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Searching for Moore

Page 16

by Julie Richman


  “Damn, it’s cold in here!” Schooner grabbed Mia and pulled her close.

  “Will be much better under the down blanket — naked.” Mia said into his chest. The now gale force winds were slamming her bedroom windows, chilling them with each rattle, a fine snow had begun to fall and sounded like sand hitting the window with each gust.

  She started to unbutton his shirt and he took her hands, “Baby Girl, I’m getting naked under the blanket. It’s freaking freezing in here.” He pulled her toward the bed and lifted the down comforter.

  “Afraid of shrinkage?” She teased, getting under the blanket next to him and pulling off her clothes.

  He pulled her underneath his now naked body. “This feel like shrinkage to you?” He pressed his hard cock against her.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled his lips to hers. “It feels like Heaven to me.”

  “Feels like home to me,” he smiled into her mouth, before kissing her deeply.

  Mia wrapped her legs around Schooner, his warm body covering hers completely. With each kiss she could feel herself becoming wetter and wetter, wanting him inside of her desperately. She ran her hands down his back, feeling the definition of his muscles, kneading them, trying to memorize what he felt like to her touch. His teeth were at her neck, softly grazing one of her most sensitive areas. She moaned and tilted her head, giving him access, wanting to feel his teeth. She pressed his head into her neck and she could feel the pressure of his teeth biting harder. She wrapped her legs around him tighter and pulled his hair. He moaned and his lips went back to her mouth, his kiss savage and rough. She could feel the head of his cock pressing against her, maybe an inch away from where she wanted him, needed him.

  She pulled her mouth away, they were both panting, blood rushing. “Schooner, did you bring condoms?” Even in the dark, she could see the shocked look on his face.

  “Fuck. No. You’re not on anything?” He was searching her face, trying to get his bearings.

  “Forty and not dating anyone.” She shook her head. Schooner gave Mia an incredulous look saying how could you not be seeing anyone. She loved him for the way he saw her.

  “Ok, ummm,” he looked at her wide-eyed, “what do you want to do?”

  “Well there’s a 24-hour Korean grocer about two blocks from here.” They both looked toward the window. A heavier snow had begun to fall, swirling and dancing in the street lamps below, then being whipped in sheets by the relentless wind gusts. “Ok, not a good idea.”

  Schooner went to move off of Mia and she held him tightly in place on top of her with her arms and legs. “You are not making this easier,” he gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

  “That’s because it’s my job to make it harder.” She pulled his head back down to her for another kiss.

  He brushed her bangs from her eyes. “What do you want to do here, Baby Girl?”

  She took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply. “I know what I want, Schooner. To me, there’s no downside to this.” She searched his beautiful eyes.

  He sighed and smiled, “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, “Are you?”

  “You don’t even have to ask,” his voice was rough. She smiled and nodded. He pushed her bangs from her face and the love in his eyes was more intense than she’d ever seen. It made her breath hitch and he smiled at her reaction. “It’s everything I ever wanted,” he whispered in her ear.

  Mia looked at the beautiful man staring down into her eyes. How was this even possible, she wondered. “Schooner,” his gaze was riveting. She nodded her assent and he was inside of her. She heard a sound coming from her, a mewling.

  “Oh God, Baby Girl,” he growled into her ear, “you feel so fucking good. I’ve waited a lifetime. A lifetime.” He drove into her hard. Harder. “You are mine. No one is ever going to take you from me again. No one is ever going to touch you again. No one. Ever.”

  “Come in me,” she whispered in his ear. He stopped moving and looked down at her. “It’s mine,” she whispered, “all mine.” And he rammed into her hard. She watched his face as he was coming undone and seeing his pleasure threw her over the edge and she squeezed his cock tight. His eyes flew open and she was smiling up at him. “Give it to me, Schooner. Give me what I want.” And that was all he needed to hear to unleash his seed deep into her.

  When they were done, they laid side by side facing each other. “Are you ready for us? For the future?” He asked, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

  She smiled, taking his hand and kissing his thumb. “It’s everything I ever wanted,” she repeated his words from earlier, making him smile.

  He brushed her bangs from her eyes with his fingertips and kissed the tip of her nose. “Your first and your last,” he whispered.

  She smiled at the realization and nodded. “My first and my last,” as it sunk in, her smile grew wider. “My first and my last. I love that.”

  “Is that all you love?”

  “I love bagels,” she teased, smiling at him.

  “Yeah, with avocado slices.”


  He laughed at her. “You’re not going to tell me what else you love, are you?” He tightened his arms around her.

  “You just want to hear me say it, don’t you?”

  He nodded at her.

  Mia looked into Schooner’s eyes and smiled. She traced his cheek with her fingers. “Schooner James Moore,” she began, “five days ago, I was having the worst morning imaginable. We had just lost a big account and I knew it could potentially have devastating effects on my company. I was wrung out just from the events of the morning. And then I saw an email. And your name was on it. And I stared at it in disbelief. Schooner Moore sent me a friend request. Schooner Moore sent me a friend request? And I didn’t even have to think for a second before I hit confirm. I went with my gut, my heart. I just reacted. Five minutes later, I was listening to a voice I thought I would never hear again in my lifetime and just the sound of your voice touched me in a way I didn’t even know I missed. It made me yearn for more, made me want more. More of you. All week, every conversation I just kept saying to myself, how can it be this easy? This right? How can I just click… fit with someone so easily? And then today, today was perfect and I felt right for the first time in… forever. I felt right because you were with me and you get me and I can be me and it’s fun to be me with you and I love everything about you… your heart… your sweetness… the way you are with me, the way you make me feel,” she took his hand and placed it over her heart. “Do you feel that? Because it feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. Over the past five days, I swear, it has gotten five times bigger. I feel like it’s going to explode, it’s so full. I look in your eyes and, well the first thing I think is, I can’t believe I’m looking into your sweet, beautiful eyes. Your eyes,” she smiled and pushed the hair from his forehead, “it’s every dream I ever wanted come true. Dreams I would never even dare to let myself consider, places I wouldn’t allow myself to go, are now not only possibilities, but may actually be my reality. My reality with you. With you, Schooner. And to say I am mind blown is the ultimate understatement. So, if you want me to tell you that I love you, I will do that — but I don’t think those words even begin to describe what I feel for you and I don’t know what the right words are.”

  “You just said them.”


  Mia stretched out in her bed. She could feel how cold the air was on her face, but her body under the down comforter was toasty warm. Outside the window, the snow still fell from a gray sky, making it difficult to tell what time it was. Mia grabbed her phone off her nightstand. It was 8:20 A.M. Wow, she had slept late. Schooner was nowhere in sight. She reached over to his side of the bed. The sheets were cool, so he must’ve been gone for a while.

  Mia saw Schooner’s shirt on the floor, laying in the heap it had fallen, when she peeled it off of him. She grabbed the cold shirt and put it on under
the covers and stayed there until the icy cold cotton warmed up. Finally getting the nerve to brave it, she got out of bed and went to her closet for a pair of Mukluk boot slippers. Mia knew the secret — when feet were warm, all else was bearable.

  Schooner was sitting at the breakfast bar, cell phone in one hand, coffee mug in the other. He looks so damn good in my kitchen, Mia thought. He looked so at home and so natural — like he was in his own space. His face broke into a wide smile when he saw her approaching in his shirt. Putting the coffee mug down, he drew her to him, planting a big kiss on her lips. He held her to him tightly as he continued his conversation.

  “Yeah, well I’m not too worried about that because Yoli will always vote with me and maybe we can just buy her out. As far as the rest of it, let’s just give her what she wants. She’s going to get 50% of everything. I’m not going to contest it. Just give it to her, I want this to happen fast… and smooth.” He was listening. “No, I haven’t talked to them yet. I’m going to do that as soon as possible.” Listening. “Aaron, I don’t really care. None of that matters. So, when can we serve.” Listening. Big sigh. “Ok, do it.” He hung up without saying goodbye.

  Schooner pulled Mia against his chest and wrapped both arms around her tightly. He kissed the top of her head. A gesture that always made her smile. A gesture that was always theirs. She pulled back to look at him. “You ok?” Her concern for him was evident.

  He nodded, smiling at her. “Yeah. Not easy stuff. Just want it done, yesterday.” She reached up to his cheek and he laid his face in her hand, smiling. “We said a lot of things to each other last night, Mia. By the light of day…” his voice trailed off.

  “I can only speak for myself, Schooner. By the light of day, nothing changes. I meant everything I said to you last night. I don’t ever think I’ve ever laid my heart on the line so openly,” she smiled, “it’s pretty scary.”

  “C’mere,” he pulled her tightly into his arms and held her against him, “the next few months may get a little funky. I’d be naive to think CJ will just give me this divorce without a fight — especially with you in the picture. That’s going to go over like a lead balloon. I’m basically going to give her everything she wants, with exception of control of the business, everything else she can have. It doesn’t mean anything to me. I just want out.”

  Mia pulled back to look at him, his face was so sincere. “The kids?”

  Concern clouded his beautiful eyes. “I’m going to fly up to Providence in a few days and talk to Holly. I’m sure she’ll be upset, but something tells me she’ll get it. Holly and CJ are not close. She’s Daddy’s girl,” he smiled and Mia could feel his love for his daughter radiating from him, “and I know she’ll want me to be happy. I also think you two will end up having a very good relationship. She will get us, Mia — I know she will.”

  “And Zac?”

  “That’s going to be a tougher nut to crack. He looks like me, but he’s CJ through and through”.

  “Oh shit.” Mia had a look of mock horror on her face.

  “Oh shit is right.” Schooner laughed. “That boy is deadly. He’s doing a semester abroad in Spain right now and honestly, I hope this is a done deal by the time he steps foot on U.S. soil again,” he sighed, “be prepared. He’s going to be a shit to both of us, but I will not put up with him disrespecting you, so he and I will get that clear right from the start.”

  Mia just looked at him, her mind racing a million miles per hour. It seemed so much less complicated under the warmth of her down blanket and now by the light of day, reality had a lot of details.

  Schooner stood and poured Mia a cup of coffee. “What do you take in your coffee? So much to learn,” he smiled.

  “Just milk,” she watched him pull the carton from the refrigerator and pour it into her coffee.

  He handed her the coffee. I can get used to this, she thought. “So, let me run something by you…,” he began. She cocked her head, listening, “I’m supposed to leave at the end of the weekend. I don’t think in 48 hours I’m going to be ready to leave you.”

  She could feel the smile growing on her face. “Then don’t. Schooner, you can stay here for as long as you’d like. Use the apartment as an east coast base,” he smiled at her across the breakfast bar and she reached out for his hand, “I know it’s not a lot of space. Us New Yorker’s get used to living in small spaces, but I would love for you to be able to think of this as your home. Our home,” she corrected.

  He squeezed her hand, “Let me cancel my flight.”

  Mia stood over by the living room windows looking out at the snow piling up. A real New York snowstorm, the kind that brought the city to a standstill. It looked so beautiful while it was falling, smooth drifts blowing into high peaks. Schooner came up behind Mia and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Well, the weathermen got this one wrong. Not a beach day,” she observed.

  He laughed, “I’ve never had a snow day.”

  She turned to him and smiled, “We’ll get out and play in it later. I’ve been thinking about where I want to take you in a snow storm.”

  “Where is that?” He nuzzled her neck.

  “Well, the place I would love to hang out with you and watch the snow fall is The Oak Room in the Plaza Hotel, but it’s closed for renovations. So, I’m thinking maybe The Champagne Bar at The Plaza instead. Sort of an old New York way to weather a snowstorm.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “I’m smiling into your neck right now.”

  She laughed, “In the meantime, we can play indoors” and she led him back into the bedroom.

  “Damn woman, this room is freezing!” He griped, snuggling immediately under the covers.

  “Western exposure. Winds out of the west.” Mia climbed on top of Schooner, “I’ll warm you up.”

  “I love New York,” he smiled up at her.

  “That’s good, because you’re about to become bi-coastal,” she kissed him softly and then looked at him, her expression serious, “Have you ever thought about expanding to New York?” She rolled off of him and they tangled arms and legs, holding one another tight.

  “Actually a few months ago, Yoli and I had a serious conversation about putting a “Flagship” facility in Manhattan. A lot of our clientele have places here too and we would launch with a big built in celebrity clientele who are already members.”

  Mia’s brain started spinning and Schooner broke into a huge smile. “What?” She asked.

  “I can see that brain of yours spinning, you’re already marketing the property in your head.”

  She threw her head back laughing, “You know me! That is exactly what I’m doing. What an amazing opening event you could do. I’m also thinking about location. You’re known for your celebrity clientele, so a location downtown, here in Chelsea, The Village, SoHo, TriBeCa, I would think that would be where your “stars” are.”

  “That’s where I’m definitely going to need your help. We’ll really need to do some feasibility studies because I don’t know the city at all. I don’t know the personalities and demographics of each of the neighborhoods. And I really want to see what my new agency thinks about expansion to the east coast.”

  “Oh, who are you working with? Are you one of Scott Morgan’s clients?”

  How fun was this, Mia thought, to be all tangled up with Schooner, feeling his hard cock pressing against her and brainstorming business. Mia was excited on so many levels.

  “No. He’s a dirt bag.” Mia laughed at Schooner’s accurate assessment of Scott. “No, we’re going to be joining the client roster of a little boutique agency here in Manhattan. I have a personal relationship with the owner and I know we’ll get the personal attention that I demand,” he pressed against her, watching her eyes widen.

  “Are you a demanding client?” She asked, throwing her leg over Schooner and pressing his ass with her foot, his cock sliding deep into her. She gasped, biting her lower lip, but maintained eye contact with him.

�m a very demanding client,” he thrust into her hard and deep, “I expect 100% attention on me at all times. Can you accommodate that?” He grabbed her ass and rammed into her. “Do you think you can keep me satisfied?”

  “Absolutely, because unlike the large conglomerate agencies, who will sell you a bill of goods and stick you with underlings, you will always get attention from the very top with us,” she pushed him on his back, straddling him and smiling down at him.

  He thrust up into her. “Will you commit to personally handling my business?”

  She reached back and fondled his balls, “I think I can commit to that. I’m very hands on with my clients,” she squeezed his cock and balls at the same time, “I will commit all my resources to you.”

  “How do I know you’re not just selling me a bill of goods?” He pressed up into her, causing her to gasp.

  “What can I do to convince you?”

  “I’ll require a contract,” she looked into his clear eyes, silently asking with her eyes, “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking me?”

  “I’d be very happy to solidify this relationship with a contract,” she squeezed his cock tight.

  “Good,” he grabbed her hips and thrust up into her, “consider it a done deal.”

  “I like the way you do business,” she smiled down at him.

  “I like giving you the business,” he held her hips tight, grinding his cock into her.

  “That’s good, because I want all of your business.”

  “I’m willing to give you every last inch of it.”

  “I can handle it.”

  She laughed… Seth was going to tease her relentlessly about pimping herself out for business, but this new business was truly going to be a labor of love.


  “Good morning, Sunshine.” Mia singsonged, as she breezed by Seth’s desk, depositing his favorite Starbuck’s latte in front of him.

  She put her latte on her desk, hung up her coat behind her door and proceeded to unpack her laptop from her vintage leather Ghurka bag.


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