches of the dilapidated wall; all I did was slapped it with several coats of vivacious color,

  For instilling life in broken lips; all I did was kiss them intensely every where over their chapped periphery,

  For giving life to the sad girl philandering in corridors of gloom; all I did was danced like a clown; bringing a smile to the contours of her face,

  For reviving life in the lackadaisical flower; all I did was commanded the clouds to shower droplets of exhilarating rain,

  For bestowing life in the shattered web; all I did was leave a cluster of spider to weave their way through the same,

  For reinvigorating life in a dreary pair of eyes; all I did was vigorously rubbed them with raw extracts of pungent turmeric,

  For rejuvenating life in a scorched throat; all I did was tickle it with chilled champagne,

  For reinstating life in a cluster of rotten vegetables; all I did was place them in the interiors of a swanky refrigerator,

  For revitalizing life in the tired soles of feet; all I did was put them on the accelerator of a flamboyant racer car,

  For stimulating life in a fractured hand; all I did was to bring it near a panthers jaw; fomenting the bones to automatically reshape themselves at electric speeds,

  For offering life to the voice chords of a dumb man; all I did was bring his lost children in front of his eyes; triggering him to shout in ecstatic euphoria,

  For energizing life in a lazy camel; all I did was put him under the blistering sun of the sandy desert,

  For propelling life in the silhouette of a battered car; all I did was flood its belly with gallons of golden petrol,

  For resurrecting life in visage of an orphan; all I did was held him close to my chest; in the comfort of my arms for times immemorial,

  For fortifying life in the wrinkled skin of the abysmally old; all I did was recite to them nostalgic tales about their boisterous past,

  For reanimating life in a ghastly bruise; all I did was to dress the wounds with the bond of my empathy,

  For regenerating life in a dead man; all I did was blend my senses wholesomely

  with his soul,

  And for imparting new life to a miserably devastated heart; all I did was fill

  its cavities with the stream of my passionate love.




  Without these three I would have run, but without the slightest power or tenacity in my legs,

  Without these three I would have dreamt, but those fantasies would have revolved wholesomely around ghastly death,

  Without these three I would have smiled, but that tinkle on my face would have been as morbid as the buried corpse,

  Without these three I would have eaten food, but each morsel would have been like a million barrels of poison,


  Without these three I would have kissed, but my caress would diffuse cancerous tissues instead of spreading the bond of friendship,

  Without these three I would have read, but the letters would have seemed darker than the blackest of clouds,

  Without these three I would have cried, but the tears which dribbled down my cheek would be of pure blood,

  Without these three I would have earned money, but the currency would have been as infinitesimal as ash for me,

  Without these three I would have attended parties, but would have sequestered myself under the table, with a pool of mosquitoes hovering around,

  Without these three I would have seen people wandering around, but they would appear to me as lifeless entities,

  Without these three I would have heard voices, but would have forgotten to decipher the melody in the sound,

  Without these three I would have gulped water, but would have remained thirsty all throughout the day,

  Without these three I would have written long letters, but would perceive each word embossed as a rotten abuse,

  Without these three I would have driven my vehicle, but would loose complete control of the steering wheel,

  Without these three I would have worn clothes, but would have people laughing as I had worn my trousers enveloping my neck instead of my shirt,

  Without these three I would have sat on the royal chair, but would have tripped head-on on the floor, disdainfully losing my balance,

  Without these three I would have gone to the market, but would have spent my entire wallet on a flimsy chunk of spiceless vegetable,

  Without these three I would have fought valiantly with my fists, but each punch of mine would have been like frozen ice,

  Without these three I would have behaved, but only for the sake of appeasing a bunch of idiots running the family business,

  Without these three I would have perhaps have existed, lived for the heck of it, but without my heart actually throbbing in my ribs,

  And I know, by now you must be desperately waiting to know their names, And I have not the slightest of hesitation; infact am proud to christen the three immortals in my life as my "CREATOR", my "mother” my "beloved" .




  When I was sleeping blissfully on my bed; she came intermittently in my dreams,

  And as I emitted my first thunderous yawn after awakening; the dainty outlines of her visage last night struck me like bolts of lightening.

  When I just bathed my disheveled persona; taking stupendous care to evacuate the last bit of dirt adhering to my eardrum,

  The scent of her body tingled me beyond the point of no control; and a sly smile crept viciously across the contours of my lips.

  When I thought of starting from home; her dwelling seemed far away; with

  several barricades separating us,

  The summit of her building seemed like an ephemeral glimpse of my memory;

  with a desire to meet her heavily stifled due to the long distance.

  When I just kicked my scooter to commence on my expedition; my heart throbbed a little,

  And there was a profound glimmer of hope in my eyes; that I might salvage a

  chance to meet her.

  When I hit the streets; traversing leisurely lost in the enchantment of the mystical surroundings,

  Her voice seemed to stimulate my nerves; and the ravishing silhouette of her eyelashes propeled me to increase my speed a trifle further.

  When I had to stand still in the traffic; with the lights changing brusquely to red,

  I wildly tried to cognize our last conversation; in the midst of chaotic pandemonium of blaring horns and exhaust smoke.

  When I met her friends in the way, I gave a peevish smile; with a tiny wave of my hands,

  Tried to visualize the infinite aspects which made my beloved more beautiful than

  her spuriously attired mate.

  When I was extremely near her lawns; the blocks of her edifice now prominently visible to my eye,

  The blood in my veins ran faster; and buckets of perspiration trickled down my

  nape in rapid succession.

  And when I reached her doorsteps; the caress of her doorbell at whisker lengths from my hands,

  That was the moment; when I swooned on the floor in sheer ecstasy; and before I could knock on the wood; her mesmerizing forehead appeared before me; and her breath bonded perpetually with mine. 




  The moment she was with me I shouted at her stringently; showing her my fists in indignation,

  But I realized it only when she went off to sleep; that I craved to speak to her; missed the bustling noise of her footsteps.

  The moment she was with me I teased her unrelentingly; scowled at her making ungainly faces,

  But I realized it only when she went out shopping; that I longed for her like anything; desperately craved to hear the melody in her voice.

  The moment she was with me I kept scratching my hair; hardly paying attention to the activities she recited of the day,

  But I realized it only when she talked the same to her alien friends; that how inquisitive I was to hear it passionately from her mouth.

  The moment she was with me I castigated all attempts of hers to tie my shoelace; portraying myself to be a perfect man,

  But I realized it only when she went to mothers place; as to how inevitably I needed her; and what a child I became in her absence.

  The moment she was with me I shrug the food she made; declaring it to be bland and tasteless,

  But I realized it only when she fed the same lovingly to the servants; as to how much I cherished each meal she prepared.

  The moment she was with me I revolted vehemently that she snored; not letting me sleep blissfully for even a single minute,

  But I realized it only when she slept in the lawns; as to how much I missed her caress; the ardor in her breath that intermingled with mine.

  The moment she was with me I protruded my tongue at her for not bathing; admonishing her for flooding my nostrils with a smell like rotten tomato,

  But I realized it only when she walked out of the house in anger; that I found the most exotic of perfume to be raw dirt in front of her perspiration.

  The moment she was with me I pointed fingers at her eyes; saying that she was horrendously squint,

  But I realized it only when she closed them abruptly at me; as to how mesmerizing were her lashes; the poignant empathy that they oozed out every unfurling second.

  The moment she was with me I told her to dismiss off from my presence; leaving me alone to delve in my world of fantasy,

  But I realized it only when she exited; that my dreams ended there and then; and each pore of my body cried for her in agony.

  Therefore this is my humble plea to you O! Almighty lord; please don’t separate us ever, For she was my blood and I was her breath; and we would die a gruesome death to take birth again as lovers; if you didn’t bind us in this life together .




  When I thought of philandering with her high on the summit of the Himalayas; feeling the icy winds dash past my stomach,

  All that happened in the end was that; I ended up taking her out for a cup of sedate tea; the instant I met her.

  When I thought of kissing her wildly on her cheeks; making exotic noises while executing the same,

  All that happened in the end was that; I found myself seated in front of her in the bullock cart; playing a pack of cards.

  When I thought of drenching myself with her; profusely in the rain,

  All that happened in the end was that; I found myself crunching chocolate biscuits staring desperately into open space.

  When I thought of embedding a redolent rose in her hair; letting the dense ensemble of flower tickle me voraciously on my lashes,

  All that happened in the end was that; I found myself watering the lawns with her; the rusty lawn sprinkler sedately held in my hands.

  When I thought of bathing under the fountains with her; splashing her visage with tangy cold drink diffusing from my mouth,

  All that happened in the end was that; I found myself shopping with her in the grocery store; searching frantically for a pack of soggy matchsticks.

  When I thought of painting her enamouring visage; instructing her to sit mute without even budging a trifle from her place,

  All that happened in the end was that; I found myself lighting a candle in the church; intensely listening to the admonitions of the priest.

  When I thought of applying honey on her lips; before greedily slurping the same from the periphery with my tongue,

  All that happened in the end was that; I found myself tenaciously pulverizing medicinal herbs; to blend in the water she had to consume after her nocturnal supper.

  When I thought of embracing her tightly; in an ambience encapsulated with walls of frozen ice,

  All that happened in the end was that; she slapped me thunderously on my chin; for gawking at her open eyed in brilliant sunlight and afternoon public.

  When I thought of blowing air from my nostrils into her ears; flooding them mercilessly with melodious tunes emanating from my mouth,

  All that happened in the end was that; she engaged me in the task of swapping every mosquito hovering around her face.

  But it was only when I thought of proposing her; audaciously proclaiming in front of the society as to how much I loved her,

  Was that she smiled at me for the first time; fell in a celestial stupor on my feet; running her hands wildly across the strands of my hair; tears of joy gushing down her cheeks and at the same time staring deeply into my eyes; scolding me for hiding my love till today; telling me candidly that it could have been now or never .




  What was there in those eyes; that drowned me in an ocean of uncontrollable ecstasy?

  What was there in those lips; that made me stare in spell bound consternation for marathon hours on the trot?

  What was there in those feet; that made me swoon in a bedraggled heap on the ground?

  What was there in those hands; that made me long for a caress that could last till eternity?

  What was there in that nose; that made me crave for oceans of moist breath taking me unaware in their swirl?

  What was there in that voice; that made me wholesomely oblivious to the passing of time?

  What was there in that palm; that made me see my destiny explicitly in its mystical lines?

  What was there in those fingers; that flooded my mouth with a taste more sweeter than the wildest of nectar?

  What was there in that neck; that made me feel incredibly lost even in the sedative solitude of the night?

  What was there in those ears; that made me dream like a prince even though I was poor?

  What was there in that tongue; that made me remain thirsty even under blistering heat of sun and umpteenth volcano's?


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