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Just One Kiss (Oh Tequila Series Book 4)

Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  The two other girls smiled, but I could sense the tension in Palmer almost immediately. Her body was rigid, her shoulders pushed back, and her arms were out at her side like at any moment she was going to attempt to take off from me.

  Leaning in, my mouth as close to her ear as I could possibly get it, I took a slow steady breath. Instantly I was hit with that sweet aroma I fucking craved.

  “You can be mad at me babe, but you can’t stop me from loving you.” She struggled a little, trying to move her body forward before giving in and letting herself relax against me. “Because I do love you, Palmer,” I added, and she hung her head, allowing her hair to hide her reaction to my words.

  The other two girls had stepped away, leaving just her and me to share this moment and I was thankful.

  “The truth is that without you I would probably still be lost, hurting everyone who loved me.” I buried my nose in her hair and breathed her in, feeling her turn her head even more toward mine. “You found me when I needed to be rescued and even when you’re mad at me, and when you’re being stubborn, I’ll still love you.”

  Palmer took in a big deep shuddering breath, her body vibrating against my own.

  “I missed waking up this morning to your hair tickling my nose.” I peeked through her hair to see a trace of a smile at the corner of her mouth. “I even missed your snoring.”

  Again she tugged against my hold only this time I let her turn her body to face me. Securing my hold on her, I pressed my forehead to hers.

  “I don’t snore.”

  “Okay, baby,” I glided the tip of his nose along the side of hers, “you don’t snore.” Lies…that tiny woman could rock the damn room when she was lost in a deep sleep. Enjoying her simply allowing me to hold her, I was still worried that at any moment she would pull away from me.

  Without wasting any further time, I took a chance and pressed my lips to hers. When I felt her thread her fingers through my hair, it felt like the weight that had been pressing on my chest weakened, making it easier to breathe evenly.

  “I love you, Palmer.” My words sounded hoarse. “I don’t ever remember a time in my life when I’ve felt like I feel now. You make me happy, being with you makes me whole. I don’t want to lose this feeling.”

  She buried her head into the crook of my neck, breathing in slow deep breaths. I didn’t move, I remained still, accepting everything she was willing to give me and silently begging for more.

  Suddenly Palmer leaned back, looking up at me and I noticed the glistening look in her eyes. “I love you too, and I can’t lose you.” Her confession felt as though it drained me of any strength I had left. Palmer was always so strong, so in control. To see her at times like that, times when she was so vulnerable, was a rare award.

  “I just get so mad to think of those days before me. Angry at the people that were there and let you just stay hidden in that darkness. They could have done so—”

  I kissed her, taking away her opportunity to say anything more. Feeling the rage inside her calm once again, I pulled back for only a second. “In my mind there are no days before you, there’s only now.” I kissed her softly, feeling the last bit of hesitation in her dissipate. “There’s only us.”


  “Where are you?” I stood on the front porch, anxiously looking out into the street.

  “Coming around the bend,” Palmer laughed into the phone. “Cool your jets, Corb, you just saw me an hour ago.” I smiled in return when she sighed. Fuck, I adored this girl.

  I did want to see her, I always wanted to see her. Being away from her was always hard, but this was more than that. I wanted her to meet someone too, a little girl who had quickly become a big part of my life.

  “What bend, damn it?” I jogged down the front step and paced, my head whipping from left to right.

  “The one that gives me full view of you and your impatient ass.” I whipped around and saw the front end of her car coming up the street that runs along the side of our Fraternity. Of course she’d be difficult and come from a direction she never came from.

  I lowered my phone and tucked it into my pocket, walking toward her car as it slowed to a stop along the curb. I was fully aware of the shit-eating grin on her lips. Woman is always testing me in one form or another.

  Reaching out I opened her door and leaned inward, bringing my face closer to hers. She did nothing, not even a flinch. “Do you always have to be difficult?”

  “Keeps you on your toes.” With a shift of her eyebrows that same damn smile that made my knees weak every time covered her lips.

  When she moved closer to offer a kiss, I stepped back and chuckled when she wrinkled her brows in frustration. “I can be difficult, too.” I turned and started walking toward the house. “Now move your ass, woman.”

  I heard her grumbling as she slammed her car door and walked behind me. Something about withholding her ass from me and seeing how I liked going without it. One day she might realize just how turned on it made me when she got all feisty and grumbly. A little aggressive even. That shit makes for some amazing sex. I ain’t gonna lie even a little.

  When I stepped through the front door of the house, I could already hear Leah’s sweet giggles echoing from the living room. Even when Palmer nudged my side and taunted me with a brush of her tits against my arm, the excitement of the introduction outweighed everything else.

  “Come on.” I grabbed Palmer’s hand and pulled her toward the beautiful sound.

  The instant Leah saw me standing in the threshold she hurried in my direction. “What took you so long?”

  I kneeled in front of her and motioned over my shoulder with my thumb. “She took forever.” I felt Palmer nudge my ass with her foot, going for subtlety but failing. Brent’s mother and Leah had stopped by unexpectedly and brought a shit ton of baked goods as a thank you to all of us for helping before, during, and after the recent benefit in Brent’s honor. As if we’d needed a thank you, but the gesture was heartfelt and brought each one of us to tears I knew that most would deny.

  “Is that your girlfriend?” Leah asked, still looking up at Palmer.

  “Yeah.” I peeked back over my shoulder and offered a wink.

  “She looks like Belle.” It was sweet how Leah looked completely mesmerized by Palmer. I wanted to say, “Kid, I know what you’re feeling.”

  “If she’s Belle, does that make me the Beast?”

  Hearing Leah giggle as she ran her hand over my cheek warmed my heart. “You don’t have enough facial hair. Oh, and you’re too short.” I tickled her stomach and she laughed harder. “Okay fine, you’re the Beast.” She batted my hand away and I hooked her around the waist to keep her close so I could continue my assault.

  I looked back at Palmer to find her staring at the two of us with glossy eyes. She understood my connection to Leah, she’d witnessed the heartache I felt at the idea that she’d lost her daddy. The anguish I’d felt that threw me into my depression in the first place.

  When Palmer kneeled next to me and said “Hi” to Leah, I allowed the little princess to move in her direction. “He’s crazy,” I laughed when she whispered to Palmer, “but he’s fun.”

  “He is,” Palmer agreed. “He’s really sweet too.”

  In that moment I fell a little more in love with her. That it was even possible was a shock to me. Hell, this woman had me thinking of all kinds of shit far into the future that I had never once even considered before her.

  We spent a good hour talking and laughing with Leah before it was time for them to leave. She hadn’t even made it out the door and I was already missing her.

  Brent’s mother stepped up to me and pressed her palm to my chest, looking up at me with that motherly gaze I’d seen so many times from my own mother. “Thank you.” The emotions swimming in her eyes were overwhelming and made it impossible for me to respond with words. Instead, I simply offered a nod before she stood a little taller and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “You were an amazing friend to my boy
, and the way you’ve been with Leah is something I will never forget. You’re a good man, Corbin, with such a big heart.”

  Again I nodded, doing my best to fight the threat of tears.

  When Leah pushed her way in between us and tugged on my shirt impatiently, all I could do was smile. I was thankful she’d interrupted the moment because the longer I mulled over her grandma’s words, the weaker I felt.

  “Are we still on for next weekend?” Leah arched her brow and I looked up to see Palmer fighting her own smile, her hand covering her mouth as she looked down at the sassy little girl awaiting my response.

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Okay.” She nodded before giving me a pointed stare. “Don’t forget the cheese powder for the popcorn this time. I’ll make sure we have chocolate for your milk, but you have to hold up your end of the deal.”

  I ignored the laughter from Palmer. I knew exactly what she was already thinking—this little girl was her reincarnated. She was spunky and straight to the point. One day, there would be a man who would be knocked on his ass by this little lady, that was for sure.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I was wrong. So very wrong.

  Corbin was the absolute sweetest man I’d ever known. He was gentle and caring, though he knew how to be pretty dirty too, but that was reserved for me and I was greedy with that shit. Those times were mine and I’d fight anyone who challenged that claim.

  But to see him with Leah was a moment I knew would be etched in my memories forever. She was so sassy and so sure of herself, and I understood the draw Corbin felt for this adorable little angel. I also understood the ache he felt with the knowledge that Brent was missing out on such a special girl. But the stories I’d been told of how Brent was with Leah while he was here I believed were part of the reasons she was so unbelievably strong. He made sure his little girl understood that her challenges were a blessing and they made her even more beautiful. She was a gift, not only to her daddy, but to every single person who would be blessed to know her.

  I stood at Corbin’s side, watching as Brent’s mother pulled away from the curb. Both she and Leah waved at us through the window as we waved in return. Corbin didn’t move until it reached the point where he could no longer see them.

  When he looked back at me, I instantly noticed the way his nostrils flared. I’d seen that look on him before, when he was doing everything he could to fight back his emotions. He and I were sitting face to face in the darkness of the tent when he finally broke free and let go of everything he’d been holding inside.

  I was blessed. I was allowed to see that side of him that I would always hold dear to my heart. He trusted me, he let me in, and allowed me to see the man he was. Behind that crazy, ornery man he was daily was an imperfect guy who made my heart race so incredibly fast. He was and is the best of everything you’d want in a man.

  And he loved me.

  “Have I told you yet today how amazing you are?” He closed his eyes when I placed my hand along his jaw and stepped in front of him. “How in love I am with you, how you make my heart thump so fast that at times it’s hard to breathe evenly?”

  His lips pressed into a tight line as he continued to breathe as evenly as he could without breaking.

  “What you’re doing for Leah,” at the mention of her name his chest shook as he lifted his hand and wrapped it around my wrist, “she’ll always have these memories you’re giving her and so will you.”

  One tear escaped and ran over his cheek. Rising higher onto my toes, I pressed a kiss against his cheek, catching the moisture with my lips.

  “I didn’t think I could love you more than I already did, but I was wrong.”

  Corbin released my wrist and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me so tight that at first it took my breath away. “Love you too.” His words were slightly muffled, but I heard them. “You’re it for me.”

  I felt the same. Go figure…the man who drove me nuts on more than one occasion was the guy I couldn’t imagine not having in my life. Don’t get me wrong, he still drove me insane, but in turn he always made me laugh. I knew those times would never change because the option of not having Corbin was one I would never consider. He was it for me; he would always be mine.


  “Oh damn.”

  I looked back over my shoulder to see Isaac standing under the awning that covered the back porch of the fraternity.

  “The last time you two jackasses got hold of some eggs, Red got hammered.”

  Elijah arched his brow. “Those two are still on my shit list for their snot lube attack.”

  “J-LUBE, Eli,” Clayton said slow and clearly. “Say it with me, J-L—”

  “How about I just knock you and your twin heads together instead?” Silence settled over the back yard as everyone watched the exchange.

  That was until Corbin moved, gaining my full attention. He positioned himself in a pitcher’s stance. “It’s coming in hot,” he yelled then released the egg, and I heard a smack, crack, or maybe it was a splat. There were a few gasps, and I’ll admit I held my breath. I was afraid to look. I kept my eyes on Corbin trying to etch every inch of him into memory. A fear rushed through me that I might, after that point, never see that same sweet face again. I had a feeling it might be rearranged if Eli got ahold of him.

  “What the fuck did I do?” I spun around in my chair and was surprised to see Isaac with egg running down his face and dripping off his nose.

  “I just figured you didn’t get hassled enough.” Corbin shrugged and for the first time ever I heard Elijah’s laughter over everyone else’s. I’m talking hunched over at the waist, holding his stomach, his entire body shaking kind of laughter.

  “That shit was funny, man,” he said, through fits of laughter. “I may even have to let the need for revenge go after that.” Standing tall he walked away, shaking his head and still laughing as he chanced a glance back at Isaac who looked like a scorned child.

  The back yard was filled with shirtless guys, some with women at their sides and some without. It was the first time I’d been to one of their gatherings, a cookout nonetheless, with pool shenanigans and more.

  Had I not been completely swept away by Corbin I might have been a little overwhelmed with all the yumminess surrounding me. For a minute I let myself wonder if being good-looking was one of the requirements to live here, because these men were some of Florida’s finest, no doubt.

  Suddenly a loud squeal gained everyone’s attention and I was spinning around to find the responsible party.

  Morgan stood at the edge of the pool, Xavier kneeling on one knee in front of her as he held out his hand to her. He held something between his fingers and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was taking place. She covered her mouth, her shoulders shaking, I’m sure from the sobs she was attempting to contain. Then she reached out, Xavier slid the ring on her finger, and she was falling forward into his embrace.

  Loud praises and cheers ripped through the area. Congratulations and excitement from all the brothers, and Marcus jumped up and down with delight.

  Corbin surprised me by sneaking behind me and kissing me without a moment’s notice. My chin tipped, he did his best to catch me, but together we tumbled to the ground. He hovered above me, laughing so hard he couldn’t seem to form any words.

  “Smooth.” I pushed against his chest only he didn’t allow me to get up.

  “The day I propose to you we’ll be at our spot.” The way his eyes roamed over my face before settling on my lips made me temperature rise. “Near our tree in the woods,” he continued with a gleam in his eyes. “Those woods will forever be our place, they hold so many memories for us. It’s the place that brought me you.”

  Did I mention how much I love when Corbin goes into sweet mode? He just does it so damn well.




  I stretched o
ut, my arms above my head before rolling to my side. Then I felt her, naked beneath the sheets. It was almost like my body was drawn to her, an automatic reaction without even a thought.


  Even the voices in my head called out for her.

  Sliding my hand over her hip, I grew harder feeling her silky, smooth skin beneath my palm. I pushed my hips forward gaining just the right amount of pressure against my growing erection.

  When she arched her ass back, her legs parted just enough and I slipped in between them from behind. Fuck it felt amazing, her wetness slowly coating the head of my cock.

  “Palmer?” Her name echoed in my mind once more. “Honey, are you still in bed?”

  My body froze and she tensed her legs, clamping them shut as she jerked forward, practically ripping off my dick in the process. I grabbed for my junk and buried my face in her pillow, groaning in pain.

  “Corbin, move.” She tossed my shorts at me. “Oh my god it’s my mother.”

  “What’s the problem?” I finally said, though it sounded real fucking weak. “I’m pretty sure your mom wouldn’t be surprised to find us in bed together.”

  “The problem is you are naked and any minute she is gonna push through the door to find you bare and exposed.” I arched a brow, looking down to see I was fully covered with the sheet.

  “Jesus, Corbin, it’s the point.” She motioned toward my cock. “She’ll know your dick’s out beneath those sheets.” I laughed without meaning to, which only made Palmer more irritated.

  “I said move.”

  Unhappily I crawled out of bed, walked around the end of the bed, bent over to grab my shorts from the space where they landed when I got out of bed, then it happened. The door opened, a loud squeal filled the room, and there I was, bare-assed and bent over. So what did I do? Well, I am Corbin Powell and I never do things simple. I peeked through my slightly parted legs, my ass still on display and guess what else? My balls.


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