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Santa Wore Spurs

Page 6

by Various

  "Lose your place, Bree?"

  Rafe’s voice cut into her thoughts and she realized her mind wandered as she stood there playing with her breasts and her nipples. Dropping her hands to her waist she undid the button on her jeans and slid the zipper down. The rasp of the metal sounded unusually loud in the room, but even louder than the beating of her heart.

  She kept her gaze on Rafe’s face as she shimmied out of the denim, stepped away from the garment, folded it and added it to the pile. Last came the bikini panties. Then she stood there before him, completely naked, pulse throbbing, pussy wet but her mouth dry.

  "Touch your cunt now. Show me how wet you are."

  Obediently she slipped a finger between her folds, gathering the moisture from the copious amount slicking her skin. When she held up the finger he smiled. "Now lick it for me. Slowly."

  She drew her tongue in unhurried movement the length of her finger until she’d lapped up every bit of her liquid. It seemed strange to taste herself, something she didn’t usually do. Although, she often had her subs gather the precum from their cocks and do the same thing. Again it startled her to realize how it stimulated her to be the one doing it. Ordered to do it.

  Rafe nodded, running his tongue over his lips as if doing the tasting himself, then made a circular motion with two fingers. "Turn around. Slowly." When she’d completed the spin, he said, "Turn away from me and bend over. Grab your ankles."

  The rawness of the position, the awkwardness of it and the fact that her ass and her cunt were now completely open to his gaze, sent a shiver of anticipation skating over her skin. Between her widespread legs she watched him approach her. Then his fingers coasted over her slit, touched her clit and rimmed her opening. He dragged them back along the sensitive skin to her anus, where he painted the opening with the juices he’d gathered.

  Bree could not believe how overly stimulated she was. Her pussy was soaked. Her breasts ached. Her nipples felt as if they were being squeezed. Her skin felt sandpapered. She’d never expected to find herself playing this role, and the intensity of her response shocked her.

  "Very good. Stand up and turn around." When she did he held out his hand.

  "This way. You need to prepare yourself for me."

  He led her into a bathroom, as immense as everything else in the house she’d seen. A Jacuzzi tub took up an entire wall, while a shower three people could fit into, occupied another. The rest of it was granite and tile, a long vanity, other fixtures, lights that hung down from the high ceiling.

  "Decadent," she told him. "Completely decadent."

  "Of course." He winked. "It’s part of my personality." Then his face sobered. "All right. You should know I am a hard core Dom. I demand complete submission from my subs in the bedroom. Sometimes in other places, but never in public. This is private between two people. But I often have extreme tastes."

  She looked in his eyes, trying to read inside him. She saw nothing that frightened her.

  "That’s fine."

  "Is it? Are you sure? Last chance to back out, Bree. Say you’ve changed your mind and I’ll drive you right back to your hotel."

  Did she want him to? That would certainly be the safest way. But maybe she didn’t want safe anymore.

  "No," she whispered. "Don’t take me back."

  "All right, then." He opened the floor to ceiling cupboard in one corner and took out a number of items that Bree recognized. "I’ll take care of everything else. Prepare yourself for me. There’s body wash and foam in the shower. Please shampoo your hair, also. I love to run my fingers through hair that’s freshly clean. But leave your cunt alone except for bathing it. I’ll take care of everything else myself."

  She stood there, not saying a word.


  For a moment she couldn’t think what he wanted her to say. Then her brain clicked in.

  "Yes, Sir. Or do you prefer Master?"

  "No, I like Sir. I’ll shower in one of the other bathrooms and get everything else we’ll need ready." He gave her one of those panty-melting smiles. "Don’t dawdle." He walked out, closing the door behind him.

  Bree took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Well. She’d agreed to this. Maybe even subconsciously asked for it, and realized she actually looked forward to her surrender.

  In the bathroom she stood for a long moment, centering herself, astonished at how aroused she already had become. When she reached in to turn on the shower, it excited her to see that instead of one large showerhead, there were many embedded in the ceiling and the walls that sprayed a fine mist.

  While the water heated, she completed three of the tasks he’d set for her, using the items he’d placed on the vanity. She finished with the razor, whisking it over her legs from thigh to ankle until there wasn’t a stray hair anywhere. For a moment she thought about lathering up her pussy but he had specifically told her to leave it alone. He’d take care of it himself.

  Taking a quick look in the full length mirror, she permitted herself a little smile. He wouldn’t have much to do. She kept her mons clean except for a narrow strip of curls the length of each outer lip.

  Finished at last, Bree stepped inside the shower, closing her eyes against the sensual caress of the almost hot spray, letting it cover her skin. The caress of the mist bathed away the perspiration and grime of the day and soothed any residual nerves and misgivings. Sure enough, a selection of body washes stood on a built-in shelf. Deliberately forcing herself not to think about how many other women had been in this shower. What should she care, right? She carefully selected one with the scent of honeysuckle. She had read about honeysuckle in so many books that she wanted a chance to see what caused all the enthusiasm for it.

  Uncapping the bottle she inhaled the fragrance and smiled. It certainly lived up to its publicity. She poured a generous amount in one palm, rubbed her hands together and slicked the lather slowly over her body. She closed her eyes as she smoothed over her arms and neck, her tummy, her legs. Squeezing out another dollop, she went to work on her breasts and her ass. And finally, she cleaned every bit of her pussy.

  As she slid her soapy fingers in and out she pretended they were Rafe’s fingers and his touch from last night ghosted over her skin. She still could not believe she’d allowed that to happen. She’d never done that in her life, except when she’d ordered one of her subs to pleasure her.

  But last night Rafe had taken control, so naturally she hadn’t wanted to resist. And tonight? She inhaled slowly, let out her breath. Tonight she would place herself completely in his control. If the throbbing in her cunt meant anything, she was more than ready for it. Surprisingly.

  She finished by lathering her hair, letting the multiple sprays dispose of the shampoo and conditioner. Stepping out of the shower she took one of the large towels on a hook by the shower and wrapped it around herself. Finding a smaller one, she wound it around her head like a turban to absorb as much water as possible.

  The array of lotions on the vanity matched the bathing products, so she took the honeysuckle and applied it everywhere on her body. Finished with everything else, she picked up the hair dryer he’d left and turned it to blow dry her hair, using only her fingers to comb out the strands. When she finished she took a look at herself in the mirror again. She glowed and her hair framed her face in a soft cloud.

  And she couldn’t deny the anticipation on her face.

  Swallowing hard, she opened the door and strode into the bedroom, consumed immediately by lust at the sight that greeted her.

  Rafe stood at the foot of the bed, dressed only in a pair of black leather pants. The butter soft leather clung to him and outlined the bulge of his cock at his fly. Droplets of water still clung to the thick matte of hair on his chest. The muscles in his abdomen rippled as he held out his arms to her.

  "Very good. Come here, Bree. I want to touch you before we begin."

  She walked over to him and dutifully clasped her hands in front of her, head bowed the way she always taught her
subs to do.

  Rafe slid his fingers through her hair, lifting a few strands to sniff and smiling before coasting his touch over the rest of her body. Then he tilted up her face and studied her carefully.

  "I want you to know I consider this a great honor, Bree Donovan. A gift you would not bestow on just anyone, and I truly value it."

  "Thank you." He’d touched her so she couldn’t think of anything more to say. This man definitely had a way of getting to the core of her.

  "All right, then. Come over here to the bed." He picked up a large square of silk and folded it lengthwise several times. "I’m sure you know that when you take away one sense, all the others become more acute. I want you to feel everything intensely tonight, so I’m going to blindfold you." As he talked he placed the silk over her eyes and knotted it at the back of her head. "Perhaps later I might even want to give you a gag to bite on. We’ll see."

  Blindfold securely in place, he lifted her and placed her on the bed. She felt him shift her toward the foot of it so her legs dangled over the edge. The fabric beneath her felt different than most coverlets and she rubbed her hands over it.

  "Towel," he told her. "I’m going to shave that pretty cunt of yours before I give you your first orgasm. I’m a giving Dom, Bree. My pleasure comes from yours."

  Before Chad, Bree thought that would have applied to her, too. Now? She pushed aside the thoughts.

  As he moved her arms and legs and adjusted her body he continued to talk to her.

  "Handcuffs now, with a length of chain through the connector so I can stretch your arms over your head and anchor you to the headboard."

  He pulled her arms until they were extended way past her head. The cuffs he locked her wrists into were warm from the fleece lining. She heard the jingle of chain as he hooked her up.

  "Now your legs. I’m going to shave your pussy and I don’t want you to move unexpectedly at the wrong time. So these manacles go around your knees and fasten to the short posts at the foot of the bed."

  More warm fleece circled, more clicking of chains.

  "Beautiful," he breathed. "Your cunt is a work of art."

  He didn’t say anything else and she had the sense that he’d walked away. Then she heard the water running in the bathroom, splashing against the marble of the sink. Heard the sound of things clattering together. She tested the strength of her shackles and found that she was well and truly helplessly bound. The thought made her heart pound in her chest, her breathing accelerate, her pulse beat frantically at every point in her body.

  "A little warm water now."

  His voice, coming from between her thighs, startled her. She hadn’t realized he’d come back into the room. A warm, wet cloth covered every bit of her pussy. Rafe pressed down on it to wet her skin and her curls.

  "Now some shaving cream. I like it a lot better than soap. Cleaner. Gets the job done better."

  The hiss of the aerosol can. The cool feel of the foam. The brush of his fingers as he spread it over the area to shave.

  "You have a beautiful cunt, Bree. I love the way you keep it clear of everything but those two little strips of curls. But tonight we’re going to get rid of them, too."

  She jumped when he touched his finger to the swollen nub of flesh between the lips of her pussy.

  "Careful. I did that so you could feel my touch. I’m going to touch you many times while I shave you. Caress you. Play with you. And the one thing to remember is you must not come. No orgasm until I give the order. Exactly like the performance last night."

  In seconds she felt the first slide of the razor over her flesh, the click as it hit the side of the bowl with the water in it. Then a repetition and another. After the third one he traced the line of her slit with a finger. The touch, barely there and so erotic it made her body shake.

  "You like that. I do, too. I think I could spend the night do nothing but playing with your clit, seeing how far I could take you each time before allowing you your release." A pause. "But not tonight."

  Then the razor stroked over her again. Rafe was right, exactly as she’d been right with many of her subs. Being blindfolded enhanced everything else, made it so much more acute.

  He kept up his monologue as he continued to work on her with the razor, praising her beauty, her responsiveness as well as her control. And every minute or so his fingertip would ghost over her engorged bundle of nerves, rub it a few times before again following the length of her slit.

  By the time he’d finished, she was so aroused she didn’t know how she’d continue to control herself.

  "Don’t come," he reminded her. "When you do it will be worth the wait. I promise you."

  A warm cloth covered her pussy again, light strokes moved across her mound, ensuring he cleaned every bit of the area. Then two fingers pinched her clit while a third slid into her opening. Bree gritted her teeth as her body fought to claim its release. She knew she was soaked with her juices. Heard the slick sound of his fingers probing her. Between the soft kiss of the razor and him toying with her sexual nub she wanted to come so badly she was ready to beg. But he wouldn’t want that. Not yet. And she knew it. Because in many ways he reminded her of herself.

  "Wet," Rafe said, confirming her thoughts. "I love it."

  A soft current of air passed over her newly naked skin. His breath. In the next moment his tongue licked at every place on her mound, slow swipes over the skin he’d shaved so tenderly. She trembled as need surged through her, demanding release. She realized a good part of the stimulation came from the fact he held her climax under his control--that unknown punishment awaited her if she climaxed before he gave her permission.

  For a long moment he didn’t touch her again, and she lay there, trembling, uncertain what would happen next. Then Rafe opened the lips of her pussy very gently and licked across her already sensitized button, and she wanted to scream in frustration. Even blindfolded she recognized that his pleasure came from controlling hers. Been there, done that. But seeing it and feeling it as a sub, was far more intense than she could have imagined. How had she not realized the powerful eroticism of it all?

  When he’d stretched the limits of her control, had her ready to scream, he removed his hands and mouth. Silence. Then, listening hard she heard the soft shuffle of his feet on the carpet as he took his tools of the trade to the bathroom. Moments later he walked back into the room, releasing the manacles and rubbing her arms and legs. He linked his fingers with hers and tugged her toward him, placing them over the bulge at his crotch. She sucked in her breath as she felt the size of him. Huge!

  He gave a soft chuckle. "You can take it. I promise."

  Lifting her again, he sat on the bed and draped her over his lap.

  "Do you spank your subs, Bree? Do you apply your lovely hand to their bare ass and take pleasure in their response?"

  Yes. Yes, she did. Oh, yes.

  She nodded her head.

  "Say it," he commanded.

  "Yes. I like to spank them." She licked her lips. "Sir."

  The hard smack on one cheek of her ass landed without warning and she jerked in reaction. Even as her cunt muscles flexed in response.

  "Bad sub. You almost forgot the honorific." He eased a smooth caress over the skin he’d just spanked. "And what is it you like the most when you punish your subs?"

  She closed her eyes and visualized an anonymous ass—not Chad’s—and saw the spreading blush of heat over the skin and the quivering of the body.

  "My handprints. The color of red. The way it makes my sub tremble when I punish him. The way every time I smack his flesh his cock flexes in response." Just the memory of it aroused her even more.

  "Me, too." He stroked her ass, shaping the curve of her buttocks. "Very nice." He pinched each globe lightly then caressed them again. "Extremely spankable." His voice thickened with lust. "I planned to break in that brand new paddle, but the thought of my hands on your bare ass proved too much temptation for me to resist. I always like a spanking before e
verything else. I tried to think of the best way to position you for yours. I decided this is the best position to pleasure both of us."

  He traced the curve of her buttocks with his warm palm. Anticipation shivered through her. Had her subs felt like this? Did the expectation feel almost as good as the act itself?

  She held her breath while Rafe fastened therestraints on her wrists again, letting her arms fall toward the floor. His body shifted, his thighs flexed beneath her as he moved. Her hearing, more acute with sight removed, caught a mixture of sounds. The slide of wood on wood. The opening and closing of a drawer. The heaviness of his breathing. Then his hand rested on her ass, easing the cheeks apart. The hiss of his breath as he looked at her anus and her crevice.

  Something cool on her tight ring of muscles. Lube. She wiggled her ass, trying to push it up to him.

  "Eager, are we?" She heard that sexy chuckle again, the sound vibrating through her body, speeding up her pulse. "Let’s see, then."

  More lube. He spread it around carefully. The pressure as he eased his finger into her, one slow inch at a time.

  "I think I could play with your ass all night and never get tired of it. But then I’d deprive myself of all the other things I want to do."

  By this time he had worked his finger all the way in. He glided it back and forth, wriggling it a little to stretch her tissues. She wanted to protest when he withdrew, but he slid it back in with a second finger. Scissored them to stretch her more.

  This time when he removed them, she sensed more movement, assumed he was wiping off the lube and wanted to cry out, no! She wanted his touch back inside her.

  Without warning, he reached between her thighs and pinched her clit. Hard.

  "Oh!" She couldn’t stop the exclamation. She gotten so wet she could smell her own scent.

  "Coming along nicely. Thank me, Bree."

  She panted, concentrating to form words.

  "Thank you, Sir." I’ll thank you more if you let me come.


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