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Becoming Little Jenny (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 2)

Page 7

by Becca Little

  “I expect you to ace every class.” He said. “If you don’t, then we’ll have to have another discussion like we had earlier.”

  Jenny grimaced at the thought of that. It was already difficult to sit, and she fully intended to spend the rest of her time there avoiding getting punished. She hoped that the spanking she received was just to bring her back into the zone and starting over from the point where her father passed, and not an indicator that she was going to be spanked for everything she did wrong in her life. Her bottom would be quite sore all the time if that was the case.

  “I will, Daddy. I’ll make you proud.” She immediately started entering her information.

  “Daddy will make you some breakfast while you sign up.” He stood and went into the kitchen.

  Jenny furiously worked on the application while she heard breakfast being prepared. Her heart was beating in her chest. She looked over at Daddy’s cigar which was in the ashtray. Just one puff would give her enough nicotine to calm her craving. She slid across the couch and looked into the kitchen. He was digging around in the fridge.

  She grabbed it and put it to her lips, drawing deep like a cigarette. She sucked the smoke into her lungs and they reacted violently. She had never had a cigar before and didn’t realize how thick and harsh the smoke would be. Jenny coughed and gagged, so much so that she lost her grip on the cigar. It went tumbling down onto the carpet. She grabbed it in a panic and tried to stomp out the smolder, right as Daddy turned the corner.

  “Jenny!” He said harshly. He ran over, sat the bowl of cereal down and took the cigar from her hand. He tapped it out in the ashtray and checked the carpet. Once it was out, he turned back to her with concern on his face. “Are you hurt?” He grabbed her hands and checked them. Luckily, they were fine.

  “I’m okay, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” She felt like a fool. She couldn’t even be trusted alone in the living room for five minutes without screwing up and nearly setting the carpet on fire. There was a burned-out stain about the size of a quarter and the carpet was ruined.

  “Were you trying to smoke my cigar?” He asked, putting his hands on his hips.

  “Yes.” She admitted, looking down at the floor. “I’m really sorry.”

  “Not as sorry as you’re going to be.” Daddy grabbed her by the hair and took her to the bathroom. “I’m going to wash that filth right out of your mouth.”

  “Daddy, please. I’m sorry!” Jenny was terrified. She had no idea what was coming. She expected to be spanked again, but it seemed like he had something else in mind for her.

  Daddy took a bar of soap from the counter and ran it under the water, then turned back to her. “Open up.”

  She trembled at first, but finally opened her mouth. She had heard of mouth-soaping before, but never experienced it. Daddy pushed the bar into her mouth until it was in so far in her throat she involuntarily clamped her teeth on it. Once it was securely in her mouth, he took her back to the living room and sat her down. He sat down directly across from her and took out a fresh cigar.

  “Since you decided to put my cigar in your mouth, I’m going to let you sit there and cleanse your mouth while I smoke this one. Once your mouth is nice and clean, I’m going to blister your bottom.” Daddy lit the cigar, rolling it around in his mouth until it was fully ignited.

  Jenny felt tears welling up in her eyes. Her bottom was still stinging and hurting from the last spanking, and now another one was inevitable. The soap was bitter in her mouth. She tried desperately to keep her mouth still and not create any saliva. She didn’t want any of the foul-tasting substance going down her throat. The cigar seemed to burn for an eternity. Part of her was glad of that, because it meant it was longer between her first spanking and her second, but another part of her couldn’t stand the thought of the soap in her mouth that long. She really wasn’t sure which method of discipline was worse.

  As the cigar smoke came close to her face, Jenny’s eyes and nose burned. Her lungs started reacting to the smell, remembering the harshness of having the smoke inside of them. Her throat began to involuntarily spasm and some of the soapy saliva went down her throat. It made her want to gag even more. She began to cry as his cigar continued to burn.

  Finally, it came down towards the end and Daddy tapped it out in his ashtray. She breathed a sigh of relief knowing that part of her punishment was done. Daddy grabbed her by the arm, taking her back to the bathroom. He extracted the soap and used water to wash out what was left. When he was done, the taste remained, but it wasn’t as strong.

  “Do you know what is going to happen now, Jenny?” He asked.

  “Yes sir.” She said, looking down at the floor.

  “Tell me.” He demanded.

  “I’m going to get a spanking.” She whimpered.

  “That’s right, Jenny. Don’t you think you deserve one?” He asked.

  “Yes sir.” She squeaked out.

  “Go to your room.” He moved to allow her to leave. “I’ll be there shortly.”

  Jenny went to her room and plopped down on her bed. She grabbed Mr. Fluffy and pulled him close. She considered leaving. It was a lot more than she signed up for, and she never realized she would be spanked so much. She never dreamed she would have her mouth washed out with soap. She thought about what had happened, and it slowly sank in that this was her fault. He didn’t force her to try his cigar, and he warned her the night before that she wasn’t allowed to smoke.

  “I’m not going to smoke again, Mr. Fluffy.” She said, hugging the teddy bear. “Never again...” She vowed to throw the cigarettes in her drawer out the first chance she got and never touch tobacco again.

  A few minutes later, Daddy arrived. She sat up on the edge of the bed and waited. He stared at her for a few moments and then sat down beside her. She noticed he was holding a piece of paper. Her tears had washed her contacts away from her eyes and she had not adjusted them. He held the paper out to her.

  “What’s this?” She asked, trying to focus.

  “This is an opportunity, think of it as a get out of jail free card.” He said. “I really don’t like having to spank you. I’m going to give you one opportunity to make this right and avoid it.”

  “Okay.” She was instantly attentive, looking at the paper.

  “This is an agreement that you will not smoke again. All you have to do is sign it and we can forget about this spanking.” He held out a pen.

  “What are the conditions?” She asked, quickly trying to scan the print.

  “Think of it as probation. If you sign it, and you never smoke again, you’re free. If I catch you smoking again, instead of being put over my knee for a spanking, you will be paddled.” He pointed to the terms and outlined that specific language. It said that if she agreed, she would not get a spanking, but if he caught her again, she would get paddled.

  “This sounds awful.” She took the pen nervously.

  “I hope we never have anything to worry about, and you put the foolishness behind you. If you do, there will be nothing to worry about.” He folded his arms and waited for her to sign.

  “Okay.” She signed ‘Jenny’ at the bottom.

  “You forgot your last name, Jenny.” He pointed back at the signature line.

  “Oh.” She started to write, but he stopped her.

  “Your last name is Fields now. One of the forms you signed last night was an application for a name change. You’re my Little Jenny, right down to your last name.” He motioned for her sign.

  Jenny nervously added ‘Fields’ to the end of her name. It felt strange writing that. “Thank you.” She said as she handed him the paper back.

  “I really hope I don’t have to paddle you.” He said, standing up. “You will remain in your room until dinner.” With that, the door slammed and he was gone.

  Jenny let a huge sigh of relief escape her lips. She rolled over in her bed and hugged Mr. Fluffy tight.

  “That was a really close call, Mr. Fluffy.” She closed her eyes for a

  Jenny was grateful that she didn’t get another spanking. She knew she had made a terrible mistake and her Daddy had given her a chance to redeem herself, and prove she was better than the stupid girl in the living room. She realized there was a kindness in him, one that went deeper than she could imagine. She would be his little girl, and he would be her Daddy. She would do her absolute best to make him proud.


  “Time to get up, Jenny.” Daddy pulled the quilt away from Jenny’s eyes, and gave her a warm smile.

  “I never get up this early.” She shook her head and yanked the quilt back up over her eyes.

  The battle had been going on for ten minutes and it seemed to be playful for the most part. Jenny was determined to put some more sleep on her pillow and Daddy wasn’t having it. Jenny was used to sleeping until the sun was at least visible in the sky and the only thing she saw out her window was darkness. Even getting up that early was a compromise for her and she was habitually late to begin with. The snooze button was more than her best friend, it was her constant companion.

  “I’m going to be late for work, Jenny.” Daddy pulled the quilt down again.

  “You own the company! You can’t be late!” She pulled it out of his grasp and wrapped it around her eyes. “I just want to sleep in today. I’ll get up soon, I promise.”

  “We have a schedule.” He said firmly. “You will have breakfast with me every morning before work and once I’m gone, you will spend the day working on your schoolwork. We discussed this last night over dinner.”

  It was true. Daddy had been very clear about their weekly schedule. He had explained, in careful detail, how he was able to take a day off to get her acclimated to her new surroundings, but that wasn’t going to be their everyday life. Jenny didn’t like that at all. She wanted to sleep the day away since she no longer had the responsibilities of everyday life. She was taking her first day of online classes about as serious as she always took school, which was why she never enrolled in college in the first place.

  “Okay.” He said finally as he gripped the quilt and pulled it down to the end of the bed. “I guess I guess I’m going to have to handle this my way.”

  “Ugh.” Jenny groaned as she sat up.

  “You don’t want to wake up, you’re getting tickled.” He slid into the bed and started quickly move the tips of his fingers against the edge of her ribs.

  “No! I don’t like that! No!” Jenny was already laughing as she tried to push him off.

  Daddy grabbed one of her arms in his hand and then caught the other one as it tried to flail. He continued to tickle Jenny in her ribs, making her laugh uncontrollably, even as she tried to fight him off. Jenny had never been a fan of tickling, but she couldn’t stop the laughing that went along with the torture of having his fingers probing her sensitive ribs. After a couple of minutes, she was rolling his grasp and ready to get out of bed.

  “I’m awake!” She squealed as she rolled out of bed.

  “Well now I know how to make sure you are wide awake every morning.” He released his grip on her arms and stood.

  Jenny followed her Daddy into the kitchen. He had already cooked bacon and eggs for himself, but he poured her a bowl of cereal, which was a much better alternative in her mind. She didn’t have anyone to impress, so she had two bowls before she was done. He read his newspaper, carefully studying the stock section before turning over and looking at sports. He tossed the funnies over to Jenny and she picked it up in her hand.

  “I can’t believe these Family Circus kids still haven’t grown up.” She remarked with a laugh.

  “Kind of like you.” Daddy said, looking over the top of his newspaper.

  “Oh…” Jenny laughed lightly to herself. “Right…”

  Jenny watched as he polished off the rest of the coffee and put the pot in the drain. Her body was already missing the caffeine, especially after getting up so early. She was also well on her way to nicotine withdrawal. Her body was in total chaos, fighting against her desires to be a good girl for her Daddy and the vices she had picked up before she had been claimed as his little girl. She had no idea how she was going to survive without giving in to those desires.

  “I don’t know when I’ll be home, but there is stuff in the fridge for a sandwich.” Daddy said as he folded his newspaper. “I should be home for dinner, but if that phone rings…” He pointed towards a phone. “It’s me.”

  “Okay.” She nodded in understanding.

  “If I can’t make it home for dinner, I will make arrangements.” He stood and slid on his suit jacket.

  “I can always have another sandwich.” She said with a sigh, although she didn’t like the idea of it.

  “If anyone comes to the door, you do not answer it, no matter what.” He stated flatly. “If there is an emergency, pick up that phone and it will automatically dial me.”

  “Hopefully there’s no emergencies.” Jenny said with a smile.

  “Yeah, I hope not.” He nodded. “Have a good day. Remember, today is the first day of class, so you need to sign in as soon as you finish cleaning the kitchen.”

  “Yes sir.” She nodded.

  Daddy gave her a kiss on the edge of her hairline and she followed him to the door. She didn’t like the idea of being left alone, but she was sure she could figure out how to survive on her own in such a lavish home. She watched as he walked down the driveway and climbed into the back of his car. A few seconds later, the car was turning into the street and the gate closed behind it. She took a few steps back and looked around the house.

  “Okay.” She said as she started pulling off the drop-seat pajamas. “I need a cigarette.”

  Jenny walked to her bedroom and pulled one of the hidden cigarettes out of her desk drawer. She walked to the back door and opened it slightly, lighting it as she stood at the exit. Her lips wrapped around the filter and drew the smoke into her lungs. It was like sweet nirvana after going so long without one and it was a hell of a lot better than her attempt at trying his cigar. She smoked it until it was nothing but filter and then walked to the kitchen.

  “Where should I put this…” She looked around the kitchen and then her eye caught the garbage disposal. “Perfect.”

  Jenny dropped the cigarette but into the garbage disposal and sent it into the abyss. She felt quite smart for thinking to remove the pajamas before she had a cigarette, because the smell wouldn’t be on her clothes. She did her chores, as outlined by her Daddy, and cleaned the kitchen. All the dishes went into the dishwasher and she hit the button to start it. She wiped down the table and the counter tops before admiring her handwork with a nod.

  “I was born to be a fifties housewife.” She smiled. “I was just born into an era where all the women are supposed to be liberated and strong.”

  In a way, Jenny felt like the current arrangement with her Daddy was similar to what would have transpired in those times. She was being kept in a fancy house with no real responsibilities, and she was relying on a man to take care of her. She decided to take a shower and change into a fresh pair of pajamas to wash away the stench of her cigarette. It was a quick shower, but she stepped out of it feeling refreshed and mostly awake since she had nicotine in her system.

  “I have got to find some caffeine.” She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

  There really weren’t any options for caffeine in the fridge. Her Daddy didn’t seem to be the kind of man that drank soda. There wasn’t even a diet one hiding anywhere. After looking around under the counters, she found some tea bags and decided to brew a cup of tea. She had never really made tea, but the instructions were easy. A short while later, she had a tea bag soaking in a cup of boiling water, waiting on it to cool down enough for a sip.

  After the tea was gone, she looked up at the clock. It was almost eleven o’clock and she really hadn’t accomplished anything. She looked over at the laptop and decided it was time to check out her classes. She sat down on the couch and l
oaded it up, typing in the user name and password given to her by her Daddy. The online portal loaded her classes and she scrolled through the list of them. It appeared that she was enrolled in quite a few.

  “Holy shit…” She muttered. “I’ll be busy all day, every single day.”

  Jenny lay back on the couch staring at the ceiling. She had no idea that being Little Jenny would be so much hard work. It was like having two full time jobs just going to class. She finally decided to lean forward and see what she could do with the first class, which was a creative writing class designed for students that had not been in school for a while. She looked over the assignments for the first week and her stomach started to flip in knots.

  “Three assignments this week?” She shook her head. “Fuck!”

  Jenny loaded up the next class and was shocked to find she had three math assignments and the class didn’t even count for credits. It was a remedial class with a note that she was scheduled for it based on her performance in high school. Math still wasn’t one of her strongest subjects, and she wasn’t looking forward to relearning everything she had forgotten. The next class was a literature class, with more writing than the first one and the last class was anthropology. She had no interest in learning that.

  “I…” She shook her head. “I don’t want to do any of this.”

  With a loud sigh, Jenny closed the laptop. She realized he had spent two hours going through her courses and she still wasn’t even at a point where she could begin working on an assignment. She walked into the kitchen and fixed lunch, stacking ham and cheese on top of her mayonnaise coated bread. She ate it slowly, trying to savor every bite, and mostly just wasting time because she didn’t want to go back to the laptop and look at her schoolwork.

  “Maybe some television…” She said as she picked up the remote and turned it on. “What the fuck is this?”

  She started at the screen when it came on. It popped up a request for a four-digit code. She tried each of the numbers four times in a row before slumping down on the couch and staring angrily at the television. She turned off the television and opened the laptop again. The only choice she had was to work on schoolwork since she couldn’t even watch television on her own. As she stared at the screen, her eyes started to get heavy. Nothing that she was looking at interested her in any way. It was all just noise across the screen.


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