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Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

Page 1

by Linda S. Prather


  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author

  Linda S. Prather



  The Gifts, A Jacody Ives Mystery

  Sacred Secrets, A Jacody Ives Mystery

  Bet You Can’t…Find Me, A Catherine Mans Psychic Suspense

  Eternal Beauty, A Catherine Mans Psychic Suspense

  Helena’s Diary

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  Dedicated to my wonderful family, whose support and love make writing much easier. Coby W. Fuson, Charles Prather, Jr. and Steven Robert Prather.

  A special thank you going out to my content editor, Laura Koons, my line editor, Kelly Reed, and all the wonderful staff at Red Adept Editing for your persistence and hard work.

  And last, but definitely not least, three wonderful people that keep me on track and my fingers on the keys, New York Times best selling author, M. A. Comley, Mum and Joyce Coomer.

  Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

  Linda S. Prather

  Copyright © 2015 Linda S. Prather

  Digital Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please visit your preferred ebook site and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entire coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49




  Kamela examined her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She wasn’t showing yet, but she would soon, and she wanted Jordan out of prison before that happened. She fluffed her long blond hair before applying Jordan’s favorite pink lip gloss. She’d chosen the country club for her meeting with Olivia because it would be quieter on a weekday and because she’d met Jordan there. They’d planned their wedding on the hill overlooking the lake. Her gaze fell on her ringless finger. Instead, they’d been married in the prison chapel with two guards as witnesses.

  She lifted her eyes, meeting her own gaze in the bathroom mirror as she spread her hands over her flat stomach. She was Mrs. Jordan Elkins, and she was carrying Jordan’s child. Nothing else mattered. She could live without the country club and the limousine, and although she’d grown up in Corpus Christi and had never imagined leaving it, she could live without that too, for Jordan.

  Picking up her purse, she took a deep breath and headed for the dining room. Olivia loved Jordan as much as she did. She’d want him to be with his child.

  Kamela scanned the dining room and moved quickly toward the table in the back. “Olivia, thank you for meeting me.”

  The older woman stood and embraced her. “You look absolutely beautiful, Kamela. Have you seen Jordan?”

  Kamela shook her head. “I thought I might visit on Friday.”

  She waited until Olivia sat down before taking her seat. She smiled at her, studying the timeworn face, covered with thick makeup that—to all except the most perceptive eye—disguised green discoloration and subtle swelling. The judge was either getting careless with his beatings, or he’d gotten away with it for so long he felt invincible.

  Kamela continued her assessment, noting the long sleeves of the Versace silk even though the weather was blistering outside. A delicate scarf was tied around her neck. Olivia Elkins was a beautiful woman, but the luster was gone from her eyes, the spark of life slowly fading.

  “Kamela, is something wrong?”

  She’d promised Jordan she’d protect his mother as best she could, but the stakes had changed. Placing her napkin on the table, Kamela took the woman’s helpless, fluttering hands and held them tightly, her own hands trembling. Olivia expected an answer but perhaps not the one she was about to reveal.

  “I’m pregnant, Olivia. Jordan and I are going to have a child.”

  The color faded from Olivia’s already pale face, and her hazel eyes started, blinked, and settled on Kamela’s, questioning as Olivia pulled her hands away and shook her head. “But that’s impossible. Jordan is in prison.”

  Kamela laughed. The sound carried in the room, and several guests glanced their way. She lowered her voice. “Money buys many things, Olivia. You pay the guards to keep him safe; I pay them for private time alone with my husband.”

  “Your husband?”

  “We were married last year. We wanted to tell you, but Jordan thought we should wait. He was afraid it would make his father strike out at me.”

  Olivia’s mouth twitched, words forming slowly. “Does he know?”

  “No. I wanted to talk to you first before I told him. It would only hurt him to know I was pregnant and he wouldn’t be around to help raise our child.”

  Olivia nodded slowly, her hands settling around the crystal water goblet, gently wiping away the condensation like tears on a child’s face.

  Kamela waited until the hazel eyes met hers, clear and determined.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  She hesitated for a moment and then sighed heavily. Jordan had refused to allow her father to help him, and Olivia was her only hope. “We have to get him out. I want my child to have a father.”

  “William will never allow it.”

  Kamela felt her anger rise, color flooding her face. “William would have no choice if you told the truth. My father would help you. I know he would.”

  Kamela immediately regretted her words as the hazel eyes misted, tears threatening to overflow.

  “In the beginning, I tried to tell the truth.”

  “I know; you did, Olivia. But we have to try again. Jordan only stole that gun to protect you. You know he would never hurt anyone.” No one except his father.

  “Olivia, please talk to Michael. Tell him the truth. Show him what his father is really like�
�what he does to you when no one else is around.”

  A single tear made its way down the wrinkled cheek. “Michael knows.” Rising slowly, Olivia wiped her hands on the napkin, folded it, and placed it carefully on the table. Her lips trembled slightly as she smiled, but her hands were steady. “We’re leaving for Kentucky tonight for the fall Keeneland meet. William is always happier there. I’ll talk to him.”

  “Olivia, no. You can’t. He’ll...” Kamela’s voice faltered as she watched in horrified silence as Olivia walked away from her, back straight, head held regally, “kill you.” Kamela finished the sentence, her voice barely a whisper, as a cold chill enveloped her.


  Jenna scanned the courtroom, anxious to get started and get it over with. Closing arguments were the part of her job she loved the most, and the part she was good at. The evidence had all been presented to the jury. Next, the defense would weave their story, shining a different light on the proof and twisting testimony in the hopes of creating doubt. All they needed was one juror. Her job was to make sure they didn’t get that—to close all loopholes and leave the jury with only one choice: Travello was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. She’d practiced her closing argument, and she was ready.

  Her gaze fell on Aran Travello. He grinned at her, causing a deep, nagging feeling to gnaw at her gut. She shook it off. The evidence was all in her favor. No jury in its right mind would find him innocent.

  Grant Benson slid into the seat beside her and handed her a file. “Here’s the PSIR.”

  Jenna scanned the presentencing investigation report, her eyebrows knitting together. Travello’s previous crimes included everything but murder, and most of the crimes were nonviolent. “Damn it, there has to be more, something everyone missed.”

  Grant smiled, showing even, white teeth. “Patience, you’re showing your true colors.”

  Jenna laughed and closed the file. Her father had wanted to name her “Impatience,” but her mother had balked. Two months early and weighing only two pounds, Jenna Patience James had burst into the world with gusto, screaming and kicking and fighting for life—just as she’d been doing ever since.

  A quiet hush fell over the courtroom. Jenna turned, watching as Conrad Merced sashayed through the doors. She heard the quick intake of Grant’s breath as a blinding pain started just behind her right eye.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” she whispered. “There’s no damn way Travello could afford to hire him.”

  Jenna rubbed her right temple, soothing the pain as she continued to watch Conrad stroll down the aisle. He always reminded her of a clown, dressed in a dark-blue Armani suit, bright-red bowtie that matched his flaming-red hair and, of course, his trademark white shoes. Travello couldn’t even afford the shoe shine.

  Grant shrugged and stood up. “Don’t worry about it. I’d say you’ve got this one in the bag, even with Merced on his side.”

  Jenna raised an eyebrow. Grant was the new law clerk at the DA’s office and had yet to try his first case. He had no clue just how many things could go wrong in a trial, especially a trial with Merced. His confidence in her ability wasn’t exactly comforting.

  Jenna continued to rub her temple as she slipped her feet into her three-inch heels, which gave her a respectable five-foot-five-inch height. Going up against Merced, even that felt short. Why hadn’t Michael told her Merced was entering the case? She glanced to the back of the courtroom, and he shrugged, his lips lifting in a sympathetic smile.

  Merced stopped at the prosecutor’s table and dropped a motion in front of her. “There’s been a slight change in Mr. Travello’s representation. I’ll be doing closing arguments. I hope you won’t object as I’d hate to see a mistrial called on a technicality.”

  Jenna glanced at the motion. Merced knew damn well she wanted to object. Under other circumstances, she would have objected. Conrad Merced had never lost a case. Well, today wasn’t going to be his lucky day. Pasting on her sweetest smile, she met the stony black gaze. “No objection, Counselor.”

  She took some pleasure in the knitting of his bushy brows as the bailiff entered the room.

  “All rise. Judge Raymond Carter presiding.”

  Jenna continued to smile as she stood. Merced was known for his courtroom drama, but Carter would squash him like a bug if he started that.

  “Counsel, approach the bench, please.”

  Jenna held her smile as she stood before the bench, meeting the judge’s sympathetic look. Damn him, he’d buried her already.

  “Miss James, I have a copy of Mr. Merced’s motion, do you have any objections?”

  “No objections, Your Honor.”

  Carter eyed them both over his glasses. “All right, Counsel, you may proceed with closing arguments. Mr. Merced, there will be none of your usual shenanigans.”

  “Strictly by the book, Judge. If Miss James has no objections, defense will go first, alleviating the need for rebuttal by counsel.”

  Jenna eyed him warily. Clearly, he had something up his sleeve. “No objections, Your Honor.”

  Jenna returned to her seat as Merced addressed the court. The gnawing feeling inside her gut grew to almost a physical pain as she listened to him go over the evidence, creating loopholes that could, if believed, create a reasonable doubt in the jury’s mind. Fortunately, the loopholes were minor, but Merced’s lack of courtroom drama and droning voice created a new fear inside her. Was he setting up an appeal defense for incompetent counsel?

  “Miss James?”

  Jenna stood and walked around the table.

  “Your Honor, Counsel, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you’ve heard the testimony. The evidence is clear and precise. Mr. Travello not only butchered but reveled in the death of a homeless immigrant. All for a bottle of cheap wine.” She knew her blue eyes were flashing as she delivered condemning words with precision. She didn’t flutter or wave her hands at the exhibits. Instead, she gripped them as weapons, walking slowly in front of each juror as she met their eyes, dropping her voice and making it soft and sensuous. “Perhaps Mr. Travello thought no one would care. Ladies and gentlemen, I care. This was someone’s son. Someone’s father. Someone’s best friend.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Michael Elkins took his gaze from the jury for just a moment to admire the young woman delivering the scathing closing argument. She wasn’t as pretty as the women he normally dated, but she was cute, and eventually he would change the things he didn’t like. He studied the reddish brown hair surrounding a heart-shaped face and grinned. That would be his first change. His gaze traveled down the slender frame. The breasts were a little too small, but implants would take care of that. He sighed. Her legs had almost become a deal breaker. He liked them long and shapely. Unfortunately, there was little he could do about her height.

  He shook his head as the jurors averted their eyes from the gory picture she held in her hands. She was one of the best prosecutors in the state of Texas, and in another year or two, she’d be the new district attorney. That made her valuable to his career, which was all that really mattered in a relationship.

  Shrugging his shoulders, he met the gaze of his partner, Scott Harman, who had taken his place on the case when Jenna was assigned as prosecutor. Their relationship wasn’t exactly public knowledge, but there was no way he would risk his career for a lowlife like Travello. He’d known Travello was guilty the first time he talked to him. He didn’t need to stay to hear the jury’s verdict. Travello had lost the second she dropped her voice and whispered those soft words, “someone’s son... someone’s father... someone’s best friend.”

  He turned his attention back to Jenna. She was going to be pissed that he hadn’t told her about Merced. Of course, he could feign ignorance. Scott had called him last night to tell him Merced was doing closing arguments. He hadn’t asked why. Truth be told, he didn’t care one way or the other. If Jenna won, he would take her for a celebration dinner. If she lost, he would console her.

  Rising, he c
aught her eye as she returned to the prosecutor’s table to wait for Judge Carter to deliver the jury instructions, then to wait longer for the verdict and, if Travello was found guilty, sentencing. He caught her subtle wink, the slight lifting of the corners of her mouth.

  Michael raised his hand, running his fingers through his thick, blond hair in a silent salute as he headed for the courtroom door to answer the cell phone that had been vibrating incessantly for more than five minutes.

  He cleared security, heading for fresh air and a much-needed cigarette before he returned the call. The Honorable William Jefferson Elkins had summoned—six times. He wasn’t going to be happy about Michael’s refusal to answer the phone, even if he had been in court. Lighting a cigarette, he took a deep drag and scowled. His father hadn’t called him in over six months, and now he’d called six times in the space of a half hour. Hitting the Redial button, he threw the unfinished cigarette into the street.


  “Maria, it’s Michael. My father has been trying to reach me.”

  The silence on the phone was deafening, and Michael felt the first tremors of foreboding.

  “Hold, please.” The words were whispered with an underlying note of compassion and pain.

  “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been calling you for hours!” Judge Elkins bellowed into the receiver.

  “I’ve been in court, Dad.” Michael didn’t bother to correct him that it had been only a half hour. No one ever corrected Judge Elkins—at least, no one that still had a bar license.

  “There’s been an accident.” Anger still riddled the old man’s voice. “Your mother’s dead.”


  Time passed. The jury filed by him, glancing at Michael as he leaned against the courthouse wall as if he no longer had the strength to stand.

  He drew in a ragged breath, his chest constricted and painful. “Your mother’s dead.” The old man had delivered the words with the same unfeeling drone as the sentences he handed down from the bench. Cold, unfeeling bastard. Only the underlying anger had revealed he was capable of emotion. The sad part was he was probably angrier at missing Keeneland than at the passing of his wife.


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