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Page 5

by Wood, Lauren


  His words were so smooth that even I believed him. He was leaning closer and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I knew that I had some on my own and I also knew that this was a good time to get that space back that I always wanted so badly. This man was my boss and for some reason, it was harder than ever for me to remember it. I really needed to. I was only going to complicate things at this rate.

  Alex leaned in next to me and brushed his lips against mine for a moment. Our eyes met after the act and he was looking for a reaction from me. He wanted to know if I was okay with it. I shouldn’t have been, but I loved the way it made me feel. It wasn’t just the softness of his lips pressing against mine that I had to contend with. It was so much more than that.

  Every time we had touched before, there had been a jolt of desire that went between us. I could feel the tension in the air and now he was asking me silently with his eyes if I wanted him to do it again. I wouldn’t have been able to say no, even if I wanted to. He just felt so good and at the moment, Alex was everything that I needed and more.

  I leaned forward this time to answer his question with my lips. I knew the very instant that I was doing it, that it was wrong. But I just didn’t care. All I could think about was his lips on mine and how Alex made me feel. I was too into him, I knew that. It was hard not to be attracted to a man that looked like Alex, with the quick wit that he had. He could be talking about anything and it was a turn on. He had one of those gifts.

  This time, the kiss was different than before. Before it had been almost exploratory and so quick. This time, he was a bit more aggressive and he touched me in a way that showed he had already been here before and knew exactly what to do. It was enough to drive me mad and I was ready for him to do more.

  He pulled me in closer and I gave into the move. I wanted to feel what it was like in his arms and he about pulled me off of the stool, trying to get closer to me. It was more than I could have anticipated and before long, I was trying my best to get it together. The bartender passing, pulled me out of it and then I realized that I was in the middle of a bar and the last thing I should be doing was locking lips with Alex, my boss. What the hell was I thinking?

  I moved back and touched my lips, wiping the extra moisture off of them, like I could wipe away the kiss that I was sure to regret later.

  “Sorry Alex. I don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe I need to slow down on the vodka.”

  We both knew that the vodka had nothing to do with it, but he played along and agreed. Alex didn’t say anything about why he had kissed me back or started it all. We just left it like that.

  I mentioned how late it was getting and he told me that he would take me home. It was the last thing that I needed, to be in such a dark, confined space with him after that kiss, but it was better than finding a taxi.

  Alex didn’t say much on the way to drop me off. I had a lot on my mind, so I didn’t even attempt to make up a conversation. It wasn’t on the top of my priorities, besides, I was afraid that I would say something stupid and I wouldn’t be able to take it back. This night hadn’t turned out quite the way I wanted it to. What a mess I had created.

  The car stopped in front of my house and I was thankful to see it. I felt like I was going to shake loose inside and come apart. Alex did that to me and I was going to have to do something about it. I had to keep my distance and make sure we were never alone together again. It was easier to remember that he was my boss, when he wasn’t looking at me as if I were dinner. I knew how to fix it all.

  If nothing else, I had to forget about tonight and what I felt for Alex.

  Monday morning, I was there bright and early to start my shift. I thought about the kiss and Alex all day Sunday and I was hopeful that I had gotten it out of my system, so that I could go back to feeling somewhat normal.

  When he opened the door with that big grin on his face and those damn eyes of his filled with lust, I was lost almost instantly. I had to look down because the expression on his face was too much. It was clear to me that Alex had thought about me as well. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt like I should pay him back for the kiss and making me go there in my mind. He needed a dose of his own medicine and I wanted him to pay like I had, was.

  “Morning boss.”

  He smiled at me and told me good morning. I pulled my hair down from the bun it was in while I walked in. I could smell the flowers from my shampoo coming out and the look on his face. He’d mentioned before how he liked it.

  “You’re here a little early.”

  “I hate to be late. It is one of my pet peeves. So, you can go in early if you like.”

  I was taking the light pull-over off, that I had planned to keep on but figured that I might as well go all the way with it. Every time he could see a little flesh, the man got practically ravenous and I wanted to see the look on his face. Let him go to work with that idea on his mind.

  “I will stay and drink my coffee if that is all right.”

  “Of course.”

  “I was wanting to talk to you about something as well.”

  I turned back towards him after hanging up the blue jacket and his eyes were on me. I was showing my curves and the pupils were getting smaller as he stared ahead.

  “Oh, what is it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He wasn’t paying attention to anything that I said. My plan was working too well.

  “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  “Going to Toronto.”


  I was lost. Toronto?

  “Yeah, I have a few meetings that will keep me there. You and Ophelia could go up, make a mini vacation out of it while we’re there.”

  I was almost bummed that it wasn’t what I had in mind. Right. Nanny.

  “Sure, just give me a date.”

  He told me that he would, and I felt like an idiot. Here I was trying to seduce him because I was horny from the weekend, and he was thinking about the job.

  So frustrating. I needed to stop running these fairy tales in my head. It was just a kiss and I was fabricating the look. Now it was gone as he looked at me and I moved further away. This guy was messing with my head or I was doing this myself.


  I did my best to keep it more professional after the kiss. It wasn’t what I wanted, but I knew that it was the right thing to do. I didn’t want to lose Betty because of something I did. The best way to take care of that, was to get my mind off of sex altogether. I called up a friend that I dated several times in the past. We were better as lovers, something we never disagreed on.

  Jaime was down to come by the office and I ignored the looks from Angela when I opened the door for her. I certainly ignored the tone of her voice over the intercom announcing her. Everyone who looked at Jaime knew what she was here for. She was the type of woman that I was supposed to go for. She was tall and blonde and had tits that came into the room moments before the rest of her.

  “Hey baby. It’s been a while.”

  She smiled and kissed me on the cheek before moving into my office.

  “It has been a long time. I was starting to think that we weren’t friends anymore.”

  “Jaime, we will always be friends.”

  That got a smile out of her and I knew that she was exactly what I needed. If I couldn’t have the one I wanted, I was going to have to settle for the one I was with. I was a man that didn’t settle, but tonight I was going to have to, even if it didn’t feel like settling. Jaime was amazing, and I left work early, taking her to a local motel that I used to frequent a lot.

  I must have dozed off in the bed because when I woke up it was almost three o'clock in the morning. I was supposed to have been home a long time ago and I started to worry about what the hell I was doing. I looked over next to me and saw Jamie. I had really outdone myself this time.

  Thinking about the fact that I needed to get home, I got dressed quickly and tried not to stir the woman
in the bed. I told myself that I would call her in the morning and that it was easier this way just to leave. We never stayed the night with each other and it was most likely because I was just uninterested in that.

  “Alex, where are you going?”

  “Have to get home to my daughter.”

  “Who is she with?”

  I knew that Jamie was just asking because she was curious, not because she really cared.

  “She is with the nanny.”

  “Well then, she's fine honey. Why don't you come back to bed and give me round four or five, whatever we are on?”

  As much as I liked the idea of that, I knew that I had to get back. This wasn't part of the agreement that I had with Betty and I was still under the assumption that I didn't want to mess everything up. I had been trying to be so good and I slipped up already.

  I left soon after that and was thankful that Ernest was waiting for me in the car. I really didn't pay that man enough. I made a mental note that I was going to have to up his pay by ten percent. He was going to save me time that I desperately needed.

  “Take me home Ernest.”

  “I was wondering when you were going to leave. Usually don't stay with Jamie this long.”

  I didn't mention the fact that he was way too into my personal life and that I didn't appreciate the comment. Right now, I was just worried about getting home. What if she had already left? There were too many questions in my mind and I knew that I had to get back home.

  When I got there, all the lights were off and I checked upstairs for Ophelia. She was already sleeping, and I was able to calm down a little bit. I don't know why I thought anything would be wrong. Now I just had to find out where Betty was.

  For some reason, I really wanted her to be in my bed. It would have been so convenient if she would have been on my side and I couldn't just sit in bed next to her.

  I shook my head of those thoughts and move back downstairs. She was in the second place that I looked, and she didn't look very comfortable on the couch.

  Shaking her gently, I called her name a couple of times before her eyes open. They were dark brown, almost black in the dim light from the TV.

  “Hey Alex. I was wondering when you're going to get home.”

  “Sorry. I didn't mean to be so late.”

  “It's no big deal. I figured that you just had a big meeting that was going over. I know how those can be.”

  I forgot for a moment that she had worked in the business world for quite some time. She was giving me an excuse before I could come up with my own and it was a damn good one.

  “Well I'm sorry again Betty. I wasn't trying to keep you. Since it is so late, you are more than welcome to stay in my guest room. It's right next to Ophelia’s room upstairs. It would be a whole lot more comfortable than down here.”

  I could tell that she was still tired, and she pulled the blanket off of her that was on the back of the couch. It was then that I saw what she was wearing and more clearly, what she wasn't wearing. The white shirt that she had on before, wasn’t nearly as revealing, as it was now. Now she didn't have a bra on and I could see nipples jiggling in front of me and she got up.

  The problem should have been taken care of with my late night friend, but it hadn’t been. Now I was staring at her like I hadn’t just nutted into another woman four different times. It was like the time with Jamie hadn’t even mattered and now it was all about Betty. Is was always all about Betty?

  “Well I think I'm going to go to bed then. I am just so tired. I will see you in the morning.”

  My tepid play at trying to forget about Betty, hadn’t worked. After Jaime, it made me realize that I just wanted Betty more. Nothing was going to slacken my thirst until I got her off of my mind.

  What was this woman doing to me?


  I woke up to Alex standing over me. “I’m going to take off Betty. I will see you tonight. I will be home by five, promise.”


  He was gone before I could say anything more and it was most likely for all the right reasons. I was still trying to wrap my head around Alex. Every time I was around him, I didn’t know how to act. Early in the morning was no different.

  Swinging my feet out of bed, I pulled my tank top off and then my shorts. I was pulling the sheet off of the bed to wrap around me, when the door opened, and I heard a sound behind me.

  “Oh, shit. Sorry Betty.”

  Alex was out as quick as he had come, and I heard him curse again when he shut the door. Of all the teasing I had done, I think that innocent moment worked better than all the rest. I got the sheet around me and left the room, but he was still standing there.

  “Hey Alex, did you want to say something?”

  “Yes, the trip is tomorrow, for three days. Are you going to be able to take it? Make it I mean.”

  “Yes. I think that I will.”

  He swallowed hard and I was breathing harder as he walked away. A million questions ran through my head, but I wasn’t even going to think about it. The truth was that I wasn’t going to get answers anyways.

  I ran to the shower and did my best to get my damn boss out of my head. As always, it was near impossible to do.

  We avoided each other as much as possible for the next couple of days. It was hard for me to look him in the eyes most of the time, but after he had walked in on me, it was near impossible. Everything else was going well. but it was hard to deny how awkward things had gotten between us. I was hoping that this little trip would make it a little easier for us to be together. It wasn't like he was going to be around most of the time anyways. He did have to work.

  Ophelia was excited about the trip and I knew that she was hoping to spend some time with Alex. I had to remind her gently a couple of times that her dad had to work. She seemed okay with it and after a quick Internet search, we found plenty of things for us to do while we were there. The fact that her dad was loaded, made it a little bit easier.

  Alex was running late and instead of going to the house and picking us up, he decided that it would be easier to get us a ride to the airport. The driver grabbed his suitcase as well and I was trying not to be so anxious. It was only the first time that I had ever flown anywhere, and I don't know why, I was so nervous about it. I had worked with people that traveled all the time and thought of it is no big deal, but I had always weaseled my way out of long trips that needed flight. I hadn't even tried to get out of this and I was starting to rethink that now.

  “Why are you so nervous Betty?”

  “I've never flown before Ophelia and I'm quite nervous.”

  “You shouldn't be nervous. I have been on a plane many times and it'll be fine. These planes are a lot safer than commercial.”

  I wanted to believe that she was right, even if I knew that she was saying it just to make me feel better. I did want to feel better because right now I felt like I was going to toss my cookies. It certainly wasn't the way to start a trip off and I was hoping that my stomach would settle down before too long. We had a long trip ahead of us.

  It was almost time for the plane to leave, but it wasn’t a commercial flight. There was no baggage to worry about. The pilot grabbed our bags and told us that we could go in whenever we wanted to. I was amazed at the ease of it all, but I was still worried about getting in a little tin box and hoping that it flew. It didn't seem to make much sense to me.

  “Are you ready to get on Betty?”

  Ophelia you was excited, and she had her hand out for me to take and go with her. I know that I was supposed to, and I swallowed up the fear that I had inside of me and took her hand. The plane was not at all what I thought it would be and even though it was rather small when looking up at it, now it was rather big on the inside.

  She went to her chair and told me that it was her favorite. “How many times have you flown in here?”

  “Many times, before. Daddy goes on a lot of trips and a lot of times I get to go now that mom is gone.”

bsp; It was the first time that I heard her even refer to her mother and it kind of broke my heart a little bit. She was such a good kid and I didn't understand why she had to have a mother like that.

  “Well then, you can keep me company because I'm freaking out a little bit. Your dad is going to be here right?”

  She agreed that he was and told me that he was on his running late.

  “He’s always late.”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m always late.”

  “I would.”

  “Sometimes I wish I never would've taught you how to read a clock.”

  He hugged his daughter and then gave me a little smile.

  “This is really your first time flying?”

  I told him that it was, and he seemed to be amazed. I bet that it was hard for him to imagine it, because he was most likely in the air more than he was on land. But to me it seemed like a big deal. I wish that I had a valium to take because I would have taken it this instance. I was so damn nervous and I didn’t want anyone else to know this was my first time.

  “I told her that it'll be fine daddy.”

  “It will be. We're going to give her a little space, so she can get used to the plane, alright?”

  His daughter agreed, and I was a little happy for that. I knew that I was the nanny and I was on duty of course, but at the moment, I really just needed a moment. I needed to wrap my head around this whole situation and the fact that I was about to be in the air didn’t help. I was hopeful that it wasn't as bad as I made it out to me. Because at the moment, I was freaking out again.

  When we started to take off, the plane was moving far more than I thought was necessary and I gripped the side of the chair for dear life. Alex sat down next to me and held my hand for a minute. He told me that it was going to be fine and I was able to concentrate on something else besides take off. For once I wasn't so nervous around Alex. It appeared that I was nervous for other things far more.


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