Book Read Free

Minor Nephilim

Page 10

by Randall Morris

  Shade grinned.

  “Nice try. You want to sneak off at the first chance and go after Muan.”

  “I can do that later. Fade is one of us. A new minor nephilim. That takes priority right now.”

  “The last time I trusted you, you threw a smoke bomb at me, punched me in the face, and ran off.”

  “Right. I know what you mean. It’s always exciting being my friend.”

  Backlash snorted. Shade looked at him with disapproval.

  “Sorry. Bug in my throat… or something.”

  “Set her free.”

  “Dude… you can’t believe her. She’s full of shit.”

  Shade turned and looked at Nissa.

  “If she tries to sneak off and go after Muan, I’ll tie her to Cerberus until we find your brothers.”

  Nissa rolled her eyes.

  “Let me go. I’m not playing an angle here. I want to help.”

  Backlash shook his head and snapped his fingers. The chains fell to the ground.


  Reaper didn’t know why, but he felt like he could trust Nightmare. He told him about the situation he was in and how he hadn’t followed protocol.

  “You’re going to be blamed for the whole thing. That’s how those stupid governments survive. Placing blame is what they do best. It helps everyone feel like they have closure.”

  “I think I can still talk my way out of it.”

  Nightmare held up a hand.

  “We’re here. The plan is simple. I’m the sword and you’re the shield. You keep them off my back. It won’t take long.”

  Reaper nodded and Nightmare lunged out at the nephilim band. He lifted nephilim off the ground and ripped them in half. Reaper pulled water from his pouch and did his best to keep anyone from ambushing Nightmare as he attacked. When Nightmare did occasionally take a punch or a kick, it only made him angrier and his attack became even fiercer. The final few nephilim attempted to flee, but Reaper summoned a wall of fire in front of them.

  “This is for my brother, you assholes.”

  The fire fanned out and encircled the few remaining nephilim. It moved inward slowly until the sound of their screams fell silent and the cackling of their flesh was the only noise.

  “Not bad, kid.”

  “You, too. I didn’t know anyone could fight like that.”

  “I’m even better when I have my…”

  Nightmare started running around. He moved in and out of tents. Finally, he emerged with a long, metal box and dropped it on the ground. He punched it hard, but it wouldn’t open.

  “It’s magically sealed. Let me take a crack at it.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to stick around and help me retrieve what they stole.”

  “Maybe I’m just dreading going back to Necropolis. Do you want my help or not?”

  Nightmare backed away and nodded. Reaper cast a strong anti-curse and the box popped open. Nightmare reached in and retrieved his scythe. His eyes turned red when he picked it up and a swell of energy made its way into his arm and through the rest of his body.

  “Feels good to be back.”

  “Is that…”

  “Rage. It’s my old scythe fused with the berserker staff.”

  “Honestly, I thought Leech made all of that up. He embellishes a lot when he tells stories.”

  “How is the little runt? I haven’t heard much about him in a while.”

  “He’s the king of the nephilim. I hope to be king after he dies. I’m dating his daughter.”

  “Well I could use an apprentice if things don’t work out for you. I’m around in these woods if you need to find me.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I need to get back and tell them what happened to my brother. You’re alright though, Nightmare. You’re not the asshole everyone said you were.”

  Nightmare laughed.

  “Oh I am. The only part they don’t tell you is that all of them were assholes right back to me. It’s never a one-way street. I’ll be around here for a while if you change your mind and then I’ll be moving on.”

  “Thank you for helping me get my revenge. It won’t bring my brother back, but it’s something.”

  Nightmare nodded, turned, and walked away. When he was gone, Lucia approached Reaper from behind and smacked him hard across the head.

  “Was that Nightmare? The rage demon?”

  “Good to see you too, babe.”

  “Are your brothers with you?”

  Reaper lowered his head and pointed at a nearby bush.

  “I couldn’t save him.”

  Lucia looked at the bush and saw Fade’s corpse.

  “Why the fuck did you come out here alone?”

  “Fade was already dead when I found him. There was no point in calling for backup. This was just a revenge mission.”

  “Why were you working with Nightmare? He tried to kill my father!”

  “I think Leech was being overdramatic. Nightmare’s alright.”

  “Let’s go. We’re going back to Necropolis.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “Of course I’m fucking mad at you. That’s not important right now. Your parents need to know that Fade is dead. Pick him up and let’s go.”

  Shortly after Shade, Nissa, and Backlash left Necropolis to search for Reaper and Fade, they saw Reaper and Lucia making their way back from the nearby forest. When they came into view, Nissa pointed out that Reaper was carrying something on his shoulder. When Backlash realized what it was, he charged full speed at his older brother.

  “You fucking monster! You killed him? I am going to make you suffer before I kill you.”

  Reaper looked amused and placed Fade’s corpse on the ground.

  “Try it.”

  Lucia got in between the brothers.

  “Backlash, he didn’t kill your brother. Fade disobeyed orders and went off with his team. They were ambushed. Enyo and Ares are dead, too.”

  Backlash ignored her.

  “I knew this would happen one day. That he’d take it too far and he’d kill one of us. I’m done being afraid of him. Get out of my way.”

  Shade and Nissa caught up to them. Shade saw Fade’s corpse and put his hand on Backlash’s shoulder.

  “Now’s not the time. We need to get his body back to your parents.”

  Backlash was breathing heavily and spoke in short bursts of words.

  “You’re wrong. He needs to pay. Right now. I helped you, Shade. You owe me.”

  Shade looked back at Nissa and she shrugged. He turned back to Lucia.

  “Whether he’s to blame for Fade’s death or not is irrelevant. He’s done terrible things. Backlash told me about all of it. Get out of the way, Lucia.”


  “Alright guys, listen up!”

  Monkey and Coconut continued to run around Razorburn’s feet and throw things at each other.

  “Stop fucking around! We have things to do!”

  The brothers ignored Bumalin. Bumalin sighed and pointed at the brothers.


  Razorburn lifted Coconut and Monkey into the air in separate fists. They both tried to escape, but Razorburn tightened his grip.

  “Ow! Let me go! Coconut was throwing things at me!”

  “Only because you started throwing things!”

  “I’m strongly considering selling the two of you to the nephilim as slaves.”

  That got their attention. Coconut shook his head fervently.

  “We’re listening, boss.”

  Monkey agreed.

  “We’re definitely listening. Also, I would be a much better slave than Coconut. I always work harder than he does.”

  Coconut grinned.

  “He’s right. Sell Monkey into slavery. I want to keep working for you, Bumalin.”

  Monkey realized what he’d stepped in to with his careless words.

  “Actually… I take it back. I would be a terrible slave. I’m lazy and I say terrible things. I also
don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m really annoying.”

  Bumalin closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

  “I’ve noticed, Monkey. Just shut the fuck up and listen. Leech wants us to find a way to bring Shadow back. We need to separate his soul from Abaddon’s.”

  Coconut nodded.

  “So, naturally, you came to us for our expertise. Very smart, Bumalin. Let me think over the problem for a few days and I’ll get back to you…”

  “Shut up, Coconut. This problem has baffled creatures much smarter than you.”


  “Stop interrupting me. I have an idea of how we can attempt this, but it would be smart to check with the angels first. There’s a particular angel I need to get some information from. I still think Gabriel has an interest in keeping one of my secrets away from the public. We’re going to head out and talk to him. Razorburn, which of my spies is watching Gabriel?”

  Razorburn thought for a moment.


  Monkey looked at Razorburn with awe.

  “How did he know that?”

  “I store the location of my spies in Razorburn’s head. Kind of like how I store things in your head because there’s so much empty space. When did Fishfangs last check in, Razorburn?”

  Razorburn thought for a moment.

  “Um… Gabriel is still in Heaven. He hasn’t left in months.”

  “Damn. Well I guess we need to go to Heaven and request an audience with Gabriel. Everyone start packing. Coconut, send a letter on a bird to Fishfangs. I’ll meet with him briefly before we head up there.”

  Coconut nodded and everyone ran off to pack.

  Leech made his way to Steam and Selene’s house. He knocked firmly on the door. Steam answered.

  “Come on in. Selene is on patrol. Trying to keep her mind off of…”

  Steam just let the sentence trail off. Leech nodded.

  “I hate to bother you with this right now, but maybe it will be a good distraction for you. I need to know what happened on your mission to find Bumalin.”

  “Well it was easy enough to track them down. I had to show those idiot brothers a bunch of tricks before they would let me see Bumalin. Bumalin seemed skeptical, but decided to take a look at the memory I pulled from you. While he was inside the memory, Raphael attacked. I’m not sure why, but he was out to kill Bumalin. I fought Raphael after he took out the brothers and the big guy. I had the upper hand for a little while because he underestimated my powers, but he stopped fucking around when he realized I could hurt him. He was about to kill me when I saw a blinding light and heard the clash of metal on metal. I felt myself being dragged away from the fight and then I blacked out for a little while.”

  “So did you see Shadow?”

  “I only saw hazy shapes. It was Bumalin who dragged me away. He said it looked like Shadow, but he couldn’t be sure. He said he thought it was Shadow’s sword. The short blade of Michael. He didn’t get a good look either before whatever it was drove Raphael deeper into the jungle.”

  “Do you think they’re both still in the Philippines?”

  “I have no idea. Do you want me to find out?”

  “No. I don’t want to risk anyone getting too close to that Shadow / Abaddon hybrid. I need to find him and knock him out so Bumalin can try to separate Abaddon’s soul out.”

  “You’re going to need backup. I know you’re powerful, maybe even the most powerful nephilim alive, but rolling the dice against that thing is… well… you should take someone with you.”

  Leech looked away.

  “I’m thinking about taking Shade with me.”

  “You can’t be serious. He has no control over his ice powers and he’s not ready for something like that.”

  “He may provide the distraction I need. Shadow has never seen his son as far as I know. Abaddon has never seen his grandson. It’s the only thing I can think of that will tip the scales in my favor.”

  “Raw power, Leech. Take the entire council with you. We’ll overpower him like all of us overpowered Abaddon.”

  “And leave Necropolis unprotected?”

  “Lucia and Reaper can run things while we’re gone.”

  “We still don’t know where Reaper is.”

  “So much for this being a distraction.”

  Leech grinned.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring your attention back to that. I just don’t think they’re ready. We can’t leave Necropolis unprotected because I want my old friend back.”

  “You’re not the only one who wants Shadow back, Leech. I know I only knew him briefly, but he’s worth trying to save. He’s one of the big reasons that angels and demons still fear us. Let’s put it to a vote at the next council meeting.”

  “Maybe that’s the best solution. You’ve convinced me, old friend. We’ll vote on it.”

  Selene rushed into the room.

  “They’re just outside the walls. Let’s go.”

  Steam and Leech didn’t ask questions. All three of them rushed out of the house.


  “What the fuck did you just say to me?”

  “Backlash has a right to payback. Get out of the way, Lucia. This doesn’t concern us.”

  “This concerns us. We need to get Fade’s body back to his parents and let the council know that Nightmare is in the area.”

  “We can do all that after Backlash kicks Reaper’s ass. He helped me when I needed him. Now I’m returning the favor. Move out of the way.”

  “Or what?”

  Nissa stepped in front of Shade.

  “Or we’ll move you out of the way. There’s three of us and only two of you.”

  Reaper started walking back towards Necropolis.

  “This is ridiculous. Backlash can be a little bitch on his own time. I need to see the council.”

  Backlash summoned a wall of fire in front of Reaper.

  “You’re not going to lie your way out of this. Fade lived a miserable short life and it’s your fault. I should have stopped you. I wasn’t strong enough then, but I won’t let you get away with this now.”

  Reaper turned and set Fade’s corpse on the ground.

  “Did you just cast a fire wall in front of me?”

  For a moment, fear entered Backlash and ran up his spine. It was the same fear that had frozen him countless times before. It only took a moment to overcome it this time.

  “Yes. You’re not my brother. You never have been. You’re a bully and a coward. I don’t care if you killed him personally. I know that if it weren’t for you, Fade would still be alive.”

  “You little shit. I’m going to put you in the hospital this time. Get ready for a lesson I thought I had already beat in to you over the years. Don’t you ever challenge me!”

  “Bring it on, you coward! I’m ready for you!”

  Reaper prepared to cast fire at Backlash when he felt a powerful hand grab his wrist. He looked up into the furious eyes of his father.

  “It looks like I’ve lost one son today already. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you put Backlash in the hospital. You’re never going to attack your brother again. Start marching home.”

  Reaper opened his mouth to respond.

  “Now! Keep your fucking mouth shut and go home!”

  Reaper turned and stomped off towards Necropolis. Lucia looked at Shade with fury in her expression. Shade knew she was pissed. She ultimately decided to follow Reaper and deal with that issue first. Selene ran to Backlash and hugged him.

  “I didn’t know, Backlash. I didn’t know he was hurting you.”

  “I never had the courage to tell you guys. I’m sorry. I should have been stronger. I tried my best to keep him away from Fade.”

  Tears rolled down Selene’s face.

  “I’m so sorry, Backlash. We should have figured it out. We’ll deal with him. He will never hurt you again.”

  Steam sighed deeply and bent down to pick up Fade’s corpse.

  “I can’t believe he’s gone. This better not have been Reaper’s fault.”

  Backlash shook his head.

  “I don’t think Reaper would have killed him. Seeing him dead just… triggered me. Fade could have had a better life without having to live in fear of Reaper.”

  “Let’s go home, Backlash.”

  Steam and Backlash started on their way towards Necropolis. Selene looked at Shade and Nissa.

  “I don’t know what part the two of you played in this, but we saw what you did. Thank you for sticking up for Backlash. We had no idea this was going on. I’m glad he has friends willing to fight for him.”

  Selene turned, tears still rolling down her cheeks, and started making her way back towards Necropolis. Shade turned to Nissa and saw her slowly backing away.

  “Trying to sneak off and go after Muan?”

  Nissa stopped moving.

  “I can’t let it go, Shade. I just can’t.”

  “We need to stick around Necropolis for a while. We need to see justice done for Backlash’s sake. I know you think you didn’t need our help, but he offered it regardless. We stick around to help him and then we go after Muan. Together.”

  Nissa thought about what Shade had said and then nodded.

  “For Backlash. We’ll stay for Backlash.”

  When Selene, Steam, Reaper, Backlash, and Lucia arrived at the gates of Necropolis, Leech was waiting for them. He had guards with him.

  “I’m sorry, my friends. We have to take him into custody until we sort this whole mess out.”

  Lucia stepped forward.

  “Nightmare is in the area. Whatever Reaper did, he did under the influence of him. Please take that into consideration.”

  Leech nodded.

  “I will consider it and the council will consider all available evidence. Before we get to that point, I’m going to need to take Reaper’s powers.”

  Reaper looked frightened.

  “You… you can’t do that.”

  “I can’t have you attacking anyone. Selene? Steam? Thoughts?”

  Selene wouldn’t even look at Reaper.

  “Take his powers. He doesn’t deserve them.”


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