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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Luna James

  “I didn’t find this part out until after I saw you the first time. You reminded me of her. So, I investigated who you were and who you were related to. I researched back to the late 1700s in your family, and there was Aurora. Victoria, my dear, she is your great, great, great, great, great, great aunt on your dad’s side of the family.” Sebastian informed me.

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I didn’t know anything about my dads’ side of the family. He passed away not long after I was born. My mom never spoke of him unless I brought him up in conversation with her.

  “Wow! That’s a lot to take in.” I sighed. “I think I am going to need another hit off that bong please.”

  There was a knock at Sebastian’s bedroom door. I knew who it was before Sebastian opened the door. “May I come in?” Damien asked, walking into the bedroom. “I would like to be with Victoria during this conversation.”

  Sebastian told Damien what he had just informed me of so far. I don’t know why he would do that considering Damien could read our minds. Damien came over and sat down next to me.

  “Do you know her?” I asked Damien.

  “Yes. I know her. I tried to keep my distance from Sebastian and her back then.” Damien looked conflicted.

  “Is she still alive?”

  “Yes, she is,” Sebastian answered.

  I didn’t know what to think. This changed everything. I had so many questions that I didn’t know what to ask first. I felt overwhelmed.

  “I know you do Victoria. Just know that I am here for you.” Damien read my thoughts.

  “Thanks,” was all I could say.

  Sebastian kneeled before me. “I am here for you, too, my dear.”

  “But you changed me, Sebastian. You made me into a vampyre because of her.” There’s another question I need to ask him. “Oh, and how in the hell do we even turn people?” I asked frustrated.

  “Someone has to die with vampyre blood in their system to be changed,” Sebastian answered. Then I remembered the story about the woman dying in the sunlight. Damien said that the woman had vampyre blood in her system. With all the new information in my mind, I forgot they’d already told me.

  “I want you to tell me everything you know about Aurora, please. I need to know.” I begged.

  Sebastian and Damien spent the next few hours telling me stories about Aurora. Stories of how she killed many people with not a care in the world. From what they told me, I gathered she was a very malicious woman and knew she was the most powerful vampyre walking the Earth. I learned that Sebastian was in love with her and would have done anything for her. He joined in on her mischievous activities and enjoyed himself until one day he realized that he couldn’t go on any longer with her. Killing hundreds of innocent people was not something he wanted to do anymore.

  “So, how did you get away from her?” I asked Sebastian.

  Sebastian looked deeply into my eyes. “I ran. I ran as far from her as I could get,” he said sternly. “I never looked back…I never contacted her again.”

  The three of us sat there in silence for what felt like forever. I believe they were letting me process all the new information about Aurora. Finally, I stood up and looked at them both. “Listen, guys, I think I need some time away from y’all. There is so much going on inside me, and you both cloud my judgment so very much. I need time to get myself together and sort out who I am now. Please respect my wishes.”

  Sebastian and Damien looked at each other and then back at me. The look of confusion and hurt was all over their faces. They both simply nodded. I hugged them and then left. Neither Sebastian nor Damien tried to stop me.

  When I got home, all I could do was lie on my bed and think about everything they told me. Aurora and I were alike, but only because we both had telekinetic abilities. She sounded so horrible. How could I be a descendant of someone like her? I planned to find out more about my fathers’ side of the family. I felt like my brain was going to explode. I put in my earbuds and listened to music for the rest of the night.

  Chapter 11


  The next day I was an emotional mess. All the information I had learned the night before had my head throbbing. I needed to go out and feed. I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker. Damien and Sebastian had always been with me when I feasted on a human, so this was going to be my first time doing it on my own. The only thing that worried me was killing someone. I knew I couldn’t live with the guilt of that. I was still upset over killing the man the night I was turned.

  I got dressed in a black tank top and white shorts that barely left anything to the imagination. I knew I wouldn’t have a problem finding someone to feed on wearing my favorite shorts. Men couldn’t resist me when I wore them. I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my purse, and left my apartment.

  When I got to the shopping plaza in town, there were a lot of people around. This was going to be so easy. I walked around looking for someone who wouldn’t be missed for a few minutes. It didn’t take me long to find someone alone. I was in the same shop that Samantha and I had just been the day before. There was a girl in there shopping that I had gone to school with. I never liked her, so I decided to pick her. Patiently, I looked around the store waiting for her to be away from other shoppers. When she was finally away from everyone, I walked over to her.

  “Hi, Heather. I haven’t seen you in forever. How are you?” I asked, acting like I gave a shit.

  Heather faked a smile. “Hi, Tori. I am great. How are you?” she asked, still looking at the rack of clothes in front of her.

  “I am doing pretty good.” She looked over at me. As soon as she made eye contact with me, I worked my magic. “Go into the restroom with me,” I commanded.

  Heather nodded her head and followed me into the ladies’ room. I checked each stall to make sure we were alone. Thankfully, no one was there. I opened one of the stalls and commanded Heather to enter it with me.

  “You are not going to make a single sound Heather,” I ordered, looking into her eyes. I grabbed her by the throat and tilted her head to the side. I bit into her throat and quickly got my fill of her blood. When I was finished, I healed her and told her to forget she’d even seen me.

  When I got back to my apartment, I checked my phone to see if anyone had tried to get ahold of me. I had two text messages from Samantha and one from Travis. I had forgotten entirely about my date with Travis that evening. I opened his text messages.

  Good afternoon Tori. I look forward to seeing you this evening.

  I sent him a message back. Good afternoon Travis. I look forward to it as well. What time would you like to meet?

  Within a minute he messaged me back. I was thinking around 5 or 6. I could come to pick you up if you’d like.

  I sent Travis my address and told him to be at my house at five o’clock. Then I put my phone on my nightstand. I turned on some music and got into the shower.

  When I got out of the shower, I dried off and then went to check my phone. I didn’t bother with putting the towel around me because I lived alone. When I walked into my bedroom, I heard a noise in the living room. I went to see what it was and found Derek sitting on my couch looking at his phone. Derek heard me walk into the room and looked up from his phone.

  “What the fuck Derek?!” I yelled as I turned around and ran into my bedroom slamming the door shut. I got dressed in a tee shirt and shorts. When I went back into the living room, Derek was still sitting on the couch. His face was blood red from embarrassment. I am sure mine was as well.

  “Tori I am so sorry!” Derek apologized. “I didn’t know you would come through the apartment naked.”

  “It’s okay Derek,” I said, sitting down on the couch. “Next time give me a warning. Like holler at me or something telling me you are in here. Wait…how the fuck did you even get in here?” I asked. “I thought I locked the door.”

  “The door was unlocked,” he replied, not looking at me.

  “Well shit! I thought I locked it
,” I said irritated. “So, why are you in my apartment?” I asked cutting my eyes at him.

  “I wanted to see if you wanted to go to a party with my friends and me,” Derek said, typing into his phone.

  “Your friends, huh? Will that guy Lucien be there?” I asked curiously.

  Derek finally looked up from his phone to look at me. “Yes, he will.” He rolled his eyes. “Why do you care if he is there or not?”

  “I don’t know. I just think he is good looking, and I would like to get to know him,” I replied.

  Derek looked back at his phone. “Whatever.”

  Derek was giving off a jealous vibe. I always felt that he had a crush on me. He has never said anything out of the way to me, but he flirts with me every chance he gets. I had a feeling that it disappointed him that I was into his friend.

  “I have a date this evening with a guy I met at Rick’s. I might come to the party after the date though. Where is it?”

  Derek stood up. “I’ll text you the address,” he said, walking towards the door. “See ya later.” He walked out and shut the door hard.

  I didn’t have time to worry about him being irritated with me. I had to get ready for my date with Travis. I went to my bedroom to examine my closet. I stood there looking at what I had to wear. I finally decided on a black halter top with a sheer black button up shirt over it and a blue jean skirt that was extremely short.

  After I got dressed, I checked my phone. Damien had tried to call me, and Derek had sent me the address to the party. I was very tempted to go to that party after my date with Travis. I wanted to see Lucien. I pushed that thought away and called Damien back.

  “Hey Tori,” he answered.

  “Hi, Damien. What’s up?”

  “I was just calling to see how you were today?” Damien asked. “Last night was a lot for you to take in.”

  I talked to Damien for a few minutes about how I was feeling. Then I told him I needed to get off the phone and finish getting ready for my date with Travis. He didn’t seem to be very happy about me going on a date with a human.

  “Tori, please be careful. I would hate for something to happen while you two are out in public,” he said concerned.

  “It’ll be okay Damien. I have fed today, so I shouldn’t be too thirsty. Plus, I have two blood bags that I am taking with me.” I informed him.

  “You fed today? Where? Who did you feed on?” he asked panicked.

  I rolled my eyes. “It was a girl I went to school with. It’s okay, no one saw us. Listen I really need to go. I’ll text you later.” I pushed the end button before he could say anything else.

  Travis arrived at precisely five o’clock on the dot. I locked up the apartment and made my way to his truck. He drove a red 2018 Dodge Ram truck. The truck appeared to have a lift kit on it making it even taller than what the factory built it. Travis was standing by the truck waiting on me. When he saw me walking towards him, his face lit up.

  “Hello Tori,” Travis said smiling.

  “Hello, Travis.”

  He looked at me from head to toe. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you. So, do you.” I replied. Travis had on a pair of beige cargo shorts and a white tee shirt with a blue plaid button-up shirt that he left open. The blue shirt made his eyes look even bluer than I remember.

  “You ready to go?” he asked.


  He walked with me over to the passenger’s side of the truck and opened the door for me. “Do you need help getting in?”

  I looked down at the chrome step on the side of the truck. “No, thank you though.” I climbed in the truck, and he shut the door. I was pleasantly surprised by his manners. Most men nowadays didn’t do things like open doors for ladies. I really liked that about him.

  Travis jumped in and started the truck. It came to life and vibrated all over. The vibration felt good on my heightened body, almost too good. Damn! A girl could orgasm like this. He pulled out revving the engine which made the vibration even stronger. It made me gasp.

  “Are you okay?” Travis asked, looking over at me.

  “Yeah. The trucks vibration surprised me,” I said embarrassed.

  Travis chuckled, “It’s definitely got a little vibration to it.”

  “So, where are we headed?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “I thought maybe we would go to Raven. There’s a restaurant there I heard was really good.”

  “Okay. That sounds good,” I said, smiling over at him.

  On the drive over to Raven, Travis and I got to know each other more. I learned that he moved to Black Rock to work with a construction company that was building an apartment complex close to town. He was twenty-five and an only child. I told him what little there was to know about me. I grew up in Black Rock and had never considered moving. My small town was great, and I wanted to just stay there. I told him about my mom and my dad passing away when I was a baby.

  When we got to the restaurant, Travis came around to my side of the truck to open the door for me, but I was already out the door before he could get to it. We went in and were seated right away. I couldn’t wait any longer to drink a blood bag. “Excuse me, I have to go to the ladies’ room,” I said smiling. “Can you order me a beer please?”

  Travis smiled. “I sure will Hun.”

  I hurried to the bathroom. As soon as I was in a stall, I got out a bag of blood and started chugging it. I instantly started to feel better. Travis smelled delicious, and it was driving me crazy. After I finished, I put the empty blood bag back in my purse and exited the stall. A lady was standing at the sink washing her hands. She looked at me in the mirror and gasped. When I saw my reflection, I knew why she gasped. There was blood on my lips, and the veins under my eyes were still pulsating.

  “Oops!” I said, wiping the blood off with my fingers.

  “Are you okay Honey?” the lady asked concerned.

  I looked the lady in the eyes. “I am fine. You did not see anything on my face.”

  I turned and began washing my hands. The lady finished washing her hands, dried them with the automatic hand dryer, and left without another word. Shew! That was close. I needed to be more careful about drinking blood in public.

  When I got back to the table, Travis was sitting there looking at his phone. A Bud Light was sitting on my side of the table. “Thanks for ordering me a beer,” I said, sitting down.

  “You are welcome,” Travis replied smiling.

  The waiter came shortly after I returned to the table and took our orders. I wasn’t hungry for food, but I knew I needed to eat something. I ordered a steak medium rare and a baked potato. After we placed our order, we talked and drank beer. I was really beginning to like him. There was still something about him that was making me get feelings of caution though, and I was determined to figure out why I was getting these feelings.

  While we were eating dinner, my phone beeped. I got it out of my purse and checked to see who it was. It was Derek asking me if I was coming to the party or not. I sent him a message back asking if he minded if I brought Travis. I wanted to go to the party, but I wasn’t ready for our date to end. A few minutes later Derek texted me back.

  If you must! Your boy Lucien is looking forward to seeing you.

  Reading that made me excited. I wanted to see Lucien but wanted to keep hanging out with Travis, too. I sent Derek a message back telling him we would be there later and to make sure he tells Lucien that I am bringing a friend.

  “Sorry,” I said to Travis, while I put my phone back in my purse. “My step-brother invited us to a party. Would you like to go?” I asked smiling.

  “A party, eh? Sure, I would like that,” Travis answered. “Where is it?”

  “It is on top of a mountain back in Black Rock. We like to party by a bonfire down here in the south,” I winked.

  “Oh, we do, too. Michigan is well known for its bonfire parties. Hell, that’s all there is to do up there in the winter,” he said, taking a drink of bee

  “Awesome! It sounds like my kind of place.” I held my beer up and clinked it to his.

  After we ate dinner, we walked out to his truck. Travis reached his keys out towards me. “Here you go,” he winked.

  “You want me to drive?” I asked surprised.

  “You know where we are going,” he grinned. “I don’t.”

  “Oh, this is going to be fun!” I beamed with excitement.

  I jumped in the driver’s seat, started the engine, and brought the truck to life. Travis climbed in and buckled up. He looked over at me and then looked down at the seat belt buckle. I buckled myself in to appease him. After buckling my seatbelt, I turned the radio on and put it on a country station.

  “Are you ready?” I asked Travis with a mischievous grin.

  Travis matched my grin. “Yes!”

  I pulled out of the parking lot and didn’t let up. It was so fun to drive across the curvy mountain road back to Black Rock in his truck. There were a few times that he grabbed the handlebar on the ceiling.

  “Am I scaring you?” I asked as he held onto the handlebar tightly. “You look like you got a death grip on that oh shit bar.”

  “The oh shit bar?” he laughed. “Is that what you guys call it?”


  Travis let go of the bar. “I might be a little scared. I’m not used to roads like this,” he said, with a clenched jaw.

  “Sorry. I’ll calm it down a little for ya,” I said, while releasing the gas pedal a little. “We aren’t far from the holler we need to go up.”

  Travis looked over at me confused. “A holler?” he questioned, scrunching his eyebrows.

  “A holler is a road that runs between two mountains. They almost always go up and over the mountains. It’s like streets, but hollers.” I informed him chuckling.

  “Oh, okay.” He laughed.

  We stopped at a gas station and stocked his cooler with beer before we started up the mountain to the party. When we got to the party, I parked near the bonfire. There were a few open spots still, so I backed the truck into one of the spots that way we could sit on the tailgate. We got out, and Travis put the tailgate down. He got two beers out of the cooler and handed me one.


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